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Get off all social media websites. Your data is being recorded.

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posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 01:39 PM
Greetings ATS members and Happy New Year!

We see what and how US government and social media has changed since Jan 6 riot and with Joey, the new con man in chief.

As suspected social media has aligned itself to the current administration. Facebook has released data to Joey’s administration voluntarily concerning the 6 Jan incident in D.C. This should cause concern for anyone who uses any social media including ATS. My ATS posts from 2007 (been kicked off before) can be viewed outside ATS website on the open internet for all to see and so are yours. Ever make a statement online you regret and hope no one finds? Too late…the internet has been archived almost since it rolled out.

There are over 101 social media sites on the internet in English. There is a website called internet archives…and others that can track your old outdated websites, your downloads, and your comments.

Now I love ATS (used to) and other social media but now the US government are tracking its citizens and others. If your social media addiction cannot be controlled then I suggest the following:

Bleachbit HD and reinstall IOS. Learn Linux (open source) USE LINUX.

Buy a good VPN that never leaks (DNS leaks find you) Express VPN is the best. NEVER use one from USA – all give back door access to government officials. ExpressVPN uses anonymous servers that has no logs.

Protect web browser with Bitdefender. Also has virus/spam/maleware scanner.

Turn off location settings.

Never save passwords online.

Turn off google and chrome…use DuckDuckGo as search engine.

Keep browser history clean at the end of each day.

Cover computer camera, uncover when needed.

Don’t leave computer in sleep mode for long, otherwise turn it off. At work, on a break? Going to lunch? Turn off computer.

Deinstall Whatsapp. Use Telegram they have a secure mode

So if I want to read articles on ATS, fine but don’t login, lurk while using a VPN and Bitdefender.

I am sure I missed a few options so any input to the ATS community please share if your comments have to do with the subject matter.

From today on….I will lurk and move through the internet without leaving a trail to follow….from Singapore.

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 01:43 PM
It's good to be selective with what you put on social media. I just do dog and food pics on facebook.

If you are planning anything that you don't want big brother to know about, keep it off the internet. Even a vpn and encryption is not always enough to keep spooks out.

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 01:49 PM
I never give real name, false address while using VPN, have four fake email addresses and use burner phones.

This will help.

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Can we just assume our data is being tracked no matter what and info has been available to steal for awhile?

Personal privacy is so passé

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 02:28 PM

originally posted by: DeathSlayer
Greetings ATS members and Happy New Year!

We see what and how US government and social media has changed since Jan 6 riot and with Joey, the new con man in chief.

As suspected social media has aligned itself to the current administration. Facebook has released data to Joey’s administration voluntarily concerning the 6 Jan incident in D.C. This should cause concern for anyone who uses any social media including ATS. My ATS posts from 2007 (been kicked off before) can be viewed outside ATS website on the open internet for all to see and so are yours. Ever make a statement online you regret and hope no one finds? Too late…the internet has been archived almost since it rolled out.

There are over 101 social media sites on the internet in English. There is a website called internet archives…and others that can track your old outdated websites, your downloads, and your comments.

Now I love ATS (used to) and other social media but now the US government are tracking its citizens and others. If your social media addiction cannot be controlled then I suggest the following:

Bleachbit HD and reinstall IOS. Learn Linux (open source) USE LINUX.

Buy a good VPN that never leaks (DNS leaks find you) Express VPN is the best. NEVER use one from USA – all give back door access to government officials. ExpressVPN uses anonymous servers that has no logs.

Protect web browser with Bitdefender. Also has virus/spam/maleware scanner.

Turn off location settings.

Never save passwords online.

Turn off google and chrome…use DuckDuckGo as search engine.

Keep browser history clean at the end of each day.

Cover computer camera, uncover when needed.

Don’t leave computer in sleep mode for long, otherwise turn it off. At work, on a break? Going to lunch? Turn off computer.

Deinstall Whatsapp. Use Telegram they have a secure mode

So if I want to read articles on ATS, fine but don’t login, lurk while using a VPN and Bitdefender.

I am sure I missed a few options so any input to the ATS community please share if your comments have to do with the subject matter.

From today on….I will lurk and move through the internet without leaving a trail to follow….from Singapore.

Social media has been collecting data on you since 2006! Bs degree in information security with a minor in telecommunications! Nothing ATS says is dangerous! You all are a bunch of normies that have been censored for a long time! Here’s where things get interesting what makes you think I don’t want people to think this is me? Or that I should be afraid of what I say here? I have multiple personas, Aliases,users names! If I want to hide I can do better than vpn. I can use Linux put proxychains on it use a vpn Tor and change my MAC address to look like someone else’s! All while using a computer that has no personal identification on it and use my extended WiFi Antenna to get signals from far away! If I want I can even connect to someone who has a really easy password and spoof there MAC address to make it look like them!

That game with VPN’s works but not as well as you think!

Doing what you suggest won’t work against the government but it will work against idiots who want to DOX you! However the Bastion idea works best against these people!
You create a fake persona that they can attack! Most people are dumb and if you know them they will outright let you know they hate your views! These people are not your friends! Just caught someone I considered a great friend doxing me because we hold different political beliefs! He actually brought up something I said on YouTube which I intended to be part of the bastion aka honey trap to view how many class A ip address “government” people would respond or instigate along with what I wrote!
edit on 25-1-2021 by Veryolduser because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

They've isolated people in their homes and now Trump supporters can't communicate online or by phone -- even if they know they are doing nothing wrong.

But, hey, it's all worth it if means we can finally prosecute Trump and call his supporters 'losers.' It's going to be so great to call them losers in circle jerks online and embolden one another to hate and persecute. We don't ever have to hear from them so we don't have to witness the suffering and inhumanity of it all.


posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

- Get a morse code machine.
- Buy nautical flashcards.
- Use secret handshakes.
- Learn Baby Language.

