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Vaccines Save Estimated 279,000 Lives in USA

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posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 07:28 PM

originally posted by: dragonridr

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: SentientBunnySuit

Making your body prodcuce the spike protein will prove to be one of the most negligent endeavors ever.

You are welcome to your opinion.

But be aware that the spike protein is produced for a very short period of time. It is also destroyed by the antibodies which result, as the paper you linked points out.

It isn't exactly the same as the one on covid either they made it inert it cant attack cells. I used this think of a rose it can hurt you until you cut off its thorns then its just a flower.

Corona gets its name from the spikes it uses to infect cells looks like a crown. In the vaccine what they did instead of making this crown what the researchers did was create a pseudovirus – a protein shell with spike proteins but no viral RNA inside. Therefore these pseudoviruses are unable to actually infect cells or replicate. The point was to isolate as much as possible the effects of the spike proteins themselves.

In other words it doesnt even have the spikes like a rose without a thorn.

The pseudovirus cannot self-reproduce (the mRNA vaccines make your cells handle that part) but it still has the physical structure of the spike proteins or your immune systems couldn't recognize it as an analog for COVID-19. The spike proteins themselves have been shown to cause inflammation and vascular damage outside the injection site. They've even shed to others.

Imagine a computer's Anti-Malware software. Traditional software provides a harmless signature of the malware for the computer to detect. Now imagine a programmer decides to write an artificial intelligence program that runs on your computer to write a piece of malware so your computer can recognize it. There's a low but nonzero chance that the AI creates some dangerous software.

Molecular biology is many orders of magnitude more complex than a computer. Mutations are extremely frequent and random by nature, that's how adaptation and eventually evolution occurs. The mRNA approach assumes everyone's cells will all react predictably every time. Governments are betting everything will work according to plan, or at least long enough for them to retire on their new overpaid pharmaceutical board positions before anyone notices. Second order effects are by definition unpredictable and high risk. I'm making the safer bet that all corporations and governments are corrupt and untrustworthy, a bet that I will always win.

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 07:46 PM
a reply to: SentientBunnySuit

No they haven't all vaccines have swelling at the injection site it happens on every vaccine ever made. It also doesn't have the physical structure of the spike proteins as you said ive seen it under the microscope there is no spikes it is just proteins.
Is contains the same proteins as covid with minor changes. The Idea is the minor changes wont be enough for your immune system to notice. But it removes the crown that covid uses to get into cells. They could have designed it to have the exact spike protein but decided that was dangerous and judging from reports they were right.

What happened is people saw reports about covids spike protein which is nasty it uses these to tear into cells and assumed the one in the vaccine is exactly the same it is not. There is no way it can infect another cell its missing parts it needs. Be like a car without tires its a car but you arent going anywhere.

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 08:03 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific
Has that ever worked in the history of debate?

Has anyone when confronted with a fringe theory and questioned it been told to wake the # up and instantly changed their entire opinion on the subject?

I'll be honest and say it's never worked on me, even when someone has put it in capital letters and used exclamations marks and emojis.

Not even when they have also called me a sheeple.

You might want to rethink your approach.

originally posted by: Wide-Eyes

originally posted by: nonspecific
But it's by Chinese scientists and no one trusts China these days do they?

China is more evil than the leftists right?

originally posted by: Wide-Eyes

originally posted by: nonspecific
Yeah, that's so far out of my ability to understand it made me dizzy.

Is this actual proof or a study that shows it could be that needs more research to confirm it?

originally posted by: SentientBunnySuit
a reply to: nonspecific

I actually read the studies.

"We administered a pseudovirus expressing S protein (Pseu-Spike) to Syrian hamsters intratracheally. Lung damage was apparent in animals receiving Pseu-Spike, revealed by thickening of the alveolar septa and increased infiltration of mononuclear cells (Figure [A]). "


Long story short. It's not good.

The CCP are the leftists.

You really need to wake the f#k up cos you're in a slumber boy.

Open your f#ing eyes.

I didn't do any of those things. As evidenced in your quote of my post.

Seriously, what is your actual argument?

Edit: My mistake. I told you to wake the f#k up.

It bears repeating. Wake the f#k up before your grandkids are trying to learn Chinese just to stay relevant in the world.

It might take fifty years, possibly more but make no mistake. The CCP are in this for the long haul. Something the average Western mind can no longer fathom.

They watch as we gently destroy our identities with regulations and progressivism until we are completely broken.

