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The Mark of the COVID

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posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 07:31 PM
a reply to: PainGod

a relative got the shot and was told to carry the card wherever he goes

Wow, thanks for the update!


posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 10:09 PM

At the rate they're going, the Democrats are going to lose the ACLU. They first pushed back on Big Tech censorship, and now they're upset over the idea of summarily adding all protestors to the No Fly List.

It really is a sign of the times isn't it?
edit on 12-1-2021 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2021 @ 04:49 AM
I think masks were used as a test, to see if we would all accept something that is forced on us, to keep or get jobs, to shop for groceries, or anything else, to scorn those who don't want to wear a mask, as a threat to public health and safety.

This sells the idea that everyone must accept losing their own personal freedoms, for our 'greater good'. Our world is more important that you are, they now are suggesting, when they tell everyone to wear a mask, whenever in public, for the greater good, greater 'health and safety' of all people, whether you like it or not, whether or not YOU cannot breathe properly, or causes respiratory problems over time, which weren't there until you wore masks all day, for months, or years....

What is a 'greater good', and who decides what is, or is not, a 'greater good'?

The government decides what is a 'greater good', why we must lose personal freedoms, personal choice, for this is a 'greater good', and it must be obeyed by all, or face punishments, if you refuse to obey those who serve you - but only in words, not in any of our actions, where we OWN your ass!

This had never happened in all human history - a worldwide requirement, that all must obey, and accept, as a law, as a rule to abide by, as a demand, with serious consequences for any who refuse it, or take actions against it, by forming groups against it, who may protest the laws, in public.

The person who sang the anthem at Vancouver Canuck games for many years, who was extremely popular among the Canuck fans, dared to protest the mask requirement, and was fired through a tweet, by the slime-ball owner.

Masks are a step towards their ultimate goal, that's for sure.

posted on Jan, 23 2021 @ 08:35 AM
a reply to: turbonium1

A larger and more effective route to their ultimate goal, is to keep us dependent on our masters on the internet.

We have to rely on information that is provided and we accept as truth. That truth is manipulated to achieve whatever goal they have planned, and to control us.

Truth is generated at the will of the provider, and it is not absolute. We are reaching the apex, where you either have to believe everything you are told, or none of it.

Never has critical thinking been more critical.

To wear a mask or not wear a mask, is not the most important choice we have to make to survive in this world today, it is just one of the easiest. The problem isn't about the mask, the problem is how easy they slow walk you away from choice to mandate.

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 01:25 AM

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn
a reply to: turbonium1

A larger and more effective route to their ultimate goal, is to keep us dependent on our masters on the internet.

We have to rely on information that is provided and we accept as truth. That truth is manipulated to achieve whatever goal they have planned, and to control us.

Truth is generated at the will of the provider, and it is not absolute. We are reaching the apex, where you either have to believe everything you are told, or none of it.

Never has critical thinking been more critical.

To wear a mask or not wear a mask, is not the most important choice we have to make to survive in this world today, it is just one of the easiest. The problem isn't about the mask, the problem is how easy they slow walk you away from choice to mandate.

What is most intriguing about the hidden rulers - why do they let us find the truth, by allowing others who know something is true, having evidence of a truth, to present it, for all to see?

On the other hand, why would God allow for them to rule over us, control and enslave us, punish and kill us, at their whim?

They are both in positions of total control, and power, over all of us, while both can destroy life, only one can create life.

If they stopped the internet, so people could not find, or rarely find, the truth, hidden by lies, they wouldn't think of themselves as Gods, for all to worship on Earth, and trust, as our 'real' Gods. Stamping out those who refuse to see them as Gods is not what they want to do. They want to be worshipped as our Gods, WILLINGLY, not by force. If they used force, nobody would worship them as Gods, willingly, choosing to worship them as Gods, freely.

It's a fascinating issue, anyway.

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 08:53 AM
a reply to: turbonium1

why would God allow for them to rule over us, control and enslave us, punish and kill us, at their whim?

Because we demanded it.

God created man with free will. That means there has to be a choice; otherwise it's like us putting a dog in a cage and bragging about how it never strays. Of course it doesn't! It doesn't have the ability! If one wishes to brag about how their dog never strays, open the cage door and see what it does when given the choice.

Make no mistake: God did not put Biden in office to punish or harm anyone. He allowed us to do so, so that we would have free will like He intended. He will now use Biden to accomplish things that need to be done... but any pain that comes from this decision is the result of man's free will choice, not any malevolence on God's part.


posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 02:13 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Metaphorically, the mark of the beast is gained through the use of currency, and mathematics used to dictate what fairness is depicted in trade.

Homeless and indigent people are not susceptible to receiving the mark of the beast, but are susceptible to experience a freedom few can appreciate, by design.

It puts all of us in a compromising position, if we are not on the take; as other's are, starvation and desolation become our personal struggle, our freedom to go about living diminishes.

It's a beast of burden we can do without if the dead blue faces stop screaming at us. They're dead and should have no authority over us.

