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I Channel The Dark One

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posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by orionthehunter

These statements sound confusing. How would you know if you born to be good or born to be bad? If you were born to be bad to the bone, then how would you do more damage doing good rather than evil? Maybe you could be doing more damage to chaos or evil if you were doing good.

I think what my channel was trying to say is that some people are born with darker impulses than other people--and that they would benefit more from studying and finding a creative avenue (as opposed to an antisocial) for those impulses rather than wasting time trying to be the leader of the Church. Anton LaVey, late head of the Church of Satan, was more of a healthy, productive, and non-dangerous member of society than upright cititzen and churchgoer Mr. BTK Killer. Ozzy Osbourne is, in my opinion, probably more sympathetic to the lives of innocent people than many of the Bible-thumpers in Washington who start useless wars. Stephen King admitted in one interview that without the outlet of his horror writing he might have been someone far worse (think he said he might have been a homocidal maniac but don't quote me on that part). All of these people, I believe, were born (or born into lives that are) darker rather than lighter. By finding a legal, creative way to express their darkness they confront that darkness and dilute it. The advice from some Christians and New Agers and therapists that the way to go is to bleach that darkness out and deny it would do nothing but repress that darkness and increase the secret desire to live it out like a pressure cooker. It is better to synthesize than to deny.

posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by Gear

In conclusion, your tale of 'The Dark One' cannot be the 'Lucifer' it (or you) claim(s) to be.

Gear, I'm going to have to agree with you on that one. I started these channels specifically asking for "Lucifer" (my tongue planted firmly in my cheek). I think what I got is some sort of "dark" entity, but to say it is actually Lucifer is ridiculous because Lucifer is a fictional character. Which is not to say that my channel wasn't content to lead me on (temporarily) in that direction. Good point.

posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by ivanglam
I personally think this is BS... doesnt sound the way the 'dark one' would talk.... this shoudl be moved to BTS.

How does the "dark one" talk? Like Tim Curry in the movie "Legend?" Like Mercedes McCambridge (sp?) dubbed over a rather evil-looking Linda Blair in The Exorcist? If Satan talked, how would he sound? If Jesus talked how would he sound?

Though I have personally always thought that if the Dark One did speak, he'd sound like Mr. Smith from The Matrix.

posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 10:29 PM
I thought he'd be more Tim Curry ala Rocky Horror with hopefully a touch of the irony of Jesus Christ Superstar, but hey we can't have everything.

Don't let the idiots get to you Cassie, there's many interested in what you have to say. Whatever it is.

posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 11:19 PM
Firstly, I dont think that you are actually talking to lucifer, you are talking with one of his many minions. Secondly what you are doing is very dangerous, demons like to play tricks to get you to venture deeper into their world. They may seem friendly now, but when you get deep enough you will find yourself in big trouble. I have battled demons many nights of my life and I advise you to cut all contact with these evil beings.

posted on Mar, 26 2005 @ 02:27 AM
Cassie Clay,
You seem to have trouble distinguishing darkness from evil. Dark and Light are niether good nor bad. They are simply ways of approaching a situation and also a type of energy that can be used.

There are many people that are guided by light but there are also many who are blinded by it.

Example: A person realizes that abortion is evil (this is only an example, if you favour abortion please insert another act of evil); that person then bombs a series of abortion cliniques killing all inside them.

Similarly, there are many who feel sheltered by darkness, but there are also many who become lost in it.

Also, if you are still able to contact this entity (this is the best word I have for it at the moment, please ask it the following questions:

What does it have to gain from its contact with you?

Is magick real and if so please define magick?

What am I? (Not what state of mind I am in, not my beliefs, and not my choices in life, but deep down inside, what is my essense. What am I.)

