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Advice to Parents of 5 to 11 year-old Children - Do NOT Inject them with a Covid-19 Vaccine.

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posted on Oct, 29 2021 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: SaviorsCyberClan

Spam is not allowed in ATS,

posted on Oct, 29 2021 @ 10:35 AM

originally posted by: surfer_soul
a reply to: MDDoxs

No not calling you out, I was attempting to compare some out there “theories” to agent provocateurs in that the end goal is to discredit legitimate concerns.

Oh okay.

Yes, I agree with you. The concept of agent provocateur's undermining the validating of legitimate concerns is a real issue.

posted on Oct, 29 2021 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to: marg6043

"Marta Kristen" is lurking back 😎

posted on Oct, 29 2021 @ 12:37 PM

edit on 29-10-2021 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2021 @ 01:59 PM
Why Would you tryTo debate this topic it is undebatable there is no way or any reason you should ever vaccinate a 5 to 11-year-old child when you debate you actually retaining the thought that it might be possible it is not anybody debating you shut them down and send them on their way
edit on 29-10-2021 by jlafleur02 because: Typo

posted on Oct, 29 2021 @ 02:02 PM
You will vaccinate my child when you pry them from my cold dead fingers

posted on Oct, 29 2021 @ 02:02 PM
You will vaccinate my child when you pry them from my cold dead fingers

posted on Oct, 29 2021 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: jlafleur02

Whilst agreeing , there are surely other considerations 'decent' people need to follow if they believe that the fortunate and more naturally gifted have an obligation to help those less well off :---

90% of all people have an IQ under 120 -- hardly the brightest .
Most ( 80% + ?? ) people are Gullible .
Most ( 80%+ ?? ) people are lazy . Simply accept what is given to them with little or no questioning .

 Combined , we can reasonably term them the sum of the Stupids , Gullibles and the Lazy .
Their opinions are rarely ever worth listening to .
But instead of exerting total authoritarian control, we might try to gently and persistently show them the multiple errors of their talentless natures .

We need to constantly try and help , teach and convert the Normies however thankless the overall task .
I trust that it is not misplaced idealism to work on the assumption that Psychopaths and Sociopaths are not the long term match of the Good led by Philosopher Kings .

posted on Oct, 31 2021 @ 12:39 AM
May whatever force in our reality have mercy on any fool who attempts to put that crap in my kids. I dont understand how anybody can actually believing there is nothing wrong with this entire pandemic situation. How they are being told that they need to take the vaccine which isn't a vaccine by definition because it doesn't prevent the disease. It supposedly reduces your chance of a serious case which is already a single digit number for ppl under 50. With low efficacy that they might as well make a iv drip version to avoid looking like a dope act with no new spots to put the jab. Constant contradictions misleading "facts" and no real questions being asked. So should anyone come across this that is think about or knows someone who is thinking about getting this false sense of hope let me give you a few questions you should really think about and try to answer before making your decisions because your not gonna get it from the people your basically trusting to have your best interests in line aka your life.

1. If your young under 50 with no comorbidities why risk serious side affects or death that is higher than the risk of not taking it and getting the virus. ( fact no vaccine is 100% safe and free from causing harm. Look it up this is openly acknowledged which is pretty amazing if your looking at the entire picture).

2. Your told you need to do your part and take the vaccine to protect you and your fellow man it's the "right thing to do" and anyone who doesn't should be shamed and left out from participating in activities they are allowing you to do for being a compliant little cog in the machine. I guess somewhere along the way your rights took a hike. Nice of them to let you know. Oh and by the way i guess our leaders don't consider themselves about of our society of everyday people seeing how they excluded themselves from the festivities. ( they dont have to take the vaccine which you would think is the greatest gift that has been made just for us by the way they talk and try to force on us to keep us all safe and healthy) sorry I had to better explain but yeah this rant wouldn't exist if I did care about my fellow human being. Who only have minor differences despite what they try to make you believe cant allow us sheep to become a flock that can easily overwhelm and shutdown their wonderful plan of a better future for "all of us".

