posted on May, 29 2021 @ 09:15 AM
I learned this when I was a cub scout.
How To Catch Elephants
Items needed: poster paper, a post, nails and hammer, red permanent marker (paint and brush will do), binoculars, large tweezers, a glass milk bottle
(a large Mason jar will do).
First, find the correct watering hole that elephants like to use. Normally lots of elephant tracks are around it.
Second, find a suitable place to put the sign, usually facing the jungle so the elephants can see it. Pound the post into the ground and nail the
poster paper to the post. Now, on the poster paper, intentionally misspell elephants by writing in big red letters ELFANTS.
Third, wait for the first elephant to arrive at the watering hole. The elephant will see the sign is misspelled and start laughing. The laughter will
bring the rest of the elephants out of the jungle and they in turn will see the sign and start laughing, too.
Finally, as the elephants are on the ground shaking with laughter at the misspelled sign, pick up the binoculars, look through the wrong end, pick up
the elephants with the tweezers and drop them in the bottle.