Of course, the responses to these questions would determine the final set of questions I have. All I need is a deeper understanding of the thought processes behind this phenomenon and I think I might have it figured out. I am particularly interested in the last question. If the entity is nearly as knowledgeable as it has been made out to be then the answer should prove to be quite interesting.

posted on Mar, 26 2005 @ 05:00 AM
Hey Clay,

You and Child, might want to take a listen to this. This is of a Russian Orthodox Priest, casting out the "dark one" you are channeling. Really you are just being set up for possession. When you had enough of the devil go to the Eastern Orthodox Chruch, they will save you. If they devil will let you go, many never recover.
What you will here is very real.

I have been to a hunderd of these.
One day when the pain and darkness is too much pray to Christ Jesus, with tears and he will save you.

posted on Mar, 26 2005 @ 05:30 AM
Can you ask him if he's the %@$$%!! that broke my sister's bicycle?

My parents never believed me.

posted on Mar, 26 2005 @ 02:44 PM
You could ask about the Principles of Enslavement. It will give pointers to those that wish to enslave. And for those that wish not to be enslaved, they will know what to look for. Seems fairly balanced to me.

God is both dark and light. God does not blink at the dark. You can only be possessed when you lack knowledge and willpower. We are on Earth to learn both light and dark. I think it's rather valiant that Cassie takes the chance (if that's what is happening) to post this info. Whether or not it's creative writing or a His Divine Shadow (Lexx); who can know for sure?

If it were me, I would ask more verifiable questions.

Mr. His Divine Shadow,

Please provide me the schematics for the following items, all being constructed from normal household appliances.

- Rail Gun
- Time Machine (forward, reverse and stop)
- Gravity Wave propulsion flying apperatus
- Dimensional Gateway Device
- Transdimensional Atomic Remolecularizer
- Hoverboard
- Remote Invisibility Array
- Personal Free Energy Machine (w/ adaptor instructions)
- Hover Belt (remote controlled belt that allows one to hover and move)

That's my shopping list for now. I say, what's the use of knowing the universe if you can't use it for further exploration of said universe?

Combining technology and psychic abilities, we will bring balance to the force!

posted on Mar, 26 2005 @ 03:06 PM
Yes, but I am letting Cassie know what he/she is getting into. I would not do it myself, and I would not advise Cassie does it, but if he/she does, then more power to Cassie and best of luck to him/her.

I am not about to tell Cassie it is wrong to do this. As I am no one to say that. It is important that Cassie knows the darkness, before knowing the light, like I did.

That is what the universe is: both light and dark. They are both important.
But there is only one destination. That is light. The darkness is not a destination - it's the journey to light. That is why Satan, whoever and whatever he is, is very important. That is why I said give him my love

I will verify this for you through my logic again. If you were to take everything out of this infiite universe to completely empty it of it's contents, you would expend infinite energy. In other words to create nothingness you put in infinite energy. Energy is light. So even in emptiness there is light. The biggest truth you will ever learn is that that you really do exist. Everything just IS. That is why there is only one destination.

posted on Mar, 26 2005 @ 06:12 PM
Right On Cassie.
A long time ago, when I was a minor occultist, I did a little working with the "Lucifer" current, and the responses were very similiar in the pattern of "speech", or mannerism, or character.

Your experiment was very entertaining, and brought back a good memory.

I'm very interested in what it had to say about "the light", as the desire to hold onto self, or personal consciousness, I believe is a prime factor in reincarnation. The loss of this identity in "the light" would sure cure all those issues that provoke the thought: "damn it why do I keep coming back to this place?!?!"

The belief in a biped, cloven hooved, fallen Angle called "lucifer" is preposterous. All the ancient archtypes are just the ape-man mind trying to cope with what knowledge that we hold right inside our DNA, knowledge not so easily accessed, nor comprehended, and all too often obscured by our internal desire to put a face, torso, and pair of legs on such realizations.

What next?

posted on Mar, 26 2005 @ 06:55 PM

Originally posted by Legalizer

I'm very interested in what it had to say about "the light", as the desire to hold onto self, or personal consciousness, I believe is a prime factor in reincarnation. The loss of this identity in "the light" would sure cure all those issues that provoke the thought: "damn it why do I keep coming back to this place?!?!"

