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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - They Don't Know Who We Be - -PART- -7H1R7Y sIx-

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posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 11:51 AM
It seems the grounds of Hugh Heffner's Playboy mansion are being dug up:


2 posts from the MAP with Playboy in
1 post from the MAP with Hefner in


Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 8GzG+UJ9 No.150166936 📁
Nov 20 2017 02:29:21 (EST)
When was this announced?
When did events in SA transpire?
Who controlled a large portion of Twitter stock?
Why is this relevant?
Define oppression.
Who controls the narrative?
Who really controls the narrative?
Who guards the narrative?
Does the MSM shelter and protect select ‘party’ members?
Does this protection insulate these ‘party’ members?
Who controls the narrative?
What laws were put in place to protect the MSM from lawsuits?
Who specifically passed this law?
What is immunity?
What prevents a news organization from simply ‘making up sources & stories’?
What prevents a news organization from simply ‘making up sources & stories’?
What previous SC ruling provided protection to reporters from having to reveal their ‘confidential’ source(s)?
How many people are unaware of the ‘truth’ due to the stranglehold?
How must people be made aware of an alternate reality?
What are crumbs (think H-wood/DC)
Define ‘lead-in’ (think play)?
What has been occurring recently?
The stage must be set.
Crumbs are easy to swallow.
What if Hugh Hefner was /a Clown In America?
What is a honeypot?
Define blackmail.
How could this be applied?
Fantasy land.
No Such Agency.

The hunter becomes the hunted.
Operations underway.
Operators active.
Disinformation is real.
Disinformation is necessary.
Silent war (some gets out).
The Great Awakening.
Iron Eagle.
Godfather III.
The Hunt for Red October.


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 061d5f No.128547 📁
Dec 19 2017 20:36:54 (EST)📁
Are we there yet?

link = "playboy-models-among-3-seeking-27m-say-soros-fund-manager-raped-beat-them"


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 061d5f No.128438 📁
Dec 19 2017 20:26:11 (EST)
CS/Heidi Fleiss.

posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 11:58 AM

originally posted by: igloo

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: Caled
The Global Hum or "The Hum" is really loud near me today. Has been all morning. It helps knowing what to listen for, but I don't really even need to try to hear it today.

Busy 48 hours. This of course is the sanitized version. Link

Worth noting, some of what you "hear" can be well more then just the above energies. Listening will often reveal what's what.

Wow, this is interesting! For years I've been wakened up at night by a hum that I'd go searching for. Drove me nuts. I live on a highway so likely was there during the day too but the traffic is loud. I only learnt about the resonances recently. Interesting that there could be a connection. I looked the hum up on google and put it down to one mention of a huge electrical cable crossing the strait underwater. That cable comes up near where I live and crosses train tracks that run by my place so I thought the vibration might be transferring into the tracks and that is what I was hearing. What I didn't understand was why some nights it was quiet and local weather didn't seem to be a factor. I will pay attention next I hear it.

Also, over the last year I've heard crazy rumbling, loud and like a plane up high, except the sound would cut off and on like thunder. No one else seems to notice but I don't want to ask too many people. Clear skies too.

Ig, I'd take a crack at the one you describe was generally heard coming from the ENE.

The process of "hearing" can be super frustrating, because not all people can hear at the same level. Also, not all are meant to hear the same things.

Combine this with some "sound" or "ringing" coming from EMF's, Sun, Earth and then the underground stuff which adepts can often hear. In some cases I'd suspect underground machines create the "refrigerator" hum and many can hear that as it might just be in a frequency range the can hear, but others cannot - or are not meant to.

Sounds of Self are a thing too, we often like to talk to ourselves through frequency modulation - high pitched tones that ring to 10 seconds or so, as do negative forces of course. Clicks are becoming more common, as is the sound Cal mentions - folks are hearing what the ignored for ages.

