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There is no actual evidence of voter fraud; here's how we know:

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posted on Nov, 30 2020 @ 03:14 PM
a reply to: BruceZuckerberg

Good luck with that?!!!!!! Give it up, man. It's over.

posted on Nov, 30 2020 @ 03:14 PM

originally posted by: johnnylaw16

Hey man, the point of this thread is simply that Trump has yet to put all of this evidence forward in court, which should raise a red flag with you.

How easy is it to add evidence to a trial court case that has already happened?

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: BruceZuckerberg

Good luck with that?!!!!!! Give it up, man. It's over.

If you're so sure, why are you even here wasting your time?
edit on 30-11-2020 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2020 @ 03:17 PM
a reply to: cooperton

Beats me. Trying to deny ignorance, maybe?

posted on Nov, 30 2020 @ 03:18 PM

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: PurpleFox
a reply to: simbrono
You asked me to show you evidence, I did so. Obviously not everything in there can be 100% verified but its also impossible for everything on that list to be complete BS.

1 dead person voting is election fraud, btw.

And it changes nothing, of course there is "some' fraud..both sides too, but not enough to overturn..we will see Dec 14th.

any fraud should be enough to toss the election and hold a new one. Without machines. just hand ballots,no mail ins unless directly handed to a US marshall and witnessed by them in person with a D and R rep on site as well.

Then you would have to to toss..every single election held in any place, at any time.

I agree with hand ballots, it's what we do. I see nothing wrong with mail in though.
edit on 30-11-2020 by vonclod because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-11-2020 by vonclod because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2020 @ 03:19 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: BruceZuckerberg

Good luck with that?!!!!!! Give it up, man. It's over.

The fact that the lawsuits continue indicates to me that it is not over.

"President Donald Trump’s campaign is working on two fronts, Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani said Friday: legal battles and state legislatures.
“The objective here is twofold. One is to get the right case to the Supreme Court. And we’ve got four or five of them that are headed there. And also to try to convince the legislators that they shouldn’t certify false statements, they shouldn’t certify completely bogus vote counts,” Giuliani said during a virtual appearance on One America News."

posted on Nov, 30 2020 @ 03:19 PM

originally posted by: cooperton

originally posted by: johnnylaw16

Hey man, the point of this thread is simply that Trump has yet to put all of this evidence forward in court, which should raise a red flag with you.

How easy is it to add evidence to a trial court case that has already happened?

You can submit evidence really at three times during a case: With your complaint, at the summary judgment stage, and at trial. The problem that Trump is running into is that his cases are being dismissed immediately after he files his complaints, because he is not alleging viable claims. Once a case is dismissed, you cannot put forth more evidence unless an appellate court overturns the dismissal and sends the case back down to the trial court.

posted on Nov, 30 2020 @ 03:21 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: cooperton

Beats me. Trying to deny ignorance, maybe?

I've been on the merry-go-round day to day. 10am I know those Venezuelan Commies set this all up, 2pm I think Trump may be schizophrenic, 5pm I stop caring.

originally posted by: johnnylaw16

You can submit evidence really at three times during a case: With your complaint, at the summary judgment stage, and at trial. The problem that Trump is running into is that his cases are being dismissed immediately after he files his complaints, because he is not alleging viable claims. Once a case is dismissed, you cannot put forth more evidence unless an appellate court overturns the dismissal and sends the case back down to the trial court.

Did you watch the hearing with the Arizona legislature? I think if he submitted that information to courts they would be compelled to investigate...
edit on 30-11-2020 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2020 @ 03:21 PM

Please keep in mind that you are not in the mud pit. No name-calling and no political trolling. Be warned.

Do not reply to this post.

posted on Nov, 30 2020 @ 03:24 PM

originally posted by: BruceZuckerberg

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: BruceZuckerberg

Good luck with that?!!!!!! Give it up, man. It's over.

The fact that the lawsuits continue indicates to me that it is not over.

"President Donald Trump’s campaign is working on two fronts, Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani said Friday: legal battles and state legislatures.
“The objective here is twofold. One is to get the right case to the Supreme Court. And we’ve got four or five of them that are headed there. And also to try to convince the legislators that they shouldn’t certify false statements, they shouldn’t certify completely bogus vote counts,” Giuliani said during a virtual appearance on One America News."

