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Nobel Laureate Says “No Chance of Survival” For Vaccine Takers

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posted on May, 25 2021 @ 03:42 AM
The denial smells so bad.

The government backed a vaccine that isn't tested and people are here talking like they know the long term effects. You don't. You're believing liar Fauci and the government because they terrified you, willingly.

You acted out of fear, not some altruistic desire to save others, be honest with yourself.

Also, the animal trials look so amazingly bad that even I thought they were faked. They weren't.

If you take this vaccine then you deserve what you get out of it.

You're all frigging nuts. You first said that this wouldn't ever be made mandatory and that it would always be optional. You then denied that vaccine passports were a thing. Then you denied that Fauci had done gain of function on this SAME VIRUS. Then you denied that there were worryingly bad, huge numbers of really bad side effects.. . . . . That's a 100% false record you covid jobbers have....

NOW you're claiming that the fatality and side effect numbers will always be low and that, long term, nothing will happen. You're frigging delusional and should give it a rest.

IF you took this vaccine then you're thick. Really, you are. You're trusting a government that utterly resents you, and the scientific establishment that sucks off its teat.....

Long term, you're screwed and, inwardly, you know it. Now you want the kids too.. bugger off you crazy people.

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 03:43 AM
a reply to: HONROC

Given the history and attempts to come up with a cure in the past having 100% deathrate on all test subjects within 4years of first injection.. it isn't impossible, unlikely but definitely far from impossible. I would be more inclined to believe 80-90% due to natural immunity.

But if they were smart, they would have your body become dependant on the vaccine. Example, as long as you take the vaccine every year you will live, perhaps taking away your ability to reproduce. But you will live, while pumping money into big pharma.

Then when you stop taking the vaccine, your body goes into a hyperdrive and you die. Now that would be ultimate control over who lives and who dies. If they decide to wipe out those that didn't take the vaccine.

This is far from a new idea. A movie came out not to long ago, about a vaccine that actually made people sick. When it was denied they died. Each year they would have a lottery/contest and the winner would be given the "cure" but in order to even begin to enter that contest you had to earn points from the government, you had to do errands from killing people to dropping off packages. Each errand was worth xpoints, you could use xpoints for the vaccine or save them for the "cure". Where you would be relocated, and treated like royalty(as far as he knew, they would in the end just kill him to keep it quiet, everything he has done)..

It was kinda a guardian mercenary thing.. where this guy was sent to kill the real person with the REAL cure. Which in this movie, was to avoid the vaccine at all cost, and grow/eat your own food. Not rely on the government foods which helped to spread the illness.
edit on 25-5-2021 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 03:50 AM
a reply to: abe froman
Makes zero sense if you want further advancement in technology. Or anything else for that matter

The people that rushed to take the vaccine are in fact proven to be stupid. They rely more on the government and it's programs then those that didn't get vaccinated.

The people that blindly follow the government are just as likely to follow someone off a cliff if told they have covid and must die to stop others from being infected.

Manufactured clones are useless for any form of advancement period, only repetition. They want people useful to society. If, as was recently tested it was proven that people with a lower IQ took the vaccine, it makes sense to do away with people who are stupid, unable to solve the world s problems.

Stop the IQ dropping and a future Idiocracy from becoming the real deal. If you ever seen the movie, they don't want that.

They rather keep people who are intelligent, and can provide different perspectives and solutions to problems. After all, pouring gatoraid on plants has what plants crave.. electrolytes.

It's also proven that the more stupid a person is, the more kids they have. That statistic alone is enough to counter what you claim, why go through the effort to depop the planet only to have the rate of children rise 10fold from stupid people? Just to wind up right back in the same situation in a few generations?

Smarter couples birthrates are about .5 per two parents, that means every other family will have a single kid, because of current conditions. Where if things were better those numbers would be higher.

So for all problems that currently exist from the divide of food that will be happening in about 20yrs due to running out of an important resource, to climate change, housing, etc. It's all solved by getting rid of dependence.

A smarter family is also more capable of providing balanced compost. (Where as a dumb person thinks that is just what recycling is...). Smarter families are more knowledge, and aren't dumb enough to say solar and wind power provides the same energy as fuel.. but only a 10th of it's power. They also see the resources needed to get the materials to do it.

A stupid person wouldn't even begin to comprehend the chain of cost.

You have to remember these are the same idiots who believe that Bitcoin is viable as a currency when it takes 70% of the global energy to maintain it. These people, are going bye bye. Wasteful.