3. You can find information on a side affect that happened to forget to mention (ADE) antibody dependant enhancement. What be this infliction you ask we'll to put it short and sweet. Say you would have been perfectly fine had you contracted the disease, maybe your one of the ppl who had no idea you even had it. Well thanks to their little miracle now when you come in contact your get the very thing that cause most deaths with this virus. Cytokin storm how nice of them to take you from perfectly fine to fighting for your life. Please don't be like so so many people I know who instantly call b.s without even bothering to type in 3 words into a search engine because somehow your know it's nonsense because I wish I can tell u why people think they know something without ever checking or even bother to check if something is true. Most of your are probably reading this on one of the greatest invention of our time. The collection of mankind's knowledge right at your finger tips the ability to find whatever information you need and most use it to look at porn or cute funny cat videos instead our seeing if what your being told is true. If your find yourselves being deceived and you have access to the internet we'll thats on u. Most of the time it's take mere seconds to find out what's true and what's not and the fact that they will lie to your face everytime is because they know most will never bother to see if what their saying is true. Regrettably our media doesn't inform us on facts or real news so please 🙏 take a sec to see if your being told the truth I promise you'll be fully awake after doing it a few times and hopefully your be anger because I may be only one person but words can spread as fast as a virus and hopefully I never have to hear my kids ask me what happened how did everything come to be this bad because is truly my greatest fear.

4. Pharmaceutical companies in the 80's were gonna stop making vaccines all together til our government stepped in and gave them full immunity from being sued. They created a secret vaccine court that is run and funded by our government and is your only recourse should you or a loved is harmed by a vaccine. Have funny trying to prove it was the vaccine that did the damage. If you dont know this well theres a reason why this isn't common knowledge but I'll leave that to you to find out if u want to know it's good practice should I have inspired at least one of you to look.

5. When was the last time somebody had to force you to take something that is good hmmm

6. When did government gain the ability to force you. They can't thats why it's been pushed on businesses and understand they know very well that this is the absolute worst time for any and I mean any business to lose people for noncompliance. Keeping that in mind why would they still push knowing the harm it'll do to our already laughably ridiculous economy. (Hint) think about what the government can do during a emergency. You should need to look it up but please do im hope a picture of things that could be is start to form in your mind.

I can keep going but I think for now you have a good starting place to figuring things all out. I know I drifted here and there but its all part of a bigger picture when I hope at least one of you continue to true to see. I'm but one person but everything starts with one. I hope someday soon everybody will see how scared they really are that we will catch on to what is really happening. How there trying to divide us cause they absolutely have no chance with us all united. Our country is a melting pot of different cultures from different regions different styles, looks, tastes, talents. They want us to hate each other because of differences but that is what made America great stop letting them get you to believe that this group of ppl are bad because of this or that. Creativity is born from all of our differences coming together and creating new ideas, experiences that make our world great. For me the world would be a boring place if everyone was the same nothing new would every be created if we all thought the same, look the same, experience the same thing over and over again. If you dont think so look at other countries that don't have freedoms to be a person and not a means to a easy life for the few whole rule over them. They want you to give up your right to bear arms. If you don't know why look at every country that has banned it. Look at the countries that had the right and allowed their leaders to take it away. It's very simple you give them your means to be able to fight to keep your rights and freedoms. Well there's over 100 countries where you can see what live is like for the people who no longer have a means to fight for freedom. Who don't see how powerful a united people can be. I feel I went of topic but what's happen is absolutely a symptom of a country that is being broken about. By those who were trusted to have its best interests to heart. Keep question their narrative I promise you'll see what I see. Be safe

posted on Oct, 31 2021 @ 02:20 AM

originally posted by: jlafleur02
Why Would you tryTo debate this topic it is undebatable there is no way or any reason you should ever vaccinate a 5 to 11-year-old child when you debate you actually retaining the thought that it might be possible it is not anybody debating you shut them down and send them on their way

(imo) Those who know that members of Congress and the White House staff have exempted themselves from these potentially dangerous vaccines, but get themselves or (God forbid) their children injected, don't give a damn about themselves, or their family.