Thanks, Legalizer.

I haven't dwelt deeper into the issue of "going into the Light" yet, but my own personal views on this are that dissolving our Self upon death into a mass consciousness may not be necessary or even desirable. I suppose it depends on what you want. The whole mystical/New Age idea of obliterating our selves so we can be one with the One doesn't completely wash with me. I certainly believe that people change over time, so in that sense our old selves "die" in some way. But the ultimate goal of a human spirit is to merge with the One or the mass consciousness and lose all individuality? I tend to lean more towards that the goal of the soul is to continually evolve over eternity--can we merge with the One or the mass consciousness and still continue to evolve? All speculations, of course--and the thing I have accepted about channeling is that even when you get channeled information it's still just speculation.

I've been doing some mini-sessions upon waking or before I go to bed, but I don't write them down (yeah, I'm a real faithful reporter). I plan to do another formal session in the next two days.

posted on Mar, 26 2005 @ 07:07 PM

Interesting read C. But really becareful, what you are channling is alot more stronger than you and may posses you.

I wouldnt mind if you could get more info on what the pope is waiting for, what is it I may wonder?

Anway if you do run into trouble with this enity, know that God is there for you and will help. Good luck in your research.

posted on Mar, 26 2005 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by Cassie Clay
I haven't dwelt deeper into the issue of "going into the Light" yet, but my own personal views on this are that dissolving our Self upon death into a mass consciousness may not be necessary or even desirable. I suppose it depends on what you want. The whole mystical/New Age idea of obliterating our selves so we can be one with the One doesn't completely wash with me. I certainly believe that people change over time, so in that sense our old selves "die" in some way. But the ultimate goal of a human spirit is to merge with the One or the mass consciousness and lose all individuality? I tend to lean more towards that the goal of the soul is to continually evolve over eternity--can we merge with the One or the mass consciousness and still continue to evolve? All speculations, of course--and the thing I have accepted about channeling is that even when you get channeled information it's still just speculation.

I've been doing some mini-sessions upon waking or before I go to bed, but I don't write them down (yeah, I'm a real faithful reporter). I plan to do another formal session in the next two days.

I would hope, given the infinity of it all, that once you reunite with the One that you can then create your own universe. And create extensions of yourself into your universe. Since you are always part of One no matter, you will be a universe within a universe.

Or at least that's how I hope it all turns out.

posted on Mar, 26 2005 @ 09:03 PM
Reflections on the channeling process:

After dealing with this channel I am no more certain of its origins than when I started. Some theories:
1) Channeled information is just the subconscious mind communicating with us. These subconscious messages circumvent conscious reasoning processes, and hence we get "automatic" information as if from "thin air." If this is true, it would have no small impact on the religions and cottage industries that have sprung up around channeled information. What if the Seth Material reflected a "truth" that was valid for channeler Jane Roberts but perhaps inappropriate for others? What if channeled information is meant not for the masses but just for the channeler (and maybe his/her small coterie of like-minded individuals)?
2) Channeled information come from some sort of Univeral Wisdom or "living archetype" or Akashic Record or some other type of abstract source.
3) Channeled information comes from sentient "beings" of sort (spirits, gods, angels, demons, aliens, etc.)
---> I tend to believe a mix of #s 1 & 2. I do not believe I am "speaking" to an actual sentient spiritual "creature." I much more believe that I am talking to some sort of "living archetype" (like talking to "Chaos," without there really being a creature called "Chaos," just a living idea that exists independent of me) or set of ideas that are already in the "ether" somehow and exist independently of me--in which case I am accessing these ideas like reading a book.

