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Feds’ cover-up of UFOs puts US at risk, ex-Pentagon official warns

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posted on May, 3 2021 @ 05:56 PM

originally posted by: NightVision

originally posted by: Randyvine
a reply to: NightVision

If you call those insults you haven't been around here very long.

I don't believe these craft to be demons.

I never said you have to.

My statement about the craft being demons is not addressed to you. I'm looking for someone with credentials.

But your idea seems to be that any Christian could have no "credentials." Is that a true statement?

posted on May, 3 2021 @ 05:58 PM

originally posted by: vlawde
This religious drivel is taking the thread way off topic. Nothing wrong with religious beliefs being discussed in relation to the topic at hand where it's relevant, but Randyvine is repeatedly saying his religious view is correct and anyone who doesn't agree is wrong. Quit yer f***in' arguing

This "religious drivel," as you put it, IS the topic. So, by you calling it drivel, I can see where you stand. If you don't like the topic, then you don't have to participate in this thread.

posted on May, 3 2021 @ 05:58 PM
I don't know why it double posted, so I removed the redundant version.
edit on 3-5-2021 by TrulyColorBlind because: I don't know why it double posted, so I removed the redundant version.

edit on 3-5-2021 by TrulyColorBlind because: Same.

posted on May, 3 2021 @ 06:26 PM
Here's what I think about the OP. I firmly believe that Satan's angels are the ones flying around in these "U.F.O.s" You can go back as far as the ancient Sumerians where they talk about "gods from the sky" who swoop down and were trying to engineer the perfect miner to get gold for their spaceships. Satan has been trying to "engineer" the perfect soldier for millions of years for that final battle against God at Armageddon. Satan knows perfectly well how to use DNA to try and create the perfect fighting being. Why do you think God told the archangel Michael to hide the body of Moses when he died? He did that because he didn't want Satan to get the body so he could clone him and have him come back in the final days like God said he would have the real Moses do. If Satan could clone the body of Moses, which we now know that cloning animals is possible, he could have had a whole plethora of fake Moses' running around to discredit the real Moses that God will bring back in the latter days.

posted on May, 3 2021 @ 08:33 PM
If aliens exist, there are more than one kind.

Going off the Charlie Hall lore, the grays predominantly occupy our area of the galaxy. Honesty simply isn't one of their society's moral values. Their moral values are pretty weird, to the point where they look pretty amoral by our standards. They sometimes show themselves to be nice people, though. They don't hate humanity. They're just very indifferent.

In his lore, Earth has complicated diplomatic standing among the aliens who visit it. Multiple alien groups have laid claims to small areas of the planet, with no one group claiming the whole planet.

The politics of outer space are much like the politics of Earth. (As above, so below...) They can nuke each others' planets, and have to maintain diplomacy to avoid it, just like we do.

No one group can conquer Earth outright, without risking nuclear war with the others. So just like on Earth, they use agents/spies/ ... etc. stuff like that. That is, if there is something they want. (And frequently there isn't. Most of them couldn't care less what we do, so long as it doesn't affect them.)

posted on May, 3 2021 @ 10:09 PM
a reply to: Arbitrageur
Bad calls will certainly ruin credibility. I posted when it came out that those nv pyramid vids looked like bunk to me. Never heard of a strobed ufo as possible et. Furthermore, the aperture as stated in that excellent video is a most likely explanation. One so obvious, it looks like it was designed to destroy credibility when the navy comes out and says”fooled ya.”

Corbell is so hyped up some times it’s hysterical. My thought is it is well intentioned excitement about digging and filming his information. You need excitement to build a film sale, of course. Nevertheless, one bad move filming drones (most likely Russian) and calling them flying pyramids not from Earth and it will take a long time to recover

posted on May, 3 2021 @ 10:29 PM
a reply to: TrulyColorBlind
If many people believe what you espouse, no wonder the decision makers don’t think we are ready for disclosure. You are making it too easy for the Four Horsemen.

how ironic that Carl Sagan , a man who never propagated the UFO as ET - at the bidding of his handlers, so the rumor goes, who wrote The Demon Haunted World , that he would be right by half and that when we can’t understand science we mistake it for voodoo and prophecy. Well, again there is good reason that we have species that can remote view and glide in and out of the past and future on craft so it’s easy to see how the King James fables can make believers out of the majority. To which I say seek the truth and the Kingdom of our Unified Consciousness System will follow.

to the religious right, I hope you study the Book of Enoch and understand why it was left out of the ole King James.

edit on 3-5-2021 by play4keeps because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2021 @ 11:15 PM
a reply to: TrulyColorBlind

Using logic here, because I don't know you or this "Randyvine." But logically, since both your opinions are opposed, one of you has to be right, correct? You're both saying the other is wrong. One of you is right in saying that. What if it's Randyvine who is right? Obviously, that thought is not possible to you, so you'll do everything in your power to discredit him. And if he's right? What's he doing that is so bad? Trying to save your soul so you can go to heaven? Is that such an all-fired bad thing?

