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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Sep, 22 2021 @ 12:59 PM
Speaking of mafia hits and the what not, does anyone remember that woman walking into her brother’s Manhattan apartment only to find his freshly dismembered body parts in the living room next to a portable chainsaw that was still plugged in and running?

Camera footage from the lobby showed a man in a tuxedo carrying a briefcase following the young man into his elevator, which also opened up directly to his unit.

That case screamed mafia hit, to me!

posted on Sep, 22 2021 @ 01:03 PM
Once again it feels like we're on the precipice of... something. What that is I don't know for sure, but it feels like some strange combination of excitement and a touch of anxiety - like you are approaching the top of the first hill on the largest roller coaster you have ever been on. I have felt like this before and nothing happened, but this time maybe?

Anyway, just in case the S actually does HTF soon I would like to take a second to thank many of you for your contributions in keeping these threads going strong and pointing out Kyoo related items a lot of us may have missed...

Most obviously thanks to Dashen for starting this whole thing in the first place. The very first Q thread on ATS is what brought me back after nearly 2 years of not posting at all. And not only Dash, but several of you - Rel, I might not understand your decodes, but they sure do feel like you're on to something. PFS, ETMN, Flying Fox, Pokey Joe, Cavv, Butcher Guy, Metal Thunder, Carewemust (which I always hear in my head in Yoda's voice), RookQueen, Justoneman, and my fellow Washingtonian Guy Friday. All of you have pointed me in the right direction or helped me to understand something or some connection at some point in all this. I even wish to thank Dask! There are many nay-sayers and/or people who only attempt to mock us in here, but in my opinion at least Dask will "debate" us with legitimate points and forces us to be honest and sometimes even change a previously held belief.

All of you (and many more as well) have my sincere thanks, but Cranky... if the day ever comes where some of us are able to gather together to celebrate the actual liberation of humanity - I would like to buy you a drink and just listen to you talk. You have this amazing way of putting my thoughts into the words that I struggle to find (and probably many others as well). I am a "cranky old man" as well, but you genuinely have a knack for writing.

Thanks to all of you!

Edited to add: Thanks to Jane too! There's so many of you in these threads that are awesome! I'm sure there are more of you that I left out...
edit on 22-9-2021 by tallcool1 because: editing

posted on Sep, 22 2021 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: tallcool1
I totally feel what you said about all the contributors here. I'd love to meet each and every one of you in person.

This thread is my oasis of sanity from the world that doesn't understand. Not that I understand much or can even keep up, but it all follows perfectly with my way of thinking that I've had since I was born.

posted on Sep, 22 2021 @ 01:38 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Israel: “Booster” doses now also only valid for 6 months

The Israeli Ministry of Health announced today that the “Green Pass” for vaccinated expires when 6 months have passed after the second dose and now also 6 months after the third (“booster”) vaccination.

Israel is basically an island.
Everyone is going to get shots forever.
The Clotshot is, well, not a good thing.
Israel is basically an island .... where everyone is jabbed over and over.

This is as dark as it gets IMO.

You probably seen my post yesterday on Israel. It's almost like a modern day Aktion T4 program.
Note that Rockefeller Foundation funded Ernst Rüdin, a Swiss-born German psychiatrist, geneticist, eugenicist and Nazi, and advisor on Aktion T4. The Nazi doctors injected those in the camps and applied the so-called positive effects of 'vaccines' to chosen one's of the Hitler youth party. If a few hundred or thousands die in the process then so be it, for the greater good, weeding out the weaker genetic crowd towards the "New Aryan Man" for future humanity. Super dark agenda indeed.


a reply to: ColdWisdom

Yep, I remember that hit. Mafia or not it sure did have contract killing plastered all over the scene.

posted on Sep, 22 2021 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

That reminds me of "The Stanford Prison Experiment".

posted on Sep, 22 2021 @ 02:11 PM
Arizona audit results arrive.

"So what, what is done is done and we cannot go backwards, time to move forwards."

Same exact people:

"No one should ever been in prison for falsified evidence."

"That guy stole my car, my car, he doesn't get to keep it."

"The IRS cannot just take my money."

"Bank errors are not always in their favor, right is right."

"Students who lied during their schooling should have their credentials taken away."

"Civil asset forfeiture is so wrong."

Come Friday the ENTIRE web be attacked with army of folks demonstrating this thinking. The idea is simple: Vote fraud is a just a different kind of fraud, a fraud so special it needs to be left alone.

