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It's ok if you buy into the Fear of this pandemic, but please retain some common sense!

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posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 04:31 AM
a reply to: CthruU
The answer is in the thread.

Ok you saw the answer......and have now deleted your question

edit on 16-2-2021 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 04:32 AM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: CthruU
The answer is in the thread.

Yes just self removed the question. Somehow overlooked it before?????
edit on 16-2-2021 by CthruU because: 1

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 05:19 AM
If masks work why are some people terrified of those not wearing them? The same deal with vaccinations; if YOU are protected then what I do has no relevance. BUT NO!! As KSgirl points out this is their chance to power trip, to let that inner Nazi of their own come out and play. "NO RUNNING IN THE HALLS!"! - Remember those kids with the orange belts at school? Training for future policemen. I would love to know statistics on how many hall monitors went in to law enforcement later in life. I take particular umbrage at the authoritarian types in my life. Not only can they be a pain they can endanger lives in certain situations.

Idiocracy was already becoming reality before the plandemic came along. This has pushed that in to hyper speed.

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 05:31 AM

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04
a reply to: vonclod
He would actually create more exposure standing there breathing taking the scarf off than if he just walked out.

I'm not quibbling about the scarf per se. But when you work at a care home, hospital, w.h.y. there are protocols, you don't generally get to slide on.

I'm just as f'ing tired of this as everyone else.

Yup. Not following the correct procedure will get the whole place shut down by Care Quality or similar; they're not professions you can cut corners in even if it seems logical to do.

The general message will be just because the shift is at an end, doesn't mean you get to switch off and not follow safeguarding and PPE procedure. The two scarfs isn't recognised PPE kit, thus breaking safeguarding rules even though it probably offers more protection.

Until you're off the premesis you should be following it to the letter or finding another feild to work in.

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 07:11 AM
This is amazing, what did you expect by feeding the beast? You understand just a little bit more now how fear can be used to control people? Your co-workers hate you for momentarily defying COVID RULES. Now you’ve seen just a bit of fear projected at you (and you’re a good one, I can tell by the way you told use your use masks and visors) but it doesn’t matter all the good girl points you build up, you must obey or the masses will turn on you. Is it some law that forces this? No no, it’s a mentality enforced by media. You’re getting there, keep on the path!

a reply to: iammrhappy86

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 11:54 AM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
Someone at work has just returned to work (yesterday) after being isolated at home because his son had tested positive for covid.
Before Christmas his wife had covid so he was isolated at home with his wife and kids.......husband, son and daughter did not catch it.

I asked him if he wore a mask at home when his son and wife had covid.......the answer was no. He told me that he slept with his wife and cuddled his son when they had covid.

He and his daughter did not catch covid.........even though they were all locked up together.....not social masks.

How come no one else in the family of 4 contracted covid in the two instances where covid was in the home?


They may have contracted the virus, but it just didn't make them sick.

Was he tested, before he returned to work? If not, he may still have it.

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 11:58 AM
a reply to: iammrhappy86

Why didn't you just tell them that you did have a mask on, underneath the scarves?

Would they have made you prove it?

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 11:59 AM
Watch as conspiracy theorist attack free people going about their business.

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 03:52 PM

originally posted by: SKEPTEK
Watch as conspiracy theorist attack free people going about their business.

Haha! I love it!

This represents rather well the two sides of the citizens.

Those who willingly walked themselves into a confined box hold so much disdain for those who walk free.

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 05:28 PM
a reply to: BrokenCircles
No he was not tested before returning to work.

posted on Feb, 18 2021 @ 06:04 AM

originally posted by: iammrhappy86

originally posted by: SKEPTEK
Watch as conspiracy theorist attack free people going about their business.

Haha! I love it!

This represents rather well the two sides of the citizens.

Those who willingly walked themselves into a confined box hold so much disdain for those who walk free.
The Trader Joe’s employees are so angry. The guy who steal the chips that were paid for and throws them... dripping with privilege and hate.

posted on Feb, 18 2021 @ 07:56 PM
I just wear a little mask around my neck. Today one of them in CVC said I had to wear a mask. So I acted like I forgot and just flipped it on.

Once I went to an evangelic Trump Rally in an enclosed building with 100 or so people. In a building stuffed with people like that I wore a medical grade mask. The evangelist said he thought it was Satanic "cult like" to wear the mask. I just wore it anyway.

To me this is just a scam and I'm playing the game and milking it. You can resist them but you might lose your job or be fined. If you want your job just follow the protocol. Most of these people that enforce the protocol are forced to do so by the employer.

posted on Feb, 19 2021 @ 01:00 AM
a reply to: iammrhappy86

How could they even tell you were not wearing a mask under all that wool!

posted on Feb, 20 2021 @ 06:47 AM

originally posted by: iammrhappy86
I'd like to share a little anecdote.

