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Video Shocks The World! Alex Jones Predicted COVID Lockdown in 2010

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posted on Feb, 26 2021 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: Wide-Eyes

In this case, it is not a virus that is destroying the west, it is government usurpation IN THE NAME OF A VIRUS that is destroying the west.

A question of mine is "how are the Eastern countries doing so well?"

posted on Feb, 26 2021 @ 10:14 AM
Look into the band Tool's newest album Fear Inoculum released in 2019.

Some lyrics from the title track

[Verse 1]
Immunity, long overdue
Contagion, I exhale you
Naive, I opened up to you
Venom and mania
Now, contagion, I exhale you

The deceiver says, he says
"You belong to me
You don't wanna breathe the light of the others
Fear the light, fear the breath
Fear the others for eternity"
But I hear them now, inhale the clarity
Hear the venom, the venom in
What you say inoculated
Bless this immunity
Bless this immunity
Bless this immunity

posted on Feb, 26 2021 @ 11:23 AM

originally posted by: Doctor Smith
note: If the video doesn't play. Refresh your browser and press play. This is one of the reasons I take INFOWARS seriously. Look at this prediction way back in 2010. He basically described exactly what the globalist were planning according to their own documents. If you want to put the time and energy into it you can look up all the documents yourself.

If you have any serious comment about why this isn't true and not just. Alex Jones has been debunked and we should just all "lock step" to that unsubstantiated drone claim.

Video Shocks The World! Alex Jones Predicted COVID Lockdown in 2010

Sorry to disappoint you, but does anybody remember what happened in 2009?

Well, I do. It was the swine flu pandemic. One year before Alex Joes made his "predictions" main stream science wouldn't shut up about pandemics and the means to contain them. Including quarantine measures, closing borders, and pretty much all of the things that we have today.

Alex Jones didn't predict anything, he just put his own spin on stories that were all over the news for the best part of a year. You couldn't turn on Discovery Chanel without hearing this kind of thing.

posted on Feb, 26 2021 @ 11:27 AM

originally posted by: Salander
a reply to: Wide-Eyes
A question of mine is "how are the Eastern countries doing so well?"

By locking down even more brutally.

China fought Covid in Wuhan by taking suffers away from their families and putting them in special isolated facilities. This meant that they didn't infect their families.

Korea fought Covid by using mobile phone and credit card data to do contact tracing. It wasn't voluntary like it is with the phone app in the US. Your private location data was handed right over.

Other countries wouldn't even let children outside of the home for exercise. They were literally confined to their families properties for months.

posted on Feb, 26 2021 @ 11:27 AM

originally posted by: tribal
AJ was the FIRST to predict the lockdowns would be for 2 years back in April or May of 2020. I was listening to him every day from the beginning of the pandemic and he called it accurately and early.

Ultimately, I think most of us know what this is but our cognitive dissonance is making it hard to accept. I come from a christian background with a strong "Last Days" eschatology and its STILL really hard for me to accept this is all real. I actually really envy those who think we will eventually go back to "normal" or even a "new normal". They think there will still be shopping malls and lattes after all of this. Boy are they in for a shock.

Didn't he also mention FEMA camps?

posted on Feb, 26 2021 @ 11:30 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

I'm sure it feels good to make the proclamation that you just did. So matter of factly, and authoritatively. Bravo on the delivery. Sadly, you are wrong.

You don't have to like Jones, listen to Jones, or even pretend to tolerate him. But when you have his words from that far back, explaining what is currently happening, you kind of have to admit to be retarded to pretend it's not what this is. (for the record, you do it well)

What he said sounded like hyperbole, and I'm sure it was mocked then as most things he says are. But we didn't shut down the world for any other flu like disease in our recent past. If that's wrong, then I'm sure you will be able to provide links to when we shut schools, closed businesses, and hid in our homes due to a virus. And please make the link a super good one. thanks!

posted on Feb, 26 2021 @ 11:32 AM

originally posted by: Flatcoat

originally posted by: SirHardHarry
Not hard to predict that a pandemic would result in a lockdown. It's in the pandemic manual to prevent spread of a contagious disease. *eyeroll*

Not true. When has this happened before? The normal reaction is to quarantine the sick, not the entire planet.

It happened in 2009 with Swine Flu. Though the lockdowns were more localized than they are now.