Same folks saying that. "Your right to vote is the foundation to democracy" and "we need to protect the right to vote for black people who do not have ID."

This is mind control, or top down shilling/trolling. The concept of fraud leading to prison is wrong, but fraud leading to an elected official is right isn't a tenable position to those with discernment.

Watch, do not argue with these folks ever, in person or online, as Fraud is Fraud, the reason for, or the location of, does not matter. Those advocating for levels of fraud are either totally insane - mind control, or worse. There is no other reason for that position. None.

The world is watching, the fraud is world wide. No vote that mattered has ever counted, voting was/is too important to be left up to the population. Countries that participated in this fraud, Germany, Spain, Canada, China etc. are guilty of waging an act of war. Period. To dismiss this is to accept this as just life, an untenable position, incompatible with liberation.

Never argue with these folks, the insane won't get it anyway and the others totally get it. Those who advocate that this fraud isn't an issue are the enemy forever. End.

The War Escalates and is brought into the open and we can never go back after this. Never.

posted on Sep, 22 2021 @ 02:13 PM

Kingmaker - Big IF! (True)


Here’s some fairly strong evidence that Durham’s next shoe will drop soon. Tech Executive, Rodney Joffe. is out at Neustar. This follows Elias leaving Perkins Coie last month, Sussmann going on leave and then indicted, and now Joffe follows suit

posted on Sep, 22 2021 @ 02:16 PM
a reply to: tallcool1
a reply to: igloo

Thank you tallcool1! Your post is spot on and I think many of us here have had that same feeling many times over the past 3+ years. Though, personally I think if we or rather I keep waiting it will never come because I may not recognize that "it" has happened due to normalization. This is why imo, it is important to frequently reflect back on history to make oneself aware of the future. In order to know the future one must understand the past...Future proves past. However one defines "it" as Cranky has said a thousand times over we each have different and sometimes opposing POV's on the future outcome let alone the day-to-day happenings and constant barrage of distractions and shiny objects. So, many connections past & present that nobody can keep up, much less piece together the overall puzzle on humanity's destiny. I've gotten to the point of where the more you learn, the more Qs you have (ad infinitum). Knowing is not the point. It's the experience (That our Soul Being chose) which is the point. Laugh often and try to make others laugh too. Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. Misery loves company.

Ironic you should bring 'meeting' up. Way back in late 2018 or early 2019 of this thread several of us were joking/not joking that after this is over we should all meet in some inconspicuous place out in the desert or mountains and have a celebration party while dancing around the campfire singing kumbaya. 😎👍

posted on Sep, 22 2021 @ 02:24 PM
What do you all make of this? Another oddity in what I call "the tale of two Departments of Defense."

"After serving in the position of Chief Information Officer for the last 20 months, it was an honor to swear in Dana Deasy as DoD’s first Senate-confirmed CIO.", January 24, 2020

"Dr. Kelly Fletcher - Performing the Duties of the Chief Information Officer
Department of Defense"

"She has served in DoD CIO since February 2020"

Her existence in this position conflicts with the main site:

"John Sherman - Acting Department of Defense Chief Information Officer"

But back to the original issue. How does Dr. Kelly Fletcher, who started with the DoD CIO organization a month after Dana Deasy, "perform the duties of the DoD Chief Information Officer" at the same time?

And it has been 9 months since John Sherman took over this year (from Dana Deasy - You would think that the folks that run computers for the whole Department of Defense would have been able to deconflict websites that say who is in charge.

posted on Sep, 22 2021 @ 03:04 PM
Agustín Carstens, (1 min vid below) a Mexican economist, The head of the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, often called the central bank for central banks, tower of Babel, declares he wants "absolute control" over money via banning cash in favor of Central Bank Digital Currencies [CBDC]... and openly stated "very important" goal.

BIS - Cash vs CBDC to 'permission' how your money will be spent, to track & enforce this aspect. This is a whole new level of technocratic totalitarianism. You buy a pack of gum at a gas station and they will know about it; assuming the 'technology' goes in their favor.

The Fed As Drug Dealer

"I like to say that we injected coc aine and heroin into the system, and now we're maintaining it on Ritalin. How's that? [LAUGHTER]"

― former Dallas Federal Reserve President Richard W. Fisher (now at Barclays). Quote source: CNBC

In April 2020, Governor Greg Abbott named Fisher to the Strike Force to Open Texas – a group "tasked with finding safe and effective ways to slowly reopen the state" amid the COVID-19 pandemic in Texas.

