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One Mask May Not Be Enough. How About Wearing Two...

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posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 08:38 PM

originally posted by: Gnawledge
Omy my God! I hate scientists telling my to put cloth on my face so me and my loved ones have a lesser chance at dying.

As if he cares!

LORD save me!

Then I suggest that you not only do what he is suggesting (wearing two masks and inhibiting your C02 outtake) but take the next logical step and just tie a few garbage bags around your head.

You know... just to be safe!!!

I still say 2021 will be known in hind sight as the Year of Social Darwinism.

And I have a front seat to watch it!!!!

+5 more 
posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 08:39 PM
I’m no longer wearing a mask and when I’m asked why it’s because I’m celebrating.
If that excuse is good enough for Biden it is good enough for me.

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 08:40 PM

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: Gnawledge
Omy my God! I hate scientists telling my to put cloth on my face so me and my loved ones have a lesser chance at dying.

As if he cares!

LORD save me!

Then I suggest that you not only do what he is suggesting (wearing two masks and inhibiting your C02 outtake) but take the next logical step and just tie a few garbage bags around your head.

You know... just to be safe!!!

I still say 2021 will be known in hind sight as the Year of Social Darwinism.

And I have a front seat to watch it!!!!

Good thing your word don't mean sh!t.

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 08:40 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: Gnawledge
Omy my God! I hate scientists telling my to put cloth on my face so me and my loved ones have a lesser chance at dying.

As if he cares!

LORD save me!

You need to wear 3 masks in case one falls off because you are being told to.


I'll wear bernie mittens. I live in MN. The masks are great.

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 08:42 PM
My personal take, if anyone cares, we will all get it.

1,2,3 mask, no matter.

It's going around.

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 08:43 PM

originally posted by: Gnawledge

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: Gnawledge
Omy my God! I hate scientists telling my to put cloth on my face so me and my loved ones have a lesser chance at dying.

As if he cares!

LORD save me!

Then I suggest that you not only do what he is suggesting (wearing two masks and inhibiting your C02 outtake) but take the next logical step and just tie a few garbage bags around your head.

You know... just to be safe!!!

I still say 2021 will be known in hind sight as the Year of Social Darwinism.

And I have a front seat to watch it!!!!

Good thing your word don't mean sh!t.

They don't to you.

Which is just peachy to me.

Do you know that when I reply to you, I am not replying to you?

I am merely highlighting what you are and what you represent to thousands of people who read these posts.

To me you are a useful tool.

And I understand why you don't understand that...

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 08:44 PM
Now don’t get me wrong, I understand why Fauci would wear two masks, there are some fugly people that two mask would compliment.

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 08:45 PM

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: Gnawledge

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: Gnawledge
Omy my God! I hate scientists telling my to put cloth on my face so me and my loved ones have a lesser chance at dying.

As if he cares!

LORD save me!

Then I suggest that you not only do what he is suggesting (wearing two masks and inhibiting your C02 outtake) but take the next logical step and just tie a few garbage bags around your head.

You know... just to be safe!!!

I still say 2021 will be known in hind sight as the Year of Social Darwinism.

And I have a front seat to watch it!!!!

Good thing your word don't mean sh!t.

They don't to you.

Which is just peachy to me.

Do you know that when I reply to you, I am not replying to you?

I am merely highlighting what you are and what you represent to thousands of people who read these posts.

To me you are a useful tool.

And I understand why you don't understand that...

I do know when you reply to me you are not replying to me.

But it isn't your fantasy. It's that you don't even see me.

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 08:48 PM

originally posted by: Gnawledge

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: Gnawledge

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: Gnawledge
Omy my God! I hate scientists telling my to put cloth on my face so me and my loved ones have a lesser chance at dying.

As if he cares!

LORD save me!

Then I suggest that you not only do what he is suggesting (wearing two masks and inhibiting your C02 outtake) but take the next logical step and just tie a few garbage bags around your head.

You know... just to be safe!!!

I still say 2021 will be known in hind sight as the Year of Social Darwinism.

And I have a front seat to watch it!!!!

Good thing your word don't mean sh!t.

They don't to you.

Which is just peachy to me.

Do you know that when I reply to you, I am not replying to you?

I am merely highlighting what you are and what you represent to thousands of people who read these posts.

To me you are a useful tool.

And I understand why you don't understand that...

I do know when you reply to me you are not replying to me.

But it isn't your fantasy. It's that you don't even see me.

Nothing to see, really.... and let's move along...

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 08:48 PM

originally posted by: Gnawledge
My personal take, if anyone cares, we will all get it.

1,2,3 mask, no matter.

It's going around.

That is actually what I believe as well. Everyone at some point is going to be exposed. There are a few ways you can try and prevent the severity of it but looking at statistics, it seems that it just depends on luck of the draw on how severe symptoms are for those who contract it. Some perfectly healthy people die with it and some with really poor health prior seem to pull through with no issue.
edit on 1/25/2021 by Kangaruex4Ewe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 08:48 PM

originally posted by: Kangaruex4Ewe
Dr. Fauci has spoken. ...

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the chief medical adviser to the president and member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, spoke Monday on NBC News about the protection offered by “double masking.”

“So if you have a physical covering with one layer, you put another layer on, it just makes common sense that it likely would be more effective,” ...

Dr. Mohammed Reza, a Jacksonville infectious disease doctor, said he believes double masking helps better protect people from COVID-19, as well as the new variant. ... just makes common sense that it likely would be more effective,” Fauci said on NBC News’ Today. “That’s the reason why you see people either double masking or doing a version of an N95.”

