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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 34 -

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posted on Jan, 21 2021 @ 08:27 PM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: nerbot

This begs the question as to WHO is actually running things? Who is feeding Joe his lines? Seems old Joe is just a sad puppet these days, with someone else with their hand up his ass, working the mouth.

originally posted by: pteridine

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: nerbot

This begs the question as to WHO is actually running things? Who is feeding Joe his lines? Seems old Joe is just a sad puppet these days, with someone else with their hand up his ass, working the mouth.

If Obama is the shadow president, one would guess Joe's old buddy, Obama, who knows how to press Joe's buttons. With what little mind Joe had leaving him, there is a comfort factor that the handlers are counting on. Who's running Obama? Rothschild/Soros working to undermine the US, disrupt and agitate the citizens, and bring the country down.

Probably, some members of that familiar old group of elite families. Probably some names that we wouldn't know as well though too.

originally posted by: Guyfriday

originally posted by: Parksy1981

Better save that somewhere, since it's going to go bye bye soon.

That does sound like Hunter, and given the fact that this interruption happened on the White House controlled linkage, It makes things even more weird.

Yeah that was wild. Not the kind of stuff you usually hear through those kinds of official channels in my experience.

posted on Jan, 21 2021 @ 08:29 PM
Qonspiracy of the Century !!!! 😎

❗ 9pm will be the 21st hour, of the 21st day, of the 21st year, of the 21st century ❗

posted on Jan, 21 2021 @ 08:29 PM

originally posted by: TheBadCabbie

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

What intrigues me is the Naysayers' NEED to have us commit to a date!

It's like us committing to a date is the defibrullator charge they NEED to survive?

I don't know that it's any of the posters in here, and of course it's against the T&C's to call other members shills or disinformation agents so I wouldn't even try and do that, but I think it is a common information warfare tactic to damage a forum user's credibility, if you can get them to make a wholehearted prediction that doesn't come true.

Sometimes this could just be typical forum banter, a chance to rub the other guys nose in it and be all 'neener neener!', but other times it may actually be an attempt to damage the user's credibility. So like next week when the big tsunami hits and you're all 'Guys! Big tsunami coming!' and then they'll be all like 'Whatever! Don't listen to Rel! Remember last week when he said the ninjas were going to climb mount Everest? Didn't happen! He's full of it, don't listen to him! Then they yell 'neener neener' again.

A little Magic Roundabout parable for the "Dougalls":

Stop worrying about people's choice of direction and just enjoy their company until the MAGA Train turns up!

Hehe. Funny video. Also, agree. Besides, Q's posts were never even really about that. This is a puzzle, an invitation to research, and a great conversation starter(for some), in my opinion. Preparation for things that may come, perhaps, but few specific date/time predictions.

Because at some point, the goal posts have to stop being moved. 10 day of darkness until Jan 30th. What's the next date? At some point, most people loose faith. I am on the verge, I am willing to see what the next couple of weeks bring, but after that, the plan was obviously a failure other than many people woke up and can now see and understand the corruption. But the big plan, the end of the movie, the show might have just been false promises/predictions. I am all for continuing the fight against corruption and criminals in govt, I will never accept Biden as legitimate, but that doesn't change our present situation.
edit on 21-1-2021 by panoz77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2021 @ 08:30 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
Qonspiracy of the Century !!!! 😎

❗ 9pm will be the 21st hour, of the 21st day, of the 21st year, of the 21st century ❗

It is also my birthday

posted on Jan, 21 2021 @ 08:34 PM
Everybody made assumptions about the goalposts because it would have made us feel better for everything to be over. But it couldn’t happen that way. I’m pretty sure everything up to this point has been smoke and mirrors.

originally posted by: panoz77

originally posted by: TheBadCabbie

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

What intrigues me is the Naysayers' NEED to have us commit to a date!

It's like us committing to a date is the defibrullator charge they NEED to survive?

I don't know that it's any of the posters in here, and of course it's against the T&C's to call other members shills or disinformation agents so I wouldn't even try and do that, but I think it is a common information warfare tactic to damage a forum user's credibility, if you can get them to make a wholehearted prediction that doesn't come true.