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 02:40 PM

originally posted by: Trueman

- Learn Baby Language.

No good, the left is fluent in it.

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 02:40 PM

originally posted by: DeathSlayer
Now I love ATS (used to) and other social media but now the US government are tracking its citizens and others. If your social media addiction cannot be controlled then I suggest the following:

Bleachbit HD and reinstall IOS. Learn Linux (open source) USE LINUX.

Buy a good VPN that never leaks (DNS leaks find you) Express VPN is the best. NEVER use one from USA – all give back door access to government officials. ExpressVPN uses anonymous servers that has no logs.

Protect web browser with Bitdefender. Also has virus/spam/maleware scanner.

Turn off location settings.

Never save passwords online.

Turn off google and chrome…use DuckDuckGo as search engine.

Keep browser history clean at the end of each day.

Cover computer camera, uncover when needed.

Don’t leave computer in sleep mode for long, otherwise turn it off. At work, on a break? Going to lunch? Turn off computer.

Deinstall Whatsapp. Use Telegram they have a secure mode

So if I want to read articles on ATS, fine but don’t login, lurk while using a VPN and Bitdefender.

I am sure I missed a few options so any input to the ATS community please share if your comments have to do with the subject matter.

From today on….I will lurk and move through the internet without leaving a trail to follow….from Singapore.

You must be into some weird porn to take all those precautions...

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: OtherSideOfTheCoin

OMG that was funny

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 02:44 PM
ATS is the closest I get to social media.

And ya'all clearly don't see me. But yeah, FB, Twitter...stay away.

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 02:53 PM

originally posted by: OtherSideOfTheCoin

You must be into some weird porn to take all those precautions...

Don't gaslight him. We do not know what constitutes protected speech or punishable speech, at the moment. Social media and telecoms are providing the government with our private communications. The government can and does unlawfully spy on citizens.

If you disagreed with the 'acceptable' narrative on any issue and wanted to speak freely about it, you might feel the same concerns.

Porn? The government isn't interested in targeting porn, it's ideas, opinions, and information that threaten them.

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 02:55 PM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

That explains why I got an alert from Google earlier this month showing me everywhere I'd been in 2020, from cities to parks to middle high school parking lots restaurants to stores and how many miles I drove...

I sure do miss analog phones.

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

You mention Telegram without mentioning Signal..Okay I mean I get you of those secured messaging apps collects data on you, one of them records your IP address and one of them has been hit hard over the recent years exposing millions of accounts and none of those exploits were 0 day and the name of that app is Telegram.

Running WIndows , Linux, something embedded, hell OS/2 neither makes you inherently more secure or insecure then anything else. It's what you do with your OS of choice and the preceding layers 1-6 that determine how secure you are.

I'm all in favor of people practicing the most rudimentary Infosec measures but that doesnt mean you are Mr. Robot because you are running TAILS on a keyfob. =)

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 02:58 PM

originally posted by: LSU2018
a reply to: DeathSlayer

That explains why I got an alert from Google earlier this month showing me everywhere I'd been in 2020, from cities to parks to middle high school parking lots restaurants to stores and how many miles I drove...

I sure do miss analog phones.

Location services are well known and easy to control on Google.
If you don't take the steps you feel are required for you then only you are responsible that they have that information.

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: DeathSlayer
Not gonna happen DS. American's love their social media. They will continue to support companies who advertise on those platforms, and even give up their constitutional rights. Just don't take their tweeter and farcebook away.

edit on 1/25/2021 by Klassified because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 03:05 PM
Use Onion and TOR.
Ever thing tracks and spy on you!
your internet provider recoreds all that you do!

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 03:09 PM

originally posted by: Gnawledge
ATS is the closest I get to social media.

And ya'all clearly don't see me. But yeah, FB, Twitter...stay away.

No no no, I saw you at the hotdog hut the other night...

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 03:11 PM

originally posted by: MotherMayEye

originally posted by: OtherSideOfTheCoin

You must be into some weird porn to take all those precautions...

Don't gaslight him. We do not know what constitutes protected speech or punishable speech, at the moment. Social media and telecoms are providing the government with our private communications. The government can and does unlawfully spy on citizens.

If you disagreed with the 'acceptable' narrative on any issue and wanted to speak freely about it, you might feel the same concerns.

Porn? The government isn't interested in targeting porn, it's ideas, opinions, and information that threaten them.

She is right the government doesn't care at all about porn.

One of the most sacred morals of the left is that all sex in all forms is normal and should be celebrated.

The liberal left actually encourages anything that weakens the nuclear family which it sees as a danger to socialism and liberal philosophy and ideology.

As for us ATS members, well the liberals will get great jobs in the government, I would not be surprised if they all get calls offering them plum high paying jobs for their loyalty to the party.

As for the rest of us, well remember all the calls the Democrats are making for deprogramming and reeducating 70 million US voters who voted incorrectly. We will just quietly disappear, like in China since we are all locked in our homes where no one but the government tracks us anymore. Biden said he can't do anything about COVID and that will be the excuse to keep the population locked down, isolated, and submissive to the government. Remember Obama said he wished he had the power that the Chinese government had, well now the Democrats do having control of the entire US government.

Oh, yea, almost forgot. I love Biden and the Democrats.

edit on 1/25/21 by The2Billies because: addition

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 03:12 PM

originally posted by: LSU2018

originally posted by: Gnawledge
ATS is the closest I get to social media.

And ya'all clearly don't see me. But yeah, FB, Twitter...stay away.

No no no, I saw you at the hotdog hut the other night...

During Covid with Jim Carrey, lol, not a chance...but good choice.

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