To be clear there are not four or five lawsuits heading to the supreme court, and probably none that are actually being presented by Trump.

posted on Nov, 30 2020 @ 03:53 PM

originally posted by: johnnylaw16

originally posted by: BruceZuckerberg

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: BruceZuckerberg

Good luck with that?!!!!!! Give it up, man. It's over.

The fact that the lawsuits continue indicates to me that it is not over.

"President Donald Trump’s campaign is working on two fronts, Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani said Friday: legal battles and state legislatures.
“The objective here is twofold. One is to get the right case to the Supreme Court. And we’ve got four or five of them that are headed there. And also to try to convince the legislators that they shouldn’t certify false statements, they shouldn’t certify completely bogus vote counts,” Giuliani said during a virtual appearance on One America News."

To be clear there are not four or five lawsuits heading to the supreme court, and probably none that are actually being presented by Trump.

You may be right. Even Trump is a realist..

posted on Nov, 30 2020 @ 03:56 PM
a reply to: BruceZuckerberg

Trump is looking for an escape hatch from reality. Unfortunately for him, there isn't one.

posted on Nov, 30 2020 @ 03:57 PM

originally posted by: BruceZuckerberg

originally posted by: johnnylaw16

originally posted by: BruceZuckerberg

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: BruceZuckerberg

Good luck with that?!!!!!! Give it up, man. It's over.

The fact that the lawsuits continue indicates to me that it is not over.

"President Donald Trump’s campaign is working on two fronts, Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani said Friday: legal battles and state legislatures.
“The objective here is twofold. One is to get the right case to the Supreme Court. And we’ve got four or five of them that are headed there. And also to try to convince the legislators that they shouldn’t certify false statements, they shouldn’t certify completely bogus vote counts,” Giuliani said during a virtual appearance on One America News."

To be clear there are not four or five lawsuits heading to the supreme court, and probably none that are actually being presented by Trump.

You may be right. Even Trump is a realist..

It's just hard to get cases before the Supreme Court period. And most of Trumps lawsuits are being thrown out immediately and without the need for much analysis. Those aren't the types of cases the Court is likely to hear. The one that the court might hear is whether PA could count ballots received after election day (but postmarked on or before), and that case wouldn't change the outcome either way (and it's not one of Trump's cases).

posted on Nov, 30 2020 @ 04:03 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: BruceZuckerberg

Trump is looking for an escape hatch from reality. Unfortunately for him, there isn't one.

Not sure what you're talking about. Regardless of what you may think about Trump, there are some very strange "irregularities" with this election. To start with, why in 2020 are they using hackable voting machines ? It's insane and an obvious means of committing fraud whether it happened this time or not. How did Biden, who barely left his basement to campaign get more votes than Obama in 2008 ? Or the most votes EVER ? It's just not believable. The mass mail in ballots are also a ridiculous means of voting.

I think that both sides should be able to agree that election integrity matters. That means it should be at least as secure as your bank account or credit card. I think that's doable. I also question the motives of anyone who argues against transparency.

posted on Nov, 30 2020 @ 04:21 PM
There are explanations for all of this. I can't verify that my explanations are correct, but I am just pointing out that fraud is not the only explanation:

Not sure what you're talking about. Regardless of what you may think about Trump, there are some very strange "irregularities" with this election. To start with, why in 2020 are they using hackable voting machines ? It's insane and an obvious means of committing fraud whether it happened this time or not.

These machines have not been proven to be susceptible to hacking. There have been claims, yes, but little in the way of definitive proof. And there has been no reliable evidence put forth in court that they were hacked.

How did Biden, who barely left his basement to campaign get more votes than Obama in 2008 ? Or the most votes EVER ? It's just not believable.

It's very believable. Most Americans viewed this as a highly consequential election, perhaps the most consequential election of their life time. It was a referendum on the type of country that we would be moving forward. People cared about that. Regardless whether people were excited by Biden, they were motivated to vote. Indeed, the election was hyped for four years as one of the most important in history. There was intense social pressure to vote, on both sides. There were huge voter registration and mobilization efforts. There were so many factors contributing to the record turnout. It's really not surprising that more people came out to vote.

