posted on Aug, 14 2021 @ 03:21 PM
I am a pastor with my wife at a Church of Prophecy. In Early May late
June of 2019 the Angel listed in Ezekiel as "The Angel With the Golden
Breastplate" came with a prediction for all people on the Earth. The Angelic told us that starting in mid Jan 2020 a plague in the form of a man made
virus would erupt simultaneously with a volcanic eruption that would carry it through the jet streams sickening people around the world in a very
short time. A very large volcano did erupt on Jan 12 in the Philippines the day the Covid-virus was announced. The Virus was picked up be the
volcanic ash which cools very quickly and carried into the very highest of the atmosphere. As it fell it was picked up by the different jet streams
and carried around the world in short time. Faster than it could have by touch or breathing on someone. The start of the central south American
outbreak coincided with a volcanic eruption in Hawaii I believe April/May 2020 that sent plumes above flying lanes and the jet streams are
Central/South America, which began the large outbreaks there.
The Angelic predicted it would expand into at least two mutations, then would come a new infection The Angel called a Variant but very different than
the first two. The Angelic said the Variant could be transmitted between Humans and Animals.
The predicted it would be much more deadly, and any shots would contain what one might call "the mark of the Beast" as it would contain Animal DNA
that would attach to human DNA/RNA and would be crystalline in nature subject to projecting frequencies, like a prion that causes mad cow disease.
Cattle do not show symptoms of mad cow for 24 months, they are slaughtered between 18 mo and 22 monrths. Once the variant shot was taken it would seek
to lower the consciousness of the one taking it. (more animalistic)
The Angelic said that GOD did not cause this issue, though He/She may have allowed it.. If All should bend the knee, share the blessings GOD has
bestowed upon us with those less fortunate, always giving GOD the glory it could be avoided. The Angelic also predicted the locust outbreak in Africa,
and is now predicting a Sun flash brighter than has been seen in this system of time (13,000 years). The heaviest of predictions are to be seen
starting in Sept 2021 thru 2022 unless each nation turns back to the law of GOD. There are at present two systems, GODs and Materialism. To receive
GODs blessings form the purpose of sharing them creates a greater space for GOD to fill within you. To seek materialism to fatten your bank account
creates a frequency of lack that worships the GOD of the dollar, (in god we trust) which god?
Coming soon the prediction of a possible temporary 45 degree shift in the planet, first one way, then a rebound. We have done over 10,000 predictions
since 1994, without one complaint. We have had our own Radio Show broadcasting into five states, our own TV Show, interviewed the Dalai Llama in
person, and are trustees/Ministers of a 10,000 sq ft church.
edit on 14-8-2021 by Tllcchurch because: added an extra 1 to 24 months