I work in a retirement home for the elderly, and so I wear a mask all day, sometimes in combination with a full-face visor.

I follow the guidelines and constantly increasing measures enforced by the health department, though I also make use of common sense when applicable.

So I had just clocked out and I have about 20 feet to walk from the stairs to the exit.

I was leaving, and it's cold outside, so I have two layers of scarves covering my face, you can barely see my eyes and nothing else.

I'm stopped and told that I have to take off the scarves and put on a little flimsy chinese made surgical mask "for our safety."

I pointed out that I have two layers of thick wool cover-ups already, and that I only have a few steps to take before I'm outside in the freezing cold, where I'd have to put my scarves back on.

So now I'm looked at like I have cooties, and I can see the fear grow in their eyes as they affirm that I still have to take off my face covers so that I can put on the little white/blue standard one.

This is ridiculous...

I understand that some of you are legitimately terrified.

I understand that you place the blame on those who do not follow the guidelines, though I would advise you reassess your judgment.

I fail to comprehend why you fear or have disdain for those who simply dare to question.

I honestly fear some of you will slowly lose the ability to think for yourself.

Or rather, you will collectively adopt a mindset in which this is discouraged, or frowned upon.

Only a fool does as he's told unquestioningly.

A worse fool would go as far as to persecute those who dare to rise against.

I know I'm going to be labeled an anti-masker, or anti-vaxx.

Whether you realize it or not, in your mind, you'll instantly cast the label.

And so, in your mind, I become as you claim; and yet, this thought was not your own; you adopted it.

Much the same, those who proclaimed their support for your last president are or will be labeled as 'MAGA terrorists.'

And so, judgment is cast; but was this your own original thought, or was it fed to you while in a near-catatonic spiritual state.

I see a trend I struggle to explain, and so I try to paint a picture with words.

Please, dare to think for yourself and question -Everything-.

What if I'm wrong?

Explore this thought...

You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain from doing this.

And as always, as my cheesy self-gratifying pleasure I like to remind you all

I Love you all.

And have a nice day.


A couple of points -

Who asked you to remove the scarves and wear the surgical mask? Was it just another fearful member of the public or was it someone who also works in the nursing home, who perhaps has some sort of responsibility for ensuring the guidelines are followed? Who could face repercussions if they are not followed? This person may have the weight of potential deaths of residents on their shoulders so give a bit of consideration to that, even if you disagree. You say "we" will place the blame on those who do not follow the guidelines, but at the same time "you" are placing the blame on those who are following the guidelines as part of infection control protocols implemented to save lives.

No point in getting mildly hysterical and assuming the whole world thinks/acts like this person.

To clarify, there was literally no risk to staff and residents if you had a face covering (scarves) and were only a few steps away from the exit, as you describe. Unless you had to pass by vulnerable residents or go close to staff, there was literally no risk.

However, protocol will likely state that surgical masks will be worn at all times in the building. This is standard around the extremely vulnerable.

If you are a carer you should be no stranger to PPE and infection control and why it saves lives, covid or no covid.

And while it seems the person asking you to change it to a mask is being a jobsworth or looking for an opportunity to exert authority - who knows - maybe it is as you say, born solely from fear.

Raise the incident with your senior managers. Is there a culture of fear that is damaging to staff morale? Or was this person just exerting authority because they could? Does the person need a bit more infection control training? Would that alleviate their fears?

There are many real and complex reasons behind fears of PPE not being worn correctly around the very vulnerable. Sometimes its not as simple as the person thinking that you will be spreading the virus by not putting that mask on for those few steps - its actually about the fear of the repercussions to them - could they be disciplined, could they lose their job, has their partner already lost their job, could they be blamed for an outbreak because they don't always 100% enforce masks...?

Nothing is black and white.

posted on Feb, 20 2021 @ 07:00 AM

originally posted by: KansasGirl

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: KansasGirl
a reply to: iammrhappy86

So stupid! I have to wonder if the person asking you to TAKE OFF your thick scarves to put on the flimsy piece of Chinese paper was just on a power trip. Because that is absolutely so stupid.

It's because he works in a f'ing care home, in a province that had over 10k die, vs the 1500 here(sorry, not looking to Quebec for pearls of wisdom). You would think oh well good enough, and it probably was, but no, facilities don't run that way. You have protocols, and they get followed. The laissez-faire attitude is why 10,000 dead vs 1500.

