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Advice to Parents of 5 to 11 year-old Children - Do NOT Inject them with a Covid-19 Vaccine.

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posted on Oct, 27 2021 @ 07:39 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Here's a Question on Every Parents Mind Right Now . These Alleged " Vaccines " are Still under an EMERGENCY USAGE AUTHORIZATION so you cannot Sue the Pharmaceutical Companies Producing these POISONS if your Child has Serious Adverse Side Effects, including DEATH. That should make Every Parent who Loves their Children Dearly to Pause and Take in that FACT.................

" FDA Advisory Meeting Breaks Out Into Conflict After Vote to Authorize Covid Vaccines for Young Children "

edit on 27-10-2021 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2021 @ 09:30 PM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

“Emergency use authorization of biological agents requires the existence of an emergency, and the non-existence of alternate treatments,” Dr. Rose said. “There is no emergency and Covid-19 is exceedingly treatable.”

The giant pink elephant in the room.

It is also why a lot of people in the know, are saying "NO!"

Many swallowed the BS and went along to get along, but now that they are coming after their children, they are fighting back. I just hope their numbers will be large enough to make a real difference.

posted on Oct, 27 2021 @ 10:14 PM
Don't get me wrong, as a long-term member of this site and believer in free speech who has a severe distrust of governments and the big money interests that control them. I haven't seen anything substantial to back up the claims that vaccines are as harmful as some say.

Do I think the COVID vaccines are a scam? You bet. Pfizer and other vaccine manufacturers are making unprecedented profits from this pandemic. There is zero incentive for any of these manufacturers to release a long last one shot only type vaccine which we do have for things like Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Chicken Pox. I believe these companies can produce vaccines that protect you better, but why would they? These same companies profit off of cancer treatments that keep you alive longer but don't cure you. Don't get me started on the concept of booster shots, I refuse to get one.

I don't think kids need to be vaccinated this young. As far as I am aware, few (if any) reported deaths from COVID in children. They seem to recover. Whether there are any long-term effects from contracting it, it's too early to tell. But, there is no reason to vaccinate kids this young other than to bolster Pfizer profits even more.

How many countries have rolled out vaccines now? Mostly all of them. Most of those are Pfizer because they could mass-produce their vaccine on a scale their competitors did not.

If there was some cover-up over the dangers of vaccines, of the number of people involved in this rollout, I think you and others give governments way too much credit for being able to pull off such a vast conspiracy like this. Something would have leaked. I refuse to believe incompetent governments like the Australian or British governments could pull off such a colossal conspiracy like this.

And the US government? They couldn't stop whistleblowers from exposing their widespread surveillance programs or war crimes. The only alleged whistleblowers I've seen are overtired nurses, disgruntled doctors and other people claiming to be experts in mRNA vaccines who have a lot to say but haven't produced one single factual document or shred of evidence on the dangers of vaccines. Have you seen how incompetent doctors are these days? You visit a GP, and they have to Google information half of the time to diagnose you. Even then, they still don't know.

I am double-jabbed with Pfizer. Besides a sore arm, I had no symptoms both times. The nurse injecting my second dose said I would get side effects from the second dose (like many do). I got nothing. I questioned if they even gave me the right amount or proper vaccine. When you think about it, you can have a side effect from almost anything. Some people die from asthma attacks during thunderstorms, probably more than they do vaccines. Has anyone ever read the side effects listed inside that box of paracetamol? The harmless pain relief medication that nobody questions. Tachycardia, Dyspnea, pulmonary edema, insomnia and a heap of other messed up reactions. All rare but possible side effects from pain relief you can buy at a supermarket or gas station.

We should question things like vaccines, don't blindly trust them. But, the data I've seen from multiple countries is that while vaccinated countries still experience waves of COVID, the number of people dying and admitted to hospital is decreasing. This is going to be around forever now, and COVID will be a slightly more dangerous flu.

If there is a conspiracy here, why have I yet to see anything that proves it? Once again, governments are too incompetent to pull this off on a global scale. People are always the weak link. So, if someone has credible links, not from third-rate conspiracy sites littered with advertisements and cryptocurrency miner scripts, please link me.
edit on 27/10/2021 by DigitalSea because: clarification and additional points

posted on Oct, 27 2021 @ 10:27 PM
Well of course not. That's the job of a paid medical professional. Some of y'all are so silly.

posted on Oct, 27 2021 @ 10:39 PM

originally posted by: Toother711
Well of course not. That's the job of a paid medical professional. Some of y'all are so silly.

30% to 40% of New York City fire departments will be shutting down this coming Monday, November 1st, because smart, well-informed, brave Firemen will NOT let themselves be injected with these potentially dangerous Covid-19 vaccines.


posted on Oct, 28 2021 @ 12:39 AM
a reply to: DigitalSea

Don't get me wrong, as a long-term member of this site and believer in free speech who has a severe distrust of governments and the big money interests that control them. I haven't seen anything substantial to back up the claims that vaccines are as harmful as some say.