I remember a couple of big outbreaks in different places that I've lived over the years. SARs was a big one. I almost got stuck in Hong Kong because of that. I only just managed to get out in time. A community near me had a big outbreak of Foot and Mouth and there were local lockdowns for that. Though they quarantined that early enough and didn't become a regional outbreak.

posted on Feb, 26 2021 @ 11:38 AM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: AaarghZombies

I'm sure it feels good to make the proclamation that you just did. So matter of factly, and authoritatively. Bravo on the delivery. Sadly, you are wrong.

You don't have to like Jones, listen to Jones, or even pretend to tolerate him. But when you have his words from that far back, explaining what is currently happening, you kind of have to admit to be retarded to pretend it's not what this is. (for the record, you do it well)

What he said sounded like hyperbole, and I'm sure it was mocked then as most things he says are. But we didn't shut down the world for any other flu like disease in our recent past. If that's wrong, then I'm sure you will be able to provide links to when we shut schools, closed businesses, and hid in our homes due to a virus. And please make the link a super good one. thanks!

Oh no you didn't ... You just naturally presumed that I disagreed with him, didn't you.

Your hackles went right up, didn't they, and you jumped the gun.

I'm not disagreeing with Jones, I'm disagreeing with the OP.

Jones said this in 2010 but what he said wasn't anything special. 2009 was the big Swine Flu outbreak, so Jones was merely saying what the MSM had been saying for the best part of a year before hand.

He didn't sat anything that the Discover Chanel wasn't also saying. It was a topical new story of the time. You must be old enough to remember what it was like back in 2009?

posted on Feb, 26 2021 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

I have been around enough to understand words.

Alex Jones didn't predict anything, he just put his own spin on stories that were all over the news for the best part of a year. You couldn't turn on Discovery Chanel without hearing this kind of thing.

Jones made the video.
In the video, he's talking about things that happened this year.

If you have other news outlets saying the same thing from back then, provide a link.
Or did you not mean what you said?

posted on Feb, 26 2021 @ 12:10 PM

originally posted by: SirHardHarry
Not hard to predict that a pandemic would result in a lockdown. It's in the pandemic manual to prevent spread of a contagious disease. *eyeroll*

Except... it isn't. We have never, ever, locked down the entire economy and quarantined healthy people during any other 'pandemic' in our history...

posted on Feb, 26 2021 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: network dude

Most of us have been around long enough to understand that for the past 20 years or so.

Alex Jones has been nothing more than an angry fat offensive shock jockey who spins tragedy and conspiracy into personal gain and fortune.

Whilst his antics have galvanized extremists and terrorists alike.

Hardly what one would call a national treasure put it that way.
edit on 26-2-2021 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2021 @ 12:24 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: network dude

Most of us have been around long enough to understand that for the past 20 years or so.

Alex Jones has been nothing more than an angry fat offensive shock jockey who spins tragedy and conspiracy into personal gain and fortune.

Whilst his antics have galvanized extremists and terrorists alike.

Hardly what one would call a national treasure put it that way.

It's like you speak another language.

You don't have to like Jones, tolerate Jones, or even know who he is, to watch this video, see the unprecedented events that happened last year and this one, and realize that even Jones can get one right. On this one, it seems he was spot on.

are you afraid someone will come after you if you acknowledge this for what it is? I honestly don't get why you feel the need to resist this. It's fascinating to watch.

posted on Feb, 26 2021 @ 12:36 PM
a reply to: network dude

Aye because global pandemics were never lightly to occur.

I mean it's not like they have in the past?

Your Man Jones is clown shoes network dude, i hope that's plain enough language for you.

Im just just terrified so i am, feart of my own shadow me.

edit on 26-2-2021 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2021 @ 12:45 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: SirHardHarry
Not hard to predict that a pandemic would result in a lockdown. It's in the pandemic manual to prevent spread of a contagious disease. *eyeroll*

Except... it isn't. We have never, ever, locked down the entire economy and quarantined healthy people during any other 'pandemic' in our history...

During the Spanish flu there were similar procedures.

NG Source

Flu cases continued to mount until finally, on October 3, schools, churches, theaters, and public gathering spaces were shut down. Just two weeks after the first reported case, there were at least 20,000 more.