So taking off the TWO heavy wool
scarves to put on the flimsy paper mask made sense? Are you seriously going to defend that? It made him spend more time there and probably spewing and breathing those super deadly particles all over the place in order to take off the scarves and put the paper on. I know you’re not stupid, so if you really are defending that move, you’re just showing you’ve stopped using your brain.

It’s stupid to enforce protocol when the enforcing of the protocol defeats the purpose of the protocol. What is the objective of that protocol? It’s to limit exposure, yeah? Well, his exposure was already BETTER limited than if he had just had the thin paper mask on.

So you’re saying that even if someone is doing something that meets the objective of the protocol, if it’s not the exact thing (in this case a flimsy paper mask), they still need to follow your protocol anyway.

That’s just totally and completely idiotic, man.

I totally get your point - that there would be more chance of spreading air borne particles by removing scarves to put on a mask, if the person really was just a few footsteps away from the exit. It was pretty pointless to ask the OP to do that.

However I dont know why you keep referring to surgical masks as 'flimsy paper masks'. Unless you know for sure that this particular care home were for some reason using masks that don't conform to safety standards are therefore are like breathing through flimsy paper...? Surgical masks (if worn correctly) will always offer more protection than a scarf.

posted on Feb, 20 2021 @ 07:31 AM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
If masks work why are some people terrified of those not wearing them? The same deal with vaccinations; if YOU are protected then what I do has no relevance. BUT NO!! As KSgirl points out this is their chance to power trip, to let that inner Nazi of their own come out and play. "NO RUNNING IN THE HALLS!"! - Remember those kids with the orange belts at school? Training for future policemen. I would love to know statistics on how many hall monitors went in to law enforcement later in life. I take particular umbrage at the authoritarian types in my life. Not only can they be a pain they can endanger lives in certain situations.

Idiocracy was already becoming reality before the plandemic came along. This has pushed that in to hyper speed.

Well because masks don't protect the wearer as such. Masks are worn to prevent the wearer spreading particiles. So if you aren't wearing a mask, there's less protection for those around you, even if they are wearing a mask, becuase you are freely spreading particles.

I thought this fact was well known, but obvs not.

Not disagreeing with your point that many ego maniacs will be using the masks as an excuse to assert authority over others - sad part of the human condition.

"Masks work" is a misleading phrase - they help reduce the particles being breathed out and on another, yes. Of course they are not 100% fool proof. No one has ever suggested that.

posted on Feb, 20 2021 @ 08:28 AM
Similar story. I'm working in NM. I went to buy some cigarettes. I usually have a neck gator that is my "mask". It is one layer of nylon/polyester, it is barely a "mask".
This is what I have

Now, I forgot the "mask" in my hotel room and I didn't realize it until I was at the gas station. So I pulled up my high collar on my sweatshirt and it easily covered my nose and mouth. The sweatshirt material is 5x as thick as the mask. I was under the impression that "cloth" masks were acceptable per CDC. Well as I walked up to the counter and asked for my cigs, the lady made a snide remark "that's not allowed", I said what's not allowed? She said that's not a mask, next time you come in you better have a mask or we're not serving you. I said OK sure, LOL. Bought my cigs, laughed on my way out.

posted on Feb, 20 2021 @ 08:46 AM
Not that any of you give a F when you have a full-on rant going but again, protocols are based on what we have been able to learn and given the dynamic nature of viruses that will be changing as long as the virus is in circulation. The 'flimsy' surgical mask has FAR less permeability compared to 25 layers of wool or any other woven fabric garment. This is the reason the CDC waived-off neck gators. Labs are testing the various combinations of materials and designs to figure-out what works and what doesn't. Not that actual science means anything of course. If the pandemic had been handled even moderately seriously from the get-go we wouldn't be where we are now. Just another flu, just a cold virus, just a hoax, it'll disappear by April.

'We've met the enemy and he is us.' --- Pogo

'You can't fix stupid' --- unknown

posted on Feb, 20 2021 @ 09:07 AM
a reply to: panoz77

As far as I know, all "legal" mask restrictions provide exemptions for those with a medical disability. At this time, I don't think anywhere has required that one produce a doctor's excuse to forego a mask. Therefore, all you had to do was say "medical exemption" and there was literally nothing legal the clerk could have done about it. Denying a sale to someone due to a medical disability is a crime under the Americans with Disabilities Act (aka 42USC § 12182(a))

No individual shall be discriminated against on the basis of disability in the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations of any place of public accommodation by any person who owns, leases (or leases to), or operates a place of public accommodation.
In addition, the HIPA laws prevent her from asking what the nature of your medical condition is. Any way it goes, one who refuses entry to a disabled person for failure to wear a face mask when said person claims to have a disability which prevents such, is in direct violation of Federal statute.


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