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Fauci believes we need 80 percent vaccinations by fall to BEGIN getting back to normal

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posted on Jan, 26 2021 @ 01:59 PM
Good, then we can go back to dying from the normal flu and pneumonia and all the same things that killed us pre-2020.

posted on Jan, 26 2021 @ 02:10 PM
a reply to: putnam6
Oh putnam, please read the effect the vaccine produces and it's not herd immunity. Even if you've had the vaccine you can still get Covid and still infect others. This DOES NOT lead to herd immunity. All it's supposed to do in the vaccinated is when or if they get Covid it's supposed to lessen the symptoms.

posted on Jan, 26 2021 @ 02:15 PM
100 million by March 31st is 37% of 280 million/80% fall target.

posted on Jan, 26 2021 @ 02:18 PM
I just got my invitation in the mail for the covid vaccine, my insurance will cover the cost, I will gladly and graciously will decline and will give my reserve covid GMO vaccine to any Democrat that wants to take it.

posted on Jan, 26 2021 @ 02:54 PM

Meanwhile hopes that vaccines might provide a quick way out of the crisis all-but faded after France's Pasteur Institute was forced to scrap a jab it had been developing with US drug-maker Merck because it doesn't work.
a reply to: putnam6

I wonder if that is related to this? s-says-its-more-effective-to-get-the-virus-and-recover/

The company announced that the shots V590 and V591 were ‘well tolerated’ by test patients, however they generated an ‘inferior’ immune system response in comparison with natural infection. 
The company stated that instead it will focus on research into therapeutic drugs labeled as MK-7110 and MK-4482.
The drugs aim to protect patients from the damage of an overactive immune response to the virus.

I wonder if one might be like the infamous ivermectin.

posted on Jan, 26 2021 @ 03:17 PM
a reply to: fernalley

Johnson & Johnson is also working on a covid vaccine but will not be ready until sometime this year, their vaccine does no use a synthetic MRNA but a piece of the real virus to trigger the antibodies.

This one vaccine will be more safer than Pfizer and moderna GMO technology.

Taking into consideration how Pfizer and Astra Zeneca have a record of lies and deception I wonder if their miracle GMO vaccine is nothing but a failure after all and the reason that Faucy saucy keep telling people they need to wear a mask even after getting the GMO vaccine.

I always said, wait, wait, things will fall in place, eventually, the rush to push a vaccine just to be able to reap the profits before anybody else.

posted on Jan, 26 2021 @ 03:47 PM
a reply to: marg6043
How many have already been pressured to take these vaccines due to work obligations or just fear? Canada literally ran out of vaccines so I don't know if second doses are even available. Also the thought of forced vaccines is chilling.
I can wait this out as well but a cure would be welcomed .

posted on Jan, 26 2021 @ 03:47 PM

originally posted by: Snarl
Up to this point ... in the 'evolution of man' ... no one ever needed a vaccination for the Corona family of viruses.

If this was a gain-of-function virus released by the Chinee, we have a nuclear first-strike policy to implement.

Otherwise, like any member of the Corona Virus family ... this thing is milder than the Flu. Why worry?

Why worry? Here in the UK we have just past 100,000 dead. Still, never mind, eh?

posted on Jan, 26 2021 @ 04:07 PM

originally posted by: crayzeed
a reply to: putnam6
Oh putnam, please read the effect the vaccine produces and it's not herd immunity. Even if you've had the vaccine you can still get Covid and still infect others. This DOES NOT lead to herd immunity. All it's supposed to do in the vaccinated is when or if they get Covid it's supposed to lessen the symptoms.

Someone is not understanding how vaccines work.

Knowledge and science is available.

posted on Jan, 26 2021 @ 04:19 PM
a reply to: putnam6

Why does anybody believe a word that charlatan says?

He is a career bureaucrat trying to enhance his career.

posted on Jan, 26 2021 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: fernalley

The vaccine is not mandatory, no yet and truly I think it will not be either, my daughter is in the health care system as a emergency room nurse she opted out the vaccine, she is still working.

posted on Jan, 26 2021 @ 04:40 PM

originally posted by: Salander
a reply to: putnam6

Why does anybody believe a word that charlatan says?

