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Should you get the COVID-19 vaccine or not?

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posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 05:10 PM
a reply to: game over man

Yeah, my point is that it's mostly safe unless you overdose on something else. And that one woman is just an example of course. I'm not trying to convince anyone to changing their minds. Just reassure anyone who already wants to get it.

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 05:24 PM

originally posted by: kwakakev
Antibody Dependent Enchantment or pathogenic priming is a big one on the radar for long term effects. How the delta variant has taken off since the vax campaign has started is just the beginning of what will play out with these conditions. With Israel lining up for their 3rd booster shot, something has gone wacky with how these vaccinations train our immune system. With natural immunity no longer considered for those already exposed to covid, more wackyness is going on.

Booster is only considered for high risk typically really old people. How people in power want to treat it is kind of a whole nother topic.

Prion disease is also another risk factor with the long term effects of having ones body flooded with spike proteins. Estimates are about 18 months for this condition to surface.

Pretty rare so we will see as long as people don't do Kuru. 300 to 400 cases per year, so kind of easy to follow. The big question with the protein is mRNA has a very short window to produce protein and then it is done. Most is stuck at the injection site or lymph node. The virus can be producing the proteins for weeks that can pretty much go throughout your body before the immune system finally kicks in full force. Then if you get seriously sick they can still produce for weeks more as your body is in battle as the virus keeps replicating and producing more and more protein.

So how do we compare the massive level of protein the virus can make over weeks on end that have been seen in every organ including the brain to what the vaccine can do? Also with COVID it is not an if you will get it but a when, so we all are going to get the virus sooner or later, and get the mass infusion of protein that if the body was already primed then it will be much shorter period compared to starting at zero.

edit on 30-8-2021 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: GolgothaBridge

Both my wife and I got the Moderna Vaccines with no ill effect.

We did that based upon my (correct) prediction that there would be a late summer sugre. The big reason we got the vax was that we work many days a week at our church and there are many elderly that attend. We figured, better safe than sorry. Several members of our congregation who did NOT get the vax came down quite sick with the Delta variant.

Role the dice, take your chances.

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: havok

Now I'm 100% behind you on that. The government does not have the right to mandate anything going into your body, even if it's a good thing.

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 06:58 PM
For some of us, who have the Epstein Barr virus in our system dormant (it never goes away from what I've been told), Guillian-Barre' is a very serious potential side effect (10% chance; 9% higher than negative effects from CV). I had GB after a flu shot in the past and it's NO FUN being paralyzed (even temporarily) and wondering if you'll stop breathing.

As a result, I was told to never get a vaccine that had high GB risk. And again, my risk of getting that as a result of the VX is HIGHER than my risk of serious problems from CV.

Alternately, I had CV in Jan or Feb and had ZERO immediate symptoms, even though I have an autoimmune disorder, as well as the GB history. And the reason I don't know which month in which I had CV, is because I only found out I had previously had it, after I came down with a severe case of vertigo and a BAD arm rash in May. I then saw a Dermatologist and she said the rash looked like "post CV rash" so she gave me an antibody test. I had the antibodies and she said the rash usually followed the illness by 2-3 months.

I am not a typical anti-vaxxer. My kids are fully vaccinated for all childhood illnesses and I did so without even thinking twice. So I think "anti-vaxxer" for some of us is a misnomer.

However, with this VX... I have a couple of hesitations...
1) Because I already had CV with no symptoms
2) My doctor told me my chance of getting it again is less than 1%
3) My doctor advised me because of my GB history, I had a greater chance of problems from the vax than from CV (10% vs less than 1%)

WHY would I get VX'd then? (I still have the antibodies now - had a test two weeks ago when I was still debating)
When it's likely I won't get it again and if I do, my body has already proved it handles it well? On the other hand, the VX stands to cause me temporary (if I am lucky) paralysis (again)?

I do realize that is why the "medical exemption" exists but that only exists for the vx mandate.... not for all the other "vx required" things/events/etc.

