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What are Your C19 Theories

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posted on Sep, 19 2021 @ 11:40 PM
These are not my beliefs.
Just ideas, just for fun :

Perhaps what they want is a world full of dummies, to pay tribute to them ?
( Have heard that the Spanish wanted this of the Mayans, but had to kill them instead. Don't know. )

Or :

They received permission near the beginning of the ' Jibber-Jabber™ ' rollouts, to 'tweak' the recipes of the jabs.
So possible many different versions of the ' Jibber-Jabber™ ', all cataloged and followed, like the experiment ?

What if they are really looking for the mRNA tech to provide them with unharmful life-extension for them ?
Wouldn't they have to try it out on guinea-pigs first ?
Then after : the good formula is just for them, and the ' Worthless-Eaters™ ' get the shaft ?

posted on Sep, 20 2021 @ 10:26 AM
What if this is some Bruce Willis type #?

What If Fukushima really is a E.L.E?

What if they knew one of those cores was about to hit the World Water Aquifer supply and the Earth has less then 200 years before it becomes sterilized?

Now with that being said... And since they claim to not have to tech to be able to travel vast distances in space to find a new "Home"..

What if this "vaccine" was really some way to get our body's to interface with whatever tech they have to keep us alive longer in space?

What if the people who have no bad reactions to the "vaccine" are the results they're looking for?

Who knows?

edit on 20-9-2021 by Zeraleis because: missed a S

posted on Sep, 20 2021 @ 10:41 AM
Funded by the US as a possible biological weapon under the guise of researching pandemics.

Released by US scientist to see the effects and to try to damage china socially and economically.

They were just too stupid to realise how quickly it would reach around the world.

posted on Sep, 20 2021 @ 11:00 AM
CoVid wasn't a lab leak. It was intentionally developed to do exactly what it is doing.

TPTB needed something, a tool so to speak, that would make society willing to do what they want them to do. They needed something that would make society WANT government intervention, in the form of help and safety.

TPTB knows that they cannot achieve their goals by sheer force so they needed to convince society that they were the saviors.

Enter CoVid19. Fear will make people accept things that they never imagined they would accept and it's always better to appear to be helpful when you want people to bow to your will.

CoVid has been pretty successful at just that. It was planned and is being used to turn the entire planet into a test tube for pharmaceutical companies to experiment on 7 billion lab rats and usher in complete control.

posted on Sep, 20 2021 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: Edumakated

Humans are aliens and Tom Cruises movie War of the world's is happening right now
Covid is the tool that will exterminate the aliens by making there body's so weak that the common cold kills them, they will escape karmic repurcussions because silly humans will willfully march to their death like lemmings

And its all there in..... Numerology

posted on Sep, 20 2021 @ 11:55 AM
Fauci funded its creation and manipulation.
a reply to: Edumakated

posted on Nov, 15 2021 @ 07:29 PM

originally posted by: teapot

originally posted by: Khurzon
.reduce all this stupid spending of our tax dollars...

67cents in the American tax dollar goes to the war machine - politicians, military and their gun running buddies all got a finger in that pie.

Sounds like some folks need to lose some Fingers!!!

posted on Nov, 15 2021 @ 08:32 PM
My theory...

Its a pandemic, like pandemics before it... some people suffer, some people profit, but the majority do there best both politicians, civilians and scientists alike to get through it and end it.

Unfortunately as with all other pandemics in history, but far far more so now days thanks to the internet and teh desire to belong to a group, any group, the crap gets spread around and stories ferment, theories and ideas reach into the limits of insanity, the opportunistic take advantage of the guilable and everyone blames everyone else as being the other.

Meanwhile the pandemic rages on since nature cares not... thankfully, unlike other pandemics we at least understand em now, and we can reduce the toll they extract and the large middle ground do what needs to be done... unfortunatly, the more advanced we become as a species the greater push back from and more reluctant the up take gets from the fringes at both ends, it must be some odd wiring in portions of the human psyche. Maybe some of us humans enjoy being the caveman, locked in their small family unit grunting at the hostile dark beyond the light of the campfire.

posted on Nov, 15 2021 @ 11:06 PM
I believe it was released by CCP from Wuhan lab to infect the world and lay the blame on Trump for so many American deaths and therefore make Trump lose election, as well as put down Hong Kong protest, which they were not able to do without shooting protestors like they did in 1989 due to internet.

posted on Nov, 15 2021 @ 11:12 PM
C19 theory

there is a 4th Reich subcuture ruled by a core group of 10 Nazi Occult Elites... who focus on the Eugenics program of culling the human population, (among their projects)

persons like Gates, Turner, Fauci, even Soros are willing 'Independent Contractors' to the core cult-of-ten-Elite 4th Reich/nazi occultists...

globalists are one of several Factions of this secretive dark Empire
Nuremberg-Furth is a vortex place to soon be Re-Charged with Dark Energies as the Meta-Empire reveals itself on the world stage

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