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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 33 -

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posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 06:59 PM

originally posted by: dashen
a reply to: Guyfriday

Jokes on you the Chinese have owned the White House for a long time

Not while Trump was in office but they had bought Bill Clinton yes. Clinton sold them every last secret they wanted..

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 06:59 PM
a reply to: dashen

LOL! I see moar rituals in 2021...

(post by RudeMarine removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 07:02 PM
a reply to: Hellas

Not sure he did concede... we could to with a transcript of the video speech:

Still did NOT say transition to Biden, so could have meant transition to the military for example.

Decodes of the tweet in my next post!

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 07:03 PM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: Hamlin

All we do here is research stuff. What are you even talking about?

What are you even talking about? When's the last time you posted any "research"? And why is it always "we" do you speak as a collective now?

This is a thread to discuss the QAnon drops from an apparent WhiteHouse insider, not a research in general thread or a social gathering.

Q hasn't posted since the 8th of December but his previous drops are still worth discussing. I don't get why you get upset about people wanting to discuss the topic at hand.

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 07:05 PM

originally posted by: RudeMarine

originally posted by: interupt42

originally posted by: Hamlin

originally posted by: interupt42
a reply to: carewemust

Trump is now talking. twitter is apparently allowing so I imagine he is throwing the towel and deals were made

One of Trumps better speeches in terms of trying to unite and people and calm tensions.

Well the left is certainly not going to do it.

Post removed by staff

To late for that and it appears that trumps dumbarse was used as the useful idiot as he kept making the same mistakes over and over in his hiring practices. It doesn't take a genius to realize that you cant bring down the swamp by hiring compromised swamp creatures to go after their home and family.

Had Q and trumps team not BS everyone maybe his followers wouldn't have had false hope and they would have called out his BS early on to make a difference. Then perhaps his DOJ,FBI,CIA,SCOTUS etc would have actually held someone responsible at a high level position,epstein would have lived to rat out the rats, and hunters laptop would have put daddy in jail versus POTUS.

post removed by staff

Agreed , but it looks like deals were made and it turns out these people weren't as stupid as Q mentioned.

I know the 45d cheese will be played until the 20th and heck I'm willing to continue to give it the same .0001% chance I gave it from the start until the 20.However , so far trump and Q are batting 0 out of 1K.

The deepstate is not looking or acting like they have been defeated.

Curious to see Linwood and the krakens response to this .

I didn't give it much hope form the start , but it sure was entertaining to follow .

edit on 08131America/ChicagoThu, 07 Jan 2021 19:08:04 -0600000000p3142 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

edit on Thu Jan 7 2021 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

edit on Thu Jan 7 2021 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

(post by RudeMarine removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 07:07 PM

originally posted by: dashen
a reply to: Grambler

You should make a thread about it

Maybe I will

And I will complain and whine that is my safe space and I don’t want anyone disagreeing with me

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 07:09 PM

originally posted by: Grambler

originally posted by: dashen
a reply to: Grambler

You should make a thread about it

Maybe I will

And I will complain and whine that is my safe space and I don’t want anyone disagreeing with me

I've always enjoyed reading your threads, G.

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 07:11 PM
During President Trump's speech this evening the camera angle changed at the 1:28 mark. Changed back at 1:45.

17 seconds
edit on 7-1-2021 by IamAbeliever because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 07:13 PM
Office of the Press Secretary does not state that it was a concession speech:

Today, President Donald J. Trump released a video address on national healing and unity

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 07:15 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
I guess everyone heard the news.🙄

Wait...what?!? I thought they adjourned for the night, were coming back on Friday to continue deliberations. At least that's what Pence said at the conclusion of the session...

originally posted by: MetalThunder

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
I guess everyone heard the news.🙄

MEMO: FBI witness warned U.S. Attorney General of Indiana sex trafficking under Mike Pence 12-8-2018

......The sheer magnitude and nature of the incriminating evidence I possess regarding Specialized Investigative Consultants Inc., is so utterly profound and disturbing it almost shocks the conscience.

It defies reality that former Indiana Governor Michael Pence could not have known what was occurring in his State of Indiana.

I filed a formal complaint against Tina Church, president, Specialized Investigative Consultants Inc., to the State of Indiana and no action was taken. She then continued operations against my family.

I also reported Tina church to the East Grand Forks Police Department in Minnesota, and Mishawaka Police Department in Indiana, after she claimed she was impersonated by another person on a false police report she made to the police claiming I had HaLeigh Cummings in my home. No action was taken by either State.

The following are only a few facts;

originally posted by: Catch_a_Fire
a reply to: MetalThunder

I cant help but think that Mike pence only went along this far because it would be taken into consideration when any wrongdoing of his came to light. He wont escape charges completely but will be treat with some leniency for what little help he gave, thus far. That's why he will now distance himself, he cant escape the wrongdoing altogether.

Then I think maybe that's what he believes or has been led to believe. In actuality hes going to go down with the rest, he may of even come to realise this himself and that's why he didnt see it through completely. He is appearing to distance himself from trump, because of yesterday's events, but in reality it's because he knows hes going down too.

Maybe. I still think he might be inside playing them, could secretly be a good guy. With the trafficking ring, he may have done nothing because he was unable to, and this is his rematch with them now that he's leveled up. I'm just speculating here, wouldn't know either way. Just a thought.

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 07:15 PM
Just sharing this for those who are interested.

Need I remind you that our SecDef is a former Green Beret.

Green Berets are known for being EXTREMELY well at planning and strategy. They are the toughest of the tough mentally.

You can send two Green Berets into a country and flip that country upside down in its head within 6 months.

Point being is this.

The Deep State could VERY well have been put into a trap this week.

Watch and See.

