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What are Your C19 Theories

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posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 08:48 PM
This is my theory and I still think it's the most plausible theory to date.

Ask yourself this simple question.
Which country has benefited the most from COVID-19?

Is COVId-19 an act of war?

posted on Aug, 14 2021 @ 03:14 AM

originally posted by: hardenuupete
This is my theory and I still think it's the most plausible theory to date.

Ask yourself this simple question.
Which country has benefited the most from COVID-19?

Is COVId-19 an act of war?

Point #3 of the timeline says they (China) isolated the virus, i didn't think that had been done yet? 🤔
It didn't specifically say c19, but it didn't specify any different afterwards either.

posted on Aug, 14 2021 @ 09:54 AM
Trying to figure out the next scenarios:
a) Autumn Mandates- HUGE Exodus of employees refusing jab. AI take over of jobs
b) Deaths by double vauxxinated due to variants then blamed on Unvauxxinated.
c) Herding all UnVax into FEMA Shielding Camps
d) Internet Shutdown - No running water/Food Shortages - No communication
e) People killing each other for resources
f) Internet back up but “Scrubbed” CRC-style
g) Implementation of Digital Currency and UBI
h) Social Scoring, Surveillance everywhere, 1984 Reality

Just not sure if “C” would occur before “D”.

What else am I missing?

posted on Aug, 14 2021 @ 10:15 AM
C19 exists. I cant tolerate people who say it doesn't. It exists just like thousands of other viruses. And just like all the others, it is more lethal to some than others. Governments claim it started in bats. Others claim it is engineered. I say the two are not mutually exclusive. It originated in bats, and has been engineered several times for nefarious reasons.

We are handed a vaccine that was pushed through the system far too quickly. There is nothing that even remotely resembles a long term health risk study. The vaccine is clearly ineffective as large percentages of fully vaccinated people are testing positive for c19. Some people say the effects of c19 are not as severe in fully vaccinated people and they will likely require additional booster shots. There is the monkey in the wrench.

Someone is going to make a sh!tload of money off of this. We are given a vaccine that doesn't prevent infection, but keeps us alive to get more shots in the future. We are told to wear masks that we know do not prevent infection. We are allowed to go to big box stores with thousands of other people every day but not to the mom and pop shops with a few dozen people a day. That seems counterproductive if the goal is to stop the virus spreading. Yet, that is what we are being told to do.

Everything about this seems to point to keeping us infected but alive to get more booster shots. And under a heavy handed control the entire time. Its just too convenient. This seems far too scripted and timed too well. Think about it. On Monday morning the news talks about a new strain of virus. By Monday night the news is splattered with experts talking about the new strain in depth as if they have studied it for years. Some shill sits there on the news talking about the risk, the potential, the response, the cure, the cost, etc, And at the very end a quick, "Of course this is all hypothetical..." In other words, "I have no idea what I am talking about. My job is to make you think we are on top of this."

Real life doesn't work that way.
edit on 14-8-2021 by Vroomfondel because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2021 @ 10:34 AM
I don't see it as being an intenional leak as it there are far more potent and effective bioweapons like weaponised GM smallpox and plague.

It does seem a strange virus in terms of symptoms - I'm open to the idea it was an accidental leak as there's beem hundreds of cases of lab workers accidentally injecting themselves with the agents. There's a link to a recent US case here but be warned it has images of her thumb rotting - she survived an d her thumb fully healed buyt it took a year or two: Lab worker accidentally injects self with Smallpox - WARNING quite graphic images of her thumb:

There's a good write up of a Smallpox outbreak in Bimingham UK after a photographer visitng the lab somehow got infected with it: The lonely death of Janet Parker

I've seen some reports of workers handling/capturing the bats being bitten and falling ill. There's also been reports of a worker in the lab becoming ill and China covered it up and failed to isolate people up rather than stop the outbreak.

According to a lot of scientists the genetic sequence of Covid proves it hasn't been altered in a lab but I haven't the foggiest clue about that subject.

posted on Aug, 14 2021 @ 11:58 AM
a reply to: Vroomfondel

Just so we are clear here, because even the "experts" seem to be confusing the matter:

Covid is not the virus, it is the disease. SARS-CoV-2 is the virus.

In the official Narrative, this is mere semantics. However, if the disease is precipitated by more than a single virus or environmental factors, it is a critical distinction. It would also mean that even a 100% effective immunization against SARS-CoV-2 may not prevent the health condition we have labeled covid.