So, killing off the kids to those that follow the government like a religious occult, will be beneficial because no one wants to pay/care for them when the parents go bye bye. It will make sense to lessen the blows on remaining resources.
edit on 25-5-2021 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-5-2021 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 05:31 AM

originally posted by: Baddogma
Dr Luc never said anything like "all will die." In the brief clip he said that the vaccines were producing the variants we see and that the mass vax program was a medical, scientific error.

Baddogma is correct - in the correct translation from the original interview, he makes no such claim that everyone will die from the vac, so this claim is really misinfo. But he is clearly against the vac program, for valid medical and scientific reasons, and says in another clip that Cv19 is not from nature.

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 05:49 AM


posted on May, 25 2021 @ 05:58 AM
a reply to: Doctor Smith

What a smug A-hole! And childish insensitive delivery of possibly life ending news, because people made a decision out of fear. How many people have made bad decisions in their life?

I haven't got the vaccine myself, however when trying to present something significant he alienated a massive audience in the first minute by this comment.

"You, gene altered guinea-pig"

People have gotten the vaccine out of fear, some just don't understand, and others just roll with whatever is told to them.

I hope both sides are wrong and nothing happens.

edit on 25-5-2021 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 06:37 AM
I was into research on the AIDS epidemic in the early 1980s as it was occuring, and Luc Montagnier was a big name in that conspiracy. My uncle was obsessed with Luc Montagnier's connection to HIV, so I was exposed to some deep research my uncle did at the university libraries. Little did I know Dr. Fauci's role in that conspiracy theory. No internet at the time made research difficult and time consuming, but we were sure AIDS was going to be the ELE that destroyed civilization.

Personally, my interest started in 1978 when I read a newspaper article about a bio-weapon virus the U.S. military had developed that attacked the human immune system via the T-cells. This was two or three years before AIDS appeared and everyone had to use condoms during sex, the era of "no glove, no love". Now with COVID it's about wearing a face mask!

So, I'm very familiar with Luc Montagnier and if he says that SARS-CoV-2 was manufactured in a lab with some spare HIV parts thrown in for good measure, I believe him, of course other scientists and virologists have said the same thing and back him up. However, knowing he was on the "HIV came from African monkeys" bandwagon, I'd be wary of the truth of his statements or at least what motivates him to state such.

ETA: I just had a thought about Luc Montagnier. If I remember correctly, I believe that he had a patent on the HIV virus. If true, perhaps he's looking to get some royalties for the HIV parts they are using in COVID-19.
edit on 25-5-2021 by MichiganSwampBuck because: Added extra comments

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 06:41 AM

originally posted by: SuicideKing33
The only thing wrong with "the vaccine gonna kill your a**" narrative is that any controlling interest probably doesn't want to kill the people that rushed to get the jab. Those people obey. They want those that DIDN'T take the jab.

This is what I have been thinking-Why kill off your cash cow?Especially as they are now saying everyone will need booster jabs every year-Its in the vaccine makers interest to keep those people alive as they are a source of endless money.

Now if they could only find a way to kill off all the non vax types-that would not only remove the rebels/anti government people from the game,but it would reinforce how "good" and how right it was for all the rest to take a vaccine,thus encouraging them to take their next shots.

Big Pharma want long term customers remember.
So a "vaccine" which still allows the virus to be caught and spread to the unvaxxed is the perfect scenario for them.
Which is what we have now.

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 06:46 AM
Brought to you by Infowars, the Alex Jones/Bill Hicks show.

I definitely don't think that all the vaccinated people are going to get sick and die anytime soon, but I could see a small percentage having issues with ADE.

Ultimately, all of our survival rates are 0%.

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 06:49 AM
I'll listen to Eric Clapton.

"Do you wanna be a free man, or do you wanna be a slave. Do you wanna wear these chains, until you are lying in the grave. "

Surprised so many people aren't following the award winning scientists in this thread though. Isn't this science denial if you go against what he is saying? Are all the naysayers science deniers? Heard CNN saying bad things about those people before.

Well which ever route you decide to take. Good luck.

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 07:00 AM
Ah, here we go, it's all coming back to me now.

The Pasteur Institute wants to rescind a 1987 legal agreement with the US which states that Dr Gallo and Professor Montagnier are co-discoverers of the Aids virus and that patent royalties should be shared fifty-fifty.

It wants to reopen negotiations after Dr Gallo admitted last year that he used the Aids virus discovered by Professor Montagnier to develop the American blood test, which has earned an estimated pounds 20m in royalties.

