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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - They Don't Know Who We Be - -PART- -7H1R7Y sIx-

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posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 10:37 AM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
First insect approved for human consumption in the EU

Actually, this is much, much less concerning than the fake artificially grown genetically modified meats also being pushed.

Farming the right insects I believe is a very healthy and viable alternative to the extremely unhealthy grains and beans (corn, wheat and soy) being grown for food for the masses right now.

I've been meaning to research this more in-depth, and decide on which are the healthiest (the highest level of healthy proteins and fats minerals, etc), then experimenting with farming them.

I'll likely even experiment with incorporating them into my pemmican.

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: IAMTAT

Replied to your reply


posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 11:04 AM
Some "DOG Comms" in an ABC News video tweet at 2:03 EST:

A 17-year-old wasted no time fending off a huge bear, pushing it off a wall, before it could get to dogs—including her mother's service dog—in her backyard.

(Video says 1:16 mins long - but 1:17 when watched)

1) Meanings?
17 = Q
Huge bear = Russia?
Wall breached to get service dogs in their own backyard!

2) Timestamp of 2:03 = 23 = PAIN

3) Video length:
1:17 = 117 = a B2 bomber... Bill Barr? Sessions?

4) The video shows the girl pushing the full sized bear and 2 cubs off a wall when they try to grab one of the dogs, then running away:
a) Bear + 2 cubs = Russia and 2 of their satellites? Belarus? Ukraine?
b) Great example of the courage of a woman when her family are at risk!

5) I tried to export @ABC tweets using Vicintas, to get the exact timestamp but interestingly all tweets from 31/05/2021 14:19:06 to 02/06/2021 05:29:38 are missing in the download??

edit on 2-6-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 11:04 AM

originally posted by: Metalcrack
a reply to: CrazyFox
As a devil's advocate (not implying you are wrong), Z-Pack displays some anti-viral capabilities. Early on, when they (Docs/Trump) promoted the combo of HCQ and z-pack, I was in disbelief, as I am very allergic to Z-Pack.

Z-pack is an antibiotic - specifically, a 5-day course of the antibiotic azithromycin.

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 11:11 AM
Interesting development:


"(Former) President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and his vehicle were shot dead near the Benadir Regional Court.

The president, who was on his way to a peace conference at the Elite Hotel on the beach, was ambushed by (government) soldiers armed with assault rifles.

Sources close to President Hassan told Goobjoog News that they were aware of the gunfire, adding that the President had ordered his entourage to be patient and not respond."

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: Caled

I like this part,

and his vehicle were shot dead

Must have killed the motor.


posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 11:17 AM

originally posted by: Nunyabizisit
Largest ship in Iranian navy has caught fire and sank in the Gulf of Oman under unclear circumstances.

Damavand, 2018, navigation
Kenarak, 2020, missile
Fake carrier, 2020, ???
Kharg, 2021, fire

Thread w/video:

Iranian Warship Thought to be Headed to Venezuela Left Port with 7 High-Speed Missile Boats Aboard

According to imagery provided to USNI News by Maxar, the Iranian Navy’s new forward-basing ship, IRINS Makran, was seen on April 28 after leaving its homeport with seven attack boats aboard.

Last week, citing three U.S. officials, Politico reported that the Pentagon believes Makran and an Iranian frigate were steaming down Africa’s east coast ultimately bound for Venezuela. On Monday, Iranian Foreign Ministry officials asserted their rights to operate worldwide when asked about Makran heading to Venezuela.

If the boats are delivered, they may form the core of an asymmetrical warfare force within Venezuela’s armed forces. This could be focused on disrupting shipping as a means of countering superior naval forces. Shipping routes to and from the Panama Canal are near the Venezuelan coast.

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 11:30 AM

Shahid Tondguyan oil refinery in #Tehran, Iran on fire.

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 11:31 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
I was thinking back about Russia, and the interesting point came across my mind;
"Who was responsible for that Nuc'ing of the Russian Base a few years ago?"

I remember that at the point of the base going off line, but before it was revealed that a nuc had gone off the Russian Government was trying to figure out what happened. Then as quickly and as quietly it all went away.

Ummm... what???

Got a link, because I'm having trouble parsing that...

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 11:36 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Guyfriday
I was thinking back about Russia, and the interesting point came across my mind;
"Who was responsible for that Nuc'ing of the Russian Base a few years ago?"

I remember that at the point of the base going off line, but before it was revealed that a nuc had gone off the Russian Government was trying to figure out what happened. Then as quickly and as quietly it all went away.

Ummm... what???