His son, James Leslie Miles Fisher is a Hollywood actor, comedian, entrepreneur, and musician. He was in the movie "Gods and Generals." His late grandfather James M. Collins was a Republican Texan congressman and served under General George S. Patton, Jr., during the Battle of the Bulge in World War II.

posted on Sep, 22 2021 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating
I would love for that to happen, if for no other reason than to shut down the liberal media who keeps saying John Durham used taxpayer money and delivered nothing in return.

posted on Sep, 22 2021 @ 03:37 PM
File under "Could be somethin, could be nothing!":

US Secret Service twitter seems to be dropping some interesting phrases in it's #ForensicScienceWeek. Consider that this happens in the week we get the Forensic Audit results from Arizona!:

15:53 gmt today:

It's day 3 of our #ForensicScienceWeek social media takeover. Today we will learn more about our Fingerprint Operation Branch and DNA collection. #forensicscienceweek

One of their self-replies to above, at 20:51 gmt:

Examiners are trained in the collection of DNA from a variety of evidence & submit the collected samples to @FBI
for testing. Examples include: skimmers, counterfeit bills, envelopes, printers, printer cartridges, paper, soda cans, items thrown over WH fence. #forensicscienceweek

...and another self-reply, at 20:43 gmt:

It uses silver, gold and zinc to develop latent prints in a vacuum environment and is a good option for cold cases when other processes have been exhausted. #forensicscienceweek

Could be hinting at zinc and monatomic silver/gold medical treatments?

From the 21st, School plots/Missing kids

Did you know that the U.S. Secret Service has analyzed nearly 70 disrupted school plots? Hear more about this & how the agency works to protect our @MissingKids
Check out my interview with Dir. James Murray here: https://(link tracking not allowed)/InsideCrimeEp41

posted on Sep, 22 2021 @ 03:39 PM
a reply to: tallcool1

You're a class act. But let me remind you we are now only at the beginning of The Great Awakening.

posted on Sep, 22 2021 @ 04:08 PM
a reply to: ColdWisdom

Yes. Along with the dozens of Bankers found dead with nails in the back of their head or falling off buildings by so called "suicide". Definitely a hit job.

posted on Sep, 22 2021 @ 04:08 PM
More gematria messages from Il Donaldo Trumpo, at 16:17 gmt. This time there are 3x ALL CAPS folloed by !!!s:

Funny how all these Twitter "Glitches" are happening RIGHT BEFORE THE AUDIT RESULTS COME OUT!!!

RIGHT BEFORE THE AUDIT RESULTS COME OUT!!! = 407, 2442, 1802 (Simple, English, Jewish)
#407 Did you find the exchange 2 days ago re: WH EO today? We listened. Feel proud.

#2442 History is being made. You are the saviors of mankind. Nothing will stop what is coming. Nothing.

#1802 Something BIG is about to drop.

I SMELL PANIC MODE!!! = 150, 900, 376

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: /lc4nimE No.149262582 📁
Nov 13 2017 13:04:46 (EST)
Distress cal[L]s to others will [d]o you/family no good at this stage. We know whe[R]e you/the family are at all times and can hear you breathing.


#900 Look at his family. Look at their positions. Why are we giving him this much attention? Why are we providing this much sensitive detail in a public [known] forum? Everything has meaning.
(Is LdR a man?)

#376 Are UFOs a distraction? How far away is the closest star? What do you think?

HMMM... DELICIOUSO!!! = 159, 954, 538
#159 the hunt for red october This is a reference to the submarine that went missing just recently? Incorrect.
#954 Next week. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM.
(Note that Red(?) October starts on Friday of next week!)

Q !UW.yye1fxo No.23 📁
Jan 14 2018 15:18:16 (EST)
BEWARE of MAJOR FALSE FLAG attempts this week.
KNOW your surroundings.

Tactics shift to threats and hostages to obtain rogue_ops.
SILENCE [187] - no risk [no capture - dead on arrival].
SILENCE [LV witnesses]?

