posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 08:55 PM
I decided to do a bit of meditations and candles and I managed to channel a "dark one," who calls itself "Lucifer." The following is an actual
transcript of what transpired. I make no guarantee that this is the one and only Lucifer, only that this is what "It" said.
Q: Are you the real Lucifer?
A: It's getting really hot in your brain right now, I'd move back a ways.
Q: Are you the ultimate evil?
A: The ultimate evil is a frustrated impulse.
Q: Do you hate little kids and kittens?
A: Mmm, a nice bit of public relations here, you're leading the witness. I don't hate any one group specifically. I don't even hate. I am a
creature of Chaos and I love the taste. I am the anathema of frustrated desire.
Q: Do you think I'm being kind of cheeky with these questions and are going to kick my @$$ for disrespecting you?
A: I appreciate your honesty, in all its prickly glory. I give you points. I don't do revenge. I let things play out as it should--in this regard,
Order helps me. Karma is inevitable.
Q: Do you hate Jesus--or rather, are you His enemy?
A: Jesus, as it is popularly known, is an entrapment. It is a tool to frustrate real desire in favor if a false "acceptable" desire. The desire to
be "saved." Look into any ideal picture long enough, dig amongst the bits, and you will find a degree of vileness and treachery. There is no
absolute on this plane or in your souls. I am the Lord of the Imperfect. The Perfect is beyond good and evil--it is not what is popularly known as God
or Jesus. My counterpart is Order. Order is not God or Jesus. Jesus is as Athena is as Ganeesh is as Benjamin Franklin is, just another mask, another
idea, albeit a stubbornly virulent idea. Jesus is the sieve that shakes the chaff from the wheat, but not as you were taught. It is an enslavement of
Q: Why do you think Jesus has been so popular?
A: People want to believe that there is a Daddy that knows what to do. It is the most basic yearning of the unrealized mind.
Q: Well, this is pretty insulting to Christians, though they expected this from you.
A: What the **** do I care?
Q: Right. Anyway, what about Christians? Are you their enemy?
A: They're amusing enough. As I said, look at any perfect picture and see the cracks, see the vileness. I live for it, for the revealings.
Q: But what about Christians and other people who are really good people? Self-sacrificing people? What about the noble impulse?
A: Nobility is a cultural construct. Civilization is a cultural construct, completely maya. Remove the comfortable situation in your cities, introduce
famine or war or some other hardship, even cut off their gas or electricity, and you will see reality at its most basic, and humanity in its most
unvarnished glory.
Q: Let's stop talking about the cosmic questions for a tick and discuss something *really* important--Me. What level of spiritual development do you
think I'm at?
A: A bit overripe.
Q: What should I focus on at this point of my life?
A: Consolidation.
Q: Is my kundalini activated?
A: It's enjoyable.
Q: What's my destiny?
A: To be a royal pain in the @$$ for the deserving.
Q: How do I die?
A: Bullseye.
Q: Well, that's creepy. Anyway, let's go back to some more general questions about the world. Do Aliens exist & what are they?
A: Aliens are agents of Chaos. They live off of adrenal surges in the form of energy. Chaos energy. They are the destabilizers.
Q: Are aliens actual creatures or just spirit-like things?
A: Material or ether are just points on a continuum.
Q: Why are aliens so interested in our reproductive systems?
A: Because that is where you are most vulnerable.
Q: What the heck do you mean by that?
A: It's creepy.
Q: How about alien/human hybrids?
A: Completely separate topic from reproductive systems. These can be engineered directly through DNA tampering via radiation. The purpose is
Q: How about "indigo children"?
A: Such creatures in their perfected form will be quite interesting.
Q: Doesn't Humankind get a savior?
A: Save yourself through knowing yourself and toss away the rest of what you hear.
Q: Is there a New World Order that controls what we do?
A: The essential nature of humanity is to sate desire. It is the natural, healthy Way--healthy meaning natural, sans maya. Humans hunger for food,
money, sex, power. In every structure mirrored in this way. Why not in politics? Enslave as much as you can.
Q: But what about karma? Do unto others as others do unto you?
A: Sorry.
Q: Sorry? If a dictator is responsible for the death of some defenseless child...
A: Chances are, that child is such a blip on the radar that the dictator will never know. And the child never avenged or acknowledged in any way. Just
like if it was killed in a tsunami.
Q: I still believe there is some sort of checks and balances.
A: Well obviously there are actions and reactions--where you err in your thinking is in assigning it a moral component.
Q: That totally sucks @$$.
A: Happy birthday.
Q: Nobody really believes I'm channeling Lucifer, you know. They think this is a creative writing exercise.
A: They're all creative writing exercises. Every last one of those books and gurus. Spiritual masturbation. None more relevant or right than anyone
Q: What happens in 2012?
A: Some fairly big gashes in your reality.
Q: How about the apocalypse? The end of the world? How will it happen?
A: Apocalypses, generally, are personal. But eventually your planet gets swallowed by the sun, in the very end, after everything.
Q: Do Satanists get any special "door prizes" for following you?
A: I go not for creeds, but actions.
Q: What actions do you approve of?
A: I eat Chaos.
Q: If I channeled Order would I get completely different answers?
A: Not on the fundamentals. Though it would "cushion" certain things differently as to not unduly upset you.
Q: Who is more powerful, Order or Chaos?
A: Straight down the middle, necessarily.
Q: Out of all the philosophers & sages & prophets, who was the most right?
A: We are the suns of our own universe.
Q: I feel really sick right now--I'm not kidding.
A: And you're blaming me due to some superstition? How medieval.
Q: Every time a baby is aborted, do you jump up in joy?
A: Abortion is too quick. A chaotic life is far more interesting.
Q: How about angels, what of you think of them?
A: Spiritual parasites.
Q: Athiests?
A: Athiests are more capable of living out their desires instead of smothering them.
Q: Yeah, but athiests don't even think you exist, either.
A: No one needs to think I exist as some sort of anthropomorphic entity. I am around, it's quite plain to notice me, you don't need any frosting to
justify out my existence.
Q: What happens after we die?
A: Stay away from the big light if you want to retain your consciousness. The Light is the first snare, it scoops a lot along its way. It boils down
to consciousness versus sweet blissful ignorance.
Q: Just like in the Bible? The tree of knowedge? And you were the snake, right?
A: This is like saying I was a character in Blade Runner.
Q: Do you have any general words of wisdom to give to those reading this?
A: "Prepare to be disappointed."
Q: Right. Well, it was nice talking to you, Lucifer. Thanks for your time. Oh one more thing--is there an Anti-Christ?
A: Here's what you do. Play the most scary horror movie that you can, at either 12 noon or three o'clock in the morning. Decode the actual satanic
essences from the thing--you will be surprised. Get in a frightful state. Now turn on CNN.
Q: Well I can't say I always understand you or agree with what you have to say, but it's been real.
A: You'd be surprised.
--->I felt sick halfway through doing this, but now I'm ok. Well that was interesting, at any rate.