Got a link, because I'm having trouble parsing that...


posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 12:08 PM

originally posted by: MetalThunder
originally posted by: tanstaafl
originally posted by: Guyfriday
"" I was thinking back about Russia, and the interesting point came across my mind;
Who was responsible for that Nuc'ing of the Russian Base a few years ago?

I remember that at the point of the base going off line, but before it was revealed that a nuc had gone off the Russian Government was trying to figure out what happened. Then as quickly and as quietly it all went away."

Ummm... what???

Got a link, because I'm having trouble parsing that..."


Ok, but that says nothing about a nuke, let alone even remotely offering any proof of it... the first video did say something aboyut it being an ammunitions dump...
edit on 2-6-2021 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 12:23 PM
Harry Reid is so excited about UFOs he's become a Man in Black...

Ex-Senate majority leader Harry Reid on UFOs: ‘We’re at the infancy of it’ 🤦‍♂️🤡🤪💥

“Congress should make this an ongoing program. I don’t think the report is going to tell us too much. I think they need to study it more and not just have one shot at it,” Reid told the Guardian.

Pentagon says diversity training essential in ‘defending the nation’

Reminder: Smith-Mundt Modernisation Act of 2012, the BHO gift that keeps on giving.

U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News to Americans

But for BBG officials, the references to Pentagon propaganda efforts are nauseating, particularly because the Smith-Mundt Act never had anything to do with regulating the Pentagon, a fact that was misunderstood in media reports in the run-up to the passage of new Smith-Mundt reforms in January.

Here's a law review paper on it...


ABSTRACT—For over sixty years, the Smith–Mundt Act prohibited the U.S. Department of State and the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) from disseminating government-produced programming within the United States over fears that these agencies would “propagandize” the American people. However, in 2013, Congress abolished the domestic dissemination ban, which has led to a heated debate about the role of the federal government in free public discourse. Although the 2013 repeal of the domestic dissemination ban promotes greater government transparency and may help counter anti-American sentiment at home, it also gives the federal government great power to covertly influence public opinion.

The 2013 Amendment now allows the State Department and the BBG to better combat domestic terrorism, and also promotes greater government transparency. However, the 2013 Amendment creates new problems. Now, there is little preventing the State Department and the BBG from widely disseminating unattributed government-produced programming within the United States.

Transparency and government go together like oil & water. War is business, America's day job is preparing for war. What's good for business is secrecy. What's bad for business is transparency.

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 12:23 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Clip scroll up.

Reagan, Clinton, Bush, renOgade, DJT, were all alone, but Joe, who is not allowed to place the wreath, is there with is handler Harris. She's always just right behind him, right there to the side.

Drooling class doesn't care or know, but what about those who follow the rituals in very high places? What do they think?

What Commander In Chief "RITUALS" as Joe done properly so far? Rituals matter, as much as anything else, but Joe seems to be avoiding doing them the way others have or at all.

Stop falling for conspiracy nonsense.

Even Trump last year had to complete the same covid modified laying of the wreath. No walk back with the physical touch replacing the laying

If the above link doesn't work then see from 12 minutes in the following video.

edit on 2/6/2021 by tommyjo because: Additional info added

edit on 2/6/2021 by tommyjo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: Nunyabizisit

This one is another 'doctor' telling Fauxxi's office's publicly available email address how he thinks a particular bio weapon was made.

Not quite. The opening line reads, "This is how the virus was created." Not "I think this is how the virus was created."

Important difference.

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 12:34 PM
Clip of Fauxci expressing how exciting a bioweapon or pandemic would be for him.

The problem here is scale. If a guy robs a 7-11 the evidence is small and easily decided upon.

The Fauxci problem is huge, full of "wellllll, looooook, he never actual demanded folks wear masks, he 'suggested' they might be a good idea..." ..... "looooooook, he never actually said 'no bioweapon' he said 'the evidence isn't clear enough..." and on and on and on and on.

He is the symbol. Let's be clear, he was never in charge of anything. In fact, he was only in charge of the population that cowered to fear and listened to the Controllers speak through this mouthpiece. No one had to comply, they did so out of fear and that is on them, everyone.

I never lived in fear of this or acted as such, those who did are to blame - not Fauxci. I wasn't irrational and fear based in the other direction I just took my life experience, my intuition, my reading of the symbols and refused to bow to this - most took a knee in fear within seconds of teeeveeee fear mongering, giving unelected Fauxci, the mouthpiece for the Controllers, the authority over them.

Will he be arrested? No. Never.
Will he be scapegoated? Yes.
Is the real Fauxci already dead? Yes.
Will this fall on Joe? Yes.

Who is ultimately responsible? The proverbial "you," the people, not the little troll with rocks in his throat.

edit on 2-6-2021 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 12:36 PM
Good Morning All....