~Game on

(Ref. Q Post 4414

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 07:15 PM

originally posted by: panoz77

originally posted by: interupt42
a reply to: carewemust

Trump is now talking. twitter is apparently allowing so I imagine he is throwing the towel and deals were made

What I am hearing is that nothing will happen until Biden is inaugurated. What am I missing? Does Trump have to wait to expose this all until Biden is in the White House? I hope that's not the plan.

According to Lin Wood one of trumps legal counsel the goal post was the 6th once BIDEN received the ILLEGAL electoral votes .Then they would have committed treason by knowingly accepting a rigged election.

However, Im sure the new goal post is now the 20th for Q and trump. then on the 20th I'm sure a new goal post will once again be moved and some 44d cheese will be used to continue the madness.

From the start I gave this whole thing a .0001% chance of some accountability happening under trump. Mostly because of the 2016 election with Hillary losing , the whole 4 years of his presidency under attack , and some prominent people backing him and putting their reputation on the line for him was so bazaar that it appeared that anything could happen.

However come 20th that little .001% will go to 0.

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 07:16 PM
Did anyone listen to Trumps speech yesterday?

He made a big deal out of election integrity in the future. 13 days left, and that is still on his agenda.
What is Trump going to achieve in 13 days to address this? In fact, I'm pretty sure Trump was talking about this even before he became President.

...something missing which I can't quite put my finger on... : )

You can't have future election integrity if the swamp remains and the CCP have their fingers in every pie.
It is, no doubt a complicated battle to fight. You'd need to identify the swamp in totality... all the traitors and infiltrators.
But if you've passed laws that don't care whether Biden is certified or not to ensure this happens... then nothing happening right now matters. It's all as real as "Office of the President Elect". What a riot.

On a side note, I've enjoyed pages of scrolling past Hamlin without even a glance. I missed nothing.

Grambler, you're fine, but I think you're not thinking big enough. Grouping people together is a very bad idea.
One thing I have learned about many Q followers, especially here, is the genuine search for truth. A cult would infer belief without question, and yet much of Q is posed as questions... open loops for you to close. The answers personal... individual, but often shared.
Some might think that I am a big Q culty boy at this point, but I see it for what it is, and I 100% expect there to be outright lies in the Q posts, and for good reason. Trust "so and so", Trust "Joe Bloggs"...

Imagine if the people we are told to trust turn out to be bad... what would be the purpose of it?

Imagine if you WERE that person, and you saw that Q had said you were trustworthy. Why would that be done?

I can think of any number of damn good reasons for it. Reasons that serve a greater purpose.
Disinformation is necessary is an important point. It is part of painting the picture of the broader operation. It is literally telling you not to entirely trust everything you read, even from Q. think for yourself.

The parts to trust, are the bits which lead you (through research) to genuinely troubling information. That is the confirmation that whoever is behind Q wants you to find the truth of the corruption. Being encouraged to "think for yourself" also shows the correct way we should all be operating.

Sovereign. There is no cult in sovereign thinking. I think you have this wrong. But like I say, you seem genuine in your frustration. I just think you haven't really understood the nature of what Q is. That's all. Bothering people here isn't great though. Most here just want to work out the truth, and don't care about bias... truth is truth. That is what this is about.
Multiple perspectives give greater clarity. We gather to share, not to bow and take knees.

That's all.
edit on 7-1-2021 by saladfingers123456 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 07:16 PM
To start I said responsible did not say cause there is a difference.
As citizen's of our country we are responsible for it. Accepting responsibility is part of being a citizen. If you want to go sovereign so you can shirk your responsibility go for it.
Participation in a scam whether you are aware of it or not is guilt in the eyes of the law.
As citizens we are responsible forward the actions of our representatives. Every phony war, every government overthrown, every action by those voted in by we the people we the people are responsible for.
Voted for Reagan Iran Contra ring a bell? War on drugs?
So asides from "voting in lets face it bogus elections," laying taxes to fund endless wars perpetuated by those chosen to be "voted" in our "elections" and not voting for one set of chosen Villains, what have you done?. I hugged a democrat today did you?

a reply to: Creep Thumper

edit on 7-1-2021 by CrazyFox because: For clarity

edit on 7-1-2021 by CrazyFox because: Missed words

edit on 7-1-2021 by CrazyFox because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 07:19 PM
a reply to: interupt42

Curious to see Linwood and the krakens response to this .

The Kraken isn't a person. It is information...
edit on 7-1-2021 by saladfingers123456 because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-1-2021 by saladfingers123456 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 07:20 PM

originally posted by: saladfingers123456
To Interupt...

Curious to see Linwood and the krakens response to this .

The Kraken isn't a person. It is information...

I wasn't being literal and I used it in more of a mocking form.

Hopefully the 42d cheese will play out by the 20th and I'm willing to hold ALL of congress breath until it does.

edit on 24131America/ChicagoThu, 07 Jan 2021 19:24:28 -0600000000p3142 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 07:21 PM
Just saw this on Parler.

Trump didn't concede. The executive orders are already written. What's about to happen is no longer in his jurisdiction.


edit on 7-1-2021 by summer5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 07:22 PM
a reply to: IamAbeliever

At this point he should quit with the subtle camera changes and just say something? Or have a giant Q in the background.

Theres a literal bingo card of potential things to look for;

words (storm, water, q/cue/ku/cool, stupid, friends) etc etc

time stamps of 17 second intervals, 17 seconds past each minute, stretches of 17 seconds, any combination of a timestamp that adds up to 17

Also 71 every seconds... since mirror applies whenever you need it to without any rules surrounding it.

I doubt there is a single video Trumps put out that you couldn't twist a decode method to fit.

So is there a reason behind it or do you just believe there are literally zero coincidences in life so this must mean something?

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