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My Personal Experence with the Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine / GET VACCINATED!

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posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 08:56 AM

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posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 08:58 AM

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posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 09:00 AM

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posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 09:01 AM

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(post by Zeraleis removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 09:05 AM
a reply to: Zeraleis

Freethinking place eh?

Seems to me your notion of what amounts to "freethinking" is telling people to eat bullets or four letter words being chucked in there direction.

What happened to your previous account Zeraleis?

edit on 27-9-2021 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

(post by Zeraleis removed for a manners violation)

posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 09:07 AM
What happened to “my body my choice”?

(post by Zeraleis removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: Zeraleis

I don't need or require you to believe a word i say, so there is that.

Im not attacking you per-say, simply wondering why you wish me ill?

Your the one issuing the personal attacks because you were asked for actual tangible proof to back up your spurious nonsensical claims.

Provide some actual proof as to your claims?

Handle your candle my friend essentially crap or get off the pot please.

posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 09:14 AM
a reply to: Waterglass

If you were in fear of the level of sickness, you should get the shot. If you are in an at risk age/situation, and you don't have antibodies, you should get the shot. If you have questions, you should ask YOUR DOCTOR. And if you just don't want to take the shot, you should not take the shot. You shouldn't be forced to do anything.

The OP wasn't forced, did his research, and trusted his family with medical experience. Good, and nobody should shame him for doing so, just as nobody should be shaming you for not doing so.

We don't need to become what we dislike. We need to decide to either lead, or be led. If you chose the latter, choose a good leader.

(post by Zeraleis removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 09:16 AM

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posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 09:19 AM
a reply to: Zeraleis

I'm not seeing it in google.

Or at least not any sorts of the crap you are attempting to shovel.

If you have such on your end, why not simply provide the link or post the url?

Would that not solve both our problems?

Like i said Zeraleis, proof and pics or it simply did not happen. x

(post by Zeraleis removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 09:19 AM

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posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 09:20 AM

originally posted by: Waterglass
a reply to: Middleoftheroad

I was told to stay away from any boosters by both. Keep your eyes on Israel.

If you are suggesting people get vaccinated, but refuse to get the boosters - what was the point of getting vaccinated?

You do realize that the vaccine efficacy deteriorates extremely fast - as low as 3 to 4 months and as high as 5 to 6 months - after your last shot. So if you were so concerned about protecting others, yourself etc.. why would you refuse the follow up boosters? After 6 months you will be pretty similar to where you were before you took the vaccine.

So either you dont really care about other people's health and got the vaccine to virtue signal or you do care and will gladly get all future boosters to really keep people safe. Which one is it?

Lots of lapses in basic logic for people pushing this vaccine - especially so for those recommending it and openly refusing to take the boosters.

I hope it all works out for you. I will never have that garbage injected into me.

posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 09:20 AM

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(post by Zeraleis removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 09:21 AM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

On a side note... you know any artists that can render me up a rad looking Taco lightsaber weilding Jedi guy... I want and need a cool avatarbackground that extends the length of my post....

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