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Israel and Palestine at it again.

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posted on May, 20 2021 @ 05:26 AM
a reply to: JBurns

Freeborn, what should Israel do then?

I have absolutely no idea.
I'm not arrogant enough to believe I have the answers to a problem that goes back literally hundreds of years and has confounded people far more informed and wise than me.

Hamas/Iran/Jordan intentionally hides among civilians

I know....indefensible.

I've never once suggested that Hamas are without blame and no ordinary human being could even begin to excuse or support some of their actions.

To mitigate this, Israel actually warns them in advance of their strikes, despite the risk that the fighters will pack up shop and move elsewhere.

Some times.
And some times with only minimal warning that couldn't possibly allow enough time for all civilians to vacate these premises etc.

Hamas, meanwhile, has no qualms about targetting civilians with indiscriminate missiles, suicide bombings, stabbings, etc

I know, I refer you to the answer I gave earlier.

Israel doesnt dig secret tunnels to funnel terrorists, thats also Hamas/Iran/Jordan

No, they are very open in their treatment of Palestinians who dare to voice any opposition to Israel's policy of lebensraum and are both condescending and indifferent to world opinion.
They really can be quite brutal.

Scratch beneath the surface and you'll see just how intolerant Israeli Jews are of non-Jews.

And once again they rejected the two state solution because this triad of evil does not believe Israel has the most basic right...the right to exist

Yes, I get that.
Like I said earlier, I haven't got the answers.....but blowing each other up can't be viewed as acceptable.

posted on May, 20 2021 @ 06:49 AM
a reply to: Freeborn

Actually, they give them plenty of time to evacuate they choose not to. Did you hear the phone call they made to a father to evacuate his family? It's shocking he literally says if the children die they die. How do you fight fanatics who are willing to let you blow up their kids because it supports his cause. Its at 2:14 if you don't want to watch the whole thing. In the same video, Hamas attacks an aid convoy with mortars as they were trying to bring in food and medicine.

Does this seem like the people you can negotiate with? Id say Israel is down to one option kill every Hamas fighter they can.

posted on May, 20 2021 @ 08:37 AM

The US sells tons of weapons to Israel & money, sure Hamas got some missiles but compared to Israel it are just toy weapons.
Other weapons they have is mostly stones for which they may be shot but not much too loose without a house, food or even a family.
edit on 20-5-2021 by Pluginn because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2021 @ 10:27 AM
Unlike President Trump, It appears (weak) Joe Biden has no influence in the Middle-East.

No Cease-Fire:

posted on May, 20 2021 @ 10:48 AM

originally posted by: SecretKnowledge
a reply to: yuppa

You dont have to explain war to me i grew in Ireland during the bombing campaign. We had to bomb the brits to the table and once we got them there we now have peace. I know all about struggling against bigots.

But now we have peace.

LMAO!! sid sold you guys out. thats not peace,you were bought off.

posted on May, 20 2021 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: Pluginn

Realy is a shame Hamas causing all this fighting and scaring children firing off rockets at Israel. Sad Hamas doesnt care about the Palestinians at all firing rockets from their neighborhoods and putting children at risk. If Hamas truly cared they would launch the missiles from locations without civilians. Using children as shields is cowardly and just lacks any morals.

Hamas needs to stop launching rockets so everyone can get back to their lives. Terrorism isn't going to do anything other than further the tragic loss of life.

posted on May, 20 2021 @ 10:59 AM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: dragonridr

Thank you for that video.
Some of that I knew, some of it I didn't.

I'm no Palestinian apologist or rabid anti-Israeli, both are as bad as each other as far as I can tell.

The thing with yuppa is that he has a tendency to voice his opinions - which tend to be be from a locked in, preconceived perspective - and only very, very rarely provide any sort of supportive evidence or even considered and reasoned thought.

He is quick to tell us what he would do but as far as I can tell he's never, ever done anything other than type words onto a computer screen.