Just so tired of everyone thinking you are either "fully vaxxed" OR an "anti-vaxxer." That's just NOT true.

a reply to: HawkeyeNation

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: nicevillegrl

I totally get it, if you have a health reason why you don't. My kids do not have the MMR vaccine due to a genetic flaw that I carry. Specifically the Rubella virus makes my immune system go nuts and causes system wide damage. Not that big of a deal, unless you are a small child with a devoloping brain. When they are older they will likely get it

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 09:07 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
The reality is anti-vaxxers do not want to hear about anything that doesn't support their narrative, so it is kind of a losing case there to change anyone's minds. Add in most will not have issues with the virus and they will do the "I told you so" when they get it. Those that have big issues with the virus will not be in the position to say anything.

mRNA has a 1/2 life of 8 hours, so in a day or so it is all gone. ALL protein can only last 3 weeks at best, and much shorter if your body to working to get rid of it too. With that said reactions should appear at the farthest out of a few weeks at most after all the protein is gone. So if you get blood clots, or Myocarditis you will see rather quickly within a month I would think.

So when people are like you do not know what it will do to your body in 3 years and I ask how, or what could that be if everything is out of your system within the first 1 or 2 weeks?

Its not like a long term drug use and it isn't like any of it can just float around for a long time, so what is it that people think could happen in 3 years, I have yet seen a single answer.

You started your entire post off with a falsity; therefore your entire post is BS.

Just because people are against MANDATING a covid vaccination - AN EXPERIMENTAL DRUG - does not mean they are anti-vaxxers. That is a lie. So stop saying it. I didnt even read the rest of your post because you started it off with that.
edit on 2021 by shaemac because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 09:11 PM
Here is a novel idea:

Let people decide what they want to do with their own body.
If they want to inject themselves with an experimental vaccine - let them.
If they do not want to inject themselves with an experimental vaccine - don't make them under any circumstance.

The end.

With that said....what intelligent human fully trusts the charitable organization, the CDC funded by Bill Gates et al, the FDA that approves things that already kill thousands of people, the Government, and the pharmaceutical industry that only cares about getting rich off of sick people? No intelligent person does.

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 09:21 PM
a reply to: shaemac

Trust is the issue here.

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 06:43 AM
why the hell do you call people anti vaxxers.. most people just have a problem with this vaxx and for good reason to.. not vaccines in general.

It's pretty simple... if you scared of getting covid then get the vax. And u will get covid at some point anyway

Or if you not scared get the virus and have naturally immunity

I don't need a vaxx Coz I'm natural immune which is much more superior than am artifical 6month vaccine with booster shots.

I would happily get covid every year if I need to and have natural immunity. Had colds worse than covid.

Without all the MRNA talk the none controversial info out there eis more.than enough to make a decision

It's pretty simple
If you not old or have health Conditions then what's the point of having it when you have a death rate of 2%..nobody would bet on a horse that has 2% chance of winning. Just common sense.

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 09:19 AM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
a reply to: HawkeyeNation

It would be easier to "side with science" on Covid if the "science" didn't flip-flop every time one turns around. I get it that science "evolves" but evolution is a gradual process, red doesn't become green overnight, yet these flip flops the "science" has done are literal 180-degree shifts at a whipsaw pace. I will side with common sense and common sense tells me that something they had to change the definition of "vaccine" to call a vaccine is something I neither want nor need in my body at this time.

I get that, I truly do. I can't argue against what we've seen or how you feel because I'd be in the same boat. I am very fortunate to work with people that I trust 100% in this area and trust me, I had some the same concerns regarding this vaccine and the process but they were able to answer my questions and really put me at ease. This damn virus just changes so much and there is still so much that we are learning on it that unfortunately we are flip flopping every week it seems.

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 09:21 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: HawkeyeNation

This is why you can't take VAERS seriously. It's essentially Wikipedia.

So you have to ask, why isn't there a more reliable/credible system?

Oh there is one, us peons just don't have access to it.

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: TonyS

Role the dice, take your chances.

Sorry no, that's a stupid way to make a decision when it's about health. I hope my parents never once "rolled the dice" on any medical decision about me, it should always be an informed decision.

Everything else is just reckless.

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 10:29 AM

originally posted by: shaemac

Just because people are against MANDATING a covid vaccination - AN EXPERIMENTAL DRUG - does not mean they are anti-vaxxers. That is a lie. So stop saying it. I didnt even read the rest of your post because you started it off with that.

Well nice... How about we say COVID anti-vaxxers then you reread it. The OP is about the COVID vaccine, so that is what I'm talking about in my reply. The true anti-vaxxer is a small group of people, so that really isn't what anyone is implying when we discuss the COVID vaccine.