Yep, it was a blood test based on Montagnier's HIV virus that American Dr. Gallo was tying to steal the royalties away from Montagnier and the Pasteur Institute in France. I suspect that this issue brought up by Montagnier is patent rights related somehow.

edit on 25-5-2021 by MichiganSwampBuck because: Added Links

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 07:45 AM
Nice to see all the ATS doctors with medical degrees who clearly know more about everything than a doctor that specializes in Virology.

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 08:48 AM
a reply to: havok

The vaccine is friggin harmless. Most people saw zero benefit in getting something that is akin to the flu shot.
The lottery changed that.

I know several people of sound mind that swear by the flu vaccine. I know several people of sound mind that think it is abjectly useless.

If they offer up lotteries for flu shots the same thing would happen. I mean...imagine a world where someone happily does something that takes little effort and costs nothing because there is a financial incentive.

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: jjkenobi

People sure like to cling to their ideologies don't they?

And it's coming out in everything. Which is insufferable.

I've read a bit of medicine from both sides. Both sides certainly seem plausible with some of their concerns about the vaccinations. What doesn't seem plausible at all is this vaccination "killing" everyone. Like what did they do---have toddlers create vaccines with poisons?

I'm equally leery of 100% safe claims considering the time line involved.....but at least I can consider Polio as something that was pretty well rooted out.

The speed of the vaccine itself makes sense---considering we now have almost 100 years of worldwide biological information out there and these diseases were being studied before. So I am pretty confident overwhelmingly most of us are gong to be fine with or without it.

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 09:12 AM
a reply to: Doctor Smith

Nobody survives life.

Nobody gets out of here alive.


posted on May, 25 2021 @ 09:27 AM
Fairly hyperbolic title. Seems he thinks the vaccines are creating variants of the virus.

I don’t think alarmism from either side is particularly helpful to anyone.

If you don’t want a vaccine, don’t have one. I personally think people shouldn’t since they are rushed.

But if you did get one you probably won’t explode.

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 09:34 AM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
a reply to: Doctor Smith

The guy is a Nobel he may know something.
After all, they don't just give out Nobel prizes for doing nothing...Just ask Obama.

True, but I will say this... The Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine isn't/wasn't politicized when he got his. The peace prize, yes. They've been awarding that to retards for quite a while now.

Luc Montagnier is a French virologist and joint recipient, with Françoise Barré-Sinoussi and Harald zur Hausen, of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Luc also received the 1986 Louis-Jeantet Prize for Medicine and the 1988 Japan Prize.


Louis-Jeantet Prize - Established in 1986, the Louis-Jeantet Prizes are awarded each year to experienced researchers who have distinguished themselves in the field of biomedical research in one of the member states of the Council of Europe.

Japan Prize - The Japan Prize is awarded to people from all parts of the world whose "original and outstanding achievements in science and technology are recognized as having advanced the frontiers of knowledge and served the cause of peace and prosperity for mankind.

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 09:43 AM

originally posted by: BlackArrow
a reply to: abe froman

The people that rushed to take the vaccine are in fact proven to be stupid.

Not always. The smartest (intellectually and emotionally) human I know got the first shot because his boss fires people in a heart beat for much less and he works in healthcare where the local government insists on the vaccine. He has a family to support. There are many people in that situation with no choice. If you have a good secure job, legit paying into government programs you may be able to fight it but those with marginal contract jobs like these can be dropped with no paper trail. They have no sick days, no safety net. Some are too old to get another job and work is very scarce in this rural area. Rock and a hard place more than lack of intelligence.
edit on 25-5-2021 by igloo because: spelling

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 09:46 AM

originally posted by: jjkenobi
Nice to see all the ATS doctors with medical degrees who clearly know more about everything than a doctor that specializes in Virology.

There are doctors that specialize in virology that are pro-vaccine, and anti-vaccine.

Which ones are right?

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 10:03 AM

originally posted by: Analbumcover
I'll listen to Eric Clapton.

"Do you wanna be a free man, or do you wanna be a slave. Do you wanna wear these chains, until you are lying in the grave. "

Surprised so many people aren't following the award winning scientists in this thread though. Isn't this science denial if you go against what he is saying? Are all the naysayers science deniers? Heard CNN saying bad things about those people before.

Well which ever route you decide to take. Good luck.
If only Eric Clapton took his own advice before getting the AstraZenica vaccine.Give him his due though,he is one of the few who admit that he has a severe case of buyers remorse.

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