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Forbes calls for former Trump officials to be shut out of jobs forever after

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posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 02:32 PM
We have heard AOC and others suggest as much, but now we have major media calling for Trump officials and prominent supporters to be shut out of the workplace.
The most interesting aspect of the entire article is actually the last paragraph, which serves as justification and exoneration for their suggestion...

This isn’t cancel culture, which is a societal blight. (There’s surely a nice living for each of these press secretaries on the true-believer circuit.) Nor is this politically motivated, as Forbes’ pro-entrepreneur, pro-growth worldview has generally placed it in the right-of-center camp over the past century — this standard needs to apply to liars from either party. It’s just a realization that, as Daniel Patrick Moynihan famously said, in a thriving democracy, everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts. Our national reset starts there.

And of course, their friends at the Lincoln project are not only supporting this, but also compiling lists...

How long will it be before average people join high profile people on these lists?
edit on 9-1-2021 by Arizonaguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 02:37 PM
Damn the drumbeat of war got loud

+4 more 
posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: Arizonaguy
This is wrong on all levels.

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 02:40 PM
It will amount to nothing because very few people will have knowledge to it. Put a relative on that list that works for Google and you'll see how long the list will stay active on the net. Just ain't going to happen. Whatever happen to personal privacy. What they are doing is making those on the list a criminal, and if that happens, you and me can be on the list too... no employer will want to hire you... sounds like credit rating in China, doesn't it.

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 02:50 PM
Good let them sleep on the streets and eat out of trash cans....

a reply to: Arizonaguy

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 02:55 PM

originally posted by: DeathSlayer
Good let them sleep on the streets and eat out of trash cans....

a reply to: Arizonaguy

So they’re easy to pick off?

I’m confused, are we taking their houses and savings too?

edit on 9-1-2021 by slatesteam because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: Arizonaguy

# these assholes.
It’s a shame that Simon Wiesenthal is dead, they could have gotten him to help track us all down.
It’s only a matter of time fellas and the Democrat Reich is gonna cross the line and we will not be responsible for what happens.

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 02:59 PM
yeah right.....companies don't want to hire conspiracy nut jobs...SHOCKER!!...

+5 more 
posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 03:00 PM
a reply to: jimmyx
The irony of posting this on a conspiracy forum is obviously lost on you

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 03:04 PM

originally posted by: Arizonaguy

This isn’t cancel culture...

The transformation into complete totalitarian idiocy is complete.

Enjoy a world where fiery 'protests' are mostly peaceful.

Lewis Carroll was a prophet.

edit on 9-1-2021 by loam because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 03:05 PM
a reply to: Arizonaguy

you know there was a time when forbes was halfway respected. but i guess those days are gone.

edit on 9-1-2021 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 03:06 PM
a reply to: Arizonaguy

I'm sure this time'll be totally different than when the Bolsheviks, the Soviets, the Nazis, the Khmer rouge, the ayatollah in Iran, the Taliban, Mao Zedong, etc. All started doing things like this....

+1 more 
posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 03:10 PM
a reply to: Arizonaguy

This is a direct violation of several employment laws dealing with discrimination.

You cannot deny anyone employment based on their race, gender, religion or political affiliation.

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 03:13 PM

originally posted by: dug88
a reply to: Arizonaguy

I'm sure this time'll be totally different than when the Bolsheviks, the Soviets, the Nazis, the Khmer rouge, the ayatollah in Iran, the Taliban, Mao Zedong, etc. All started doing things like this....

Only this time, the Liberals will not be nearly as successful as those mass murderers were.

I predict it would only last a couple days.

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 03:14 PM

originally posted by: Bluntone22
a reply to: Arizonaguy

This is a direct violation of several employment laws dealing with discrimination.

You cannot deny anyone employment based on their race, gender, religion or political affiliation.

Rules and laws don’t apply to deranged Leftists.
edit on 9-1-2021 by RazorV66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 03:15 PM

originally posted by: Bluntone22
a reply to: Arizonaguy

This is a direct violation of several employment laws dealing with discrimination.

You cannot deny anyone employment based on their race, gender, religion or political affiliation.

Not true...

Not all forms of discrimination are illegal, however. It is illegal under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for employers to make job decisions based on race, color, national origin, religion, and sex. Other federal laws prohibit discrimination based on age, disability, and genetic information. However, political views aren’t covered by these laws and the laws of most states. This means employers are free to consider political views and affiliations in making job decisions. 0to,discrimination%20based%20on%20their%20politics.&text=And%2C%20an%20employer%20may%20not,trait%2C%20like%20race%20or%20religion.

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 03:16 PM

originally posted by: Bluntone22
a reply to: Arizonaguy

This is a direct violation of several employment laws dealing with discrimination.

You cannot deny anyone employment based on their race, gender, religion or political affiliation.
Pffft. I wouldn’t worry too much when they control the govt and make the laws to “amend” small things like religious freedom, freedom of speech, or political affiliations

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 03:34 PM

originally posted by: dug88
a reply to: Arizonaguy

I'm sure this time'll be totally different than when the Bolsheviks, the Soviets, the Nazis, the Khmer rouge, the ayatollah in Iran, the Taliban, Mao Zedong, etc. All started doing things like this....

So does every new owner of a company. Such is life.

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: Arizonaguy

Most states have their own laws against political discrimination.

California for instance has a law prohibiting an employer from retaliating against an employee for engaging in political activities.

I work in the employment industry and just last week I filled a position in California and the guy was concerned about his trump support being an issue.

The D.C. Human Rights Act covers the topic too.
edit on 9-1-2021 by Bluntone22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: Bluntone22

Most states?
Do you have a list of those that do and those that don't?
Or are you just assuming this is a case?
just curious

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