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Should you get the COVID-19 vaccine or not?

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posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 03:17 PM
a reply to: RussianSpy

Where are you that everyone has had it? I know do about 10 people who have had it. Although most of them survived with varying comments as to how it was.

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 03:23 PM
a reply to: GolgothaBridge

This statement intrigues me. " Most of the people who died after taking Pfizer or Moderna vaccine died of Tylenol overdose damaging organs"

Now, could that vaccine somehow make the liver lose it's ability to survive the toxicity of tylenol? Tylenol is hard on the liver and the antidote for that is N-acetylcysteine or NAC. But if for some reason the liver does not go into passive mode or loses it's ability to detox tylenol because of the vaccine, that long forming poisoning could be accelerated and within four days it could do a lot of harm to those organs involved. It could be possible.

Do you have a source for that so I can try to figure out if there is something behind it? Ibuprophen hurts the kidneys if taken too long, Tylenol hurts the liver. so depending on what a person took, that organ would be compromized if detoxing of these meds does not occur. I tried to find some information on that but could not find anything relevant. I would like to find out what is known about this.

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 03:27 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Now I have not looked into that. That is a possibility that should be investigated. The only case I saw was a person has taken 4g of acetaminophen, which is high but not overly excessive.

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 03:41 PM

originally posted by: GolgothaBridge

For the following paragraph, keep in mind that I have an engineering degree and love doing research. From the research I’ve been able to do, around 7000 people have died. Most of the people who died after taking Pfizer or Moderna vaccine died of Tylenol overdose damaging organs.

Note that I am only talking about the Pfizer and Moderna Vaccines, and certainly not the blood clot causing Johnson and Johnson vaccine, or any of the others which have seen rare use.

Apart from that Tylonal issue, mRNA had a 10x chance of causing anaphylaxis due to a lipoid protein used to use encapsulate the mRNA payload, so I took my EpiPen. Don’t have one? That’s ok, the nurses and pharmacy techs do.

Will it overwrite your DNA? On in cells it can encounter within about 12 hours, remember it has to be stored cold or it breaks down quick, and your body is warm. Also, it’s mRNA, and produced none replicating spikes, not actual viral code.

Huge claims! Need links! On these 3 issues:

1. Tylenol overdose after taking the vaccine
2. 10 times chance to cause anaphylaxis. 10 times chance compared to what?
3. The vaccine will overwrite our DNA..What do you mean by overwrite and how is it different than the times our DNA changes on it's own all the time?

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 03:45 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6

originally posted by: HawkeyeNation

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: HawkeyeNation
I can mostly agree with you and to an extent I still believe in you do you and I'll do me. But the fact is, unvaxxed are still causing this to be a bigger problem. Not just the spreading of it but being a majority of ICU patients are indeed unvaxxed patients. This in turn has a huge effect on those that truly need ICU but can't get in due to capacity. The trickle down effect it has had on "other" health issues is very big.

*Note...I reserve the right to change my mind at any given second

We can play with the numbers, but the reality is it is most likely the unvaxxed over the age of 50 that is the biggest problem. The 100 million young do not need it and should push to herd immunity now that we at least have a vaccine for the older and higher risk, so there is no excuse today not to push the young back into schools without a mask and move on with all this.

Yea for sure. Younger and healthy, not as risky but there is still some uncertainty in what long term effects of Covid is.

Out of curiosity, why does the unknown long term effect of Covid cause concern but the equally unknown long term effect of these shots not cause concern?

For one there have been no major side effects related to vaccines in the past (I get it, debatable). Second, everything science is showing there to be no major side effects related to what is in the mRNA (again, this is debatable but I will side with science).

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 03:50 PM
a reply to: HawkeyeNation

For one there have been no major side effects related to vaccines in the past (I get it, debatable). Second, everything science is showing there to be no major side effects related to what is in the mRNA (again, this is debatable but I will side with science).

If a person dies from the vaccine and the don't have family, or their family does not report to VAERS.........does it get reported?

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 03:51 PM

originally posted by: RussianSpy
a reply to: HawkeyeNation

Oh please,

Had Covid multiple times, almost everyone I know has actually. I have a large work/friend social circle, went to concerts, the pool/lake, large events all throughout this "pandemic", only wore a mask like 3 times and guess what?

One person I knew died from Covid supposedly and want to know why I stated it that way? The man was elderly, over 600 pounds, diabetes, heart failure, etc. Every poor health choice you could imagine, who knows what the actual cause was?

I'm sure the vaccine "may" have helped him but he was living on borrowed time to begin with via poor choices.

Half the people I know have had the shot and I am doing better than them, for instance a close family friend took the Pfizer shots and has been sick off and on all year and looks like walking death, she used to be one of the most vibrant and healthy people I know. Now she looks 10 years older, weak, and sickly.

Another guy in my church got the shot and actually was hospitalized for Covid during the same timeframe.

And then you have people like me who actually eat healthy and exercise over here not caring, not getting sick, and enjoying life.

Have only been sick once in two years, if Covid is so deadly to you improve your own health, If people are so afraid of a weak virus that's their own fault, I'm not in charge of anyone's health but mine, my wife, and kids.