Call them out and evict them as Jesus did 2,000 years ago.

Cannot serve two masters.

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 08:31 AM
a reply to: loveguy

"Money is the root of all evil." How many times have we heard that?

Well, every time we have heard it, it has been wrong. The actual passage is "The love of money is the root of all evil." One need not possess a thing to love a thing.

That said, you do bring up a good point, in that those who have money will have a harder time parting with the luxuries of the world than those who have little. Jesus did say "it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven." I think that is what he was referring to, that those with money will tend to be more attached to it than those without. It is the love of money more than God that is the problem, but people tend to have greater attachment to that which they possess.

I believe that, when the actual Mark of the Beast comes, it will come to all, the indigent as well as the affluent. Even the bum lying drunk in the gutter had to buy that bottle of booze somewhere. We are all connected to society and commerce in one way or another. The man who can survive completely alone without sacrificing things we all take for granted does not exist. Even those who live far, far back from mainstream still need to make that monthly trip to town for supplies. People tend to brag about "I can make my own bread" for example, but they still need yeast. People who can repair things still need materials to do so with. And don't forget about healthcare... the Mark of the Beast will deny all healthcare to anyone who does not take it, because all modern healthcare is based on commerce. When that heart attack comes, trust you me, someone who has survived eight of the damn things, it will be hard to say no to an offer to save you... even when that offer comes at the price of one's soul.

"For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it."


posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 09:18 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck
2030 no one will own anything.

How do you feel about that?

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

"The love of money is the root of all evil."

This actually makes more sense, as it gives agency back to the only entity that can HAVE agency about good and evil; the human being.

If money was the root, then money would be the 'evil thing'. But inanimate object can only exist, they can't be evil or good, they just are. Evil can't come from something neutral, which money inherently is (although hijacked to act as a chain for wage slaves, and then tasked to fulfill too many things at once - it's good as exchange format, but when it's also used for 'accumulating wealth', it becomes dangerous).

The world could work just as well without money, if certain things were just slightly adjusted (like our mindsets and value systems). If everyone would work for free, to benefit the world, the fellow people, nature, animals, etc., then everyone else would gladly do the same. I mean, if I get free food from someone, I will gladly install some software for someone else, who will then gladly repair someone's tyre, who will then gladly do dentistry, and so on and so forth.

If you think about it, it's not the money that actually -does- anything. If you think about how a dollar bill (or whatever bill) moves from hand to hand, then ends up in some cash register or bank vault, and then numbers do some dancing on banks' computers, that doesn't generate any physical force to do anything, but yet people are mentally chained to this process that they can't imagine doing the same things everyone constantly does every day, without this weird 'money dance' happening.

But the same people could physically do the same exact things even if the numbers didn't dance in the bank and if the bills and coins didn't flow every which way, back and forth between people's pockets and wallets. The same activity could just as well be performed, but people's attitudes wouldn't allow it, because suddenly 'they're not getting paid, so they refuse to work'.

Money can be a useful temporary system to keep things going until people cultivate spiritually to a high enough level to be able to understand how much more free everyone would be if they didn't have to measure everything in coins and bank computer numbers. Real wealth comes from people, from the real world, from the nature, from within - not from artificial numbers in computers' memory and hard drives changing shape.

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

"For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it."

This is probably the most misunderstood phrase that many priests preach without having a clue of what it actually means.

The meaning is, people should lose their selfish, egotistical, greedy, narrow-minded, hostile life, and that way, they will find real life in serving others, unselfish doing of good for everyone's benefit. So when people follow the way of the Oiled One, they will truly live. But when they just chase Maya (the materialistic illusions), they can never feel truly alive, as they're denying the real life in their futile pursuit of nothing.

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 11:51 PM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

2030 no one will own anything.

That will be something to see. There has never been a society where no one owned anything. Even in the heyday of communism, those in control owned things... they actually owned everything. Kinda makes the out-of-balance capitalism we have today look good by comparison.

I presume that is what you are referring to... the Utopian society where there is no ownership and all goods are there for anyone who wants them. If so, you might want to rethink that goal.

As to how I feel about it? I don't. The land I own was passed down to me by my father, who got it from his father and turned scrub land into a home. It is sacred to me. It can be taken away; I'm not so big a fool to think otherwise. But that will happen over my cold, dead body, which means there is nothing for me to feel about it either way.

How do you feel about that?


posted on Jan, 26 2021 @ 12:06 AM
a reply to: Shoujikina

You are absolutely correct; money is just a thing, neither good nor evil. There is nothing wrong with having money in itself; it is relying on money alone to live that is the problem. When money replaces love of one's fellow man, as it seems has unfortunately happened today, money becomes a dangerous problem.

The world you envision has one drawback: money in it's most abstract (and theoretical) sense is a measure of one's contribution to society. One works for the things one wants in life. No one can have everything, as there's just not enough things to go around in such a world. There is a finite number of resources available across the globe. Take any item in any store; there is a finite number of those items, and usually that number is less than there are people who want it. So those who are willing to pay for it wind up getting it.

