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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - XXXV -

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posted on Apr, 10 2021 @ 03:03 AM

originally posted by: daskakik
originally posted by: tanstaafl
No, that isn't what I meant.

Yes it is - that, or one of two possibilities...

a) you're really bad at making a point, or

b) you're just arguing for the sake of arguing

"Man shouldn't mess with nature", if that is what you meant,

At that level, no, we shouldn't, but the way you are saying it makes it sound like you're one of those idiots that argues that cross-breeding different breeds of dogs or cross-pollinating different kinds of roses is no different than splicing the genetic material of Roundup into wheat.

And yes, people who believe that, and have the money and power to engage in their sick perverted fantasies scare the hell out of me.

posted on Apr, 10 2021 @ 03:20 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

Its an interesting twist, Mr Pool has injected.. Ive never been down to follow them at all though. The posts tend to be something created of Chaos.

If its too dark, which it is at times, leads me to believe its that fork in the road. The one that leads astray, that leads me to then depend on intuition.

They say" God is not the author of Confusion ". People have forgotten their awareness.. I also know the world is a place of duality, and not where we were meant to be. Too many questions at this point. I'm more visually inclined than mathematically and have questions for both sides of this coin. Would rather disconnect seeing as the conclusion remains uncertain, and watch and wait without adding more "thought"( think thought forms ) which are not of me, us.

Is there really balance in a state of duality? Or is it all contrived by two teams only.. and are they born of the same cloth?

Is it really choice if you've only go 2 fixed choices? True Freedom has no fixed choice, its not confined by one or the other.

These are the deeper questions I urge others to ask themselves, otherwise, it just feels like a culling, lunacy.
edit on 10-4-2021 by PillarOfFire because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2021 @ 03:22 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl
Yes it is - that, or one of two possibilities...

a) you're really bad at making a point, or

b) you're just arguing for the sake of arguing

c) you didn't get what I was saying.

That could be because of a) and neither of those exclude b).

At that level, no, we shouldn't, but the way you are saying it makes it sound like you're one of those idiots that argues that cross-breeding different breeds of dogs or cross-pollinating different kinds of roses is no different than splicing the genetic material of Roundup into wheat.

And yes, people who believe that, and have the money and power to engage in their sick perverted fantasies scare the hell out of me.

Opinion noted and you proved my point.

edit on 10-4-2021 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2021 @ 03:55 AM
a reply to: tallcool1

I've seen others refer to Mr Pools commentary/ pictures. Added this to assimilate everything out for a more balanced view, if you will. I am seeing theres only 2 sides of one coin in play with this movie. Interestingly, I watched a docuseries last year with a guy named Damon T. Berry. The last episode, he stated a secret only he knew.

That the end of the world has always ended the same. Destruction of Earth. Annihilation. Only to begin again thereafter even if only subliminal in the Mind. If this place were real, it's pretty grim and senseles if you ask me. This place is only Maya, subliminal/illusions created by "Thought Forms". When you begin to awaken, you start to realize that there is no coin. No duality. No spoon.

full episode at ufo dot com.
The knowledge of the 8
The knowlege of the forever time.

Reminiscent of the movie " The Knowing".

That verse again ... " Narrow is the way, and few be they that find it ". Look beyond the veil of duality.
edit on 10-4-2021 by PillarOfFire because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2021 @ 05:56 AM
Oh I love that opening where the "Nature of Causality" has been challenged. The double slit with a single atom experiment is absolutely fantastic. It proves the truth is stranger than fiction. It also proves Schrodinger's theory is correct. We won't know what is in the box until we open it and it truly can be be dead and alive at the same time in the Quantum world.

Proves to me beyond any doubt of the multi dimensional reality that Dr Michio Kaku has been sharing for years, among others of course.

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

posted on Apr, 10 2021 @ 06:01 AM
Trump and his Team are right, these people are sick and evil.



Melainy McDonough -

I found this video by searching "McDonald's human meat. "

Forwarded from Whiplash347

Make the Connection
This will wake you all up

FBI finds remains from many people

McDonald's to temp close down 50 restaurants.

Soylent Green has been ongoing for years.. Just like the movie.


Forwarded from Danielle Stotijn

What exactly is in our fast food Human sacrifice/ Passover!!

interview with Jewish' Rabbi Abraham Finkelstein

These sub humans are Evil.