Guess what happens next...
edit on 1272021 by Wide-Eyes because: TEOTWAWKI

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 08:07 PM

originally posted by: dragonridr
a reply to: SentientBunnySuit

No they haven't all vaccines have swelling at the injection site it happens on every vaccine ever made. It also doesn't have the physical structure of the spike proteins as you said ive seen it under the microscope there is no spikes it is just proteins.
Is contains the same proteins as covid with minor changes. The Idea is the minor changes wont be enough for your immune system to notice. But it removes the crown that covid uses to get into cells. They could have designed it to have the exact spike protein but decided that was dangerous and judging from reports they were right.

What happened is people saw reports about covids spike protein which is nasty it uses these to tear into cells and assumed the one in the vaccine is exactly the same it is not. There is no way it can infect another cell its missing parts it needs. Be like a car without tires its a car but you arent going anywhere.

Do you have any studies that support your claim that the vaccine proteins never migrate from the injection site?

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 01:36 AM
I'd take a step back and make a big fresh pot of coffee.

Then ask yourself why you are really being convinced to fear China so much. Don't let the instinct to dismiss this instantly kick in.

Think of it as a thought experiment if it helps. Ask yourself where the fear of China is really coming from, who it really benefits from the fear of anything remotely left leaning. What would people gain from it?

It's all to easy to be convinced you are fighting for what is right when in reality you are being coerced into doing the exact opposite.

originally posted by: Wide-Eyes

originally posted by: nonspecific
Has that ever worked in the history of debate?

Has anyone when confronted with a fringe theory and questioned it been told to wake the # up and instantly changed their entire opinion on the subject?

I'll be honest and say it's never worked on me, even when someone has put it in capital letters and used exclamations marks and emojis.

Not even when they have also called me a sheeple.

You might want to rethink your approach.

originally posted by: Wide-Eyes

originally posted by: nonspecific
But it's by Chinese scientists and no one trusts China these days do they?

China is more evil than the leftists right?

originally posted by: Wide-Eyes

originally posted by: nonspecific
Yeah, that's so far out of my ability to understand it made me dizzy.

Is this actual proof or a study that shows it could be that needs more research to confirm it?

originally posted by: SentientBunnySuit
a reply to: nonspecific

I actually read the studies.

"We administered a pseudovirus expressing S protein (Pseu-Spike) to Syrian hamsters intratracheally. Lung damage was apparent in animals receiving Pseu-Spike, revealed by thickening of the alveolar septa and increased infiltration of mononuclear cells (Figure [A]). "


Long story short. It's not good.

The CCP are the leftists.

You really need to wake the f#k up cos you're in a slumber boy.

Open your f#ing eyes.

I didn't do any of those things. As evidenced in your quote of my post.

Seriously, what is your actual argument?

Edit: My mistake. I told you to wake the f#k up.

It bears repeating. Wake the f#k up before your grandkids are trying to learn Chinese just to stay relevant in the world.

It might take fifty years, possibly more but make no mistake. The CCP are in this for the long haul. Something the average Western mind can no longer fathom.

They watch as we gently destroy our identities with regulations and progressivism until we are completely broken.

Guess what happens next...

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 04:31 AM
a reply to: SentientBunnySuit

I didn't say they didn't I said they are not the same as the coronavirus proteins. Nice way to try to change the topic. perfectly capable of choosing my own words I don't need your help thank you.

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 10:28 AM

originally posted by: dragonridr
a reply to: SentientBunnySuit

I didn't say they didn't I said they are not the same as the coronavirus proteins. Nice way to try to change the topic. perfectly capable of choosing my own words I don't need your help thank you.

Do you have evidence of your position? I presented evidence of mine. I'm skeptical that you've looked at the Coronavirus proteins and the vaccine generated proteins under a microscope, since the Coronavirus is 1/4 the minimum resolution of optical light.

The Novavax vaccine spike protein physical structure is very similar to that of the COVID-19 virus, the company itself makes that claim. You're claiming something with no evidence. Not wanting to be wrong is natural but in this instance you're not right.

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 12:22 PM

originally posted by: SentientBunnySuit

originally posted by: dragonridr
a reply to: SentientBunnySuit

I didn't say they didn't I said they are not the same as the coronavirus proteins. Nice way to try to change the topic. perfectly capable of choosing my own words I don't need your help thank you.

Do you have evidence of your position? I presented evidence of mine. I'm skeptical that you've looked at the Coronavirus proteins and the vaccine generated proteins under a microscope, since the Coronavirus is 1/4 the minimum resolution of optical light.

The Novavax vaccine spike protein physical structure is very similar to that of the COVID-19 virus, the company itself makes that claim. You're claiming something with no evidence. Not wanting to be wrong is natural but in this instance you're not right.

So let's start I have done research on mRNA so let's explain that first, it's an instruction set that the ribosome uses to create proteins. Proteins are made of polypeptides (amino acids).

