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Smokers and covid Question

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posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 08:34 AM
I smoke alot but not tobacco...Haven't been sick in decades.

Non vaxxed

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 09:39 AM
A good thread, and informative.

Last year at the early stages of the plandemic, I remember hearing Judy Mikovits being interviewed.

She claimed that some evidence was showing that smokers did better than non-smokers once infected. Comments on this thread seem to support what she said.

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 10:09 AM
I caught rona yesterday after over a year of no rona. I smoke quite a bit... pretty sure it has no effect on stopping the rona.

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 10:10 AM
I was a smoker when the plandemic started. Had been for about a decade. Half a pack a day for the duration, until the last year I bumped it to a full pack.

Started weaning myself off of them last December, with the use of vapes. Currently, I’ve gone 3 months without a single cigarette — and have no desire. I use the lowest nicotine vape juice you can buy. Chronic Coughing is virtually gone. Hacking up a lung every morning is a thing of the past. And everyone around me loves the smell of my vape juice (strawberry kiwi or watermelon lime).

I haven’t been sick in any form since 2014. Hmmmm, what a coincidence, that was the last year I was with my blood-sucking ex. I Bucked mask usage anytime I could. And work in an industry that put me in front of thousands of people per month - just coming off of airplanes, from you name it.

If Covid doesn’t hang around long enough, plan on the FDA banning cigarettes as well. Just like they are trying to do with NAC - BASTARDS!

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 10:22 AM
You know, I've heard this theory before Covid (I think). My wife is a social smoker, which means she only smokes if she is having a drink or something. So it's not very often. I use chewing tobacco occasionally (generally 1 dip a day). Both of us are in average health and we do get sick from time to time but nothing terrible. 1 exception was Jan/Feb of 2020 before all this Covid # we got really sick for about 2 weeks (chest cold, viral).

But what I will tell you is you should be very cautious and very careful because if you do catch Covid, it could be a very rough ride. Not to alarm you but bring awareness, I've heard of many of our ICU patients who are/were smokers. There lungs are extremely weak to begin with and you catch Covid and it can be game over. 1 friend died, heavy smoker, poor health. 1 friend, smoker, average health, he was ok but at Covid peak he thought he was going to need to go to the hospital because he could not breathe.

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 10:26 AM
i smoke daily, mostly 'herbal' cigs, have done for over 30 years. not had a cold or flu since i was hit by (and recovered from) a really terrible flu in winter 1998.

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 11:01 AM

originally posted by: starviego
The sad thing is, even in the face of this new evidence, most of the sheeple will still lack the will to start smoking.

perhaps if we made it mandatory?

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 11:15 AM
This is anecdotal but my last cigarette was February 8, 2020 and the whole world soon went into lockdown. I did not get Covid. I was about a pack a day smoker. Some friends that were former smokers that had quit years beforehand did get it.

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 11:26 AM

originally posted by: sciencelol
I am a long time smoker and I hardly ever get sick from a cold or flu.

As a matter of fact the last two times I got really sick Was during the 2 years I quit smoking.

So my question is for other smokers.

Has any of you caught covid and if you did did you get sick ?

I am unvaxed and never wear a mask and have not had so much as a sniffle this whole pandemic but I tested positive for antibodies.

Heavy smoker here. Like others in this thread, I remember the early reports from China that said they’d studied those who’d come down with COVID; the reports said only 17% (!) of middle aged men who smoked caught COVID, as compared to much higher rates in all other cohorts.

I haven’t been tested, don’t wear a mask if I can get away with it. Felt tired and fuzzy headed for a week back in May or June last year, with a low grade fever. Fine ever since

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 11:27 AM
You could just make a law that says you can't go into a shop or restaurant or go on an airplane are smoking.

I suspect this could be a plot by the tobacco companies to boost profits after they dropped when everyone started vaping ....

a reply to: network dude

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 12:09 PM
I read the same explanation in a study done after Sars outbreak, this one is from 2020

How nicotine can inhibit cytokine storm in the lungs and prevent or lessen the severity of COVID-19 infection?

and this
Cytokine Release Syndrome (CRS) and Nicotine in COVID-19 Patients: Trying to Calm the Storm

many more studies to find if you google, all are hinting that smoking does prevent cytokine storm so that smokers become less ill when they get Covid
edit on 20-8-2021 by KindraLabelle2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 03:33 PM
Smoked 30 years until October 2017 when I quit.
BUT I instantly went to vaping and I vape daily - quit a bit - with nicotine.
The first year after I quit smoking, I got sick with a bad cold or flu several times.
Since then... nada.
Found out in April of this year (because of antibody test I was given due to a rash on my arms that doc said looked like "a rash that some get after CV") that I had CV antibodies, but don't really recall having the illness.
Although, I did have mild cold symptoms for about a week in Feb - which would have been about right, since doc said the rash follows the virus by about 2-3 months.
Husband has worked every day during CV and has not gotten it. He also vapes pretty heavily.
Oldest son in mid 20's uses nicotine pouches and worked every day during CV and has not gotten it.
Youngest is a FT background actor and has been on set since they resumed filming. He is in early 20's and vapes. He has not gotten CV.
Just adding my info to the data... :-)

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 10:57 PM
a reply to: sciencelol

I smoke about a half pack a day, I haven’t been sick sick
For quite some time. A coworker on another shift did get COVID and they also smoke. They said the their worse day was like a small cold.

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 11:32 PM
I am not a smoker, but know plenty of them. They are always sick because their lungs are so F'd up. And most of them have had covid too - but recovered just like they recovery from the flu. Down a bunch of Nyquil, sleep it off and back on their feet.

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 11:40 PM

originally posted by: shaemac
I am not a smoker, but know plenty of them. They are always sick because their lungs are so F'd up. And most of them have had covid too - but recovered just like they recovery from the flu. Down a bunch of Nyquil, sleep it off and back on their feet.

Maybe that's the difference? Nicotine in the body keeps brain cells alive?

posted on Aug, 21 2021 @ 09:11 AM
Last year in France they issued nicotine patches to the nurses in hospitals

posted on Aug, 21 2021 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: sciencelol

no covid here. supplemented with walmart lysol

posted on Aug, 21 2021 @ 02:18 PM
I tested positive 2 days ago.
Smoke, 50+, No Vax.
So far a headache and blocked sinuses. Also a bit of muscle ache.
Had a cold 1+ week ago. Son went to Boardmasters and came back with the vid.
He'd had 1 jab and the missus has had 2 and she's showing no symptoms so far.

posted on Aug, 21 2021 @ 03:04 PM
Thank you for changing my mind to quit smoking..👍

posted on Aug, 21 2021 @ 09:15 PM
Im a heavy smoker, unvaccinated, hate wearing masks, been homeless the whole pandemic, worked kn ghe service industry the whole pandemic, been all over the US during and every place i go to seems to get hit hard eith covid soon as i get there and have dodged covid the whole time. I can say im def in the 1% that quarentined less ghen anyone and exposed myself the most and still do and i havent so much as had a cold or anything the whole time. Im 42 so im not young anymore. I wish i knew why someone like me avoids it while ppl vaccinated and taking all percossions still get it.

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