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FDA to Require Warning for Pfizer and Moderna

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posted on Jun, 24 2021 @ 08:37 PM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: Madviking
Wrong, people are claiming that all across the media and social media. I've seen entire long convos of people denying that there even is a vaccine injury database.

The best part about claiming a 100% no true scotsman argument, is it only takes a single exception to prove you wrong. I found this article in the first 10 seconds.

Okay, so there's 2 people making that claim. Both buffoons. NOTHING is 100% safe. I thought we all knew that.

Well, yes, I think people familiar with medical industry/pharmaceuticals know that most medicines have warnings about negative reactions or side effects. I agree with you that most people should know that.

However, that is what makes vaccines so bizarre as a topic in general. Many people have been trained to treat them as some kind of holy science that no one can question.
edit on 24-6-2021 by Madviking because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2021 @ 09:16 PM

originally posted by: Madviking

Vaccines are not bizzare. It's how we move forward. I'm glad my kids didn't have to experience chicken pox, because that stuff sucked for us.

Less deadly than covid for kids btw, but it's a required vaccine to go to school now and I'm fine with it.

posted on Jun, 24 2021 @ 09:30 PM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: Madviking

Vaccines are not bizzare. It's how we move forward. I'm glad my kids didn't have to experience chicken pox, because that stuff sucked for us.

Less deadly than covid for kids btw, but it's a required vaccine to go to school now and I'm fine with it.

I didn't say that vaccines are bizarre. I said as a topic of discussion. Try saying in the mainstream media or in many public spaces that you have any questions about the covid vaccine, and you will be treated like a heretic. Same with other vaccines. That makes the topic bizarre for an ostensibly scientific topic. True scientific inquiry does not allow for orthodoxy and heresy.

Secondly, I'm not questioning all vaccines. Just like all medicines, just because other medicines are proven, tested, relatively safe, etc, doesn't mean a NEW medicine is also so. People need to stop conflating questioning this vaccine, with questioning all other vaccines.

posted on Jun, 24 2021 @ 10:46 PM
Think about this, why would a vaccine only cause heart inflammation in kids and young adults? It will effect everyone, not just kids. The reason they do not associate it with older people because sometimes they get these problems and they cannot prove they are being caused by the vaccine like they can in teens and those in their early twenties.

It is effecting everyone equally but there is no way to prove it causes it if older people sometimes get heart inflammation. They twisted the evidence so older people would not think they are susceptible...without coming out and actually direxctly lying. They make it sound like the only ones who can get it are young people...A tactic used by pharmaceutical and chemical companies regularly....focus on what they are stating and ignore common sense.

posted on Jun, 24 2021 @ 10:59 PM
Isn’t it kinda unusual to issue a warning for a EUA vax.

One that’s being pushed to the Max.

Even for the kidlets…?

then have put a warning on it after it’s been deemed safe?

Just a thought. Hi Ho Jam-eso!

edit on 24-6-2021 by slatesteam because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2021 @ 11:36 PM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: Madviking

Vaccines are not bizzare. It's how we move forward. I'm glad my kids didn't have to experience chicken pox, because that stuff sucked for us.

Less deadly than covid for kids btw, but it's a required vaccine to go to school now and I'm fine with it.

Yeah, ask the people who had that chicken pox vaccine when young that later on in life came down with shingles, how they feel about that "experiment". I'll bet they are just peachy with that little surprise.

posted on Jun, 24 2021 @ 11:39 PM

originally posted by: Rich Z

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: Madviking

Vaccines are not bizzare. It's how we move forward. I'm glad my kids didn't have to experience chicken pox, because that stuff sucked for us.

Less deadly than covid for kids btw, but it's a required vaccine to go to school now and I'm fine with it.

Yeah, ask the people who had that chicken pox vaccine when young that later on in life came down with shingles, how they feel about that "experiment". I'll bet they are just peachy with that little surprise.

Hey bro want to make a trade? I’ll trade you (special deal here) I’ll trade you some gonerreah for herpes, how does that sound? Lol cause what you just said up there made me think of that.

posted on Jun, 24 2021 @ 11:45 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
Think about this, why would a vaccine only cause heart inflammation in kids and young adults? It will effect everyone, not just kids. The reason they do not associate it with older people because sometimes they get these problems and they cannot prove they are being caused by the vaccine like they can in teens and those in their early twenties.

It is effecting everyone equally but there is no way to prove it causes it if older people sometimes get heart inflammation. They twisted the evidence so older people would not think they are susceptible...without coming out and actually direxctly lying. They make it sound like the only ones who can get it are young people...A tactic used by pharmaceutical and chemical companies regularly....focus on what they are stating and ignore common sense.

I say this with the upmost respect to everyone here, but THIS post is one of the most fantastic examples of critical thinking on this website I've ever read.

Do you want to know how bad it is?

Here is a quote from a statement issued by the American Heart Association.

