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Vaccination or Prison This is getting scary!

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posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 07:27 AM
a reply to: everyone

I didn't say forced, but they certainly are coerced and made to feel like they can't say no without facing SERIOUS consequences within the prison system.

I don't have a link for it, but if you can, look up the 1993 prison riot that stemmed from Muslim prisoners fearing forced tb vaccines. Very intense.

Recently, you have Mississippi prisons boasting a 99% vaccination rate at one point... Link

Make sure you read what the prison says they did to get such a high rate of vaccination, then compare that to the memo that was circulated to inmates. Pretty sketchy and seems forceful to me.

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 09:22 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm
I'm sure someone has already mentioned it, but you lose rights when arrested.
Something to watch out for is the pedo trap they're setting. It was put into the NDAA that it is now the responsibility of the person to know what is on their computers and devices, not necessarily the website's. This means that when one of their sites post underage material, the user can be targeted. They will be purposely putting the material out, and it may be mixed in with an innocent search. However, its now on your device and you are responsible.
This is why Apple is putting child porn search algorithms in their OS. They will search user devices for known instances of the material, and they know what they are because they are the ones putting on the net (as a trap). Its a total set up. Many innocent people will get reported, and the oppressive authorities will have full access to search homes, confiscate digital devices, and/or arrest targeted people. This means weapon confiscations and forced vaccinations at will, because they will simply slide in child material on pages unrelated to kids or teens. Then the trap is sprung.
In similar fashion, they also put special whistleblower protections for bankers in the NDAA. This means that their crooks will get away with everything they've done to the people, and it tells us that they will be purposely crashing the banks at some point. Another total set up and more liability immunity for themselves.

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 09:59 AM
If you are arrested you always maintain your rights. You may be restricted from certain things, like owning a firearm, but you still have due process, etc.

This is severe posturing by a judge who is imposing personal beliefs on someone he is sentencing.

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 11:57 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

It *is* illegal.

They cannot even provide informed consent.

On top of that the victim has other rights:

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 12:53 AM
I dare these people to try it with me. See what happens.
I'll set an example that can't be ignored.

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