Sometimes this could just be typical forum banter, a chance to rub the other guys nose in it and be all 'neener neener!', but other times it may actually be an attempt to damage the user's credibility. So like next week when the big tsunami hits and you're all 'Guys! Big tsunami coming!' and then they'll be all like 'Whatever! Don't listen to Rel! Remember last week when he said the ninjas were going to climb mount Everest? Didn't happen! He's full of it, don't listen to him! Then they yell 'neener neener' again.

A little Magic Roundabout parable for the "Dougalls":

Stop worrying about people's choice of direction and just enjoy their company until the MAGA Train turns up!

Hehe. Funny video. Also, agree. Besides, Q's posts were never even really about that. This is a puzzle, an invitation to research, and a great conversation starter(for some), in my opinion. Preparation for things that may come, perhaps, but few specific date/time predictions.

Because at some point, the goal posts have to stop being moved. 10 day of darkness until Jan 30th. What's the next date? At some point, most people loose faith. I am on the verge, I am willing to see what the next couple of weeks bring, but after that, the plan was obviously a failure other than many people woke up and can now see and understand the corruption. But the big plan, the end of the movie, the show might have just been false promises/predictions. I am all for continuing the fight against corruption and criminals in govt, I will never accept Biden as legitimate, but that doesn't change our present situation.

posted on Jan, 21 2021 @ 08:36 PM

originally posted by: interupt42
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Unfortunately the ending was very anticlimactic.

I did give this whole thing a .001% chance at the start since trump was certainly not suppose to win and with all the crazy stuff that went on since he was elected all the way till 1/20/21.

However as trump kept hiring more swamp and his administration continued to hold no one accountable. continued to hide evidence against the big wigs, getting rid of key witness against the deepstate, Trump making twitter posts vs official press release, and only going after the real whistle blower like assange my probability kept shrinking to .0000000001%. Then 1/21/20 came and now its 0% of anything coming from this.

I think there were deals done in the background and trump played ball with the deepstate. Most likely with NDA as well. Can't blame the guy as it looks like they were not only going after him, his finances, but likely his children as well. However, it is what it is and its only in fantasy where the good guys win.

The moral of the story in all this, don't fall for hopeium and ALWAYS hold your candidate accountable for their actions.

Everyone should have called out Trump in the beginning for hiring within the swamp. Perhaps if his feet were put to the fire early enough his administration may have actually held someone accountable besides the real whistleblowers.

If the Q and Trump Folks plan to start a new party I really hope they don't get re herded to focus on the wrong issues.

If the new party or the candidate is not focused on ONLY reducing conflict of interest then they are complete morons or part of the deepstate.

I also hope that a list of all these so called insiders were kept and black listed. Such as: Q, E, Tore, Gatewaypundit, Lin Wood, The Kraken releasor, Pillow guy, spookd,friendly ghost,warrior, etc

I was just curious to see what was some of the more active members here cutoff date to jump the shark on Q?

Eh, no. You lost me on this one.

'Kept and blacklisted...' You do realize you're on that list too. We're in the thread here, doesn't matter that you were in here being a skeptic, you talked about it, therefore 'take him away!' and all that.

It is not wrong, or a crime, to talk about conspiracy stuff, or to say what if, nor should it ever be. It should also not ever be grounds for retaliation. Such distasteful tactics are the dirtiest of politics, the stuff of dictators frankly. You should know better.

I hope you're not in a position to make such a call, but if you are, be sure to load yourself onto the boxcar with the rest of us, because by that standard you would belong there with everyone else.

No. Just, no.

posted on Jan, 21 2021 @ 08:37 PM

originally posted by: interupt42

1. Q kept very quite about trumps administration repealing net neutrality which gave the deepstate (comcast,verizon,att) full control of the internet. it was the only piece that they were missing for full control and censorship . With the repeal of net neutrality they continue to fully control the MSM and now they FULLY control the interent. The pain will be so great from this that it will have to be done over decades per Machiavellian practices to keep the people from revolting.

Lets end this once and for all. Your pet peeve and how utterly wrong you are about this. Utterly. I said when you brought this up the very first time 3 years ago (funny you still waste all your energy on a larp - we got you big time), DJT put it in the hands of where it belongs. That is not an executive branch issue, it is a legislative issue. renOGade made it an executive by EDICT - dictator. I said at the outset, everything DJT does will be done by the book, not by the renOgade dictator playbook - there was a reason for this, which you fail to grasp.