The adults deserve whatever complications come their way. If their children are sickened, the parents deserve whatever mental torture comes their way. (imo)

posted on Oct, 31 2021 @ 03:22 AM

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
a reply to: HawkEyi

No, but I trust my family doctor and my sister who is also a doctor.

Why do you trust strangers on the internet? Do you have any doctors in your family? Do you have a doctor as part of your health insurance?

This is an honest question. I can answer why I trust strangers on the internet more than doctors. It has nothing to do with a doctors ability. It has everything to do with how much time a doctor devotes to continued Ed.

An individual on the web will research a subject dear to their heart from all angles. They'll devour any and all information on that subject, no matter how "far out there" it may seem and then take all that information and form a fluid theory on what they've learned. It's not always 100% accurate but does give the subject a more thorough and complete picture than you would get otherwise.

As a responsible person, I then need to look at what is presented and recognize what could be false. Then I need to take those possible falsehoods and research them further for validity.

For a doctor who has limited time, it is impossible for them to dive into subject matter at the level a laymen would. Normally they don't have the same drive as someone who is experiencing the disease does (someone with cancer is going to invest more time in finding information on all possible cures than someone who is healthy).

To help prove the point that doctors do not research as effectively as an internet sleuth, here is a link to a medical blog that shows where most doctors get their updates on side effects and new drugs brought to market. The blog won't allow me to take an excerpt so in summary, the FDA and RTI did a survey and found that most neurologists get their updates via medical journals, drug company emails, and pharmaceutical representatives. Most doctors get the information from email summaries provided by professional society list servs or subscription services.

In short, doctors are getting their information on side effects of drugs or new drugs in short snap shots.

For me, this means that the internet sleuths have one up on the doctors if I want specific detailed information on a specific disease or cure. A stranger on the internet brings more possibilities to the table than a doctor does in that scenario.

But, your health awareness in both instances is up to you. You have to decide what level of knowledge you want and what information to trust. When it comes to my health, I want a complete picture with every possibility available.

Here is the link to the page in case the one up top doesn't work:,society%20listservs%20or%20subscription% 20services.

That's the best I can answer it for you.

edit on 31-10-2021 by blend57 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2021 @ 03:29 AM

originally posted by: blend57

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
a reply to: HawkEyi

An individual on the web will research a subject dear to their heart from all angles. They'll devour any and all information on that subject, no matter how "far put there" it may seem and then take all that information and form a fluid theory on what they've learned. It's not always 100% accurate but does give the subject a more thorough and complete picture than you would get otherwise.


From what I've seen a lot of these alternative sources are from people who don't have the knowledge or experience to discuss the topics that they are talking about, or they have other agenda that they aren't always honest about.

Often when you look at an alternative source you're looking at a video make by somebody who isn't any more qualified to discuss the topic than you are, who has gained their information form equally unqualified people.

I've lost track of the number of people on this forum who just blanket say that the covid vax damages your immune system, because they saw it on a bitchute video by somebody who wasn't able to provide any evidence to back up their claim, or something similar.

posted on Oct, 31 2021 @ 03:36 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

As what you have in quotes is not what I wrote I assume that is your response to my post. I'll reply with this:

That's why I said it is your responsibility as an adult to research further. You have to take the initiative and care about your health enough to invest time in it and truly understand what is factual or not.

I like having all possibilities (mainstream or not) presented. That gives me a complete picture and more options.

It is an honest answer I gave about why I choose to listen to strangers on the internet. At no time did I say that I take their words as gospel. But I do listen.

edit on 31-10-2021 by blend57 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2021 @ 03:38 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

When the evidence becomes undeniable you will be held to account. May God have mercy on your soul.

In the UK vaccines started in December 2020. Before this death rates were roughly in line with 5 year average. At the height of the vaccination program i pulled the following figures from the ONS database:

There's a direct correlation between number of vaccines administered and the overall death rate.

Care to comment on the polio vaccines containing SV40 that i highlighted to you earlier or is that too inconvenient? Seems when your arguments are destroyed you can't overcome ego and admit defeat.
edit on 31/10/21 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2021 @ 04:12 AM

originally posted by: Grenade

Imo there’s no way they should be vaccinating kids. But in spite of myself, in the spirit of objectivity I have to say that this pic suggests that the vaccines are working, since the numbers are on course to align with 2020.

