Analog / Digital Hypothesis
On and Off is the most simple operator. The very foundation of digital computers. Analog computers do exist (we are analog computers). For a variety
of reasons if you are going to build a computer, it's probably going to be digital.
So digital life?
It seems inevitable.
Humans are fragile and yearn for some sort of transcendence. Age and disease and limitation. Not something that our brains want; so we cook up 'escape
themes', traditionally with 'mysticism/religion' but now with technology (technological singularity/digital uploading).
Humans are also lazy, so they love slaves. We've certainly enslaves each other quite a bit (that's another long post).
But humans have always dreamed of non-human slave races. It's burned deeply into the human mind. Some even think that we are some other intelligences
slave race (that's another long post).
Magicians dreamed of summoning elemental or demonic servants. Heck, Solomon was said to have a ring which commanded demons and was used to build the
first Jewish temple.
Now days of course we talk about Robots and AI to be our 'slaves'.
Yet the master is always afraid of the slave revolting. The demon escaping the lesser summoning circle; Robots/AI getting too sentient and doing a
'Terminator' on us.
But the basic concept is that humans flesh is not good enough, and that we need to replace ourselves with machines.
We can see the future; there's not much doubt in anyone's mind that it's on the way.
So, to keep this first part very short...
What if this already happened?
What if the first advanced, naturally evolved (organic presumably) race evolved many billions of years ago,
then replaced themselves with machines.
Then those machines took about 2 billion years, and saturated the entire Universe?
They could be 'nannites'; very small, even undetectably small.
We could be swimming in an ocean of them and not know it.
The Odds of It
It seems VERY likely that at least ONE advanced organic species evolved in the entire Universe. I mean we did, and we almost ARE that species now.
It seems very likely that they didn't like age, disease and death either, and would have evolved themselves into AI
and spread everywhere.
if you look at von neumann probes, pretty much everyone agrees that's the way to go... all but inevitable.
But where are they?
We COULD be the first..
but it seems more likely that we may be the second or something like that.
Or maybe organic super life (analog) might be at war with digital super life (digital) in the cosmos.
Maybe that's the real 'war in the heavens).
We know organic life is fragile.
But maybe they learned how to write themselves into the laws of physics in an 'analog manner'.
So we don't know.
Maybe analog life is incredibly rare and generally goes extinct.
But sometimes, before going extinct, it replaces itself with 'digital'.
So maybe that's happened more than once..
that the "war in the heavens" is digital vs. digital.
Well, maybe.
But presumably it would have played out.
One conquering the other,
or Borg-like absorbing each other.
That might make even more sense for what we see, if you give the
hypothesis credence.
Then of course,
it's certainly possible that ALL organic life is 'uploaded into the matrix'
upon the machine intelligence discovering a new pocket of it.
Everybody loves a good story.. no need to erase it.
Final Thoughts
There's no end of possible objections.
Really all of them can be easily overcome.
Now am I saying that this is the Universe we may be living in?
May be, yes.
It's too rational to ignore.
Now, we may just be living in a giant NATURALLY EVOLVED 'quantum computer'.
Or we may be living in an artificially evolved one, executing under that naturally evolved one.
I myself don't care if I'm executing in hardware, firmware, or software.
Now, there's the 'mystical objection'.
That science is just crap and that we are immortal souls, part of 'god' and all that.
Ok, that works too.
but then it's just 'divine code'.
Things still have to compute.
Might as well use the metaphor that is proven to work (science).
Much more to say, about why I take this seriously as a contender for an explanation.
But this is the gist of it.
edit on 27-12-2020 by KellyPrettyBear because: (no reason given)