You made me aware of a really good point in regards to judging others.

Every once in awhile someone does walk away a little more aware.

posted on May, 3 2021 @ 11:20 PM

originally posted by: TrulyColorBlind
Here's what I think about the OP. I firmly believe that Satan's angels are the ones flying around in these "U.F.O.s" You can go back as far as the ancient Sumerians where they talk about "gods from the sky" who swoop down and were trying to engineer the perfect miner to get gold for their spaceships. Satan has been trying to "engineer" the perfect soldier for millions of years for that final battle against God at Armageddon. Satan knows perfectly well how to use DNA to try and create the perfect fighting being. Why do you think God told the archangel Michael to hide the body of Moses when he died? He did that because he didn't want Satan to get the body so he could clone him and have him come back in the final days like God said he would have the real Moses do. If Satan could clone the body of Moses, which we now know that cloning animals is possible, he could have had a whole plethora of fake Moses' running around to discredit the real Moses that God will bring back in the latter days.

You do realize you just admitted to being as dumb as everyone else who believes this drivel right?

Welcome aboard!

posted on May, 4 2021 @ 02:21 AM

originally posted by: Randyvine
a reply to: Peeple

Wiki Jacques Vallee

Although ETH has remained the predominant explanation for UFOs by UFOlogists,[2] some ufologists have abandoned it in favor of IDH. Paranormal researcher Brad Steiger wrote that "we are dealing with a multidimensional paraphysical phenomenon that is largely indigenous to planet Earth".[3] Other UFOlogists, such as John Ankerberg and John Weldon, advocate IDH because it fits the explanation of UFOs as a spiritistic phenomenon. Commenting on the disparity between the ETH and the accounts that people have made of UFO encounters, Ankerberg and Weldon wrote "the UFO phenomenon simply does not behave like extraterrestrial visitors."[4] In the book UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse published in 1970, John Keel linked UFOs to folkloric or supernatural concepts such as ghosts and demons.

You may like the book FINAL EVENTS Jacques Vallee

Well we both agree the world is #ed up, right? A lot of things are wrong, lies, deception, suffering, death... because 'God' wants it that way

I don't understand where get people these strange deductions. This isn't the world
he intended and God doesn't make things to die. Death is a curse he warned
us about straight away. We are responsible for death entering Gods perfect
creation. We listened to a lie and disobeyed the only one we should listen to.
You're an example of that even today.

The Interdimensional or Extradimensional hypothesis is NOT the same as claiming that all ufo and alien sightings and encounters are “Demonic” in origin. Some of these ID/ED entities may appear pretty demonic in psychology, nature, or physical features, but that doesn’t make them the demons of the Bible.

posted on May, 4 2021 @ 04:25 AM
a reply to: johnthejedi24

The Interdimensional or Extradimensional hypothesis is NOT the same as claiming that all ufo and alien sightings and encounters are “Demonic” in origin. Some of these ID/ED entities may appear pretty demonic in psychology, nature, or physical features, but that doesn’t make them the demons of the Bible.

I would agree that you can't judge a book by it's cover. I believe the Bible
will even vindicate that one for you. Some of Gods Angels are described as
being horrid looking and very scary monster like beings. Very large with
flaming swords but not at all demonic.

But to believe any civilization could be advanced enough to journey here from
even the closest star? Is certainly by no means as likely as what scripture tells
us. They are the phenomena spoken of in the Bible that's 100 percent. Because
nothing else fits. Anyone who watches Ancient Aliens knows this. Scripture just
uses the words available to the authors at the time.

If they were our space buddies here to help us out? Their pretty damn slow
on that trigger. But if they're demonic that would explain their mind F32K
now you see me now you don't. Abductions and never nothing at all to guide us
in some direction with their superior intellect. They're here and if they aren't
here to help? Then what in bloody hell are they doing? If they had anything
good to do in our regard we'd be seeing that right now and it ain't happening.
So it's safe to assume it ain't gonna happen.

