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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Nov, 6 2021 @ 10:20 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Not the first time...

The rapper accused of starting a stampede at Lollapalooza this summer pleaded guilty to reckless conduct charges on Tuesday.

Travi$ Scott's Lollapalooza Set Cut Short After He Urges Fans to Rush the Stage

Travi$ Scott, whose legal name is Jaques Webster, encouraged fans to climb over barricades during his concert. A 15-year-old girl was trampled.

A judge ordered Scott to be under court supervision for one year.

By Associated Press

posted on Nov, 6 2021 @ 10:24 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi


It's the same event! Mathematically impossible for Grassleys tweet timestamps to bring up 2 posts about the same event?)

posted on Nov, 6 2021 @ 10:32 PM
Could be something... Could be nothing?

Il Donaldo Trumpo tweet at 20:26:18


HOLD THE FRIGGIN LINE!!! = 182, 1092, 427 (Simple, English, Jewish)

The Storm Is Here
Darkness to Light

edit on 6-11-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2021 @ 10:37 PM

posted on Nov, 6 2021 @ 10:44 PM
Through Q glasses, is there something we should be made aware of pertaining to Nancy Pelosi?

Clip of Pelosi yesterday, is unlike any I've seen before of her:

posted on Nov, 6 2021 @ 11:07 PM
Is this tweet an "In the know" foreboding by David Rothschild, at 3:01 GMT Nov 7th:

History will be cruel to corporate mainstream media.

The timestamp points to #301

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 913bb1 No.52134 📁
Dec 7 2017 22:27:06 (EST)
Sweet dreams.

No Coinkydinkys!
edit on 6-11-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2021 @ 11:07 PM
Were there any news stories about this?

Spirit of Lincoln Award

posted on Nov, 6 2021 @ 11:13 PM
I'm on episode 3, watching with the wife. I highly recommend seeing it.

posted on Nov, 6 2021 @ 11:52 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I won't hold my breath, but I wonder what talking points will be used on the Sunday Morning talk circuit?
Seems like an odd tweet for someone that has their filthy hands on the pulse of the media. I wonder if the dog has finally bitten it's owner (ie if the Media will turn on the Rothschild, rather than turn-on the Rothschild)?

posted on Nov, 6 2021 @ 11:53 PM

This movie keeps popping into my head and I thought I'd watch Trailer again.
Is this the next episode we are about to watch.
edit on 7-11-2021 by YippiKyAA because: add text

Skydance Media - SKY EVENT???
The Adam Project - a man travels back in time to get help from his younger self to confront their late father.
Wasn't sure if this was already mentioned but thought I'd add it.
edit on 7-11-2021 by YippiKyAA because: add link

posted on Nov, 7 2021 @ 12:17 AM

posted on Nov, 7 2021 @ 12:54 AM
Strong now or never energy drifting about atm, monkey and dragon at play energy also, opposites but playing together, imo an overall 21st arkeytype energy, the new arkeytype post 21st12th2012 and into play 216 days later = hunaab KU, so the arkeytypes are coming together, all, each of ten has it's opposite or challenge and the 21st arkeytype is gathering Gathering, sheep n lion stuff, complex add of there being in the future, all living in natural time and now-won plus What Is time, that is effecting hugely atm hence things and actions are about to roll so so Sooooooo Craazzy fast, rael is last because it kicks off ?.

Regards so soo sooo, ssssss and om, snake-snakes 2 s = 8, 0 to OM mouth, if s = z then OZ also or Zoo lol, we are in an Xlent template anew atm, whats happening must happen, the future is demanding = we are demanding and making this template from the future, Now-woN.

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: 13Kiwi20qYes

FYI 13Kiwi20qYes, I have been noticing quite a few 11.11s encoded in timestamps of posts that have been pointed to over last week or so. It's at about the level of one in 4 compared to 11.3, 11.5... but is more than 11.6.

Re the Julian/Gregorian 10 days difference and returning to Julian calendar... maybe that is just step 1? Then maybe we return from there to greek or Egyptian calendar and from there back to sumerian, and eventually back to the natural cycles rather than a calendar at all? In other words - Is TIME going to be UNRAVELLED?

Re a lot happening behind the scenes, I've seen rumours that there's a lot happening around South China sea that, when revealed, will help kill MSM - because it has been soooo significant that they have no excuse NOT to have covered it.