Very interesting to practice listening and then correlate what one feels. The only way to really sort it is by feeling and intuition. Counting on others helping is very hit and miss, mostly miss.

posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: Caled

Please Consider the above. I did have such around 2008 and it continued/ I ask many others who said they could not hear such. After a few years I got fed up with such , admitted It was not a surrounding problem and saw a GP. He spotted one small problem for which he prescribed Medics. Noise continued and Doctor sent me to see Ear specialist. Cut long story short, I failed certaon frequencies and was therefore prescribed Hearing aids. Following year Hodgkins cropped up. Chemo Therapy did solve Ear problems plus Lymph' Cancer. Just shows how things are best sorted by Professional Specialist.

edit on 20-4-2021 by steaming because: spelling

posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 12:11 PM

I mentioned Fake Al yesterday. I forgot to mention. One thing I noticed about him while he was standing near me is he had the "thing." That charismatic energy thing. Popsicle head does not.

posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 12:15 PM
The Mystic Ark is a painting by Hugh of Saint Victor (c. 1096–1141). Reconstruction of a mural that is regarded as the most complex work of art from the Middle Ages. Hugh who was considered to be the leading theologian of Europe during his life.

What is more, there are actually four different Arks that are to be read in this single image–each with its own relatively comprehensive understanding, and each approaching the image of The Mystic Ark in a completely different manner: the Ark of Noah (that is, the Ark according to the letter), the Ark of the Church (the Ark according to simple allegory), the Ark of Wisdom (the Ark according to anagogical allegory), and the Ark of Mother Grace (the Ark according to tropology). In each one these Arks, the same visual imagery is potentially interpreted in an entirely different way: sometimes literally, sometimes macrocosmically, sometimes microcosmically. This is made more complex by the fact that the two-dimensional image is meant to be understood three-dimensionally, operating both horizontally and vertically.

The nine orders of angels:

The Mystic Ark

posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 12:26 PM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
Before the Storm ends, I want to watch the (lightening) bolts of Biden, Harris, and other black hats trying to escape judgement... and probably leaving a brown sticky trail!

That seems petty and honestly a little unlikely.

Is there even a storm, or is it just in the minds of those hoping for the same thing you just mentioned?

I think it is self evident that there is a storm.

Covid, the economy, geo-political instability, racial issues, division of populations, and the list goes on.

Whether it is caused by a Q high aloft or a Collectivist depression, or both, is the question.

posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: Caled

This is a long read, I don't subscribe to all of it but I do find it interesting


posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 12:58 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Have you ever heard of the Satanic cult "The Order of the 9 Angels"?

posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 01:05 PM
Thanks! I'll read through it.

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
a reply to: Caled

This is a long read, I don't subscribe to all of it but I do find it interesting


posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 01:31 PM
President Biden says he recently called George Floyd's family:

"I'm praying the verdict is the right verdict,


Media providing partial bios on the jurors:

Who are the jurors in the Derek Chauvin trial?

In  its final form, the jury includes a multi-race woman in her 20s, a multi-race woman in her 40s, two Black men in their 30s, a Black man in his 40s, a Black woman in her 60s, three white women in their 50s, a white woman in her 40s, a white man in his 30s and a white man in his 20s.

Here, in more detail, are the jurors who will decide the trial of Derek Chauvin:

s ource

posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

cranky, following up on your observations on sleep patterns here's my experience over the last week:

I've been waking up in the same awkward position everyday whereby my head is tilted back towards my back such that it's pushing down into the top of my spine. Imagine what you do when someone tickles the back of your neck and that's the position.

Very weird, however, it's resulted in a happier and more energetic mood for the day.

ETA - I've also had constant low pitch "white-noise" in my ears for the last 72 hours.
edit on 20-4-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 01:44 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Hey care. This is going around as well, perhaps it can instill more trust. Once again, this is not mine, just sharing.

Dear friends,

I want to share something very profound and extremely encouraging with you. Because I am on the road, I send it to you as a simple text message, with a link to the video on Rumble.

Not everyone will understand this, because the video explains an amazingly powerful supernatural vision that a dear friend of mine received, in Europe. This elderly lady is perhaps the purest person I know, who has been used several times to profoundly impact my life. The messages she receives from God are amazingly accurate, and have proven to be literally life saving.