He is a career bureaucrat trying to enhance his career.

More to the point, why should anyone believe a word some random medically unqualified charlatan on a conspiracy website says?

posted on Jan, 26 2021 @ 04:47 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2

originally posted by: Salander
a reply to: putnam6

Why does anybody believe a word that charlatan says?

He is a career bureaucrat trying to enhance his career.

More to the point, why should anyone believe a word some random medically unqualified charlatan on a conspiracy website says?

More to the point, How would you know how qualified some random person on a conspiracy website is?
For all you know the person could be a doctor, nurse, virologist, or anything else.

But it wouldnt matter if they were, because people in your state of mind, wouldnt accept what was said because it goes against the narrative you follow.

posted on Jan, 26 2021 @ 04:47 PM

edit on 26-1-2021 by Oldcarpy2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2021 @ 04:50 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2

originally posted by: CrazyWater

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2

originally posted by: Salander
a reply to: putnam6

Why does anybody believe a word that charlatan says?

He is a career bureaucrat trying to enhance his career.

More to the point, why should anyone believe a word some random medically unqualified charlatan on a conspiracy website says?

More to the point, How would you know how qualified some random person on a conspiracy website is?
For all you know the person could be a doctor, nurse, virologist, or anything else.

But it wouldnt matter if they were, because people in your state of mind, wouldnt accept what was said because it goes against the narrative you follow.

OK. Perhaps these random persons, and your good self, might tell us your medical/scientific qualifications then?

What narrative do I have, in your imagination?

posted on Jan, 26 2021 @ 04:53 PM
of course he does he is making 400+k a year is the highest paid goverment employee to be wrong almost every step of the way.

Add in he loves the lap dogs he has gained in the last year his ego doesnt want this to end.

posted on Jan, 26 2021 @ 04:54 PM

originally posted by: CrazyWater

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2

originally posted by: Salander
a reply to: putnam6

Why does anybody believe a word that charlatan says?

He is a career bureaucrat trying to enhance his career.

More to the point, why should anyone believe a word some random medically unqualified charlatan on a conspiracy website says?

More to the point, How would you know how qualified some random person on a conspiracy website is?
For all you know the person could be a doctor, nurse, virologist, or anything else.

But it wouldnt matter if they were, because people in your state of mind, wouldnt accept what was said because it goes against the narrative you follow.

Perhaps because if they were even vaguely medically qualified they would not post nonsense?

posted on Jan, 26 2021 @ 07:03 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2

originally posted by: CrazyWater

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2

originally posted by: Salander
a reply to: putnam6

Why does anybody believe a word that charlatan says?

He is a career bureaucrat trying to enhance his career.

More to the point, why should anyone believe a word some random medically unqualified charlatan on a conspiracy website says?

More to the point, How would you know how qualified some random person on a conspiracy website is?
For all you know the person could be a doctor, nurse, virologist, or anything else.

But it wouldnt matter if they were, because people in your state of mind, wouldnt accept what was said because it goes against the narrative you follow.

Perhaps because if they were even vaguely medically qualified they would not post nonsense?

By whose barometer? Your COMPLETELY non biased assessment? LoL sure thing sweety

posted on Jan, 26 2021 @ 10:18 PM

originally posted by: Nyiah

originally posted by: rickymouse
I still do not trust that vaccine, I do not think that it is nearly as effective as they say, it can't be, previous vaccines they tried for coronaviruses and SARS failed most times in the long term. The RNA vaccines have not had a very good track record either. Maybe this vaccine was made safer, but is it actually even close to as effective as they say? The reason that they give this in two doses is because it causes way more problems when given in a single dose. What about differences in people's metabolisms, those enzymes can vary in people widely, how will this effect some people who have different metabolomics?

I strongly suspect there will be severe unintended epigenetic changes down the road. IMO, cancers will spike worse than MI pollution cancer cases.Edit: yes, two totally different things there, bad analogy for sticklers out there, I admit. But in more plain English, I think future generations are going to see cancer spikes much in the same way Michiganders are acquainted with seeing pockets of cancers cropping up in places polluted long ago.