150, 900, 376 = D Rothschild, Aliens in the Media, CIA mission failed, Magdalene bloodline
159, 954, 538 = Hillary, Houston, Mushroom, Crossroads, Eight of Cups, John F Kennedy Jr, Mark Zuckerberg, Sidney Powell.

edit on 22-9-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2021 @ 04:29 PM
Patton Oswalt outrageous tweet

We did it!!!!!! Flag of United StatesFlag of United StatesFlag of United StatesFlag of United StatesFlag of United States
Quote Tweet
Jake Tapper
· Sep 20
CNN: More than 675,000 people have died of Covid-19 in the United States, surpassing the country’s estimated death toll from the 1918 flu pandemic.

Only posting it because he appears in KU posts; particularly #2888.

posted on Sep, 22 2021 @ 04:39 PM
a reply to: tallcool1

tallcool1, I'm also feeling like we're at a Precipice! It's like that choice moment; do I get off the roller coaster before it descends? Do I go forward or back at the Precipice? The decision is already made but the "Fight or Flight" instinct is kicking in.

I think the great strength of this thread is the aggregate IQ of the participants (must be over 2000IQ thread by now), and how we have "spun-off" each others' inputs to climb higher up the ladder of understanding.

As a result, I've learnt so much in areas I wouldn't have previously engaged in, and become more "rounded". So thanks to all from me too!

posted on Sep, 22 2021 @ 04:53 PM

There's that 33 again. Symbolism +scripted.

The Numerology is ripe with Symbolisms.
Notes -- Number 33 = End of the great year Anno Magnus.

1st US Bankruptcy1933 same year as little jubilee and Hitlers rise to power as German Chancellor.

November 22nd 11+22=33

The Masonic great seal in Latin "New World Order" was added to the dollar bill In 1933.

During WWII 33rd degree Mason gave the 2 fingered V sign which morphed into the 1960s peace sign or broken cross sign.

Walt Disney was a 33rd degree Mason along with the Disneyland Boys club called "Club 33".

A great number of murders take and have taken place at the 33rd Parallel.

James Cameron also a 33rd degree Mason attended movie Titanic opening in Houston, Texas began playing at precisely 3:33 pm.

The very 1st Temple of Solomon stood 33 yrs before falling Jesus was crucified at 33 years of age at Golgotha in 33AD.

And from a favorite author of mine Michael Tsarion.
"The Sun enters at the 30th degree but is not totally clear until the 33rd degree, as it is of a certain size also. This is why they said in the Bible that the ministry of Christ begins at 30 and finishes at 33. This reference would have been unmistakable to anyone aware of the secrets of Astrology. The number is connected to the initiation of the "Sun" of God not "Son", passing through the zodiac. This is why the Freemasonic Lodges also utilize the number. - Michael Tsarion

The number of turns in a complete sequence of Human DNA equals 33. The human foot = 33 joints. The human spine has 33 vertebrae.

"In Spiritual Numerology, 33 symbolizes the highest spiritual conscious attainable by the human being." - Elizabeth van Buren, "The Secret of the Illuminati" (162-3).

Symbolism will be their downfall.

edit on 22-9-2021 by PillarOfFire because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2021 @ 05:06 PM
I’ve spent the last two days ignoring obligations just to read through some of Astr0’s posts. And I’ve been racking my brain IF it’s true, HOW much is true, and WHAT this means as far as Q, politics, MSM, the “matrix”....all of it. Curiously, I have more questions than answers (by now I’m used to that) but I feel a calmness and and clarity that doesn’t happen for me very often. I will be commenting a little more than I usually care to do (I don’t usually feel like I’m smart enough to keep up with most of you, or say anything so important that I take your time and energy) but as I understand it, in order to PM, I have to have a certain amount of posts?

And for the record, if what Astr0 is saying is true, I’d want to stay here. I can’t imagine not being barefoot on the green grass of Earth. Although I totally want to know EVERYTHING!

posted on Sep, 22 2021 @ 05:18 PM
Facebook Paid the FTC Billions to Personally Protect Zuckerberg, Lawsuit Claims

A hulking lawsuit made public this week accuses Facebook’s board of agreeing to overpay the Federal Trade Commission billions of dollars in exchange for not personally suing CEO Mark Zuckerberg over the 2018 Cambridge Analytica data leak scandal.

The consolidated lawsuit, made up of multiple complaints filed by Facebook shareholders, was made public on Tuesday, courtesy of Jason Kint, CEO of Digital Content Next, a trade association that represents roughly 80 publishers, including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Gizmodo parent company G/O Media. On Twitter, Kint dubbed this the “mother of all lawsuits.”

I doubt the payout was to protect Zucker-bot, but his wife and on down that line. CCP and all.

Either way. Class Action

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