I understand that the mentioning of the word ‘God’ or ‘prophetic’ will upset some of you.
But I am asking you kindly to please rise above the programming you have received in your life, that has conditioned you to connect God to ‘religion’.
Get this straight, once and for all: God has just as much to do with man made religion, as true love has anything to do with perverse lust. In other words: he is the exact opposite of what most of us have seen in the religions of this world, that enslave people in dark systems of control and oppression. It is a key part of the mind control of humanity by the wicked elite, to tell us that God equals religion. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Many of us have also been programmed to consider everything spiritual as ‘stupid’ or ‘bad’.
This way we have been left with only the superficial, meaningless materialistic world, that is void of true power, purpose and passion. Disconnecting humanity from the source of life, health, goodness, love, peace, truth and power is an essential element in the strategy of enslaving us. A spiritually disconnected person is powerless and easy to control.
Those who are in deep unity with the one force that is far greater than evil, cannot be overcome.
That’s why the single most essential goal of all darkness is to blind us for the most beautiful, powerful and lifesaving reality there is. Or if they can’t blind people for it, they replace this amazingly magnificent dimension of love and goodness with entangling religion. In other words: if God is the best wine in the world, it is being replaced by sour vinegar. So please be aware of this.

Anyway, the message I am sharing with you came from this indescribably wonderful dimension that is fighting on our behalf, to bring us into a dimension of freedom that we cannot even imagine.

Try to listen to this beautiful and hope giving message with an intelligent and open heart.
Reject all foolish negativity that is never helpful, reject silly pride and hate, and open your heart to hear what amazing hope there is for all of us.
This vision shows where we are at, in the battle against the worldwide network of criminals that have caused the pandemic, and are planning to submit the whole world to their diabolical control. If you can grasp the significance of this message, it will remove all depression, fear and anxiety, and fill you with strength, courage and hope for the future.

Enough said, here is the link to the video, which is called ‘THE SNAKE OF THE CABAL IS ALMOST CUT IN HALF’

David Sörensen

posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 02:36 PM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Have you ever heard of the Satanic cult "The Order of the 9 Angels"?

Ha, you read my mind. Yes. Supposedly, The order of the 9 refers to the 9 deadliest assassins that has walked this earth.
"Order of Nine Angles" in more recent occult academia, is a Satanic Left-Hand Path occultist/mysticism group based in the UK. Satanists invert everything to fit their beliefs & magick so not surprised on the duality of taking the Order name sake.

Page 95 (105 of PDF):

While the origins of the Order of Nine Angles are rooted predominantly in British paganism, it has since spread to become a global entity, with ‘nexions’ (cells) or associated groups in America, Australia, Brazil, Egypt, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Spain, and South Africa.11 The majority of the traditional nexions are located in the British Isles, Ireland, and Germany, and the original cell, known as ‘Nexion Zero’, has long been located in Shropshire, England.

The very nature of the ONA makes data gathering difficult, as the movement is secretive by definition.

Page 97 (107):

Given the complexities, then, of determining who is a ‘member’ of
the Order, as of 2013 it is likely that the global total is over two
thousand associates of the Order, allowing for the broadest possible
definition of who ‘belongs’ to the ONA.

Pages 104-105 (114-115):

The Order of Nine Angles holds that the world of normalcy which we inhabit is the causal world. Herein the laws of cause and effect, of time, space, and gravity all apply. The causal world is a place where the laws of physics are absolute, and where science is sufficient to explain and understand all things. Yet the ONA also posits the existence of the acausal, a term referring to the supernatural realm where the laws of physics are meaningless, and where time and space are perceived or exist in ways that most humans cannot possibly understand. The acausal plays a central role in the mystic tradition of the Order. Indeed, the very concept of the Adept is tied into one’s apprehension of the acausal, and ability to ‘presence’ it – that is to draw on the numinous energies of that other place – and draw them into this world, in order to cause change in accordance with the sorcerer’s designs. This is effectively what constitutes magic or sorcery, according to the mystical paradigm of the ONA. According to the main texts of the Order, real sorcery is complex, and should be divided into three categories.

The simplest type of magic is external (or hermetic), and resembles what most people envision when they imagine magic: love spells, curses, luck spells, and spells to bring good crops and harvest. The second category of magic is internal, focusing on the transformation of the sorcerer from something human to something alien.

The final category is aeonic magic, which is focused not on the sorcerer or her/his particular aims, but rather on the creating widespread (perhaps mimetic) change on a social scale. In terms of the theory behind magic or sorcery, humans are thought to be capable of creating supernatural change in the causal world, as they are living nexions (or doorways) to the supernatural acausal realm. Yet while the acausal is understood to be a source of great power, it is not considered to be a safe or friendly realm, any more than the ocean itself – and like the ocean, it is believed to be inhabited by beings that are both ancient and powerful.