Wow, these Fauxci e-mails have triggered a lot of flashbacks dealing with MD’s during the end of my Father’s biological life last summer, God, his B-day is in 2 days, last year at this time I was planning his party, lol, got him a pool table, hoping to help with his cognitive, physical and just overall well-being and happiness. I knew he was getting toward the end of his life, but could have never imagined it would be 2 mns later , based on his health level up to that point, it was more cognitive ( a lot like Joe ) but still he was walking everyday ( he bonded with all the neighborhood animals and named them ) playing guitar and singing and overall enjoying Family, Friends, our Dogs, humor, meals, etc. Then the Plandemic Hit..

Look, here’s the thing, I asked about HQ to at least 3 different doctor’s, 2 out of 3 totally dismissed it, the 3rd, a young woman resident doc seemed truly interested in the idea and actually took the time to discuss it with me on the phone, she also went to bat with the hospital administration to allow me to visit, my Dad was so upset and confused they restrained his arms, and I think that was the final blow, he wasn’t the same when he came home, he was done with this reality.
edit on 2-6-2021 by MountainLaurel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 12:58 PM

originally posted by: MountainLaurel
Good Morning All....

Wow, these Fauxci e-mails have triggered a lot of flashbacks dealing with MD’s during the end of my Father’s biological life last summer, God, his B-day is in 2 days, last year at this time I was planning his party, lol, got him a pool table, hoping to help with his cognitive, physical and just overall well-being and happiness. I knew he was getting toward the end of his life, but could have never imagined it would be 2 mns later , based on his health level up to that point, it was more cognitive ( a lot like Joe ) but still he was walking everyday ( he bonded with all the neighborhood animals and named them ) playing guitar and singing and overall enjoying Family, Friends, our Dogs, humor, meals, etc. Then the Plandemic Hit..

Look, here’s the thing, I asked about HQ to at least 3 different doctor’s, 2 out of 3 totally dismissed it, the 3rd, a young woman resident doc seemed truly interested in the idea and actually took the time to discuss it with me on the phone, she also went to bat with the hospital administration to allow me to visit, my Dad was so upset and confused they restrained his arms, and I think that was the final blow, he wasn’t the same when he came home, he was done with this reality.

Gatekeepers keep the gates, they do not bother with the rest of the grounds - they have no time.

There are an infinite number of remedies but only a few approved "treatments" for symptoms as defined in a book. Said treatments are not allowed, by Medical Mafia Law, to crossover to other symptoms = unapproved. As if HCQ is safe when used for malaria but will kill when used for the common cold = manipulation of consciousness.

Folks are just mesmerized by the lab coat. It puts them under a spell. I once said to a friend of mine, "you've been seeing the same cancer doctor for 15 years, at what point does he prove his is incompetent?" Imagine hiring a roofer that took 15 years to fix the leak, but in the meantime every time it rains another part of the house is destroyed, requiring the hiring of another tradesman. Now imagine watching it from another POV. I've watched it often, hands tied, it many ways it is worse then getting the "treatments".

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 12:59 PM
Nathan Wolfe is a virologist and the founder of Metabiota, a company that has biolabs around the world funded by the US gov.

Here he is attending a gala with Ghislaine Maxwell

He also supported her Terramar Project

He attended the 2009 Edge Billionaires Dinner

He wrote a book called The Viral Storm. In the acknowledgments he thanks Jeffrey Epstein and Boris Nikolic

And Debbi Birx

Along with Ecohealth Alliance

He works with DARPA

Wolfe spent over eight years conducting biomedical research in both sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia. He is also the founder of Metabiota, which offers both governmental and corporate services for biological threat evaluation and management. He serves on the editorial board of EcoHealth and Scientific American and is a member of DARPA's Defense Science Research Council. His laboratory was among the first to discover and describe the Simian foamy virus

One of his labs is in Ukraine:

Ukrainian opposition urges probe into US biolaboratories in Ukraine

For Life party has urged the authorities to probe into the operation of 15 US military biological laboratories. It argues that since their emergence Ukraine has seen outbreaks of dangerous diseases, as follows from a message by the head of the party’s Political Council, Viktor Medvedchuk, and parliament member from the same party Renat Kuzmin, published on the party’s website on Wednesday.

As an example Medvedchuk and Kuzmin mentioned the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU) - an international organization funded by the US authorities whose employees enjoy diplomatic immunity. "This center is involved in financing projects for the creation of weapons of mass destruction," Medvedchuk and Kuzmin say.