As a science-based organization committed to health equity, we are heartened that COVID-19 vaccines have been approved to protect individuals, their loved ones and their communities from the pandemic. The American Heart Association – which has been carefully tracking COVID-19 and its disproportionately negative effects on older adults; people with underlying medical conditions; and Black, LatinX and American Indian/Alaska Native people – strongly encourages everyone to get vaccinated with any approved COVID-19 vaccine as it is available.

In particular, people with cardiovascular risk factors, heart disease, and heart attack and stroke survivors should get vaccinated as soon as possible because they are at much greater risk from the virus than they are from the vaccine.

Some people have expressed concerns about taking the vaccine. However, after review by science and medical experts, the Association is confident the benefits of vaccination far exceed the very small, rare risks. The benefits also far outweigh the risks of COVID-19 and its potentially fatal consequences.

Read it five times if you have to. I still can't believe they issued this.

The world is falling apart, it's true. It really is.

The AHA literally exists to reduce cardiovascular problems. At the lowest level, they should NOT be advocating for something that can harm a heart. They are putting Covid before heart disease! The American Heart Association!

This world is so upside down it's unreal.

I don't have a lot of compassion for it right now.

edit on 24-6-2021 by Tempter because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-6-2021 by Tempter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2021 @ 11:50 PM
a reply to: davegazi2

This makes me suspect TPTB knows sooner or later a person or persons will challenge the no liability clauses and have cases especially once it gets past the first version. Or worse it will get out TPTB knew it wasn't as severe and continued the facade.

CYA move no doubt at the very least

posted on Jun, 25 2021 @ 12:02 AM

originally posted by: slatesteam
Isn’t it kinda unusual to issue a warning for a EUA vax.

One that’s being pushed to the Max.

Even for the kidlets…?

then have put a warning on it after it’s been deemed safe?

Just a thought. Hi Ho Jam-eso!
edit on 25-6-2021 by Rich Z because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2021 @ 12:43 AM

originally posted by: putnam6
a reply to: davegazi2

This makes me suspect TPTB knows sooner or later a person or persons will challenge the no liability clauses and have cases especially once it gets past the first version. Or worse it will get out TPTB knew it wasn't as severe and continued the facade.

CYA move no doubt at the very least

ha. Wait til the parents find out.

posted on Jun, 25 2021 @ 12:54 AM
a reply to: davegazi2

The last time I checked (2 days ago) it seems that 151 million American citizens enjoy playing Russian roulette. That's counting those that have played the game TWICE, that's NOT counting those that have played it ONCE and are waiting to play it again. lol

posted on Jun, 25 2021 @ 05:00 AM

originally posted by: Rich Z
Yeah, ask the people who had that chicken pox vaccine when young that later on in life came down with shingles, how they feel about that "experiment". I'll bet they are just peachy with that little surprise.

I had chicken pox as a child, and came down with shingles last year. Your point?

posted on Jun, 25 2021 @ 08:11 AM

originally posted by: TzarChasm
a reply to: davegazi2
Zero vaccination is a problem perhaps exponentially more dangerous than receiving a badly recommended vaccine.

Yeah, except... it's not.

The only rational argument is the one that no pro vaxxer has ever - EVER - adequately addressed...

If the vaccines are effective, then what does a vaccinated person have to fear from a non-vaccinated person?

This is known as a rhetorical question, because the obvious and only answer is 'nothing', but that answer demolishes any further argument in favor of forced vaccinations - and yes, social/economic ostracization (being prevented from attending schools, jobs, etc) is unequivocally a form of force).

posted on Jun, 25 2021 @ 08:13 AM
Normal drug commercials be like:

Before starting treatment with *****, your doctor will do blood tests to check for hep B infection. If you have ever had hep B infection, hep B could become active again during or after treatment for hep C with ****. Hep B that becomes active again (called reactivation) may cause serious liver problems, including liver failure and death. Your doctor will monitor you if you are at risk for hep B reactivation during treatment and after you stop taking *****.

Do not take ***** if you:
Have certain liver problems
Are taking the medicines atazanavir or rifampin
What should I tell my doctor before taking *****?
If you have had hep B infection, have liver problems other than hep C infection, have HIV-1 infection, have had a liver or a kidney transplant, and all other medical conditions.
If you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, or if you are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. It is not known if ***** will harm your unborn baby or pass into your breast milk. Talk to your doctor about the best way to feed your baby if you take *****.
About all the medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. ***** and other medicines may affect each other. This can cause you to have too much or not enough ***** or other medicines in your body. This may affect the way **** or your other medicines work or may cause side effects.
Do not start taking a new medicine without telling your doctor. Your doctor can tell you if it is safe to take ***** with other medicines.
What are the possible side effects of *****?
In people who had or have advanced liver problems before starting treatment with *****, there is a rare risk of worsening liver problems, liver failure, and death. Your doctor will check you for signs and symptoms of worsening liver problems during treatment with *****. Tell your doctor right away if you have any of the following: nausea; tiredness; yellowing of your skin or white part of your eyes; bleeding or bruising more easily than normal; confusion; dark, black, or bloody stool; loss of appetite; diarrhea; dark or brown (tea-colored) urine; swelling or pain on the upper right side of your stomach area (abdomen); sleepiness; vomiting of blood; or lightheadedness.
The most common side effects of ***** are headache and tiredness.
These are not all the possible side effects of *****. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects.