At times he can post some interesting stuff.....I just wish he'd provide us with facts, data, supportive evidence and reasoned thought rather than just predictable soundbites based on political dogma.

But I guess we're all guilty of that some times.

I have researched the topic on those two before and posted it before. I am TIRED of reposting stuff on it. Its why i say DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK.
The KGB,PLO,Arafatt and others created the current Palestinian people based off a previous enemy of the Israelites they genocided way back in the past. But,some obviously intermixed with surrounding arab countries who got away,and that is where they have a genetic exscuse to claim relation,because almost all of the people in the med are genetically related.

The IRA was scum btw.

posted on May, 20 2021 @ 02:13 PM
And now, Iran is becoming directly involved in the conflict.

Siding with black lives matter and American liberals, against Israel.

posted on May, 20 2021 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: carewemust

And now, Iran is becoming directly involved in the conflict.

Siding with black lives matter and American liberals, against Israel.

iran better be careful, they above all others ought to know israel don't play that sh@@. they might find their asses and country a smoking cinder if they keep it up.

posted on May, 20 2021 @ 03:07 PM
Debunking Israel’s ‘Human Shield’ Defense in Gaza Massacre:

Always two sides to every story.

posted on May, 20 2021 @ 03:37 PM

💫Ceasefire !!💫

posted on May, 20 2021 @ 04:00 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen

💫Ceasefire !!💫

and that suits both sides
Bibi doesn't want to eliminate Hamas it suits him to have them around, same goes for Hamas with the Israelis. Everyone's happy, everyone can re-arm and prepare for the next cycle of violence in a few years time. It's all totally crazy and let's face it if push comes to shove the IDF could take out Hamas and the Gaza strip if they wanted to, but they don't do it and that's so strange but I guess Bibi wants it that way

posted on May, 20 2021 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Crisis of opportunity. They'll take any cannon fodder against Israel. BLM and American liberals mean absolutely nothing to the Mullahs.

Black Lives Matter 'stands in solidarity' with Palestinians, vows to fight for 'Palestinian liberation'

"Black Lives Matter stands in solidarity with Palestinians," the group tweeted. "We are a movement committed to ending settler colonialism in all forms and will continue to advocate for Palestinian liberation. ( always have. And always will be ). #freepalestine."

(post by Acexander7 removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on May, 21 2021 @ 03:02 AM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

The reason Israel will not push it is they don't want to lose support from Arab neighbors. Last year, Israel signed peace agreements with four Arab states that share a common enemy in the region: Iran, which also happens to be one of the most important patrons of Hamas. Even Saudi Arabia realizes Gaza is nothing more than Iran trying to push its will on the middle east. Gaza is a threat for them as well. This was one thing the Trump admin got these middle eastern leaders to realize. The threat to the middle east is IRAN that's why we don't hear the huge outcry from Arab neighbors. But if Israel were to push it too far they would have to and the agreements would go out the window.

posted on May, 21 2021 @ 06:38 AM
a reply to: dragonridr

Yeah see what you are saying about the peace accords
A truly incredible achievement by the Trump administration and one that can not be endangered by a costly ground invasion of Gaza to expel Hamas. At the same to I do believe it suits Israel to have Hamas in control of Gaza whereby they can turn up the heat every now and then when needed plus a status quo is continued all the while the Zionist takeover of portions of the Jerusalem and the West Bank continue.

Hey Dragonridr I love Israel and think it's a wonder wonderful country and see it is needed as a safe haven for the Diaspora, plus the security actions are often essential in maintaining the states very existence while being encircled by Iranian influence, yet the way certain things are carried out over there in effectively stealing the age old lands of the natives and then dispossessing and evicting them with their assets only to be handed out to New Yorkers and Moscovites needs to be reigned in.

