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What are Your C19 Theories

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posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 01:02 PM
Lab created is Occam's with supporting evidence.

But my further theory is it was released accidentally on purpose for plausible deniability.

The timing is highly suspect in that the CCP took some big hits with sanctions etc and were very ticked about it. 'Rona has been rather fortuitous for them in that regard.

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 01:03 PM

originally posted by: Edumakated
The CDC has been over stating kids Covid hospitalizations in Florida and Texas. Seems awfully coincidental given the admin has been going after the GA and texas governors.

And the push for children to all be vaccinated, including the incredible move to let 12 old's come in without a parent and get it!

The bible says, funny how so many of our everyday language comes from scripture and yet many don't even realize it.
Mark 3:25, Jesus states, "And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand."

So what do we see?

Families have been divided

School officials divided from parents and students

Political parties divided

Races divided

Small business owners and workers divided

Those with faith in God and those not divided.

Those who want to give up freedom for safety divided from those who do not


posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: Edumakated

Hmm.. Im genuinely curious what you think would be a better way to go about world dominance than what is happening, and has been happening for years. They have been pretty open about all of it, it is just couched in DoublePlusGood language.

I think covid, which to be clear is not the virus, is a catch-all term for the concerning rise in auto-immune diseases over the past decades. This has been precipitated from a confluence of several factors and major industries which may, or may not, have been intentional. But, it does provide an easy weapon for an information war. Basically the first true battle of a global modern conflict, more along the lines of 4th/5th gen warfare. The very concepts of that type of conflict are entirely foreign to most.

The virus may or may not have been leaked from a lab, may or may not have been designed intentionally, may or may not have been released intentionally. Novel viruses pop up all the time, so I suspect it just provided an easy opportunity and intentionality is largely irrelevant. Very, very few (even those that dissent) are willing to look at actual data trails and integrity. This makes for very effective information weapons.

The context of modern technology and communication changes the shape of the situation in ways that people still dont even begin to comprehend. However, the same basic principles and foundations that we have seen throughout history are still in play. In that, the next major step would be to provoke a violent response from certain segments of the population in order to really clamp down and start taking the gloves off. SSDD, including the normalcy bias and notion of "that would never happen!"

Overall, we will see a general trend of moving towards corporate robotics and automation. However, these will first enter the picture as means of enforcement (police, military, etc) and likely under the auspices of being a "safe way to keep us all safe from the dangerous Virus and Heretics, so we are all safe." As people quit their jobs in several sectors, like the transportation of goods, it will allow for a controlled collapse of supply lines. Automated vehicles will come in to "save the day," and much like any emergency situation including the covid jabs, most will quickly overlook any criticisms that would have traditionally been levied (like pedestrian safety, etc.). Further, such criticisms will be akin to heresy and subject to severe social backlash like calls of bigotry, [x]phobia, and "wanting people to die."

Best course, even if all that is completely inaccurate, is to adopt novel, self-sufficent automation tech in a decentralized manner to achieve food, manufacturingblahblahblah

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 01:07 PM
It depends if you are talking about the entire world all coming together for a common cause.

That's something that I find somewhat unlikely, some maybe even most nations all coming together for a hugely complex plan that could fall if only one individual blew the whole gaff? You'd be relying on the US, all the African nations, China, north Korea, Russia etc all of a sudden playing the same game and not one of them spilling the beans? That's a big stretch of imagination right there.

If your looking at less complicated way to do this then why not a fake world war or an actually deadly virus?

a reply to: asabuvsobelow

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 01:08 PM

originally posted by: Edumakated
a reply to: WillNotComply

So c19 doesn't actually exist... it is just a psychological operation.

I've wondered that too... a fictional creation, but to what end? Why?

Initially, I thought it was being done to get Trump out of office and figured once he lost, we'd mysteriously be back to normal. However, that doesn't seem to be the case.

I’m pretty sure C-19 is real. But the real threat is the vax.
I was a huge Trump supporter. Now I’m not sure. Warp speed was insane. Fauci is the new Hitler.
I don’t know why so many can’t see what’s in front of their faces. The same people who ranted about Russia and adored avenatti and crooned for Cuomo are the same people demanding I inject myself or their injection won’t work.
And they think they’re the smart ones
edit on 13-8-2021 by WillNotComply because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-8-2021 by WillNotComply because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: Edumakated

“I think c19 was released from a lab.”