Lastly, writing this has just given me a mini-epiphany. I've posted before about how @realdonaldtrump tweets oft contained SO typos such as SOO, SOOO SOOOO, SOOOOO... I'm wondering if the S stands for SUN cycles - and the O for Moon cycles?

posted on Nov, 7 2021 @ 01:12 AM
a reply to: YippiKyAA

Lol we in similar mind energy atm Yipp, unsure but maybe if monkey and dragon are engaging today then wind and human may engage tomorrow, will look into this and our present wavespells, feel someone within Qetc may have 1320 codes, well felt it for a while but maybe also future us interconnecting.

posted on Nov, 7 2021 @ 01:46 AM
a reply to: 13Kiwi20qYes
Definitely, I did a friends sons kin yesterday and she tells me how good a rapper her 15 year old is. #260 came up Yellow Cosmic Sun (Same Kin - Snoop Dogg) Synchronicity is amping south of the equator it seems maybe the wave is on it's way North maybe. It is now a White Wind Wavespell and I have been busy past hour. I am looking at Kodachrome the Movie, The Kodak Kodachrome (film) and a Fascinator.
I should just watch a movie. Any suggestions Kiwi that you have seen the past week. Lets test this from across the pond. Because this clip is yelling at me to relax.

P.S. I decided on XANADU & I love it's soundtrack as my grandmother played it to me constantly. She adored Olivia and so did I. My real first crush I would say. Enjoy your Sunday everyone.

posted on Nov, 7 2021 @ 02:41 AM
a reply to: YippiKyAA

Just found this Yipp, must be at least ten years old but Xplains KU > from

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Maya: The Magical Practice of Reality
Posted on 30 October, 2021 Yellow Galactic Sun: Kin 60 “I harmonize in order to enlighten … “

The more we awaken to the Reality of our current global situation, the more overwhelmed we can feel. There are those beings, both on and off planet, who are radically against the work of divine evolution and do everything possible to thwart it.

We have to prepare ourselves psychologically and emotionally for the next scenes of the earth movie. All we can control is our inner perceptions and states of consciousness. We are being called to operate from a whole other level of Being.

Now is the time to invoke the Higher Magic. Here is an ancient-future memory put forth in an unpublished document by Valum Votan called Maya: Magical Practice of Reality.

It reminds us that Reality is not a given but must be practiced into what it becomes. May it tap your memory circuits.

“Now is the account of the Galactic Maya from within the Earth.

From there in the Crystal Chamber, where the listening occurs, deep within the Earth, where the four mystic channels that run to the center of the Earth return from the fields of Night and join as one; where the messengers deliver their songs, their codes, their harmonies woven from the starry cloth of Being; this is how the Maya came, this is how the Earth learned of Maya.

When no one knew, yet everything was known, it penetrated. Being from beyond the Sun penetrated, and entered the polar fields where the dawn lights rain and crackle in endless splendor. There in the polar fields where the four mystic channels have their influx and outpouring, this Being from beyond the Sun arrived and became manifest.

Hunab-Ku, it was called.

Hunab Ku made itself known. Even to the depths of the oceans among the myriad mind-palaces of the dolphin deep, Hunab Ku became known: One Giver of Movement and Measure, the Being from Beyond the Sun, the One without a Face, the One who gives birth to Itself through Light—Hunab Ku.

Streaming through the eight polar outlets of the four mystic channels, Hunab Ku penetrated Earth, entering deep into the Crystal Chamber, where the listening occurs.

Meeting Itself in the center of the Earth, in the Crystal Chamber where the harmonics of space and time transmit each other, Hunab Ku met Itself.

In an explosion of radiance never before known, Hunab Ku, while remaining in the Crystal Chamber, also burst back out through the eight polar outlets of the four mystic channels, burst back into the polar fields where the magnetic lights twinkle in the Shaman dawn.

Everywhere the mantle of Earth became rich, becomes seeded with knowing. Memory occurred where there had been none. Star thoughts textured the mantle of the Earth with wondrous signs. Birth by Light happened in caves, on river banks, on mountaintops. Even those beings already born experienced birth by Light—the wondrous gift of the Maya.

Evam Maya E Ma Ho!

The elders, the sages, the wise ones took the gift of Maya, birth by Light, and turned it into the practices of Reality.

And this is how it was taught, Maya, the gift of birth by Light, the magical practice of Reality.

Reality, the stuff of the sense fields, is a practice. Reality is not a given but must be practiced into what it becomes. Mind is active in Reality as the practicing agent. The Sense fields are the palaces of Reality practiced by mind. Within a field of total clarity with no attachment in mind, Reality is practiced, the sense fields are synchronized, and everything around becomes within.

This is no mystery, for synchronicity is the law of the Earth, the expression of the Earth force. Only deluded beings of the later age, the night of Smokey Mirror, disbelieve this, and so wander in a maze of doubt, hatred, and senseless passion.