And Covid Jabs are like:
Just take it bro, what's wrong with you are you racist?

edit on 25-6-2021 by EmmanuelGoldstein because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2021 @ 08:32 AM

originally posted by: Madviking
Secondly, I'm not questioning all vaccines.

I am... just like I question any and every medical procedure that introduces foreign substances of questionable and/or unknown sources - especially ones that others try to convince me are mandatory in order for me or my children to lead a normal life in our society - especially when their arguments supporting their belief that they have some kind of right to force them on others are totally irrational and illogical.

Just like all medicines, just because other medicines are proven, tested, relatively safe, etc, doesn't mean a NEW medicine is also so.

Every single batch of every single vaccine is a 'NEW' medicine. Every single one. Each and every one has the potential to have been modified by any one of a number of opportunists who want to believe they are gods.

People need to stop conflating questioning this vaccine, with questioning all other vaccines.

People need to stop conflating questioning forced/involuntary medical procedures on others with anything other than what it is... rational self-interest.
edit on 25-6-2021 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2021 @ 08:43 AM
a reply to: NorthOfStuff

...Sorta pregnant or kinda dead.

posted on Jun, 25 2021 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: Tempter

The important part to consider with this is that if you get the virus and the body attacks the coronavirus part, the level of antigens never gets really high right away, it slowly builds in the body giving you immunity against the spike protein over months to give you slow and harmless antigen based immunity in conjunction with the immunity to coronaviruses that you already have. They falsely assumed that you would not get ample antigen immunity if you did not get it right away, which is a failure of the consensus of the time. Six months after even a mild cold like infection showed good antigen immunity had built up. Best of two worlds. Innate immunity strong and antigen immunity built slowly to protect the organs.

I read a lot of research articles and am aware that the people paying the bill of the research gets to choose the outcome of the research. Consensus of the time is that this wimpy virus that so many natural food, spice, and herb chemistries kill has been hijacked to show doom and gloom. They are researching flavanoid chemistry and certain other chemistries that have strong antiviral chemistry, verifying that they work, then keeping it secret and developing meds they can patent which is a problem since there are multiple chemicals in the foods and herbs that balance things. Sometimes it works to make a medicine out of them but there are usually more side effects.

Apigenin which is high in parsley and sage is only one antiviral chemistry in the plants that disables this virus, and apigenin can't be patented as a medicine unless the FDA lets it be. N-acetyl Cysteine helps to control this virus from going covid, it is a natural chemistry with very few side effects, found in meats and not heat stable above two hundred ten degrees. Well, the FDA now says this natural chemical which is used as an adjuvant chemistry in many pharmaceuticals is a medicine because medical science discovered they are allowing it to be something regulated by licensed medical suppliers...which means this common supplement will be possibly unavailable cheap anymore. This is just the start, many natural chemistries in the amino acid class and collagen class will be next. I just happen to know how to preserve NAC in cooking soups, and I know that a steak medium well has lots of this chemistry in it. You can eat a burger medium and get the equivalent of two of my taurine pills in it...heat stable to 165 as much NAC as two 500 mg supplements in that burger. Both of those chemistries are actually neuromodulators, calming chemistries naturally in stuff for humans..

posted on Jun, 25 2021 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: ArchangelOger Wow! Great analogy. We really are turning communist socialists.

posted on Jun, 25 2021 @ 11:20 AM

originally posted by: slatesteam
Isn’t it kinda unusual to issue a warning for a EUA vax.

One that’s being pushed to the Max.

Even for the kidlets…?

then have put a warning on it after it’s been deemed safe?

EXACTLY my point.

It's not so much that a warning was added. In itself, that's normal. I made mention of a new one added to the Shingrix vaccine this year in another thread due to 5 - 6 excess Guillian Barre cases per 1M vaccinated. It's what SHOULD happen as things are learned about a medication.

But with the C19 injection, the touted panacea against this virus that la de da de e'rybody absolutely must get to save the world, I'm really surprised the potential harmful side effect has been allowed to become "official".

Especially since it is in an EUA status and the world now looking to push the jab to younger and younger populations that the virus is generally (yeeeeeess there are outliers and deaths in small quantities, but not to public health crisis levels) inconsequential to. Parents of minors and legal young adults actually now have info to better inform themselves when making their C19 EUA injection choice. There have been stories about harmful effects people have experienced, but this feels like the first instance of an official statement that it's not 100% safe, as has been preached. It seems anti-agenda and I love it.

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