Now you know what the Virus really is.

edit on 10-4-2021 by PillarOfFire because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2021 @ 06:18 AM

originally posted by: brewtiger
a reply to: crankyoldman

- Getting what you want, but ignoring the impact it has on others
- The dangers/chaos/consequences of wishes were part of WW1984 plot
- Film ending here : 00:17 - 3:30 (spoiler alert)

- Cost of a wish granted requires the person to give up something
- With eyes open, WW must make the first move to give up her wish
- Only then can she re-gain her powers needed to reach final showdown

POTUS careful, deliberate & clear with his words & hands

- Uplifting messages left for those waking up & seeking answers
- Reassurances: Ignore the narrative, remain calm, help each other
- We have to have peace. Go home and go home in peace.

JUST STOP = Is this the solution?
- Walk away from the endless loop / battle of wills /arguments.
- Resist thinking "our side must defeat the other" to save the world.
- Woke for a reason = invest energy to build paths to a new way.
- Keep researching & build support networks pushing empathy & love.
- KEEP FAITH: POTUS45 moves us to the precipice at the time he feels is best.

Brew, I see something here that lays it out pretty good. We need to focus 1st on the right wishes now. We are quite probably the majority now because of trying to say we aren't playing their game anymore. Our friends do now see it is a game of sorts being used against us all and some still are holding onto it for comfort if nothing else.

The day is coming when the tide of people who think like us will take care of the problem collectively and not with extremist views. We have many fake R's in DC who pretend they are on our team too and that kept me an Indie. We need to look back in history for how normalcy was recovered from these pricks in their previous endeavors to enslave humanity. Tar and feathers seems to mild for this level of misconduct.

They all have to go who are trying to write a masterpiece of a communist utopia while laying rotten eggs left and right on all of society who believe in freedom and justice for all.
edit on 10-4-2021 by Justoneman because: I always typo

posted on Apr, 10 2021 @ 07:09 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: daskakik
originally posted by: tanstaafl
No, that isn't what I meant.

Yes it is - that, or one of two possibilities...

a) you're really bad at making a point, or

b) you're just arguing for the sake of arguing

"Man shouldn't mess with nature", if that is what you meant,

At that level, no, we shouldn't, but the way you are saying it makes it sound like you're one of those idiots that argues that cross-breeding different breeds of dogs or cross-pollinating different kinds of roses is no different than splicing the genetic material of Roundup into wheat.

And yes, people who believe that, and have the money and power to engage in their sick perverted fantasies scare the hell out of me.

When you put it that way, it makes you right the whole time!

posted on Apr, 10 2021 @ 08:11 AM
New lead on the SPIDER WEB (7 mentions on the MAP...)

I came across this by chance last night but it looks worth investigating for anyone with historical research skills!


The above coat of Arms is of the belgian BANCKAERT family and shows a Spider in a web drinking from the Chalice.

This picture is from the Sacristy of Downside Abbey in the UK, which the Benedictine community are about to abandon after scandals of monks with pupils at the tethered school (which I went to). Members around from early parts of the thread will remember stories I told of demonic experiences there.

Anywho, the sacristy (where monks dress for mass), was funded by one monk's stamp collection! At the time it was the largest sacristy in the UK and cost £6.5 million to build.

Delving into Dom Conrad Banckaert; who was that sacristy funding member of the monks community there, I found little on the internet except that there were other monks, with the same surname, in the Jesuits! One seems to be the same lifetime; late 1800s to 1910; so could be the same person? Note that Dom Conrad would have been the monk's "taken" name when entering the Benedictine community.

Seems odd timing for a 150 yr old community to leave this Abbey, which houses one of the best libraries in Europe, and whose cricket ground was once the backup venue for Somerset County cricket club.

Downside sacristy
2020 blog on the decision of the Downside community to leave the Abeey, after 150 years
Jesuit Banckaert #1 - Julian Banckaert Kwango, Congo
Jesuit Banckaert #2 - E.P. Banckaert, Congo
edit on 10-4-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-4-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2021 @ 08:31 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
A sign of the devil or a miracle cure? How people felt about spiders in the Middle Ages

One day in the early 12th century, a priest named Norbert of Xanten was celebrating mass in a crypt, when something unexpected happened: a large spider fell from the ceiling and landed in the chalice containing the consecrated communion wine. The horrified priest saw the creature and (in the words of his biographer), “he was shocked, having life and death before his eyes”. But his pious fortitude overcame his natural repugnance, and so “he chose to undergo the danger and swallowed whatever was in the chalice”. When mass was over, believing he was going to die, he stayed before the altar, praying and commending his fate to God. Then his nose started to itch; he scratched it, and the spider was expelled by a sudden fit of sneezing.

edit on 4102021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2021 @ 08:37 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
Why are so many nasty things being said in the forum about Prince Phillip Duke? Was he a bad person?