DJT did EXACTLY what I said he would do. EXACTLY. He put in the hands of the legislative branch to show you what's what. To expose them. In case you are still confused. He could have EO'd it, Yes, he sure could have like you want. Like a dictator and you'd be happy. Except, in case you missed it today, Joe started crossing out EO's and that would have been first. Besides, unless the legislative branch created interstate, and inter-country provisions on the process for any of the complications to be worked out it would have resulted in nothing but lawsuits. Do you know how long it took the government to break up ATT? Do you know who started it? It is a legislative branch issue entirely - 100 percent according to the GD Constitution.

DJT did exactly what I said he would do on this topic. He put in back on the legislative branch to make it permanent and forever. He said "look sheeple, they can fix this but they won't, still want them as your reps?" Sheeple voted for the same reps that advocated the problem remain in place - or at least the CIA rigged the elections for them.

It is mind boggling to me that you repeat the same tired trope, which is rooted in ignorance, to people you hold contempt for, in a thread devoted to something you think is a larp, containing source material you choose to ignore entirely. And you call the folks here deranged? Pot meet kettle.

And for your inane contention that "Q" didn't address it. I can't even fathom this. You've said Q is larp, a hoax, Q has no power, so this conclusion is mind boggling. What the fantasy fairy of Q should have sorted your pet peeve with fairy dust, instead of the legislative branch? WTH does that even mean to you? You can't even define what Q is, you can only call anyone involved, including yourself, a fool yet you bravely call Q out for not fixing your pet peeve????????

And since I know for a fact you've read ZERO drops or the digs related, but instead skim for posts you can snark on. HERE.



And if it matters, have a search on White Squalls brilliant feed related to that those above mean.

posted on Jan, 21 2021 @ 08:46 PM
a reply to: PokeyJoe

Nah, leave the pieces where they are. Those were the weak ones you didnt need anyway. Move forward with your new mind and go in peace.

Seriously though, I think a lot of folks are feeling the same thing. No shame in taking time to yourself to recenter and focus on other things. Whether the shark was jumped or not, who really knows? I know for me, I will be spending way more time surfing. This lockdown made it a lot easier to prioritize the things I hold dear, and I had forgotten how much happier I am when Im in the water. I recommend an old hobby, or a new hobby even, to get the gears rolling again. Godspeed amigo. Youve done good things here. Take a break and relax.

posted on Jan, 21 2021 @ 08:49 PM

originally posted by: Caled
Everybody made assumptions about the goalposts because it would have made us feel better for everything to be over. But it couldn’t happen that way. I’m pretty sure everything up to this point has been smoke and mirrors.

originally posted by: panoz77

originally posted by: TheBadCabbie

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

What intrigues me is the Naysayers' NEED to have us commit to a date!

It's like us committing to a date is the defibrullator charge they NEED to survive?

I don't know that it's any of the posters in here, and of course it's against the T&C's to call other members shills or disinformation agents so I wouldn't even try and do that, but I think it is a common information warfare tactic to damage a forum user's credibility, if you can get them to make a wholehearted prediction that doesn't come true.

Sometimes this could just be typical forum banter, a chance to rub the other guys nose in it and be all 'neener neener!', but other times it may actually be an attempt to damage the user's credibility. So like next week when the big tsunami hits and you're all 'Guys! Big tsunami coming!' and then they'll be all like 'Whatever! Don't listen to Rel! Remember last week when he said the ninjas were going to climb mount Everest? Didn't happen! He's full of it, don't listen to him! Then they yell 'neener neener' again.

A little Magic Roundabout parable for the "Dougalls":

Stop worrying about people's choice of direction and just enjoy their company until the MAGA Train turns up!

Hehe. Funny video. Also, agree. Besides, Q's posts were never even really about that. This is a puzzle, an invitation to research, and a great conversation starter(for some), in my opinion. Preparation for things that may come, perhaps, but few specific date/time predictions.

Because at some point, the goal posts have to stop being moved. 10 day of darkness until Jan 30th. What's the next date? At some point, most people loose faith. I am on the verge, I am willing to see what the next couple of weeks bring, but after that, the plan was obviously a failure other than many people woke up and can now see and understand the corruption. But the big plan, the end of the movie, the show might have just been false promises/predictions. I am all for continuing the fight against corruption and criminals in govt, I will never accept Biden as legitimate, but that doesn't change our present situation.

