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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - XXXV -

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posted on Apr, 9 2021 @ 04:53 PM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
Thanks for pointing that out. As you continue to do here day after day after day... have your efforts made any difference to the continuation of this thread? Or to my preconceived conclusions? I'll give you a hint ---NO

Of course not, we are all here just wasting our time, I just happen to be more open to that reality.

Maybe COM as well:

btw you didn't provide any factual evidence to backup your preconceived conclusions about sin

Exactly as I expected

True, I kept it short and if you cared to analyze you might understand but it doesn't matter if you do or do not.

posted on Apr, 9 2021 @ 04:59 PM
a reply to: daskakik

How's this.. when it's against the law for me to speculate then you can have me arrested. In the meantime, I'm free to share whatever opinions I have and you're free to sit and keep watch over this thread and jump in every time the data triggers your reaction. No I'm not going to analyze your unfactual, unproven theories because unlike you I don't care about your opinions

posted on Apr, 9 2021 @ 05:13 PM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
How's this..

My efforts have not changed anything, but neither have anyone else's.

I don't post my opinion's for you, I post them against the wild speculations you are usually engaged in.

edit on 9-4-2021 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2021 @ 05:16 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

I hope we don't have much longer to go. The people here are looney tunes

posted on Apr, 9 2021 @ 06:39 PM
This is a cool visualization. Zoom scroll bar on right; play button at top left.

100,000 Stars is an interactive visualization of the stellar neighborhood created for the Google Chrome web browser. It shows the location of 119,617 nearby stars derived from multiple sources, including the 1989 Hipparcos mission. Zooming in reveals 87 individually identified stars and our solar system. The galaxy view is an artist's rendition based on NGC 1232, a spiral galaxy like the Milky Way.

posted on Apr, 9 2021 @ 06:50 PM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
a reply to: MetalThunder

I hope we don't have much longer to go. The people here are looney tunes

And to think, that may have been a "conscious choice" for some.
We all live in the circus. Thankfully, not all of us are clowns.

Honk Honk!

posted on Apr, 9 2021 @ 08:30 PM
a reply to: PillarOfFire

Mr. Pool is one of the tangentially involved accounts/people I mentioned a while back. I've debated providing more context on him here since I first saw it pop up. He seems to be getting enough attention that some additional information may help anybody that's considering a Pool link to Q.

There are people who claim to be from Cicada3301 (Schoenberger tried to hijack that back in 2017ish with some success) that have been running back channels to some Twitter "influencers". It seems they also try to give the impression they are tied to Mr. Pool and cryptocurrency. I have no idea how many have been roped in.

It's being run almost like a man in the middle op, but the "source" may also be fraudulent, ie Pool may be in on the ruse. He may not be involved and instead the fake back channel is run by a hijacker like Schoenberger.

A fair bit of the MO matches Schoenberger and somebody else mentioned XRP related to theories on Pool. What many may not know is that Schoenberger has previously used a BTC deposit as part of an earlier ARG/scam he ran. It was the final step and I believe, ironically, the prize for those who progressed to sending BTC was to be groomed for further financial exploitation.

It's very easy to be mysterious and make creepy tweets. It's incredibly difficult to put together an ARG or puzzle that's difficult enough to be exclusive and not so difficult to be impossible, especially when the puzzle crosses multiple specialized disciplines. The goldilocks zone for advanced puzzles is small. Perhaps he's realized that he lacks the skill, social resources, or determination, to successfully emulate one and instead is running a side scam taking elements of two or three existing online mysteries (cicada3301, Q, XRP global reserve).

I have more than enough information to make it all plausible, but it's far from confirmed. If there's anything missing I can try to answer, but I probably can't give sources. Some of the information is old and scraped from what I'd call "transient" sources, right place and right time kind of information. What I don't have any evidence for is some kind of financial motive, the secrecy makes it hard to find these kinds of ops and even harder to probe for more information. Confirming any kind of requests for payment or upselling for more access to the group would be significant.