It's just not fair and when the locals kick off in violent protest and the Gazans join in how can we be surprised by this?

posted on May, 21 2021 @ 07:54 AM

originally posted by: dragonridr
a reply to: Pluginn

Realy is a shame Hamas causing all this fighting and scaring children firing off rockets at Israel. Sad Hamas doesnt care about the Palestinians at all firing rockets from their neighborhoods and putting children at risk. If Hamas truly cared they would launch the missiles from locations without civilians. Using children as shields is cowardly and just lacks any morals.

Hamas needs to stop launching rockets so everyone can get back to their lives. Terrorism isn't going to do anything other than further the tragic loss of life.

Really is a shame Israel didn't learn 1 thing after ww2 it seems. They show racism, steal land, do everything in their power they stay poor, bomb them (&other country's very very often or even use artillery on city blocks and so on),when they do something back with the big help of the US (weapons & money) & knowing the US is always on their side, no matter what. Heck their influence in US politics is like no other country. I'm sure Israel (Netanyahu) is even happy when they do something back then they can unleash their hatred and power and getting them even weaker. Tomorrow they steal some more land and trying to make their economy even weaker and so fort until they do something back again and you get the same story again I'm sure.

Oh and for sure the US is the biggest terrorist on this planet with all those wars in the ME after 9-11 and all those wars before that (& sanctioning half of the globe trying to make other economy's weak where they ain't allowed to sell or buy on the international market (other country's who do get threats and/or sanctions as well). And of course being the biggest arms dealer. When their wouldn't be wars that would be a BIG problem, they would never allow that for sure, it became such an important part of their power/culture/influence in the world...
Oh and they never show shame in the US power circle for that for sure, it's just something what is now become a normal thing for them.

Also watch this:

edit on 21-5-2021 by Pluginn because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2021 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: dragonridr

One of the many things I've never really quite understood is Iran's support of Hamas.

Hamas are Sunni and Iran is Twelver Shia.

Anyone with even a rudimentary knowledge of Islam and the Muslim world knows that the two are passionately opposed to each other.
And Iran is ostensibly ruled by a quite fundamental branch of Shia.

Throw in the fact that Iranian's are Persians and consider themselves to be quite superior to Arab's then you would think that they would never consider supporting Hamas.
But they obviously do.

There are some striking similarities between Iran and Israel.
Both are surrounded by enemies who would love to see them literally annihilated.
Both feel victimised.
Both believe they are superior to their neighbours.
And ideologically in many ways Shia Islam is closer to Judaism than it is to Sunni Islam.

So why has Iran put aside its hatred of Sunni Muslims and decided to support Hamas and in such a manner that is bound to bring about condemnation from not just Israel but also most of the 'western' powers as well?

Iranian politics is way more complicated than the vast majority of people realise.
First of all I think its important to make the distinction between the ruling regime in Iran and the ordinary Iranian people - pretty much the same everywhere.
Without going into too much detail that may derail this thread its worth noting that even within the Mullah's and religious leaders that rule Iran there are various factions with different beliefs and agenda's.

A constant within the Shia faith is the belief in The Mahdi.
But there are massive differences in how they believe The Mahdi will reveal himself and there are those who believe that they should force world events to such a catastrophic position that The Mahdi will be forced to reveal himself and thus bring about some sort of apocalypse and Final Battle.

Then there are those who are prepared to do anything to overthrow Israel including setting aside their differences with Sunni Muslims - no small thing.
Their dislike of Israel isn't just due to religious and political differences but also due to many historical events not least Israel's close ties to the Shah's regime that preceded the current one.

Severing Iran's ties to Hamas would no doubt go a long way towards nullifying the threat they pose.
To do that surely we need to understand what is driving Iranian support.

posted on May, 22 2021 @ 04:18 AM
a reply to: yuppa

sid sold you guys out

Who is this sid person you speak of?

posted on May, 22 2021 @ 06:37 AM

originally posted by: SecretKnowledge
a reply to: yuppa

sid sold you guys out

Who is this sid person you speak of?

I assumed he was talking about Seanna Walsh he was known as Sid. You probably need to make a thread to discuss the IRA i think you might learn a lot you didn't know.

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