Of course, getting citizens to comply with such orders is another story: In 1918, a San Francisco health officer shot three people when one refused to wear a mandatory face mask. In Arizona, police handed out $10 fines for those caught without the protective gear.

I can't find anything about non-symptomatic people being quarantined, other than shutting down large gatherings.
edit on 26-2-2021 by Skooter_NB because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2021 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

"My man". SMMFH. Ignorance not only displayed, but shoved into the light by the owner. When called out for idiocy, always double down. Well played indeed.

posted on Feb, 26 2021 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: network dude

I think you may find it's Jones that's played you well, like a fiddle even.

And all the way to the bank, with his angry nonsensical rhetoric and tune.

You take care and don't drink that water that turns the frogs gay.

What about Jones Sandy Hook rhetoric, did he get that right?

edit on 26-2-2021 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2021 @ 01:47 PM
Alex i like... but the substance of the 'cherry-picked' video was not specific enough for me...

he spoke of a potential future in broad strokes-of-the-brush ..
oh, yes he said a laundry-list of issues that would be used to repress the whole population...

in the present COVID19 time line the two phrases that resonated with me were lockdowns & pandemic

at no time was the termMandate used in conjunction with facemask's or inoculation's ,,,,
(mandate being the sanitized word for forced protocols)...

the mis-named 'vaccine' was not mentioned as the Mark of the Beast fore runner of 'passport' for food/payroll/travel/buy-&-sell privileges in the Mega=pharma police state we seem stuck in today/now

so i give Alex a 75% grade for the 2010 excerpt that is praised as Prescience

[ˈpreSH(ē)əns, ˈprēSH(ē)əns]

the fact of knowing something before it takes place; foreknowledge.
"with extraordinary prescience, Jung actually predicted the Nazi eruption"

far-sightedness · foresight · foreknowledge · psychic powers · clairvoyance · prediction · prognostication ...

edit on th28161436887226472021 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

Also... if Alex was a Future forecaster he surely would say in 2010 that a 40 year Bureaucrat (Fauci) would instigate double masks and lockdowns and such...
whereas the expected Authority would likely be the Surgeon General or else a WHO elite/ CDC meglo-maniac that would spearhead the Corona-virus-&-COVID19 response programs...

so, i rebuff the prophetic aura heaped on Alex Jones
edit on th28161437033726122021 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2021 @ 01:49 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: network dude

I think you may find it's Jones that's played you well, and all the way to the bank, with his angry nonsensical rhetoric and tune.

You take care and don't drink that water that turns the frogs gay.

What about Jones Sandy Hook rhetoric, did he get that right?

I erased the post I made eluding to just how stupid you sound, and I decided to try to explain this as I would to a child.

See, I don't watch Jones, I don't consume what he sells, and I likely feel much the same way you seem to about him. But Unlike you, I am able to understand things like a video. Here we have a video of Jones making a prediction a long time ago, and the prediction he made, while sounding like amazing hyperbole at the time, seems to be spot on. Now for Jones to have made that prediction, he could be wrong with every word he said before and after making that prediction, but none of that will change the fact that he did make this prediction, and the video.

I suppose the fact that he was right makes you super angry or something, at least that is how your posts appear. I'm beginning to think it's not "T" DS, but more just a derangement syndrome in general. You seem easily triggered by random events and feel the need to vindicate your sickness by trying to discredit people in order to make yourself feel somehow better. If you feel Jones is better than you, perhaps you need to do a bit of work on the "you" part of all this.

I hope you find the help you need.

posted on Feb, 26 2021 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to: network dude

Hope in one hand, and crap in the other, "see" which racist Orange little paw fills up first?

Im not angry network dude, just mystified people believe the mince coming out that decrepit old sausages Jones puss.

I noticed you dodge his Sandy Hook rhetoric, wont touch that one will you?

I hope you enjoy the next 4 years.

posted on Feb, 26 2021 @ 02:01 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: network dude

Hope in one hand, and crap in the other, "see" which racist Orange little paw fills up first?

Im not angry network dude, just mystified people believe the mince coming out that decrepit old sausages Jones puss.

I noticed you dodge his Sandy Hook rhetoric, wont touch that one will you?

I hope you enjoy the next 4 years.

Yes, when the quadruple down on stupid just doesn't seem like it's enough, you have to go full monte.

go pet a gay frog or something, this internet thing isn't working out for you today.

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