The emergence of US biolaboratories in Ukraine and the financing of STCU projects was accompanied by several outbreaks of serious infectious diseases in the country," Medvedchuk and Kuzmin say in their statemen

In their message Medvedchuk and Kuzmin mentioned the outbreaks of dangerous infectious diseases in Ukraine in recent years, which, in their opinion, might be connected with the activity of US laboratories. In 2009, a virus caused a hotbed of hemorrhagic pneumonia, which claimed 450 lives. In 2011, Ukraine saw an outbreak of cholera, with 33 patients taken to hospital. Three years later another 800 patients were diagnosed with cholera. One year later more than 100 cases of cholera were identified in Nikolayev.

In January 2016, at least 20 military servicemen died of a flu-like virus. Another 200 people were taken to the hospital. Two months later 364 died in Ukraine of the swine fever virus A (H1N1) pdm09, the very same strain that caused the 2009 pandemic, Medvedchuk and Kuzmin say. They recall that an outbreak of hepatitis A occurred in Nikolayev in 2017. Another one followed in the summer of that year in Zaporozhie and Odessa, one more in the autumn in Kharkov

Metabiota works with the STCU Center:


The US Company Metabiota Inc. has been awarded $18.4 million federal contracts under the Pentagon’s DTRA program in Georgia and Ukraine for scientific and technical consulting services.

Metabiota services include global field-based biological threat research, pathogen discovery, outbreak response and clinical trials.

Metabiota Inc. had been contracted by the Pentagon to perform work for DTRA before and during the Ebola crisis in West Africa and was awarded $3.1 million (2012-2015) for work in Sierra Leone – one of the countries at the epicenter of the Ebola outbreak.

Metabiota worked on a Pentagon’s project at the epicenter of the Ebola crisis, where three US biolabs are situated.

A July 17, 2014 report drafted by the Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Consortium, accused Metabiota Inc. of failing to abide by an existing agreement on how to report test results and for bypassing the Sierra Leonean scientists working there.

The report also raised the possibility that Metabiota was culturing blood cells at the lab, something the report said was dangerous, as well as misdiagnosing healthy patients. All of those allegations were denied by Metabiota.

A colleague of Nathan Wolfe is Dr. Joseph Fair:

Conflicts of Interest Abound Among Scientists Who Decry Wuhan Lab Leak Theory

On April 27, National Pulse published an article revealing NBC contributor and Founder of Tricorder Health, Joseph Fair was linked to the WIV after he “paid a one-day academic visit to Wuhan Institute of Virology at the invitation of Shi Zhengli, researcher of the Institute,” according to the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s own web page.

In March of 2020 when the pandemic first began, Fair fired off at former president Donald Trump’s administration on Twitter, saying Washington should leave the Wuhan institute out of the pandemic discussion, “Stop blaming China, Obama, & everyone else. Take responsibility & lead. Stop complimenting yourself & worry about Americans who are afraid for their lives, livelihoods, & futures.”

GVFI’s Vice President Dr. Joseph Fair visited Wuhan Institute of Virology

NBC Won’t Say If It Will Fire Virologist Who Lied About Having COVID-19

Days after NBC on-air contributor Dr. Joseph Fair revealed he was lying about his infection with the Wuhan coronavirus, which the network extensively covered, NBC has refused to answer several Federalist inquiries about whether it has disciplined the virologist.

The network gave Fair’s illness generous coverage as a virus-stricken contributor even after Fair tested negative for the virus multiple times but claimed it was the “worst” he’d ever felt.

Nathan Wolfe also works with Peter Daszak on The Global Virome Project

PETER DASZAK serves as the Treasurer and Secretary of the Global Virome Project Leadership Board. He is the President of EcoHealth Alliance, a US-based organization that conducts research and outreach programs on global health, conservation and international development. Peter’s research has been instrumental in identifying and predicting the origins and impact of emerging diseases across the globe. This includes identifying the bat origin of SARS,
edit on 2-6-2021 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 01:23 PM
Trump gave up his blog. What does q and the gang think about that?
edit on 2-6-2021 by MayRenee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 01:32 PM

That also brings us Solyent Green is people. They aren't going to raise beef meat. NOOOooo, it will be human meat.

That will really be bad because essentially we would be cannibals. Why can't it be chicken, beef, pork or fish meat?

If they can do it at all they can do it for animals before humans. These people are a special kind of sick.

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
First insect approved for human consumption in the EU

Actually, this is much, much less concerning than the fake artificially grown genetically modified meats also being pushed.

Farming the right insects I believe is a very healthy and viable alternative to the extremely unhealthy grains and beans (corn, wheat and soy) being grown for food for the masses right now.

I've been meaning to research this more in-depth, and decide on which are the healthiest (the highest level of healthy proteins and fats minerals, etc), then experimenting with farming them.

I'll likely even experiment with incorporating them into my pemmican.

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