I’m not saying the vaccines work or are safe imperpetuity - none of us know that - not even the scientists that created them. And I certainly don’t trust the motives of the governments, coorporations and elites that are pushing them. But those numbers don’t appear to illustrate a problem with them:

…If the number of folk vaccinated is increasing, yet the deaths above the average is decreasing, surely that suggests that the vaccines are not killing people…

No doubt this is my shortcoming stemming from posting too early in the morning before my first coffee and you’ll put me straight, making me look a twat. Wouldn’t be the first time. It’s just that to my uncaffinated brain those figures say that after a January spike something is causing the death rate to return to normal.

edit on 31-10-2021 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2021 @ 04:31 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies
So where did you get the info that says that:

It actually took about 15 years to make the covid vax.

Link please?

posted on Oct, 31 2021 @ 04:54 AM
a reply to: McGinty

No, early in the vaccination program the daily number of people being vaccinated was higher.

Rough figures for vaccine administration:

January 2021 = 8 million vaccines
February 2021 = 9 million vaccines
March 2021 = 8 million vaccines

From there we're looking at 2 million per month throughout the summer dropping to less than a million around August time.

Also, more people die from Covid on a weekly basis since after the vaccination program began.

Remember 2020 was seemingly the height of the pandemic and we didn't have vaccines yet this year overall mortality is up consistently over 10% on last year. Recorded Covid deaths only represent a tiny fraction of this increase even with mass testing and skewed statistical reporting.
edit on 31/10/21 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2021 @ 05:33 AM

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: AaarghZombies

When the evidence becomes undeniable you will be held to account. May God have mercy on your soul.

In the UK vaccines started in December 2020. Before this death rates were roughly in line with 5 year average. At the height of the vaccination program i pulled the following figures from the ONS database:

There's a direct correlation between number of vaccines administered and the overall death rate.

Care to comment on the polio vaccines containing SV40 that i highlighted to you earlier or is that too inconvenient? Seems when your arguments are destroyed you can't overcome ego and admit defeat.

You're misrepresenting the statistics because you're not taking into account 2 key things. firstly covid killed the elderly and the sick first. So the death count didn't change significantly but the cause of death did. Secondly, the UK had a pretty strict lockdown, so deaths from traffic accidents, sports and industrial accidents all dropped.

Another factor that you aren't accounting for is that covid has a relatively long incubation period, and that people where were seriously sick were often kept alive for a period of time artificially. So you could be seeing anything from a 1-2 month lag between infection and death.

And you debunked your own argument with Polio when you admitted that the vax was using a completely different technology. The Polio vax used a carrier medium and that medium was what caused the harm. The modern Covid vax doesn't uses a completely different carrier medium that can't effect the human body in remotely the same way.

The fact that you had to resort to such an old case demonstrates that science has moved on, do you have anything that happened maybe in the last couple of decades?
edit on 31-10-2021 by AaarghZombies because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2021 @ 05:41 AM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: AaarghZombies
So where did you get the info that says that:

It actually took about 15 years to make the covid vax.

Link please?


Hasn't this been covered over and over again by everybody from PBS and the discovery channel to Pornhub?

The current Vax is a plug and play technology, they started experimenting with the technology decades ago, once it was perfected all that they needed to do was to adjust the payload to be the specific mRNA package necessary to create the covonavirus spike protein. The only part of this that is new is the payload, which was relatively simple to create as the existing foundations had already been done.

The hard part was actually getting the payload to survive long enough in the body to trigger a response.


posted on Oct, 31 2021 @ 05:57 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies
Thank you for the links.
I began reading the first link......

In late 1987, Robert Malone performed a landmark experiment. He mixed strands of messenger RNA with droplets of fat, to create a kind of molecular stew. Human cells bathed in this genetic gumbo absorbed the mRNA, and began producing proteins from it.

Isn't Robert Marlone on Bitchute and Rumble a lot?
What is he saying presently about mRNA vaccines?

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