Dr. Mohammed Reza, a Jacksonville infectious disease doctor, said he believes double masking helps...

These are our supposed top 'scientists' :
..." just makes common sense..."...
..." likely would be more effective...” ...
...” ...he believes...” ...

Not science, but yet another example of Scientism™.

For all of you whack-a-doodle crazy non-maskers : now you'll be saving twice as much money !!!

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 08:51 PM

originally posted by: Nothin

originally posted by: Kangaruex4Ewe
Dr. Fauci has spoken. ...

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the chief medical adviser to the president and member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, spoke Monday on NBC News about the protection offered by “double masking.”

“So if you have a physical covering with one layer, you put another layer on, it just makes common sense that it likely would be more effective,” ...

Dr. Mohammed Reza, a Jacksonville infectious disease doctor, said he believes double masking helps better protect people from COVID-19, as well as the new variant. ... just makes common sense that it likely would be more effective,” Fauci said on NBC News’ Today. “That’s the reason why you see people either double masking or doing a version of an N95.”

Dr. Mohammed Reza, a Jacksonville infectious disease doctor, said he believes double masking helps...

These are our supposed top 'scientists' :
..." just makes common sense..."...
..." likely would be more effective...” ...
...” ...he believes...” ...

Not science, but yet another example of Scientism™.

For all of you whack-a-doodle crazy non-maskers : now you'll be saving twice as much money !!!

Yep. You’ll notice that I highlighted a few of those words in my OP.

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 08:52 PM

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: Gnawledge

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: Gnawledge

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: Gnawledge
Omy my God! I hate scientists telling my to put cloth on my face so me and my loved ones have a lesser chance at dying.

As if he cares!

LORD save me!

Then I suggest that you not only do what he is suggesting (wearing two masks and inhibiting your C02 outtake) but take the next logical step and just tie a few garbage bags around your head.

You know... just to be safe!!!

I still say 2021 will be known in hind sight as the Year of Social Darwinism.

And I have a front seat to watch it!!!!

Good thing your word don't mean sh!t.

They don't to you.

Which is just peachy to me.

Do you know that when I reply to you, I am not replying to you?

I am merely highlighting what you are and what you represent to thousands of people who read these posts.

To me you are a useful tool.

And I understand why you don't understand that...

I do know when you reply to me you are not replying to me.

But it isn't your fantasy. It's that you don't even see me.

Nothing to see, really.... and let's move along...

I hope too. Really.

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 08:52 PM
a reply to: Kangaruex4Ewe

Why stop at two masks? 100% of studies have shown breathing is the number way the Rona's contracted and spread to other people. I recommend if you are truly terrified of covid, cease breathing immediately so you lower your risk of inhaling virus particles to zero.

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 08:54 PM

originally posted by: Kangaruex4Ewe

originally posted by: Gnawledge
My personal take, if anyone cares, we will all get it.

1,2,3 mask, no matter.

It's going around.

That is actually what I believe as well. Everyone at some point is going to be exposed. There are a few ways you can try and prevent the severity of it but looking at statistics, it seems that it just depends on luck of the draw on how severe symptoms are for those who contract it. Some perfectly healthy people die with it and some with really poor health prior seem to pull through with no issue.

We actually will get it. Whether natural or shot. Short of some hermits not on here...

I wish no death on anyone. But I do wish we'd all just get it, one way or another. And move on.

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 08:56 PM

originally posted by: dug88
a reply to: Kangaruex4Ewe

Why stop at two masks? 100% of studies have shown breathing is the number way the Rona's contracted and spread to other people. I recommend if you are truly terrified of covid, cease breathing immediately so you lower your risk of inhaling virus particles to zero.


You still breathe?

Hater, why do you want to kill people?

All the obeyers stopped breathing months ago.

How do you think Biden got elected?

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 08:57 PM

originally posted by: Gnawledge

originally posted by: Kangaruex4Ewe

originally posted by: Gnawledge
My personal take, if anyone cares, we will all get it.

1,2,3 mask, no matter.

It's going around.

That is actually what I believe as well. Everyone at some point is going to be exposed. There are a few ways you can try and prevent the severity of it but looking at statistics, it seems that it just depends on luck of the draw on how severe symptoms are for those who contract it. Some perfectly healthy people die with it and some with really poor health prior seem to pull through with no issue.

We actually will get it. Whether natural or shot. Short of some hermits not on here...

I wish no death on anyone. But I do wish we'd all just get it, one way or another. And move on.

Agreed. I’ve mentioned just ripping the bandaid off several times now. Just go ahead and open it all up now. Quarantine those high risk people and get to stepping’. As it stands now we could drag this on for a really long time to try and prevent what is going to happen anyway.

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 09:00 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

It's ok, soon the carbon taxes will allow me to atone for my existence by charging me for every carbon atom spewed from my body.
edit on 25/1/2021 by dug88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: dug88

If we could only tax the leftists for body spewage, we could pay off the national debt.

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 09:02 PM

originally posted by: dug88
a reply to: DBCowboy

It's ok, soon the carbon taxes will allow me to atone for my existence by charging me for every carbon atom spewed from my body.

And every carbon atom in those bodies who can not afford to pay their tax. You are so very benevolent and magnanimous. Great job world citizen!

edit on 1/25/2021 by Kangaruex4Ewe because: (no reason given)

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