Further, afaik, all the tests identify either genetic material (ideally from viruses, but they are limited and faulty even there), or the evidence of the body fighting off viruses. Not the presence of the disease.
edit on 14-8-2021 by Serdgiam because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2021 @ 03:21 PM
I am a pastor with my wife at a Church of Prophecy. In Early May late June of 2019 the Angel listed in Ezekiel as "The Angel With the Golden Breastplate" came with a prediction for all people on the Earth. The Angelic told us that starting in mid Jan 2020 a plague in the form of a man made virus would erupt simultaneously with a volcanic eruption that would carry it through the jet streams sickening people around the world in a very short time. A very large volcano did erupt on Jan 12 in the Philippines the day the Covid-virus was announced. The Virus was picked up be the volcanic ash which cools very quickly and carried into the very highest of the atmosphere. As it fell it was picked up by the different jet streams and carried around the world in short time. Faster than it could have by touch or breathing on someone. The start of the central south American outbreak coincided with a volcanic eruption in Hawaii I believe April/May 2020 that sent plumes above flying lanes and the jet streams are Central/South America, which began the large outbreaks there.
The Angelic predicted it would expand into at least two mutations, then would come a new infection The Angel called a Variant but very different than the first two. The Angelic said the Variant could be transmitted between Humans and Animals.
The predicted it would be much more deadly, and any shots would contain what one might call "the mark of the Beast" as it would contain Animal DNA that would attach to human DNA/RNA and would be crystalline in nature subject to projecting frequencies, like a prion that causes mad cow disease. Cattle do not show symptoms of mad cow for 24 months, they are slaughtered between 18 mo and 22 monrths. Once the variant shot was taken it would seek to lower the consciousness of the one taking it. (more animalistic)
The Angelic said that GOD did not cause this issue, though He/She may have allowed it.. If All should bend the knee, share the blessings GOD has bestowed upon us with those less fortunate, always giving GOD the glory it could be avoided. The Angelic also predicted the locust outbreak in Africa, and is now predicting a Sun flash brighter than has been seen in this system of time (13,000 years). The heaviest of predictions are to be seen starting in Sept 2021 thru 2022 unless each nation turns back to the law of GOD. There are at present two systems, GODs and Materialism. To receive GODs blessings form the purpose of sharing them creates a greater space for GOD to fill within you. To seek materialism to fatten your bank account creates a frequency of lack that worships the GOD of the dollar, (in god we trust) which god?
Coming soon the prediction of a possible temporary 45 degree shift in the planet, first one way, then a rebound. We have done over 10,000 predictions since 1994, without one complaint. We have had our own Radio Show broadcasting into five states, our own TV Show, interviewed the Dalai Llama in person, and are trustees/Ministers of a 10,000 sq ft church.
edit on 14-8-2021 by Tllcchurch because: added an extra 1 to 24 months

posted on Aug, 14 2021 @ 04:30 PM
I believe it was made in a lab to sell masks, PCR tests, vaccines for profit.

posted on Aug, 14 2021 @ 04:38 PM
Or it could be a fake computer generated sequence masquerading as a new virus to make Trump lose votes in 2020 election season.

posted on Aug, 14 2021 @ 07:59 PM
a reply to: Serdgiam

Well, covid 19 is the event identifier, a label to differentiate this event from others, derived from the source virus, sars covid, and the year of nascent of this particular event.

There are almost always multiple contributing factors, but it is the presence of the one, in this case, sars cov2, that makes it covid, regardless of the other contributing factors.

The tests either identify the virus, or the antibodies. The anti-bodies indicate the host has already been exposed to the virus, not necessarily the presence of the virus at the time of testing.

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 02:06 AM
I think you are on the right track. The events leading to the release of this bio-weapon were the Chinese were over a barrel in a newly signed trade agreement that Trump negotiated, and they didn't like it one bit and wanted out.
The Chinese also were recently exposed for spying and caught red handed which Trump and he was imposed sanctions on their tech companies as a result. China was not used to a president standing up to them.
They wanted him out of office. This is a fact.
The Chinese also had Biden compromised along with his idiot son..also a fact.
The Virus was manufactured in a Red Army weapon Lab in Wuhan,, also a fact.
I believe they released it on purpose with intent to fly it to the US to start a crisis and remove Trump.
It worked and the Chinese got what they wanted.
It is as simple as that. Anyone remember that weapons lab scientist that blew the whistle?
ughhh he disappeared real quick and is probably in a can of dog food at the dollar discount store.
a reply to: Thoughtcrime

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 08:10 AM
This virus was not here on Earth. Then in the span of a year it was in every place on Earth. Extremely contagious and mutating. Who is dying? The old, the sick, the pregnant.... it looks like it was designed as population control, because we are having climate change. A lot of the planet is burning up in fires. The Chinese never apologized, didn’t help with investigations, and purposely let it leave their country and infect the world. Remember the January Chinese holidays? When you have lived for half a century you know what is normal and what is not. We are not having normal times. People are dropping like flies.... and yet the birth rate is far surpassing the dead flies. Everything is out of control now, the boarder needs to be controlled. Corona virus, the Taliban, Isis, terrorists are walking right in. I don’t know who voted for this, but it was a huge mistake. Biden should step down, give the Presidency back to Trump. Everyone needs to step back and take a deep breath and remain calm, this too shall pass. Violence is happening due to people’s illogical emotions and it’s not the answer. The answer is kindness and working together to solve this. Be kind and wash your hands often, wears mask in public, vaccinate, step back seven feet, have patience and kindness. I had the virus, it was horrible. I later got two vaccines. I wear my mask in public, I wipe off restaurant tables with disinfectant wipes. I hope everyone is doing their part too.
edit on 15-8-2021 by frugal because: Spelling

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 07:42 PM
a reply to: spicoli457870

I agree with both of you and my theory fits into this and adds the missing bit. The virus had to circulate for at least 6 months within a human population to arrive at it's earliest genome form according to at least 6 of the worlds top virus experts. Where better to let the virus circulate than within the secret confines of the Uyghur detention camps in Xinjiang province.