The impact on my life since I started this project is that I have a markedly lower tolerance for New Age/mystical thinking. I look upon channeled works like the bestselling "Seth" series and "Messages From Michael" with a much more skeptical eye. This is not because I think I have "hit" upon the "right information" with my channeling. It is more like the information accessed my channeling seems very sketpical itself and seems to be encouraging me to look upon not only New Age/mystical/paranormal phenomena with a skeptical eye and a sense of humor but to apply that attitude to the channeled information itself. I find it difficult to take the "information" I have received on more esoteric matters that seriously, and it makes me wonder why I am receiving that information. Am I being tested? Are these esoteric tidbits like timetravelling humans from the future just the "frosting" given to me so I can swallow the "medicine" (rationalist/skeptical views)?

I have taken the advice from my channel about taking responsibility for my own life and not letting the "gods" sort it out to heart. I accept the principle that I am indeed born insignificant in the face of the universe but that it is my responsibility to give myself and my life significance--and that the meaning of life might be something that I have to create for myself, not find in a mystic or religious handbook. There are also popular New Age notions that we "create" the misfortunes in our lives before we incarnate, that all sickness is the result of "sick thinking," and that if we only think positively enough, we can fix anything--I think those notions are not only bulls**t, but they give an excess pressure to the victims of misfortune and illness and almost blame them for their situations.

My channel's viewpoint actually seems to be a great deal atheistic/rationalist with a smattering of backhanded compliments to organized religion. I am not encouraged to worship "Satan" or involve myself in any sort of demonic activity after having these sessions. I am actually more self-conscious about practicing occult matters (such as "Wicca", spells, etc.) after having these sessions not because I feel I am "courting the dark forces" and am worrying about my soul, but because I am starting to feel stupid and ridiculous doing so. I am also questioning a lot more thoroughly the authors and leaders of those occult/New Age movements that I have followed over the years. My channel's formula for starting a "cult"--flattery, wonders, and telling people what to do--seems sound. I also find the idea of karma being more of a function of physics than some divine law--though perhaps the mechanics of quantum physics, when (if) we fully understand them, might be ultimately "divine" in some fashion?

This is certainly not an endorsement of channeling. Some of the advice I have received through my channel seems helpful in terms of my specific life situation, by encouraging me to take a more rationalist, realistic and responsible stance in my life. Other information seems somewhat questionable, specifically the more esoteric stuff. I have not been told things I specifically want to hear (except for some of the more fun science-fiction aspects), and had to swallow a lot of (initially) ego-diminishing information--but I will say that a lot of those things I did not want to hear has done me more good than page after page of flattery or a series of half-baked prophecies. And it did specifically leave the door open to pursue Christianity or another organized religion if I really do need that level of support in my life--while the channel is saying that Christian views are not the ultimate reality of the universe, once you fully step into that realm and accept the beliefs they actually become real. Though I do not think I will actually pursue that religion again, I feel I might (key word=might) be understanding the mechanism of faith and that faith actually does have power and reality-building components.

Finally, after sharing some of these transcripts with a friend it was suggested I hadn't channeled Lucifer or a demon anyhow, but actually the ghost of Hunter Thompson. That might explain not only the pith and cynicism of the channel, but also those hallucinations about the time-travellers and the gashes in reality and the horny aliens.

Well, I realize some people have considered this thread stupid, and some have considered it interesting, and some have considered it blasphemous. Some consider it a major disappointment because it wasn't blasphemous enough. But anyway, thanks if you've gotten this far in reading it. I'm going to do one or two more channels & then I'm wrapping it up.

posted on Mar, 27 2005 @ 05:26 PM
Bad is good, good is bad, there really isn't any good or bad ...
One human life more or less doesn't matter to the universe ...

Careful ... there may come a point that you believe this and
so taking a human life would mean nothing to you. Careful ...
Looks like a set up to me (not that I have had any experience
in these things .... Indigo Child sounds well experienced, listen
to her) ... but it sure does look like a set up .... be careful please.

posted on Mar, 27 2005 @ 07:03 PM
Speaking about the pope...