Yes, and years ago. I’m not buying the timeline.

The time was finally right for them to ‘use’ the virus to their benefit.

Why else do you think the common cold and flu have been virtually eradicated?

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 01:14 PM
I believe in a nefarious plot to use a modified virus to eliminate part of the population before a cataclysmic event.
By using fear of a deadly virus, enough will rush out to get vaccines which is in itself the real health threat. Bill Gates himself said..."If you want to see the side affects of a vaccine, wait two years."
This psychopath has his hand in every cookie jar at this elite dessert buffet. He sold them all on a promise to deliver optimal returns on whatever they invested, while promising a lesser population of useless eaters .
I don't care how crazy it sounds anymore. I truly believe, they are milking society for everything they can before everyone starts to drop like flies and they are all left kings of the castles once the planet decides to give us all a good shake.
Why else are they restricting movement? Planning food shortages? Injecting you with something to make you sick or dead within 2 years?

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: Edumakated

“Initially, I thought it was being done to get Trump out of office and figured once he lost, we'd mysteriously be back to normal. However, that doesn't seem to be the case.”

The experiment worked with exponential results. Why backtrack on totalitarian progress.

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 01:18 PM
a reply to: Edumakated

- Scientist cock up
Or the more fun version
- Fauci and co was so caught up in being relevant at their job that they created the pandemic to being able to confirm that their theories were right.... sort of like a fire fighter setting a fire or a mother freakishly screaming at their kid climbing a tree, making the kids lose focus and fall, proving the mother right that kids fall from climbing.

- We will eventually have ADE, which is convinient for both people like Fauci and the big Pharma comps.

- We will have heavier segregation betweem vax and anti vax.

- We will have forced real time passports that track our movement and vaccination status. (Go search for Snowmed)

- After which pandemics will be occuring more often.

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 01:26 PM
I keep getting this vision in my mind of the guy in the gas mask stabbing the dove with a sword in the Denver Airport murals.

This is a plan centuries in the making..

edit on 13-8-2021 by GoShredAK because: spelling

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: Edumakated

All the people pushing the jab are uber rich.
All the people pushing the jab at the uber rich level promote sterilization and culling for population reduction
All the people pushing the jab at the uber rich level support totalitarian control
All the people pushing the jab at the uber rich level have been involved, were involved or support eugenics
All the people pushing the jab at the uber rich level and some on lower tiers are directly involved with the WEF

The jab is not properly tested, straight to human trials after the ferrets, mice and monkeys died
The jab uses untested mRNA and rDNA tech that Bill Gates thinks is cool because it's like hacking live software, even though he's never written any software and we know his company's history on virus protection lol
The people involved in the roll-out of the jab have NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER
The people involved in the jab are under criminal and crimes against humanity investigations
The companies involved in the jab roll-out, like Pfizer, have paid up to 2.3 billion in fines from criminal wrongdoing and scientific fraud
When you make a company that makes a jab that literally means "weapon (that) kills them" or AstraZeneca, you should give your head a shake
When a company involved, ModeRNA, has never made a vaccine in its history, there's a problem
When thousands of doctors, nurses, politicians and others "in the know" are refusing the jab, you know there's a problem
When information is being censored constantly by companies controlled by the uber rich to support their agenda/program, you know there's a problem

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that you're being dry-f**ked now and it's going to get worse as time progresses.

Cheers - Dave
edit on 8/13.2021 by bobs_uruncle because: missed a word

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 01:34 PM

originally posted by: GoShredAK
I keep getting this vision in my mind or the guy in the gas mask stapping the dove with a sword in the Denver Airport murals.

This is a plan centuries in the making..

Life imitates art. Not the other way around. People have grown up watching movies about this and listening to music about this. Now those same people are in control.

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 01:42 PM
Great reset man.

The financial system is collapsing. Bankers and NWO elite heads want a brand new system. But they know people won't like this sytem, so they need the people to BEG for it.

What better way to do so than make a fake virus and get everyone vaxxed up so they can then later on attach that to social credit, banking, etc etc etc? Whoever survives the vax anyway...