Nobody has ever explained these mysterious flu deaths inside the detention camps 13 months prior to the Wuhan outbreak.

Mystery deaths in Xinjiang

A report from October 2019, from Radio Free Asia has resurfaced suggesting these people became victims of #COVID19 testing. At least 150 people have died over the course of six months while detained at an internment camp for mainly ethnic Uyghurs in northwest China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR), according to an official source, marking the first confirmation of mass deaths since the camps were introduced in 2017. A police officer confirmed the figure while RFA’s Uyghur Service was investigating unconfirmed reports that more than 200 people from a township in Aksu (in Chinese, Akesu) prefecture’s Kuchar (Kuche) county had died in detention.

At Least 150 Detainees Have Died in One Xinjiang Internment Camp: Police Officer

edit on 15-8-2021 by hardenuupete because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 03:11 AM
I seem to remember reports of the Chinese lying about this and the death rates were much higher. The US knew this because they were burning the bodies and intelligence reports noticed crematoriums running non stop.
This virus did not happen by accident , no more than asian's like to eat bats ! This is an act of WAR and the Chinese knew it but were willing to gamble on this if it got Trump out of office.
The Chinese are not screwing around. Trump was in their way.

They will invade Taiwan pretty soon and Biden will do nothing.
My problem is our own government has sold us out including hyping this vaccine to the point of hysteria for a political advantage. So we effectively have two enemies, China and our government!
I think when the virus was first released it was much deadlier. By the time if landed in the us it started to weaken.
Just when people were finished being scared, the come up with the Delta Variant ! oooh scary !
I always say to people, If this virus was as deadly as they advertised it to be, the government would have shut the airlines down and the national guard would be out if force.
The airlines are the key.........they never shut them down. think about it. nobody can answer that reply to: hardenuupete

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 03:53 PM
Everyone acts like they have never had the flu...

Maybe this one was a little more tougher than others... I personally dont think so.

Media Hype... Media Hype to cover a cyber take-over of our elections.

With all the money the Chinese have made off of us they bought the democratic party, Joe and his Monstrous Spawn of Evil..."The Hunter". Same in Ukraine...

The Bidens are the BEST example of the monumental RUIN AND ROT we suffer from in the HEART of OUR NATION!!!


posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 03:56 PM
Restore it to what?

The USA has not been in a very good state for a long time now.

It was declining slowly but it's gaining speed in its descent regardless of what team is running the show now.

a reply to: Khurzon

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 04:10 PM
a reply to: nonspecific

stop the debauchery of our money...reduce all this stupid spending of our tax dollars...

stop all the fake voting...use the core of engineers, if we have to, to design an efficient and impregnable voting system.

stop the trillion dollar wheeling and dealing politicians like the Bidens ... Procsecute People who Betray the people like this. HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE.

The States should Have more power over the Fed than the other way around....

I dont know, but we are Americans!! The most resourceful will driven people in the world IMO.


edit on 16-8-2021 by Khurzon because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 05:09 PM

originally posted by: Khurzon
.reduce all this stupid spending of our tax dollars...

67cents in the American tax dollar goes to the war machine - politicians, military and their gun running buddies all got a finger in that pie.

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 06:29 PM
I don't really think conspiracy theories are necessary, you just need two words to explain the covid story: greed and stupidity, which mankind as enough for a lifetime supply.
Probably went something like this:
The Chinese were experimenting with SARS virus, possibly together with Americans and other scientists and let a bug out. Either they over-reacted, or pretended to overreact in order to use the virus scare to suppress the ongoing protests in Hong Kong.
Virus makes it to the rest of the world and governments and especially the media hugely overreact, possibly in part because some important people (Fauci?) were involved in the Wuhan lab experiments and wanted to hide their tracks.
After the overreacting stage, greed sets in. There is money to be made selling masks, selling tests, selling vaccines. The longer this lasts, the more money will be made, so there is no benefit in toning down the overreaction.
Everything else, the fascist policies, the persecution of those not following the narrative, etc. just developed naturally from the greed and stupidity that unfortunately underpin most of mankind.

I also don't see this ending without some strong political movement to bring sanity back into the World.

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 07:10 PM
Someone went whoops, an unleashed a virus on a bunch of protesters.

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