Also mRNA isn't a drug and its been around for 30 years, so I understand your point but my post is still accurate.

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 10:42 AM

originally posted by: lSkrewloosel
why the hell do you call people anti vaxxers.. most people just have a problem with this vaxx and for good reason to.. not vaccines in general.

Just a simple way to label while not really assuming 100% anti-vaxx. Why do people say pro-vaxxer, I'm not 100% pro-vaxxer, but I accept it since we are only talking about the COVID vaccine.

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 10:50 AM

originally posted by: ThatDamnDuckAgain

Sorry no, that's a stupid way to make a decision when it's about health. I hope my parents never once "rolled the dice" on any medical decision about me, it should always be an informed decision.

Everything else is just reckless.

How is it not a dice roll either way? Do people really think they are getting the correct information not to get the vaccine, or maybe they are just feeding their confirmation biases as they pick and choose as to what to believe or not.

While those who elect to get the vaccine also accept a small level of risk with the vaccine, but maybe because of their age they see that much lower than what the virus has as risk.

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

See, I react violent to flu shots, why my doctor quit them years ago. For me it's really rolling the dice.

That's why I can't laugh about the "roll the dice" comment.

While those who elect to get the vaccine also accept a small level of risk with the vaccine, but maybe because of their age they see that much lower than what the virus has as risk.

Everyone can do that and contrary to most vaccinated people, I won't ridicule anyone for taking it. I won't talk them into remorse or anything. It's their decision. The only thing I would say is, make an informed decision. The same I expect from others.

Like JAG wrote, always able to do it, not able to undo it. Besides that, I had it very early in 2020. I did two antibody tests, one positive and one negative. This was over 15 months ago. The negative is from the doctor that KNOWS I am not vaccinated and WANTS me to be vaccinated and the positive is from a 2nd doctor that did not even ask for my vaccine state.

Who to believe now? So I am careful and wait this out. I won't roll a dice on me or my child. That's all my comment was about.

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 11:02 AM

originally posted by: nicevillegrl

Just so tired of everyone thinking you are either "fully vaxxed" OR an "anti-vaxxer." That's just NOT true.

I think everyone understands the differences just an easy way to identify the two groups with the COVID vaccine.

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 11:11 AM

originally posted by: ThatDamnDuckAgain

See, I react violent to flu shots, why my doctor quit them years ago. For me it's really rolling the dice.

That's why I can't laugh about the "roll the dice" comment.

There are serious reasons not to get the vaccine, and I hope the actual virus goes well too. I'm not sure how mRNA plays out the same of differently compared to a flu shot, but if I was relatively healthy and under 70 being in your shoes I wouldn't get the vaccine. If you are in a COVID high risk group then you got concerns every which way.

Personally I think most people really do not need the vaccine. When we hit 85%+ of the old and high risk groups vaccinated I saw that as a win to move forward with everyone else making a choice or not while not vaccinating kids no matter how safe the vaccine might be.

I do believe in natural herd immunity while seeing this virus as no joke for some high risk groups where the vaccine is really helping them.

edit on 31-8-2021 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-8-2021 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Oh according to my insurance I am high risk group. They eagerly want me to jab up, I get letters every month at least.

But the risk group I am in has never been connected to being at higher risk for COVID-19. Had lot's of surgery after an accident, on internals too, not just skin stapled together.

That's why they count me as "risk group". I had it in Spring 2020 though and for me personally it wasn't that bad. Very long healing but on day two I had no fever anymore. Just one horrible night.

Novavax (non mRNA) sounds promising and I will have a talk with my new doctor about my personal risks, how he sees them. Old one said like "jab it in and get over it" while waiving away my and my former doctors (who retired years ago) concern about my flu vaccine reactions.

It's not like I am against a covid vaccination, I am just in a risk group for heavy reactions and do not trust the claims about the mRNA ones. None of them, neither that they are absolute save, nor that they are absolut dangerous or even that they make one magnetic... well except since the metal flakes were found in Japan, but I think they would have been noticed earlier.

What I want to say: I don't think that the magnet videos are because of metal flakes, they should have been noticed way earlier if that's the case. I think it's oil or grease and not magnetic stuff inside the vaccine.

A small disclaimer..

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