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Cannabis and COVID. Can CBD inhibit growth of virus upon entry into the body?

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posted on Sep, 20 2021 @ 01:41 AM
My understanding after reading the articles is that CBD has shown to inhibit Covid from its process of implanting itself inside human cells.

CBD is not the same as marijuana. The part of marijuana that gets people high is the THC. The study is on the CBD extract which has no THC in it.

CBD will NOT get you high. In fact, here in Arizona you can buy CBD gummies at your local Circle K, 7/11 or gas station. It's sold behind the counter where the vitamins are. Safe for over-the-counter purchase.

posted on Sep, 20 2021 @ 01:45 AM
a reply to: BrujaRebooted

Oh. And it does appear to work. I used CBD gummies for Delta Covid.

Each time I had difficulty breathing with delta I'd take a couple of CBD gummies. Then have a short cough-out. Then breathing back to normal capacity.

So I guess CBD gummies actually do stop Covid from implantation in the lungs.

posted on Sep, 20 2021 @ 01:57 AM

originally posted by: XipeTotex

originally posted by: GoShredAK

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: XipeTotex

Ugh.. Glad i do not have to watch those things happen anymore.

People do get addicted to it most likely like anything else. One of my sons roommates in college would dab right when he work up in the morning and do it all day long.

The difference is the addiction to cannabis is extremely mild and physically harmless and actually good for you....with little to no physical dependance or withdrawal syndrome....

Dabbing first thing in the morning and all day is more of a lifestyle.....some people operate much better and happier with cannabis in their blood.....all the while most likely preventing cancer, or seizures, or pain, or panic attacks, coating the brain with protection.....

For other drugs including alcohol you could take everything I just wrote flip it to the opposite.....

I've personally been through it all over the past 21 years and know the effects and consequences of many different drugs.

I wholeheartedly believe cannabis is simply a good medicinal supplement.....

Alcohol and hard drugs and pharmaceuticals bring death and pain and misery.....

Cannabis brings health and peace physically, mentally, spiritually....

For those of us that can handle it and understand it.

I dont think serotonin depletion is a mild side effect, you know, you need it so one does not end up killing themselves.
Also recent studies have shown it attacks your heart, so dont know if it brings health.

Are you talking about CBD?

posted on Sep, 20 2021 @ 01:58 AM

originally posted by: XipeTotex
a reply to: BrujaRebooted

Medical uses if you want to create a state of serotonin depletion in a test subject or cause an early heart attack.

Also do not really understand why one would thin down their prefrontal cortex, kinda need that myself, but different strokes for different folks.

Are you talking about CBD?

posted on Sep, 20 2021 @ 02:02 AM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: chr0naut

Is it just a coincidence that the anti-smoking brigade was really doing a bit of social engineering before the bioweapon was released? seems another report suggests smokers are significantly protected, nicotine is the plant's defence against attacks in the Tobacco plant, and Cannabis oil in the Cannabis plant they probably do the same thing.

Surprising! thank you.

posted on Sep, 20 2021 @ 02:06 AM

originally posted by: MapMistress
a reply to: BrujaRebooted

Oh. And it does appear to work. I used CBD gummies for Delta Covid.

Each time I had difficulty breathing with delta I'd take a couple of CBD gummies. Then have a short cough-out. Then breathing back to normal capacity.

So I guess CBD gummies actually do stop Covid from implantation in the lungs.

Thank you for that insight, and Im glad it worked well for you!

Here in CA we have the option of either or both and a myriad of cremes and topicals that have amazing benefits as well. I have a CBD / THC broad spectrum balm that works miracles on sore muscles,

posted on Sep, 20 2021 @ 04:27 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: chr0naut

Is it just a coincidence that the anti-smoking brigade was really doing a bit of social engineering before the bioweapon was released? seems another report suggests smokers are significantly protected, nicotine is the plant's defence against attacks in the Tobacco plant, and Cannabis oil in the Cannabis plant they probably do the same thing.

Yes, it is clearly a coincidence.

There is no way the smoking lobby could have known that smoking might have some effect on an emerging disease, before the fact.

Also, it appears that you totally missed the Conclusion section of that paper where it said that smoking "cannot be considered as efficient protection against infection", or, from the Abstract, that "once infected an increased risk of severe disease is reported".

edit on 20/9/2021 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2021 @ 07:07 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

They would have to say that these days or it wouldn't have been searchable. During the Spanish flue, it was noted that smokers were not getting the disease as much as nonsmokers. Your attitude is just a product of the present time. You have been told "Smoking is bad" you believe it and have not done any research. Excess smoking is bad just like all excesses. But if you look deeper, you suddenly find the longest living people are smokers, they don't have to have joint replacement as much as nonsmokers. There are a host of other things that nicotine protects you from as well, that's why it was popular when it was introduced back in the middle ages. You either make an MSM-driven conclusion or you research I don't care anymore.

posted on Sep, 20 2021 @ 07:14 PM
a reply to: BrujaRebooted

No , but Smoking alot of Killer Weed will make you Forget you got Covid Bro !