Now the spike protein you hear so much about on corona is made of 4 proteins that attach to a cell wall. What they did with the vaccine Is only use a small part of its outer layer. It can't do anything unless it's part of a cell. The reason is a cell requires lots of parts working together to accomplish things. A strand of proteins without a cell to make it function is just a strand of proteins.

Think of me handing you a steering wheel and saying drive you would look at me like I was crazy. You know it's part of a car that can even tell the brand but it isn't going to work very well on getting you somewhere. Why because it's missing all the other parts!

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 01:57 PM

originally posted by: dragonridr

originally posted by: SentientBunnySuit

originally posted by: dragonridr
a reply to: SentientBunnySuit

I didn't say they didn't I said they are not the same as the coronavirus proteins. Nice way to try to change the topic. perfectly capable of choosing my own words I don't need your help thank you.

Do you have evidence of your position? I presented evidence of mine. I'm skeptical that you've looked at the Coronavirus proteins and the vaccine generated proteins under a microscope, since the Coronavirus is 1/4 the minimum resolution of optical light.

The Novavax vaccine spike protein physical structure is very similar to that of the COVID-19 virus, the company itself makes that claim. You're claiming something with no evidence. Not wanting to be wrong is natural but in this instance you're not right.

So let's start I have done research on mRNA so let's explain that first, it's an instruction set that the ribosome uses to create proteins. Proteins are made of polypeptides (amino acids).

Now the spike protein you hear so much about on corona is made of 4 proteins that attach to a cell wall. What they did with the vaccine Is only use a small part of its outer layer. It can't do anything unless it's part of a cell. The reason is a cell requires lots of parts working together to accomplish things. A strand of proteins without a cell to make it function is just a strand of proteins.

Think of me handing you a steering wheel and saying drive you would look at me like I was crazy. You know it's part of a car that can even tell the brand but it isn't going to work very well on getting you somewhere. Why because it's missing all the other parts!

We both understand how the mRNA vaccines work. Are you thinking my concern is a mistaken belief that the mRNA approach would be creating live viruses? Because it sounds like you aren't addressing my concerns about the documented and proven damage and inflammation occurring far from the injection site and the mRNA's links to 10,000 documented deaths in the US. Just yesterday the FDA announced it is requiring a warning related to 100 cases of Guillain-Barré disease linked to the J&J shot. Perhaps you could bounce over to the FDA's site and set them straight as well.

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 10:21 PM
a reply to: SentientBunnySuit

Apparently, you don't or you wouldn't be saying the spike protein is going to hurt you. As far as swelling away from the injection site it happens on every vaccine ever invented a small number of people have an immune or inflammatory response to the antigens the body creates. When a person produces too many antigens it can cause swelling. When a harmless substance such as dust, mold, or pollen for example is encountered by a person who is allergic to that substance, the immune system may overreact by producing antibodies that "attack" the allergen. So if your allergic to the virus your immune system goes into overdrive which can cause even severe symptoms such as swelling of the heart. Though rarely fatal if monitored.

So how often is someone have an allergic reaction to the virus? 1 in 100,000 chance of having a severe reaction in other words for every million you vacinate 10 will have to be hospitalized.

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 11:01 PM

originally posted by: dragonridr
a reply to: SentientBunnySuit

Apparently, you don't or you wouldn't be saying the spike protein is going to hurt you. As far as swelling away from the injection site it happens on every vaccine ever invented a small number of people have an immune or inflammatory response to the antigens the body creates. When a person produces too many antigens it can cause swelling. When a harmless substance such as dust, mold, or pollen for example is encountered by a person who is allergic to that substance, the immune system may overreact by producing antibodies that "attack" the allergen. So if your allergic to the virus your immune system goes into overdrive which can cause even severe symptoms such as swelling of the heart. Though rarely fatal if monitored.

So how often is someone have an allergic reaction to the virus? 1 in 100,000 chance of having a severe reaction in other words for every million you vacinate 10 will have to be hospitalized.

Here is yet another study that the vaccine spike proteins may contribute to damage.

What if, indulge me, the multiple studies I've referenced are proven correct as opposed to the zero evidence you've provided to support your claims? Second order effects and long term effects are a b*tch and you cannot put the genie back in the bottle. If there is even a slight risk (I don't personally think a 1 in 15,000 chance of death is as insignificant as you seem to) why would a healthy adult take that chance? To protect others? What others, if they've already taken the vaccine? Anyone who has already survived COVID-19 as supported by multiple studies around the world which show reinfection simply doesn't occur, at least not nearly at the rate of breakthrough infections among the fully vaccinated? 30% of COVID-19 deaths in GB in recent weeks were fully vaccinated!

When you find yourself defending politicians and billionaires instead of investigating these things for yourself, that's nature's way of telling you you're on the wrong side.

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