You received two injections of something they admit will not protect you.
You can still get covid and can still spread covid. And you could still die
from covid. Also you likely will die of covid no matter the truth. The lies
completely distorted the death rate from the very onset.. And then the fear
mongering staged by the media mob, spewing propaganda in ways that
likely had Goebbels applauding in his grave. But you know what the clincher
was for me? When I realized I was supposed to believe this guy

was trying to "Protect the American people". That made for
great comedy around my place.

edit on 28-10-2021 by Randyvine2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2021 @ 02:13 AM
Why Don't More Elected Officials Follow SCIENCE, like the Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis?

DeSantis withholds $$$ from Schools that force Masks on Students and Teachers.

Way to go!:

posted on Oct, 28 2021 @ 02:17 AM

originally posted by: DigitalSea
Has anyone ever read the side effects listed inside that box of paracetamol? The harmless pain relief medication that nobody questions. Tachycardia, Dyspnea, pulmonary edema, insomnia and a heap of other messed up reactions. All rare but possible side effects from pain relief you can buy at a supermarket or gas station.

I will never understand why people use apples and oranges when discussing side effects of jabs

Paracetamol has been used for decades; we all know it can have side effects and they are properly listed - not so for the shots

The biggest issue though is that paracetamol is metabolised in such a short time - it actually takes longer to metabolise the caffeine in a cup of coffee than it does a dose of paracetamol; these shots are designed to stay in your system and do their thing for weeks

So here we have something that we don't know all the side effects for that continues messing with your body for weeks (and that's the 'official' line - many medical people are saying months or indefinitely)

There just isn't a comparison to be made here

posted on Oct, 28 2021 @ 06:31 AM
Everyone should look up the case of Maddie De Garay before injecting that vaccine into there kids. The whole situation has been silenced and ignored by the FDA and the Government.

posted on Oct, 28 2021 @ 06:44 AM

originally posted by: Aciiidbath
Everyone should look up the case of Maddie De Garay before injecting that vaccine into there kids. The whole situation has been silenced and ignored by the FDA and the Government.

This was kept so top secret that Tucker Carlson already covered it.

posted on Oct, 28 2021 @ 06:45 AM
a reply to: carewemust

I am new here and dont know how to create a post yet. Reaching out in hopes that you can share the story of maddie de garay and what the fda and governemt has and hasnt done in her case. It is extremely alarming and i think everyone should know about it before injecting that bioweapon in there children. She deserves to be heard and not silenced. Maddie De Garay. A kid in the pfizer trial that became permanently disabled for life after the 2nd dose of pfizer. It is being silenced and ignored so they can push this evil global genocidal agenda. Thanks. Aciiidbath.

posted on Oct, 28 2021 @ 06:53 AM

originally posted by: Aciiidbath
Everyone should look up the case of Maddie De Garay before injecting that vaccine into there kids. The whole situation has been silenced and ignored by the FDA and the Government.

I thought it was proven that this family was looking for a pay day and that no actual diagnosable illness was found.

posted on Oct, 28 2021 @ 06:56 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
Why Don't More Elected Officials Follow SCIENCE, like the Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis?

DeSantis withholds $$$ from Schools that force Masks on Students and Teachers.

Way to go!:

Yeah, science….. like inhaling Lysol right? How silly you sound.

posted on Oct, 28 2021 @ 07:01 AM

originally posted by: MDDoxs

originally posted by: Aciiidbath
Everyone should look up the case of Maddie De Garay before injecting that vaccine into there kids. The whole situation has been silenced and ignored by the FDA and the Government.

I thought it was proven that this family was looking for a pay day and that no actual diagnosable illness was found.

The only thing that they were able to come up with is that it might have been anxiety. To date most of the outlets covering the story are click bait scandal sheets.

posted on Oct, 28 2021 @ 07:15 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Fast forward to 4 hours and 19 minutes and watch for 5 minutes. Very terrifying information.

posted on Oct, 28 2021 @ 07:40 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: MDDoxs

originally posted by: Aciiidbath
Everyone should look up the case of Maddie De Garay before injecting that vaccine into there kids. The whole situation has been silenced and ignored by the FDA and the Government.

I thought it was proven that this family was looking for a pay day and that no actual diagnosable illness was found.

The only thing that they were able to come up with is that it might have been anxiety. To date most of the outlets covering the story are click bait scandal sheets.

Agreed. Mostly click bait articles and whole lot of gofundme accounts.

posted on Oct, 28 2021 @ 07:55 AM

originally posted by: MDDoxs

originally posted by: Aciiidbath
Everyone should look up the case of Maddie De Garay before injecting that vaccine into there kids. The whole situation has been silenced and ignored by the FDA and the Government.

I thought it was proven that this family was looking for a pay day and that no actual diagnosable illness was found.