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 06:38 AM
a reply to: anonentity

Thing is, it's not the Nicotine per-say but the other 70 carcinogenic additives in Tobacco products that are of concern.

Additives like Hydrogen Cyanide, Formaldehyde, Lead, Arsenic, Ammonia.

Never mind radioactive elements, such as Polonium-210 which comes from the fertilizer used to grow the Tobacco.
edit on 21-9-2021 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 07:44 AM
There is a nearly free medicine widely available that won the Nobel Prize in 2015 for doing pretty close to what you are hoping CBD does. You should try looking it up.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 11:59 AM
My really important post answering a direct question directly was removed because I made a silly joke regarding the substance in the title.
So here I go again with just the scientific, direct answer to the direct question:

Does a certain substance prohibit growth in the body?

The scientific answer is:
The 'substance' connects to a receptor in the lung called the ACE [Angiotensin Converting Enzyme] receptor.
So does the virus.
As there are only so many receptors in everyone's lungs, logic will tell you that if the substance get's there first and connects to the receptors, then the virus has nowhere to connect to.

Make of that what you want but there are plenty of papers out there that explain it in detail.
I hope this fact based answer is going to stay up.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 04:33 PM
Brings me right back to this question...God made weed, man made booze, who do you trust.
edit on 21-9-2021 by Proto88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 05:07 PM
a reply to: Proto88


Snap, kinda.

I've had that little tin for about 2 decades.

edit on 21-9-2021 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 06:56 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 08:05 AM
Id say chew on some willow bark and that'll do you about as much good for COVID. The oldest recorded use of cannabis I could find when I was researching it was around 3000 years ago when the Chinese used the seeds for a fertility ceremony, which makes sense because of the old urban myth that eating seeds will make you sterile.

One meaning of the word assassin is 'hash eater' which I always found interesting.
Im pretty sure that the 'Thuggie' are some of the oldest known hash eaters , they are from India if I remember correctly.
Bloodless was their thing. (because of reincarnation fears). They used a little fertility idol in a yellow cloth (bandanna) to strangle their targets. Any drop of blood was a potential future enemy.

We are not against rap, we are not against rappers..but we are against those…Thugs.

Sorry..I dye grease…Of course any type of plant essence is going to have some effect on the virus on some level.
What agenda does it serve?

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 09:49 AM

originally posted by: BrujaRebooted

originally posted by: XipeTotex
a reply to: BrujaRebooted

Medical uses if you want to create a state of serotonin depletion in a test subject or cause an early heart attack.

Also do not really understand why one would thin down their prefrontal cortex, kinda need that myself, but different strokes for different folks.

Are you talking about CBD?

Fair warning: Xippy here is our resident militant bud-blaming AA-born again. THC & CBD are the same to him & neither have benefits, period.

He is like arguing with a self-loathing brick wall projecting on everyone else. Like I said, fair warning, arguing tends to escalate til he kills the thread.
edit on 12/21/2021 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 09:57 AM

originally posted by: MapMistress
My understanding after reading the articles is that CBD has shown to inhibit Covid from its process of implanting itself inside human cells.

CBD is not the same as marijuana. The part of marijuana that gets people high is the THC. The study is on the CBD extract which has no THC in it.

CBD will NOT get you high. In fact, here in Arizona you can buy CBD gummies at your local Circle K, 7/11 or gas station. It's sold behind the counter where the vitamins are. Safe for over-the-counter purchase.

This is worth repeating for people who both peddle BS about it, & those who gobble it up as fact when told.

You cannot get stoned off CBD. This is like saying you can get drunk off the vodka sauce in the pasta isle. No you #ing cannot

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: Nyiah

Thank you for these comments. I abandoned the thread because the maturity level required to discuss medicinal uses of cannabis is just not high enough here. Pardon the pun.

Just curious why nobody I know that uses cannabis in a vape or smoked form regularly has gotten covid these past 2 years. Or at least badly enough to know they had it.

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 10:20 AM
a reply to: Hecate666

Thanks for your thoughts and information. Pity that a benign substance, certainly as compared to alcohol and tobacco, triggers so many people, in one way or the other. So much so that potential benefits are under researched and overlooked.
edit on 12/21/2021 by BrujaRebooted because: (no reason given)

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