Q: Is he going to die soon?
A: If you knew the mechanics by which he was holding on, it would surprise you, because there’s a story to it.

Q: So he’s past due but hanging on for a purpose?
A: He's waiting for a prophecy to be revealed that he knows he has a part in.

So what is the deal with this? No one has said anything about this yet. Does anyone else think this could be what is really going on? The pope does seem to be holding on for something, but what? What is the story that’s keeping him alive? What is the prophecy that is waiting to be fulfilled? I thought this was the most important thing out of all this stuff.

posted on Mar, 27 2005 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by Cassie Clay


But the ultimate goal of a human spirit is to merge with the One or the mass consciousness and lose all individuality?
I tend to lean more towards that the goal of the soul is to continually evolve over eternity--can we merge with the One or the mass consciousness and still continue to evolve?
All speculations, of course--and the thing I have accepted about channeling is that even when you get channeled information it's still just speculation.

First, congrats! on your successful engagement at this/your/our 'community theater'.


the underscores above, have to do with the supposed 'community' & 'brotherhood + sisterhood' the early cults of Christianity cherished...
and how the 'self-sacrifice' of the individual toward a 'higher principal'
become dogma & creed for the now much larger & influential Church of Christianity.
(I, personally see a almost sinister undercurrent...)

The 'fishers-of-men' tagline that Jesus gave his followers,
and the secretive 'fish' sign of the cult Christians

brings one visions & memes of schools of fish, programed to instinctive
'schooling' and uniformed action-reaction...a teeming mass of biological units responding in unison to forces outside of the 'community' / school.

Continuing with the How Can I Be Sure Theme....

How can i be sure that the Jesus religion, which desires you to 'deny the self' and incoporate into the 'community' isn't also a device to harvest
souls for consumption by 'higher powers'?? the 'programming' to have you sacrifice your soul and self, and having you believe that its the good Christian thing-to-do !!
....maybe the real antichrist is having a rip-roaring laugh, for the last 2,000 his nets fill up with all the harvest of food fish 'Christians' that happily & merrily , get snared!


oh, that last word 'speculation'
'Hear-Say' might also work?

thanks for the product
the only other one 1'm familiar with was 'The Screwtape Letters'
published in the early 1900-20s ?


posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 12:36 AM
Yeah, I have to agree with you ShadowH, a hover belt and free energy would be cool! I personally would like instructions to make a free energy or gravity control device or just something to build new thoeries/devices onto.

Rail gun: 2 1cm thick by 30cm long copper slabs (gap between, about the size of your small projectile), small graphite brushs from a car rad fan (as the projectile), a way to focus a magnetic field above and below the projectile for the whole 30cm (not pointing at the rails axis), thick 10Gage wire for setting up the external magnetic field on the iron focuser, BIG 2KV-8KV 1kilojoule and up capacitors. Wire the magnetic focuser coils in series with the rails and then connect the capacitor and remotly slap the projectile through. (Just to show that I know my tech and I'm not joking about wanting to know)

But, on topic, ask when and how the "indigo" children will wake up or when the masses will know the end is here? However the FE/Grav tech info would be more useful for me now.

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 06:52 AM

Originally posted by Balaams donkey
Saint4god, you said something about grass, where would a hungry beast of burden, find this pasture?

You're leaving me in stitches
. Hope you had a great holyday. Here's the grass you're seeking:

Deuteronomy 11:13-21 -

13 And it shall come to pass, if ye shall hearken diligently unto my commandments which I command you this day, to love the Lord your God, and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul,
14 That I will give you the rain of your land in his due season, the first rain and the latter rain, that thou mayest gather in thy corn, and thy wine, and thine oil.
15 And I will send grass in thy fields for thy cattle, that thou mayest eat and be full.

And though the labor is hard, making it seem like collapsing is the only thing left to do, never forget that the grass is already beneath your hoofs so even if you do fall, you will never go hungry.

Pray, train, study.
God bless.

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