It is for this reason at this time that the conch of the Maya is sounded in the beehive of the Earth, arousing the bees of awakened insight to busy themselves with the task of cleansing the mirror of the wheel of the senses. For soon, the time arrives when the warriors of inner Earth, riding waves of synchronicity, will release themselves upon the Earth!.

The sacred spine of earth running from pole to pole pulsed and sang … with a wondrous crash, the great force of synchronicity first issued from Earth, exuded in swells of Light from her pores, passing through the eight octave outlets, sounding deep within the seas booming upward her rocky clefted landmass.

Receiving this great rush of synchronicity, the sages, the elders, the wise ones awakened anew. Great was their power, the magical practice of Reality. Whatever mind conceived of instantly became. Clouds, mist, mountains, valleys, all manner of fruit, and nourishment—all arose instantaneously.

The reason for this lay in the fact that the elders, the sages, the wise ones rested on the root of knowing, which is called synchronicity. And this synchronicity is how the whole Earth remains as one.”

posted on Nov, 7 2021 @ 03:56 AM
a reply to: 13Kiwi20qYes
Beautiful post. I have been feeling a close connection to land here in Australia and I have a lot of Aboriginal friends and my two children also have aboriginal blood. I over the past 12 months have really felt heartache listening to some of these songs. Aboriginal Consciousness. Plain & Simple. Personal relationship with Mother Nature and Great Spirit. (Both Sides of the Same Coin) Treasure it and it will Treasure you.

posted on Nov, 7 2021 @ 05:39 AM
Be happy YOU are one of the sane ones. It will make it easy to see the difference if this zombie event occurs.

I do not want to see that, but we have some brainwashed Democrats which honestly are not going to be more of the population 33% when we get the real count, are going to have to be dealt with in a fair manner to their actions. The humble and honest ones are leaving the Demonrat party in droves. Unfortunately there are a lot of RINO road blockers on the R side of the aisle.

We have some shaking of the apple tree to do here. White hats can activate in the open if I had a say. "Book em Danno!"

originally posted by: PillarOfFire
a reply to: crankyoldman


It is all about the mind control.

That's exactly what it's all about.

The Insane VS The Sane,

Oh joy.

posted on Nov, 7 2021 @ 05:43 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Weird synchronicity for me T1, re COVID, Victim/Perpetrator Grey Zone...

An old friend who is a nurse messaged me today for the first time since just before Christmas, 2020!

Her update says she's "still working on covid ward", with deaths reducing but oxygen requirements increasing. Her daughter has the rona and kidney problems, and her grandchildren have covid too.

I'm wondering how the heck to warn her that she's at major risk of being caught up in Nuremburg 2.0???

Start by asking her a few simple questions about Nuremburg. Did she think the Germans had the right to order people to take vaccinations that certainly proved deadly and was truly an experiment? Then I would ask if she believes this Vax has passed muster with safety?

That will be where I would stop.

You will know and you want have to accuse anyone to make your points.

edit on 7-11-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2021 @ 06:00 AM

originally posted by: RookQueen
James Charles Phillips relating child sacrifice and adrenochrome from 2Kings in the bible:

Was adrenochrome being harvested 4,000 years ago and recorded in the Bible ?
Did they use symbolism?
Was symbolism their downfall?
How did God punish them ?
How did Jehu incur blessing on the land?

Are we fighting the same blood lines and occult worshipers ?

These are some questions that have been on my mind and that I believe are answered and second kings

It clearly appears to me that we are currently being manipulated by the same people that the Saints have been fighting since God breathed air into Eve and there were two humans. This is crime families of a Dynastic in nature. You are born into it and the sycophant's are the fodder and are the ones given to us when we are on so called "witch hunts" that we are all taught to laugh at the hunters.

Well, maybe the witch stories are closer to real than myth? I sure don't know what to believe but what my lying eyes and ears show me and from the things my inner guide points out to me. I/we honestly can't trust any information that doesn't lead to the truth. If any information "they" want us to believe has hints of lies in it, then we better back off. Lies are our clue and many people are willing to gloss over those lies to get what they themselves wish. Subtle hints such as realizing they are telling lies mean everything. Once you know you are being lied to like a cheating spouse does, then it is time to walk away from that concept to start clean.

edit on 7-11-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2021 @ 07:10 AM
Cheers JoM!

Unfortunately those are the steps I took at our last contact, before Christmas 2020. So no more to do now than stop trying to warn. Several years ago we were at the precipice of a relationship but I held back, now I know why... gut instinct is a powerful asset.

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