I think the next step is a lot of people die/get sick in the fall and winter. They will say there is a new variant that is resistant to the vaccines, and it's all because of the stupid unvaccinated people.

Then there will be even more division, more hate, and it will allow them to get their precious passports implemented all over the place. After that happens, I really don't know what happens next, but that's my theory

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 01:57 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific
It depends if you are talking about the entire world all coming together for a common cause.

That's something that I find somewhat unlikely, some maybe even most nations all coming together for a hugely complex plan that could fall if only one individual blew the whole gaff? You'd be relying on the US, all the African nations, China, north Korea, Russia etc all of a sudden playing the same game and not one of them spilling the beans? That's a big stretch of imagination right there.

If your looking at less complicated way to do this then why not a fake world war or an actually deadly virus?

a reply to: asabuvsobelow

They already all have come together and work lock stop together, to prop up the debt ridden sham of the global economy and they have been keeping that crumbling jalopy on the road for a long time. If even a couple of the major nations faltered and pulled out of the dollar and it's debt the global house of cards would come crashing down.

Now the majority of them are moving together lock step in the covid response, in laws and public policies. The UN couldn't even have passed a uniform law like vaccine passes. The nations would balk at the overreach, yet they all scramble together on the road to hell.

The virus is also real and comes from a lab and magically all these pandemic other plans came out of the wings already ready and the whole world started coming together as it never has before, when it appeared.

edit on 13-8-2021 by themessengernevermatters because: addition

edit on 13-8-2021 by themessengernevermatters because: correction

edit on 13-8-2021 by themessengernevermatters because: correction

edit on 13-8-2021 by themessengernevermatters because: correction

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 02:10 PM
Pretty simple. The world powers that be, figured out that the best way to create a reset is with the guise of "public health hazards". There ain't no way any of this was an accident or a just by chance lab blunder.

"The mark" is on it's way. Whatever it is, you won't be able to function in public society without it
edit on 13-8-2021 by shasta9600 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 02:10 PM
The NIH financed the China research to avoid breaking laws here in the US.
They did the same thing with AIDS. They set up a research lab in Africa years ago to explore military biological agents research where they developed AIDS and it escaped their lab there just like Covid-19 did in Wuhan, China.

a reply to: Edumakated

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 02:48 PM
This movie is an hour long and I think it is dead on.
Have a watch if you have time.
I don't have any reason to believe covid is anything more than the flu.
Look at the entire basis to it's existence. Fake pcr tests that test positive with the flu...and on goats, fruits and coca cola.
Scientism based control scheme pushed by the same globalists that pushed the global warming hoax.

Watch this if you want thoroughly creeped out.

vid link

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 03:16 PM
a reply to: Edumakated

I think an asteroid is coming and it's going to be an extinction level event.

There's no way to fit everyone into the bunkers or underground facilities let alone enough food and water to support that. They know if people are paying attention they will notice when the elite scurry away into said safe havens. Covid is real and it kills people, that's a very big distraction for almost everyone.

The vaccine is about money. That's it. I don't think it's to reduce population or outright kill people.

The travel passports will happen. I would wager a guess they will even be to the state level. Once they are in place they will be suspended from time to time. You are locked into your state. This will be a common occurance and soon enough it will be the new normal. They can't have people moving about the country when this all goes down.

You asked for a theory on C19, here's a crazy one

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 03:42 PM

originally posted by: CharlesT
They did the same thing with AIDS. They set up a research lab in Africa years ago to explore military biological agents research where they developed AIDS and it escaped their lab there just like Covid-19 did in Wuhan, China.

a reply to: Edumakated

Wooter Basson link, I knew him from a couple of meetings. I worked for the SADF/Armscor/Denel/Atlas/QMG and Counterintelligence in charge of developing National Security Infrastructure and Special Weapons Programs. He had labs at Wits, CSIR/WNNR and another two "away" from easily monitored action. If you want to find the source, look there.

Cheers - Dave
edit on 8/13.2021 by bobs_uruncle because: forgot Atlas Aircraft in Pretoria

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 03:48 PM
Nothing too crazy.

I do beleive that it was accidently leaked for that lab and the Chinese have covred it up.

I hope in time a full investigation will onday be able to tells us catagorically where it came from though right now am saying lab leak.

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