Mysticism in the 21st Century, Monette, Connell (Second Edition 2015), Wilsonville, Oregon: Sirius publication. One of the best occult academia books I've come across on such Mysticism and this Occult Order.

A further possibility (from his book) suggested by ONA texts is that it refers to nine emanations of the divine, as recorded in medieval Sufi texts.

He further suggests on page 111 (121):

It is equally likely that the Order has borrowed from classical Indian tradition that arranges the solar system into nine planets, and the world itself ‘has nine corners’; or perhaps from the Sanskrit srivatsa, a special mark with nine angles that indicates supernatural or heroic characteristics.

Another interesting aspect of their important practices also includes learning a variant of monastic chant, pathworking with a special 'sinister' tarot that the magician must construct or commission, and developing skill at a special game known as the Star Game | Quintessence of The Order of Nine Angles.

Also, in reference to their hermetic journey with its seven spheres and its two acausal aspects of Seven Fold Way

Internal magick is the following of the Occult path from Initiation to Adeptship and beyond, and in the Septenary tradition this path is known as the seven-fold Way.”

Furthermore, in the ‘Notes on Esoteric Tradition’ of Naos it is directly stated that “the goal of sentient life is to […] become part of the acausal (i.e. ‘immortal’ when seen from the causal). Initiation, and ‘the Mysteries’ (i.e. the seven-fold Way), are the means to achieve this.”

Of particular interest is the fact that, in Naos, the internal sorcery used to bring about personal development is also called ‘physis magick’:

“Physis is divided into seven stages and these seven stages may be regarded as representing the varying degrees of insight attained. In terms of traditional magick, the stages represent Initiation, Second Degree Initiation, External Adept, Internal Adept, Master/Mistress (or High Priest/Priestess), Magus and Immortal. Each stage is associated with a sphere of the Septenary Tree of Wyrd.”

Sorry for long post but I find this stuff fascinating and various parts of such Orders play a deep role in how the ruling class governs from both light & dark spiritual warfare.

posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 02:36 PM

#BREAKING: The jury has reached a verdict in the #DerekChauvinTrial in the death of #GeorgeFloyd. The verdict will be read within the next hour or two. |


posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 02:43 PM
Well, that was's being reported that a verdict has been reached in the trial of Derek Chauvin. It will be read between 4:30 and 5 pm ET.

NBC News

posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 02:48 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Not usually a good sign for the defense when the jury returns a verdict this quickly - HOWEVER - Casey Anthony's jury also only took 10 hours to find her not guilty.

Either way, Minneapolis is going to burn tonight.

posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 02:58 PM
I have honestly been 100% disinterested in the Chauvin case up until now. Now I am sooo tired of hearing about it that I am POSITIVE this is going to be interesting.

originally posted by: cherokeetroy

#BREAKING: The jury has reached a verdict in the #DerekChauvinTrial in the death of #GeorgeFloyd. The verdict will be read within the next hour or two. |


edit on 4/20/2021 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: PokeyJoe

Yep, agree.

Guilty: riots
Acquitted: riots
Hung jury: riots

Already started last night with a massive fire destroying a 105 yr old Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish Catholic Church in Minneapolis. Daily Caller

Did the violent rhetoric from Mad Max Waters' vile big mouth have anything to do with sparking the fire as she called for more confrontation?!

So the forecast is for riots, but what kind?

Peaceful riots?
Summer of love riots?
2021 bat# crazy next level riots?

ETA: National Guard rolling in Minneapolis...apparently happening right now...

Depending on intensity of the Minneapolis low pressure system, we could be looking at winds speeds of 111 to 157+ miles per hour.

edit on 20-4-2021 by EndtheMadnessNow because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 03:13 PM
a reply to: Caled

I agree. I have very little interest in watching the drama unfold. It's felt like we've been stuck in this repetitive loop for the last 4+ years like a broken record. I'm hoping we can build some momentum to speed things up and get through this phase so we can move on to bigger better things...

posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 03:39 PM
Just created this proof, after finding the murdered Tanzanian president appeared in a post after being the first exemplar of You cannot tell them the truth. YOU MUST SHOW THEM:


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