I would add, some of the dates did make logical sense for action of some type, just that the actions never took place. We all know that they caught them red handed, the evidence is real, the election was incontrovertibly invalid and fraudulent with hard evidence of the crimes including real time video of the fraud, yet still not a single action taken against the criminals.

posted on Jan, 21 2021 @ 08:53 PM
I’ll make somewhat of a serious post. 😂

Anyone who’s been on ATS long enough and followed the conspiracy trails should’ve logically drawn the one conclusion that transcends the diversity of the topics themselves-

There’s always a hidden hand reaching from behind the ‘veil’ or curtain... begging us to take hold... the one offering up the information. the clues. the mystery. the suspense. the details. the patterns. the insights. the epiphanies.

It is for this reason, maybe, that many of us are more interested in who/what is pulling back the curtain than what is actually behind it.

To find this out, perhaps we’ve concluded, would change our perception or interpretation of what “truth” we’ve uncovered behind the illusion. Maybe that’s just part of having been awake too long and gotten bored with it. Or maybe it’s profound life changing stuff the prophets and the philosophers have spoken of since time began. Either way....

We seek on a parallel journey.

For the truth -
and for the jolt that woke us up to that truth.. and why... why us... why now...and maybe most importantly why not everyone else, too?

Q, for a moment in time, projected the vantage point of being “the hand” - and the Q movement as it trickled and then flooded into mainstream, the long awaited everyone else.

That’s what personally, drew me into this thread.

That and the strange synchronicity that I found out was literally just super advanced algorithms on my phone. Believe me or not they personalize news stories, and other things you follow on the net, to manipulate your reality - surveillance is NOT just for “ads”. I digress.

But now it seems they’ve faded into just another part of the picture behind the curtain. Which is quite the beautiful ending. As it means it doesn’t end at all.

If I like my conspiracies I’m keeping my damn conspiracies. 🤣

There may still be a Trump card somewhere. I personally see him making more headway in countering the media by creating his own competition to the mainstream. Doesn’t seem finished on that front.

The Trump card is also called the Joker

Keep on laughing 🃏

posted on Jan, 21 2021 @ 08:53 PM


posted on Jan, 21 2021 @ 08:54 PM

originally posted by: cirrus12
Has anyone seen this?
Pretty interesting

Apparently this oval office is from a stage set on a German TV show called Bild but regardless, the number of people questioning it, saying WTF, is leading to some very interesting responses from others about what is going on behind the scenes.


edit on 21-1-2021 by igloo because: forgot link

posted on Jan, 21 2021 @ 08:57 PM
Another thing that's been bugging me:
" Is Biden going to be giving a pardon to Maxwell?"

If he does then we'll know which side he is on without question. If he doesn't then he leave himself open to the same charges since Ashley's diary shows that Biden did similar thing to her when she was younger.

It's weird that we haven't heard anything about Maxwell since the change of leadership.

posted on Jan, 21 2021 @ 09:00 PM
The Standard hotel is closing....

The Standard hotel on the Sunset Strip in West Hollywood is scheduled to close Friday, 22 years after opening with the financial support of such celebrities as Leonardo DiCaprio, Cameron Diaz and Benicio del Toro.

posted on Jan, 21 2021 @ 09:01 PM

originally posted by: panoz77

originally posted by: xuenchen
Qonspiracy of the Century !!!! 😎

❗ 9pm will be the 21st hour, of the 21st day, of the 21st year, of the 21st century ❗

It is also my birthday


posted on Jan, 21 2021 @ 09:02 PM
I postulate a theory:

The Trump card was in the letter to Biden. Literally. His business card. His phone number. The note could read something like this:

“We have it all. You are the patsy. We can save you, but you need to reach out. We can insulate you as I was.”

posted on Jan, 21 2021 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

Now where is Adam Schiff going to go? First Ed Buck, now this, I would hate to be him now since he's running out of places.

posted on Jan, 21 2021 @ 09:04 PM
a reply to: SuperStudChuck

Trumps letter could have also been a court summons. That would explain why somebody who is currently President still looks worried when in public.

posted on Jan, 21 2021 @ 09:05 PM
a reply to: Caled

The ramifications of something like that make me think it’s not gonna happen unfortunately. There would be legit civil war and secession of many states.

posted on Jan, 21 2021 @ 09:08 PM
a reply to: SuperStudChuck

We never found out what was in the envelopes at Bush Senior's funeral, and we will probably never know what was in this note. But, speculating is fun. I think it was a winky face emoji.

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