Actually, weren't you the one who first suspected as much way back? or was that another poster of equal research capability?

I am looking more into food additives causing cancer and blocking proper immune response. There seems to be more cancer everywhere, but I also know that certain foods can deter the immune system from identifying cancer and they are pushing those foods as superfoods. Everyone has different physiology, they make different amounts of enzymes and if you cannot get the metabolic byproducts out of the cells, they can cause mutations. Sodium and chloride channels are important to detox cells yet they tell everyone to lower salt intake. Sodium intake should be half of chloride, and potassium intake should also be half of chloride, giving a one to one ratio of sodium + potassium to chloride. Potassium is best taken from food sources though, not from no-salt or potassium supplements. It is easily absorbed from potatoes and other high potassium foods. Too much potassium is no good either. Sodium and chloride escort toxins to the kidneys for excretion along with working to remove them from cells of the body. being on a low sodium diet then eating lots of salt can cause a rush of toxins and water to come out of cells and shut down organs. It isn't easy to boost salt too fast.

People are taking expensive electrolyte drinks when just adding salt on potatoes will do the trick. I am cheap, so I checked out how to balance electrolytes in the body, need a little extra chloride, just eat some green veggies. Or drink the water coming out of the city water supply that smells like a swimming pool. Maybe the reason they figure that sodium added to other chemistries is safe, like MSG and sodium nitrite, is because there is chlorine in the water....I have a well, no chloride in our water.

From researching a lot, I have found that there is so much messed up in our food supply, that it is almost impossible to figure out what is causing cancer. I do know that autoimmune disease is worse if you eat foods containing aluminum products, like alum in pickles and aluminum baking powder and certain antacids. I have tested on myself and got my kids and grandkids to avoid those and they are doing a lot worse, but my genetics is full of autoimmune issues and my grandkids all have a problem breaking down histamines and I cannot convince my one daughter to stop feeding high histamine foods to her kids who overreact to everything so much when they get sick. Age foods can be high in histamine and if you have genetics that make a defunct histaminase enzyme like they do, they get real sick when they get sick and have asthma symptoms. I do not have any DAO problems, my exwife gave one copy and her husband donated the other to make the kids bad at breaking down histamine. There is an alternate pathway, but if they eat high tyramine foods plus the high histamine foods that enzyme pathway gets overloaded. High histamine levels are hard on organs. The one granddaughter who likes salads and some veggies and by that avoids histamines and tyramines is fine, the rest of the kids have problems of overreacting to sickness. You can't be eating pizzas and tacos and sandwiches with aged meats a lot and expect to be healthy. She does not buy a lot of Chinese food anymore, but doesn't understand that lunchmeats and pizzas are junk food, tomatoes block the histaminase enzyme and the alternate pathway, pizzas are junk food, even if they are the best tasting ones made in the county. People look at the meat, the cheese, the tomatoes, and think that they are high protein and good for you, I used to twenty five years ago, but they are not. Plus eating a pizza right before going to sleep disturbs proper sleep, good if you need energy to work after lunch where you can burn off the histamines, but not at ten at night.

posted on Jan, 27 2021 @ 12:00 PM

originally posted by: CrazyWater

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2

originally posted by: CrazyWater

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2

originally posted by: Salander
a reply to: putnam6

Why does anybody believe a word that charlatan says?

He is a career bureaucrat trying to enhance his career.

More to the point, why should anyone believe a word some random medically unqualified charlatan on a conspiracy website says?

More to the point, How would you know how qualified some random person on a conspiracy website is?
For all you know the person could be a doctor, nurse, virologist, or anything else.

But it wouldnt matter if they were, because people in your state of mind, wouldnt accept what was said because it goes against the narrative you follow.

Perhaps because if they were even vaguely medically qualified they would not post nonsense?

By whose barometer? Your COMPLETELY non biased assessment? LoL sure thing sweety

So your views are completely non biased? Sweety?

Sorry, but I give more credence to opinions of medically qualified folk than some random on a website.

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