That pretty much makes a good case for malevolence. Now the pentagon is
letting on to the public they are investigating UFOs? Well wait a minute?
When exactly did this flip flop happen? You mean to tell me we didn't go
to a full military alert at that point? No def con 5? No public alert? Our gov.
suddenly realize they're defenseless against unknowns traversing our air
space and nothing? No you know why? Because certain people have always
known what they are where they come from and what they are doing here.
There basically clowning as much of the world as they can. To deceive and
distract as many as they can. We are so lied to I bet it would make us sick to
know the full scope of it all.
edit on 4-5-2021 by Randyvine because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2021 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: Randyvine

There are ways one could theoretically travel without going through space per se. The key would be the fabric of space-time, if we crack what that is we might be able to basically teleport everywhere almost instantly. Given that we solve the other issues like energy and managing complicated systems more efficently than 3 mountains full of computer clusters.
I think that's in a nutshell what inter-dimensional means, the realm where everything exists as pure information/data-points. The abstract above layer.
And another explanation is maybe that once you enter that your attitude towards matter drastically changes.
Also explains why they're here and not here. Different doesn't have to mean superior. Life has a way of occupying every available niche and there might be many different types of life, they maybe know of eachother and the not-helping from some might be condition to the not-attacking of others.

Maybe, hypothetically.
Still I can't stress enough you think you know some other idiots think they know but fact is we can't know.
We'd need so much more data and information and long term interaction before we could maybe start to slowly understand.
Aliens are probably more complicated than pyrosome and we know very little about them even though we know where to find them.

posted on May, 4 2021 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: Peeple

So no doubt you're far to intelligent to be told what to think.
I can only tell you what I've concluded. Nothing has happened
since I made that conclusion that would cause me to change
that conclusion. I'm curious about why that bothers you so much
more than anything? And I don't believe that tripe about people
like me ruining it for everyone else. I'm not that stupid and neither
are you. In fact we're both sure it will like prove the other way
around. With our persecution the deception will have no enemies.

posted on May, 4 2021 @ 02:19 PM

originally posted by: TrulyColorBlind

originally posted by: NightVision

originally posted by: Randyvine
a reply to: NightVision

If you call those insults you haven't been around here very long.

I don't believe these craft to be demons.

I never said you have to.

My statement about the craft being demons is not addressed to you. I'm looking for someone with credentials.

But your idea seems to be that any Christian could have no "credentials." Is that a true statement?

My statement is directed at someone who is UnBiased, religiously speaking. Just saying all UFOs are demons does not make it so. I am sorry. I believe in God, but I don't need a book to tell me to treat my fellow man kindly. Even Jesus said to look within yourself to find the answer. That seems to be so hard for Christians. They seem to always carry a desperate need to convert others to validate their own faith.

Scriptures, while well-intended, do not prove anything scientifically speaking.

Dinosaurs are real, and did exist, no matter what any Christian says. We can dig up the bones and look at them and test them.

posted on May, 4 2021 @ 03:44 PM

originally posted by: TrulyColorBlind

Using logic here, because I don't know you or this "Randyvine." But logically, since both your opinions are opposed, one of you has to be right, correct? You're both saying the other is wrong. One of you is right in saying that. What if it's Randyvine who is right? Obviously, that thought is not possible to you, so you'll do everything in your power to discredit him. And if he's right? What's he doing that is so bad? Trying to save your soul so you can go to heaven? Is that such an all-fired bad thing?

I never said Randyvine was 'wrong'. Do you even read through your own threads? I called his recent statements out as insulting. I even quoted him. Everyone here has seen it. You do not read them because you cherry-pick the narrative you want to read. These facts are undeniable. And no, you are not using logic. Logic involves facts.

My soul needs no saving. If there's a hell, I'm not afraid. I'll be there with a bottle of Jack Daniels and singing with Keith Richards.

edit on 4-5-2021 by NightVision because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-5-2021 by NightVision because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2021 @ 07:37 PM

originally posted by: NightVision

originally posted by: TrulyColorBlind

originally posted by: NightVision

originally posted by: Randyvine
a reply to: NightVision

If you call those insults you haven't been around here very long.

I don't believe these craft to be demons.

I never said you have to.

My statement about the craft being demons is not addressed to you. I'm looking for someone with credentials.

But your idea seems to be that any Christian could have no "credentials." Is that a true statement?

My statement is directed at someone who is UnBiased, religiously speaking. Just saying all UFOs are demons does not make it so. I am sorry. I believe in God, but I don't need a book to tell me to treat my fellow man kindly. Even Jesus said to look within yourself to find the answer. That seems to be so hard for Christians. They seem to always carry a desperate need to convert others to validate their own faith.

Scriptures, while well-intended, do not prove anything scientifically speaking.

Dinosaurs are real, and did exist, no matter what any Christian says. We can dig up the bones and look at them and test them.

Do you think maybe some of them are demons?

And also: what does that mean?