Somebody, somewhere, has a Telegram or Discord link that would prove very helpful. If anybody has been approached by a person or group that set off alarm bells and seems related to any of the above I'd be interested in hearing about it. I'd recommend doing it privately, caveat emptor, they do watch.
edit on 4/9/21 by Ksihkehe because: Typo

posted on Apr, 9 2021 @ 08:56 PM
Dark Web Cicada 3301 trailer. Anyone seen it? Judging by reviews it's more HollyCrap.

posted on Apr, 9 2021 @ 09:22 PM

posted on Apr, 9 2021 @ 09:26 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
originally posted by: tanstaafl
My point was, if mother nature is changing human DNA every time someone gets the sniffles, maybe it isn't a big deal?

Oh, I understood your point better than you - what it misses (ignorance) - seemingly on purpose (deliberate) - is that because something can or does happen in nature, that a pitiful doomed-to-fail attempt by hackers (malicious or well-meaning makes no difference) to replicate (or 'improve on') it is the same and/or ok.

Sin is a human construct used to control others.

The typical Sunday church-goer version, maybe. That isn't what I was referring to and you either know that, or chose to be deliberately ignorant of it.

As I said, you need to repent.

posted on Apr, 9 2021 @ 09:40 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

He's got a real "Lust for Life", though I doubt he's worth a million in prizes.
Every sheep's favorite "redemption arc".
Yeah, get him beatified immediately.

Nary a surprise from the Wokesters nowadays.

posted on Apr, 9 2021 @ 09:43 PM
A bubble will protect you from germs you meet on the street but it has to have some bio filters to be safe for constant use.

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
Hey guys, ready for the new Spring fashions?

17 QQ

I wasn't able to go past page 1.šŸ¤®

posted on Apr, 9 2021 @ 09:45 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl
Oh, I understood your point better than you - what it misses (ignorance) - seemingly on purpose (deliberate) - is that because something can or does happen in nature, that a pitiful doomed-to-fail attempt by hackers (malicious or well-meaning makes no difference) to replicate (or 'improve on') it is the same and/or ok.

No, that isn't what I meant.

The typical Sunday church-goer version, maybe. That isn't what I was referring to and you either know that, or chose to be deliberately ignorant of it.

As I said, you need to repent.

"Man shouldn't mess with nature", if that is what you meant, is also just a human construct and I am not going to repent because I don't share your fear of humans doing this.

I guess I could say you should stop being scared, but I have no problem with it and I certainly don't gain or lose anything by it.

edit on 9-4-2021 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2021 @ 09:47 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: queenofswords

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
a reply to: daskakik

My answer is I'm sure there is a plethora of different ways to tamper with our genetic code using all the elementals and advanced technology that I probably couldn't dream of

Maybe they like to experiment with all different kinds of methods. Maybe tampering with our RNA in this fashion gives them a different result than using something else. Maybe they're trying to create a certain type of hybrid human (or humanoid) that requires tweeking in various different ways until they get the desired result. Maybe they throw stuff at the wall to see what sticks. Maybe there are different competing factions that utilize different methods depending on what their expertise is and what resources they have access to. Maybe this pandemic doubles as a psychological experiment or sort of like a stress test so they can observe our emotional reaction to trauma. Check out the Nazi experiments... they were lunatics

Do you happen to know the reason why the "vaccine" instructs mRNA to encode only the DNA we inherit from our mothers---mitochondrial?

Also, do you happen to know if that "change" is passed on to the next generation when a vaccinated woman bears children?

Is it possible this is intended for the next crop of humanity?

That would be by design. They can pinpoint a spot, or a whole side of the double helix to attach. If it does attach and become part of the moms DNA transfer I am going to be freaking out if any of my families girls get it especially. They may have it so the boys send it too if they are that good now. They could be that good.

Definitely by design. Those who might remember, dear poster Justine (who passed) knew the agent orange that her dad ingested was passed on to her and facilitated her demise. If looks are passed, intelligence are passed, it is rather naive to think that the results of the Jab are some how immune from being passed on - pun intended.