That's my line in the sand anyways, if people have bad immune systems due to whatever reason take the experimental tech into your body.

I'll stick with the more natural stuff called a healthy diet and sunlight over what the top 1% keep propogating to everyone via talking heads on the MSM.

Well thats good to know that your experience is different. I've known several people die from Covid that I personally knew, one was 44 yo but in not the greatest health overall. The others were considered older (over 60). My wife has a co-worker in her early 30's, her intestines were paralyzed from contracting Covid.

On top of this, working in Healthcare I get the unfortunate reality behind Covid. So take it for what its worth but I'm telling you, your reality would likely change if you knew the extent.

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 03:54 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: HawkeyeNation

For one there have been no major side effects related to vaccines in the past (I get it, debatable). Second, everything science is showing there to be no major side effects related to what is in the mRNA (again, this is debatable but I will side with science).

If a person dies from the vaccine and the don't have family, or their family does not report to VAERS.........does it get reported?

I can't answer that...perhaps there is one big cover up but something tells me, we have given over 5 billion shots, and I don't see any mass causalities, do you?

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 03:56 PM
a reply to: game over man

Fair enough. Still, it's safe.

One case study done on a woman who died after the vaccine:


As for interacting with your cells and DNA:
edit on 30.8.2021 by GolgothaBridge because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 03:58 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: HawkeyeNation

For one there have been no major side effects related to vaccines in the past (I get it, debatable). Second, everything science is showing there to be no major side effects related to what is in the mRNA (again, this is debatable but I will side with science).

If a person dies from the vaccine and the don't have family, or their family does not report to VAERS.........does it get reported?

Anyone can, I can do it right now, and it would be complete fiction

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 03:59 PM

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: HawkeyeNation

For one there have been no major side effects related to vaccines in the past (I get it, debatable). Second, everything science is showing there to be no major side effects related to what is in the mRNA (again, this is debatable but I will side with science).

If a person dies from the vaccine and the don't have family, or their family does not report to VAERS.........does it get reported?

Anyone can, I can do it right now, and it would be complete fiction

This is why you can't take VAERS seriously. It's essentially Wikipedia.

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 04:08 PM
a reply to: HawkeyeNation

This is why you can't take VAERS seriously. It's essentially Wikipedia.

So you have to ask, why isn't there a more reliable/credible system?

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 04:14 PM

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 04:21 PM
a reply to: GolgothaBridge
The simple answer is no, if the had a cure for the cold would you want your body not to go through the seasonal changes that ready you for temperature change.

Imagine that the cold kills the aliens in war of the world's

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 04:21 PM

originally posted by: GolgothaBridge
a reply to: game over man

Fair enough. Still, it's safe.

One case study done on a woman who died after the vaccine:


As for interacting with your cells and DNA:

One woman is you example? That Dr is pro mask and pro vaxx fyi...

Ok 10x greater than Flu shots but that link describes in detail that is no way close to being any type of thing to worry about.

The last link doesn't mention the word covid or any of the three vaccines, still chalk full of information. I want to know what the vaccine will do to our DNA in laments terms. It's been said so many times I'm sure someone can explain it in their own words in a short paragraph.

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 04:25 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

so what is it that people think could happen in 3 years, I have yet seen a single answer.

Antibody Dependent Enchantment or pathogenic priming is a big one on the radar for long term effects. How the delta variant has taken off since the vax campaign has started is just the beginning of what will play out with these conditions. With Israel lining up for their 3rd booster shot, something has gone wacky with how these vaccinations train our immune system. With natural immunity no longer considered for those already exposed to covid, more wackyness is going on.

Prion disease is also another risk factor with the long term effects of having ones body flooded with spike proteins. Estimates are about 18 months for this condition to surface.

As for what exactly will happen long term, I don't know, we will just have to wait to see what happens. For now I will take my chances with early treatments like HCQ and Ivermectin.

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: HawkeyeNation

It would be easier to "side with science" on Covid if the "science" didn't flip-flop every time one turns around. I get it that science "evolves" but evolution is a gradual process, red doesn't become green overnight, yet these flip flops the "science" has done are literal 180-degree shifts at a whipsaw pace. I will side with common sense and common sense tells me that something they had to change the definition of "vaccine" to call a vaccine is something I neither want nor need in my body at this time.

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 04:39 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Luckily people admitted within 2 weeks are considered unvaccinated eh? Probably wouldn't take much to test positive in the hospital with a hampered immune system. Not saying that IS what we are seeing, but with how all the other data has been manipulated to this point, I consider it a potential.
edit on 8/30/2021 by TheLead because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 04:43 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

Our lead medical professionals have acted like they have never encountered a respiratory virus before this, and seem to keep reverting back to that when the government needs some fear porn. I'm not saying it's on purpose, but it sure as hell isn't a coincidence.

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 05:01 PM
It's not the vaccines I have a huge problem with...

It's the mandates, the new digital identification being pushed, the clear and present threats to liberties, and a host of other control grabs that are being implemented along with them.

If the vaccine was the only answer...then why do all the other things need to happen? Why are they pushing for a "passport" among other things? ID2020?

Those are the things that bother me more.

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