What if the scriptures were given to us by aliens who were considered friendly to humans, but others exist that are not so friendly? The first aliens would be the "angels", and second group would be the "demons".

And the designation of "demon" would be true in most meaningful senses.

posted on May, 6 2021 @ 04:09 AM
a reply to: Randyvine

I'm curious about why that bothers you so much
more than anything?

What bothers me is you claim you know the truth just because you read it in a book.
I read Harry Potter that doesn't prompt me to run around and tell people I know Valdemort is out to get us, or Lord of the Rings & Sauron, etc.
I mean okay the bible is very old but with much generosity maybe a historic novel, sometimes more like a psychonaut's diary. If you'd want to get anything true out of it you'd have to put a lot of hard work into it with historical context, archeological evidence etc and what would be left wouldn't be much more than the X-files quote:
The truth is out there

posted on May, 6 2021 @ 06:35 AM
a reply to: KansasGirl

Only when you ignore most of it.

Christianity only has a positivr connotation in the minds of Christians, the rest of us dont really look upon it with the same... Uh...intrigue.

Modern religions as a whole are a scourge to this world im my opinion, and all Abrahamic religions are basically the same anyway- but especially in that way.

Christians , and others, really dont like hearing thst but... Then again, they dont like much outside the limited views they are allowed to believe. No offence.

posted on May, 6 2021 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: Peeple

What bothers me is you claim you know the truth just because you read it in a book.
I read Harry Potter that doesn't prompt me to run around and tell people I know Valdemort is out to get us, or Lord of the Rings & Sauron, etc.
I mean okay the bible is very old but with much generosity maybe a historic novel, sometimes more like a psychonaut's diary. If you'd want to get anything true out of it you'd have to put a lot of hard work into it with historical context, archeological evidence etc and what would be left wouldn't be much more than the X-files quote:
The truth is out there

How does it make sense that this collection of sacred books all regarded
as scripture and held up as truth. And called the Bible. Why and how
would these writings record a history of events. With chronological order
as a record of man's interactions with this Creator source of everything.

For whom we have no way of a molding to our likes or dislikes. Because
only the opposite can be true. Just holding up common sense the design
does not rethink the designer. The Designer is never customized by the

And I would think that if all these books written on three different
continents. Over a period of thirty five hundred years in three
different languages by 45=46 different authors. And yes considering
the fore mentioned all a perfect collaboration, with out significant

An absolute miracle in and of itself in any skeptics
face. Why would these writings include such unbelievable events and
expect them to be believed? If they were just bull sh1t and lies? A
lever of control. I realize you would rather Harry Potter were true
but it is what it is and that was not it's intent. There you have the
difference between fairytales and scripture. I can't believe you need
these things pointed out to you but the Bible lady peeps to coin a phrase.

"You just can't make this sh1t up"

And it makes me believe such a brilliant person as yourself. Just
isn't willing to consider the miracle of everything everyday. Just
because it comes with one ultimate authority. That you have also
been lied to about. But you won't even consider the possibility
that you have been lied to about everything. In the ignorance of
the most obvious deceptions you see everyday.

But where you shrug your shoulders and walk away from noticing.
I can't walk away because I have to find out what else we are
being lied to about. You need to go down the rabbit whole on your

No one comes in on the end of a movie and knows what's going on
no one. Not even those who taught you the lies. But liars themselves
do know. Knowledge is power and you don't have the power do you/
They do.

Of course you despise me I'm willing to tell you the blunt truth. and
I don't give a bucket of piss what you like or hate or believe or ignore.
You believe what you've been told to believe beyond even those times
you can see right thru the lies. This world is crap and nothing of what
it was meant to be. Your focus is on all the wrong things and skewed
in ignorance.

But I'm telling you it isn't your fault.

And it isn't just because I read in a book it's because also I see it everyday.
In a world that could be so much better for every last person who was and
who will be in existence. And how easily it could be so. the fact that it isn't
is a big clue.

edit on 6-5-2021 by Randyvine because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2021 @ 04:42 PM

originally posted by: itswhatev
a reply to: KansasGirl

Only when you ignore most of it.

Christianity only has a positivr connotation in the minds of Christians, the rest of us dont really look upon it with the same... Uh...intrigue.

Modern religions as a whole are a scourge to this world im my opinion, and all Abrahamic religions are basically the same anyway- but especially in that way.

Christians , and others, really dont like hearing thst but... Then again, they dont like much outside the limited views they are allowed to believe. No offence.

No offense taken. Lots of people have had the misfortune of knowing Sunday Morning Christians. Those who go to church on Sunday but the rest of their life doesn’t resemble Jesus in any way. The church at large today is in need of overhaul.

When people live as Jesus did, though, it spreads only good.

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