Consider even the bible hints that folks lived for 100's of years, we're down to dozens. Not by accident.

posted on Apr, 9 2021 @ 09:49 PM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
RNA is involved in the molecular structure of long term memory formation

Long-term memory formation requires the synthesis of new messenger RNA (Ribonucleic acid). There is an increased expression of some genes during and after the learning process. Transcription factors and signal transduction mechanisms that guide the process of formation of mRNA have been identified. Epigenetic modifications are critical for memory storage because they play a role in the regulation of transcription. Memory formation also requires molecular processes for the regulation of neuronal transcription.


Biologists 'transfer' a memory through RNA injection

UCLA biologists report they have transferred a memory from one marine snail to another, creating an artificial memory, by injecting RNA from one to another. This research could lead to new ways to lessen the trauma of painful memories with RNA and to restore lost memories.

"I think in the not-too-distant future, we could potentially use RNA to ameliorate the effects of Alzheimer's disease or post-traumatic stress disorder," said David Glanzman, senior author of the study and a UCLA professor of integrative biology and physiology and of neurobiology. The team's research is published May 14 inĀ eNeuro, the online journal of the Society for Neuroscience.

RNA, or ribonucleic acid, has been widely known as a cellular messenger that makes proteins and carries out DNA's instructions to other parts of the cell. It is now understood to have other important functions besides protein coding, including regulation of a variety of cellular processes involved in development and disease.

In the future, Glanzman said, it is possible that RNA can be used to awaken and restore memories that have gone dormant in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease. He and his colleagues published research in the journal eLife in 2014 indicating that lost memories can be restored.

This UC lecture offers more detail on the role of RNA in its relation to neuronal synapse and memory formation

Now that is good stuff thanks! It is only a matter of time that our whole Sci Fi library of future skills started to show up.
Someone thinks of it and then the race to make it so begins. Once you prove one thing in this field you can use that concept to build off of like the computer analogy of doubling speed while getting smaller, you just add to the existing data.

posted on Apr, 10 2021 @ 12:46 AM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

I'm not sure if that's his best video, but he frames the discussion very well.

posted on Apr, 10 2021 @ 12:49 AM
a reply to: PillarOfFire

SR just said that the head of the snake is now dead, or something like that.

posted on Apr, 10 2021 @ 01:07 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

posted on Apr, 10 2021 @ 01:11 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman

- Getting what you want, but ignoring the impact it has on others
- The dangers/chaos/consequences of wishes were part of WW1984 plot
- Film ending here : 00:17 - 3:30 (spoiler alert)

- Cost of a wish granted requires the person to give up something
- With eyes open, WW must make the first move to give up her wish
- Only then can she re-gain her powers needed to reach final showdown

POTUS careful, deliberate & clear with his words & hands

- Uplifting messages left for those waking up & seeking answers
- Reassurances: Ignore the narrative, remain calm, help each other
- We have to have peace. Go home and go home in peace.

DJT past actions show he wants to save all innocent (one is too much).
DJT could have directly & openly fought for POTUS (but at what cost).
DJT stepping away from spotlight, changes battlefield/MSM power weakens.
DJT also shows us our ideas & opinions on what "must happen" are wrong.

JUST STOP = Is this the solution?
- Walk away from the endless loop / battle of wills /arguments.
- Resist thinking "our side must defeat the other" to save the world.
- Woke for a reason = invest energy to build paths to a new way.
- Keep researching & build support networks pushing empathy & love.
- KEEP FAITH: POTUS45 moves us to the precipice at the time he feels is best.

edit on 10-4-2021 by brewtiger because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2021 @ 01:19 AM

originally posted by: MetalThunder
a reply to: Gravelbone
Decisions Decisions lol
Hunter Biden jokes that keeping his pants on was a 'problem' when he was on crack

Now that Hunter Biden has revealed he's immune from being prosecuted, he's letting it all hang out this week, isn't he.

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