Just so we're all clear, and in the interest of transparency, please let's lay our cards down on the table.

How many children you have?

I have two young daughters.

You post a lot of MSM propaganda and pro-vaccine stories to these forums. Ordinarily I either ignore it or might click on it, give its due attention, and move on.

You are posting in a thread about administering a medication, only months into its existence now, with NO LONG-TERM CLINICAL DATA AVAILABLE, to young children.

Do you have any skin in the game?

If not, it's probably very difficult if not impossible for you to relate to what's transpiring here.

posted on Oct, 28 2021 @ 08:00 AM
a reply to: SleeperHasAwakened

How many children you have?

Including the ones I dont know about?

You are posting in a thread about administering a medication, only months into its existence now

False. MRNA technology has existed for decades. The current CoV-2 vaccines have now been used for years at this point, not months.

Do you have any skin in the game?

My whole bodies worth at the very least.

If not, it's probably very difficult if not impossible for you to relate to what's transpiring here.

I will tell you what I do see....scared people. People, who are very susceptible to confirmation basis, that do about 2 minutes of googling or scanning their facebook news feed.

Transparent enough for you?

posted on Oct, 28 2021 @ 08:22 AM
a reply to: MDDoxs

About what I expected from you. Lame attempt at humor.

Do you think this funny? Looming vaccine mandates for children? I wish you could see me face right now; there is no hint of a smile on it.

You should also assume, when you're interacting with people on this forum, that you're dealing with individuals that are not going to consume crap information without the slightest bit of critical thinking.

We both know that mRNA is just a mechanism to trigger your cells produce certain chemicals. We're not talking about mRNA research from 2010 or 2000 in animal trials, or in producing experimental cancer treatments.

We're talking about the production of spike proteins. And not just any spike proteins, not from similar pathogens from SARS related outbreaks in years past. The formulation of spike proteins replicating the footprint of this pathogen: COVID-19.

There IS no information base of clinical trial data for the EA-distrubuted vaccines we're discussing at the present time, not mRNA cancer treatment research, not SARS research from 2003, but clinical trial data for the Pfizer-Biogen "vaccines" in response to the COVID-19 pandemic that are being used right now.

Understanding that often medications can take up to a decade for full pre, during and post trial studies to collect relevant information, we both know that everyone taking these vaccines are PART of the clinical trial. Furthermore, they are not being given informed consent that they are participating of a clinical trial, or it is buried in a typical legalese document. They are being coerced into consuming emergency use medication in threat of losing their jobs.

I'm not the least bit scared for myself. I could die tomorrow and couldn't be bothered to GAF. My children on the other hand.....that does instill fear. I think it's best people without any notion or comprehension of what fear for one's children means avoid the subject of vaccinating children.

posted on Oct, 28 2021 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: SleeperHasAwakened

Do you think this funny? Looming vaccine mandates for children? I wish you could see me face right now; there is no hint of a smile on it.

Do I think SARS COV-2 is funny? No. Do I find how ignorant some people can be on the subjects of the virus, vaccine and alternative medicine? Yes.

If you really want for me to see your face we can video chat, but I warn you, I charge by the minute.

ou should also assume, when you're interacting with people on this forum, that you're dealing with individuals that are not going to consume crap information without the slightest bit of critical thinking.

I dont have to assume anything. I have been a member here for a long time, and I have seen how much crap our members consume and how limited their critical thinking can be. Some are obviously better than others.

You realize this forum is based around the idea of pervasive conspiracies right? Do you know how many failed theories I have seen over the years? Too many to count.

The MRNA technology has been around and be vetted. Thank you for acknowledging that this new medicial technology has followed the same procedure as every other treatment that has been developed. You can think what ever you want about the efficacy.

Understanding that often medications can take up to a decade for full pre, during and post trial studies to collect relevant information, we both know that everyone taking these vaccines are PART of the clinical trial.

Let me ask you this, do you believe that the rate of side effect incident increase or decrease with time? I, along with the majority of the scientific community believe in the latter.

Also, 10 years is a long time to wait for scientific/medical advancement. People would be dead if they had to wait. Lets test your opinion here with a hypothetical, if your children were sick and a treatment with a high rate of success was immediately available, but did not have 10 years of history and testing, you would not save your kids, you would rather wait?

I'm not the least bit scared for myself. I could die tomorrow and couldn't be bothered to GAF. My children on the other hand.....that does instill fear. I think it's best people without any notion or comprehension of what fear for one's children means avoid the subject of vaccinating children.

So you are scared. From the movie Dune - "Fear is the mind killer", and unfortunately many people cannot think clearly or be reasoned with.

Listen, all the above being said, you will notice that I have not advocated that children be vaccinated. I started in this thread by saying Carewemust must not be giving medical advice to people based on some comments he has made in the past about inhaling disinfecting spray.

My honest to god opinion is that the vaccines are fine for adults, but children are another matter for me. I have not done enough due diligence on this specifically.

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