Are you unaware of the dark conspiracy stuff surrounding the entire 'royal' family?

posted on Apr, 10 2021 @ 08:41 AM

originally posted by: daskakik
originally posted by: tanstaafl
"Yes it is - that, or one of two possibilities...

a) you're really bad at making a point, or

b) you're just arguing for the sake of arguing"

c) you didn't get what I was saying.

Since I obviously did, and considering this last response, the answer is obviously a) and b).

"At that level, no, we shouldn't, but the way you are saying it makes it sound like you're one of those idiots that argues that cross-breeding different breeds of dogs or cross-pollinating different kinds of roses is no different than splicing the genetic material of Roundup into wheat.

And yes, people who believe that, and have the money and power to engage in their sick perverted fantasies scare the hell out of me."

Opinion noted and you proved my point.

As you have proven mine.

posted on Apr, 10 2021 @ 11:14 AM

originally posted by: brewtiger
a reply to: crankyoldman

- Getting what you want, but ignoring the impact it has on others
- The dangers/chaos/consequences of wishes were part of WW1984 plot
- Film ending here : 00:17 - 3:30 (spoiler alert)

- Cost of a wish granted requires the person to give up something
- With eyes open, WW must make the first move to give up her wish
- Only then can she re-gain her powers needed to reach final showdown



edit on Sat Apr 10 2021 by DontTreadOnMe because: quote trimmed Trim Those Quotes

posted on Apr, 10 2021 @ 11:34 AM
As I understand it. The science priest class says that any death following a jab cannot be attributed to the jab itself, but many factors come into play, as such, the jab has "caused" not deaths.

Also. The jab saves lives, it has been proven both safe and effective.

Orwell thought to put this into the book, but skipped it as he'd have to devote 10 chapters to defining what an internet shill was to explain how the population would accept this absurd logic.

Polarity Realities when it comes to the jab are fun...

Clip of EXACTLY how the jab is saving lives, and if one life is saved from the jab we all consider it a win. Really.

Vaccination class. Clip

posted on Apr, 10 2021 @ 11:45 AM
Interesting thread

What is curious about this is the US was in bankruptcy, at the Hague (possibly three judge panel) going back to 1933, but in reality 1913 with the creation of the FED. The FED deal was set to expire in 2013 - contracts can only last 99 years. But it was extended for obvious reasons and the asset sell of continued - see China/Ports exhibit one but so did the FED.

So this second bankruptcy would indeed apply to the DC version of the US and not the US as an entity, as one cannot file two on the same corporation at the same time. Which makes this something very strange. Those checks would imply those receiving are CREDITORS and not debtors. Debtors pay the creditors in a bankruptcy, through asset management by a "neutral" trustee overseeing the process.

So what assets are being sold off or under what mechanism? How did the trustee/court determine who was a creditor? If one is a creditor, then one is not a debtor, as such, one does NOT pay taxes as they are not indebted.

That is....... if this bears fruit.

posted on Apr, 10 2021 @ 11:52 AM
Weird tweet from Elon Musk that he deleted

Here's a screenshot of it

edit on 10-4-2021 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2021 @ 12:45 PM
hello Q investigators, just wanted to say that while i do not share your faith in your findings, i have followed your community with some interest here from the beginning and i feel like i've learned a lot about a lot of things like the nature of belief, the growth of movements and esoteric theories, and the way things like this catch fire and move through a community. i was telling people i knew that this was going to blow up fairly big a couple years ago and they were dismissive... but they have since then admitted that i saw something coming that they did not. so thank you for the education, entertainment... edutainment? and don't mind me lurking around the edges now and again, please.

posted on Apr, 10 2021 @ 01:14 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

"Elon Musk took a swipe at Bill Gates and Microsoft Zune with an edited version of an anti-vaccination cartoon."

"Soon u will feel strange desire for Zune ..." Musk wrote just after midnight on the West Coast. In a follow-up Tweet, which was also deleted, he said, "This is actually happening."

Microsoft's Zune MP3 player, an iPod competitor, was launched in 2006. The company stopped production on the Zune in 2011.

I had one of those Zune players, for a very short time. POS! The iPod killed it.

posted on Apr, 10 2021 @ 01:31 PM

Update: The 119th missile Brigade of RU based in the Central Military District has been moved 1000 miles closer to the Ukrainian border. It has been moved to the outskirts of Vornezh. Russia is meaning business with this move. They now have Iskander missiles in range of Ukraine.


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