Our present system is out of balance. That much is true. It takes far too much of one's income to buy the "essentials" that most people need/want. That is because of two factors: government regulations which raise the cost of producing even minor things, and simple human greed. Those are two things we have never figured out how to get rid of in all the centuries since man took his first steps on dirt. If such a system were implemented, there would be people who would hoard products in much greater quantities than could ever be needed, meaning others would be forced to do without.

So while i understand and appreciate your vision, it simply is not feasible in the foreseeable future.


posted on Jan, 26 2021 @ 04:55 AM
(Need a research team however, anyone can perform the research and should be encouraged to)

The Question is about "Covid-19" is it the Mark of the Beast, and how to verify?

A Theory on the Subject.............when the body dies a charge is released, largely undetectable, because the body re-absorbs it quickly.
(there are some theories about 21 grams the weight of the souls that provides variance to the weight of the body after death)

The Answer is that a "mouse", is one animal with a larger energy disbursement then its body readily absorbs after death. If the body is killed quickly enough and I mean, all of the body of the "mouse" its tissues and all, very quickly. use and explosive or incenerator............then the field that is quickly released will not be re-absorbed by the body.

Instead it will be released surrounding it.................if "Covid-19" is the mark of the beast, then this charge should modify, the coronavirus, perhaps radically so. It will be very difficult to explain...........if that is the genuine tied to the "mark of the beast/unified field relationship to homosapien specifically".............its enough of an argument to remove controversy.

It will also show that, a vaccine will never work, because...........we can't formerly detect how the earth is resonating with biology to produce the effect, because the charge is not that much............this charge is still generating, and may become ore significant. The research should not be published, however, one radical change in Covid-19............and the idea of vaccination will be abandoned, all vaccines will become too unsafe.
edit on 26-1-2021 by onhonnen because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2021 @ 03:11 AM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: turbonium1

why would God allow for them to rule over us, control and enslave us, punish and kill us, at their whim?

Because we demanded it.

God created man with free will. That means there has to be a choice; otherwise it's like us putting a dog in a cage and bragging about how it never strays. Of course it doesn't! It doesn't have the ability! If one wishes to brag about how their dog never strays, open the cage door and see what it does when given the choice.

Make no mistake: God did not put Biden in office to punish or harm anyone. He allowed us to do so, so that we would have free will like He intended. He will now use Biden to accomplish things that need to be done... but any pain that comes from this decision is the result of man's free will choice, not any malevolence on God's part.


We all make choices, but not for our Presidents!
They get picked out by the evil cabal, years earlier. Groomed like a pet, and trained to follow their sole commands.

The politics are all for show, and diversion, from the real problems, real issues. To placate the ignorant masses, same as always.

posted on Feb, 12 2021 @ 11:05 AM
Anyone who is considering taking rushed vaccine should read about the also rushed 1976 swine flu vaccine and they could sue for adverse side effect back then.

posted on Feb, 26 2021 @ 02:17 AM
And we have another move aligning with my prediction: Thousands reportedly attempt to obtain easily forged vaccinated certificate

It's Israel, but of course the actual Mark of the Beast is a global phenomenon. Any developed country requiring vaccination papers to live one's life is a step towards all countries requiring such. Also, note in that thread and source that people are actively forging the paperwork needed... as I predicted. Too many forgeries will inevitably lead to tighter restrictions and government involvement in maintaining a database, which in the US would likely mean the RealID. That is, after all, why it was developed in the first place.


posted on Mar, 28 2021 @ 07:11 AM
We have another update! From this thread:

New York launches nation's first 'vaccine passports.' Others are working on similar ideas, but many details must be worked out.

There will soon be an outcry from those who do not have smart phones, and the solution will be to use the RealID... which means it will have to be expanded to include children too young to drive. Either that, or having a smart phone will become a necessity in order to receive the benefits of society. That last one is even scarier, because it puts Big Tech in charge of our ability to enter the public.

This reminds me of watching an old B-horror slasher movie. You know what's coming... you know the jerk and his super-hot girlfriend in the string bikini are about to get all hacked up. You sit there yelling at the screen "Don't go in the house!" They never listen. But you just can't not watch it...


posted on Mar, 28 2021 @ 05:30 PM

posted on Apr, 8 2021 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Sorry for the 3 month delay in answering

That's a great question

An intelligence beyond ours designed things to be as they are?

If we are the only ones in the universe meeting the criteria you stated, then you've got me.......Higher power all day long!

This is just some big sequence of accidents that somehow have managed to defy entropy on an ongoing basis

In a universe of unfathomable size, that accident may be happening an unfathomable amount of times in a similar, identical or totally different way than we are able to comprehend.

What we as inhabitants of this planet are experiencing may not be unique at all, a higher intelligence, whilst not impossible is not necessarily the reason for our existence.

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