I think it’s clear by now that if we truly want unity, we’re going to have to take it into our own hands. At this point, a lot of feelings are
hurt, some underlying rage and trust issues are prevalent, pretty much everyone feels that they are the virtuous ones and their opponents represent
all that is a danger to our way of life, but Americans have not crossed any point of no return (look into what started happening in the Balkans in the
90s for reference regarding that point).
Rwanda was successful with truth and reconciliation, but only after nearly a million were slaughtered by their own neighbors. www.nytimes.com...
We can be better than this.
While the voices calling for TRUE unity are few and far between, they are also strong and have the power of truth to back them up.
I’d like to share this really amazing discussion between a philosopher Alain de Botton and my favorite human I’ve never met, Ayishat Akanbi. Her
smile absolutely brightens my day. It’s gorgeous and reveals a deep love/agape.
It’s a fairly long video, but it is the most helpful discussion I’ve heard regarding true unity maybe ever.
I loved watching the change in the audience from the beginning to the end. Some of the members who seemed rather defensive at first were smiling and
at ease toward the end.
I’ll include some (maybe slightly misquoted) transcription of my favorite parts below the clip.
I’d really love to hear your thoughts. We ALL can make a difference, and each of our actions cause a ripple which is felt in the very fabric of
existence. No good deed is too small or petty.
Have a wonderful day, friends!
“I explore ideas we often call ‘problematic.’ They’re often the most revealing...the most interesting.”
"Too much empathy can cause more aggression toward out groups."
"Root of kindness is knowing that you are sinful."
"We get so much wrong. We’re steering blind."
"We condemn too much and we understand too little."
"We need to do away with the world evil because it stops conversation where it should begin."
This story that happened in my family with someone passing away from murder-- I saw a choice in that situation I could either respond with coldness,
and maybe develop a prejudice against someone who fits the description of the culprit, but who would that serve? It wouldn’t serve me very well.
It would make me a quite fearful person. So I thought that there had to be a better way."
"Love should mean charity for what is broken in us."
"We often think that if we understand something then we are condoning it, and I think that’s quite dangerous, or maybe unhelpful I should say."
"Things like kindness, compassion and empathy, I feel like they are fairly radical acts, and I think they’re radical acts cause they’re quite
hard to do. If these things were easy then they wouldn’t be virtuous, you know, they would be things that were a given."
"I think we often think that vulnerability is a weakness but again vulnerability is hard, which would suggest that it’s quite a strength."
edit on 28-1-2021 by zosimov because: (no reason given)
This current division is an artificially created division over the last 12-13 years to keep people from actually uniting against the people that
destroyed the economy in 2008 and have kept it afloat in a magic bubble of make believe nonsense ever since.
Let's stick it to our enemy by truly uniting in the spirit of brotherly love!
We don't have to wait for government hand outs if we're paying attention, sharing where we can, talking to neighbors and bartering.
Thank you to all who are already doing this.
Let's leave our overlords in the dust. We don't need them.
I agree with you, but every time we turn the other cheek, we get smacked again and I'm sure I'm not the only one who is sick and tired of it. How many
times must one get hit before (s)he hits back?
And rose from the dead, defeating death/sin and redeeming life for all who chooses to love God with all his/her heart and love his neighbor as he
loves himself.
I have arrived at a point where I'm not sure there can be unity between those with situational awareness and comprehension of reality about the world
around them, and those that are so blind and senseless as to continually act against their self interests.
For example politically punching themselves in the face over and over again, and then lashing out vigorously against those that don't join in with
them. That behavior is what one would expect joining like, the Manson family or Heaven's Gate or some other cult.
My perspective now is to try to wake up as many as can be woken up, low key and without raising attention, and preparing for the inevitable rough
times ahead. Because, why extend yourself and engage in honest debate or political dialog, when the other side will just try silence/unemploy/cancel
Nod, pretend you agree, but stock lock & load in private.
Unity will not be requisite after some point; only endurance/survival.
This current division is an artificially created division over the last 12-13 years to keep people from actually uniting against the people that
destroyed the economy in 2008 and have kept it afloat in a magic bubble of make believe nonsense ever since.
So I notice lots of stars on this post (and rightly so--a good post) but also resistence to unity.
Should I assume that this means we've just capitulated to the assault and are going to roll over and let those who would rend us in half
edit on 28-1-2021 by zosimov because: (no reason given)
The video (or at least the transcription I provided) does a better job at describing it than I.
(But THANKS for the luck... looks like I'll need it! Kidding. I'm not here to convince anyone who can't be convinced-- just to share with those to
whom this will resonate)
People need to get off the internet, go take a walk, maybe go to a party and talk to some real life people because I think the anonymity factor of
being online disassociates posters from recognizing they probably have more in common with who they are speaking with than not in common.