The mass mail in ballots are also a ridiculous means of voting.

Despite many attempts to link mail-in voting to mass fraud (including a presidential commission on the matter) none have been successful. The actual election fraud that we have seen in recent years (e.g., NC's 9th congressional district) were small operations that were not successful. And given that we are in the midst of a pandemic, it makes quite a bit of sense.

posted on Nov, 30 2020 @ 04:23 PM
a reply to: vonclod

restart the entire thing. we can do it before dec 18th.

posted on Nov, 30 2020 @ 04:45 PM
That's only "evidence" for "no evidence"... It really doesn't settle the case. Not sure which side you're on.

I went "to court" once, for a "domestic violence" accusation. I was the "defendant".

Long story short?...I'll dumb it down for you.

The "judge" asked me, if I actually said, what I was "accused" of saying?
I said, "Yes sir, I did, and I meant it then, and I still do". .. He actually laughed! Because I was right and because of the situation. "His honor", actually told me, he personally agreed with me (in open court), then he said, "but the law has me bound".

So I said, .. "Yes Sir, I know. I never believed I had a chance. But isn't it funny how we compromise right and wrong, for a law? What did I do wrong? Your honor"?..

He got real serious then, and I lost. But that's all history.

That's the cute thing a about "law", "lawyers" and "judges". Being a "plaintiff" or "defendant", you can be absolutely right, within your right. And still be wrong, because "law". It's the ultimate "job security"!

posted on Nov, 30 2020 @ 04:47 PM

originally posted by: murphy22
That's only "evidence" for "no evidence"... It really doesn't settle the case. Not sure which side you're on.

It is as simple as this. You're either for or against investigating whether or not there was fraud in this election. The machines are easily tampered with. The mail in ballots have an abundance of potential fraud as well. Everyone should be for investigating the validity of our election...

posted on Nov, 30 2020 @ 04:51 PM

originally posted by: johnnylaw16
There are explanations for all of this. I can't verify that my explanations are correct, but I am just pointing out that fraud is not the only explanation:

Not sure what you're talking about. Regardless of what you may think about Trump, there are some very strange "irregularities" with this election. To start with, why in 2020 are they using hackable voting machines ? It's insane and an obvious means of committing fraud whether it happened this time or not.

These machines have not been proven to be susceptible to hacking. There have been claims, yes, but little in the way of definitive proof. And there has been no reliable evidence put forth in court that they were hacked.

How did Biden, who barely left his basement to campaign get more votes than Obama in 2008 ? Or the most votes EVER ? It's just not believable.

It's very believable. Most Americans viewed this as a highly consequential election, perhaps the most consequential election of their life time. It was a referendum on the type of country that we would be moving forward. People cared about that. Regardless whether people were excited by Biden, they were motivated to vote. Indeed, the election was hyped for four years as one of the most important in history. There was intense social pressure to vote, on both sides. There were huge voter registration and mobilization efforts. There were so many factors contributing to the record turnout. It's really not surprising that more people came out to vote.

The mass mail in ballots are also a ridiculous means of voting.

Despite many attempts to link mail-in voting to mass fraud (including a presidential commission on the matter) none have been successful. The actual election fraud that we have seen in recent years (e.g., NC's 9th congressional district) were small operations that were not successful. And given that we are in the midst of a pandemic, it makes quite a bit of sense.

I'm not saying that there was fraud with the machines, or the mail in votes, I am saying that both means of voting are inherently prone to fraud.
Unless you're stationed overseas, or an invalid, there are no good reasons not to vote for your candidate with ID in person. I think anyone that wants to make voting less transparent is really showing their cards..

posted on Nov, 30 2020 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: johnnylaw16 Dm_yJacTRei6T8DLkYHMc2mt1I

Why won't they let them see the machines ? I don't get it ? This should be a fully transparent process.

Citing "intellectual property" tells me they really are hiding something.

posted on Nov, 30 2020 @ 05:13 PM
a reply to: BruceZuckerberg

People need to be held accountable! If you (as an individual) are going to sign your name, (your family honor) let alone some "title/rank" you hold, to a document? You better, or should know without a doubt, that it is correct!
Because the "law", is going to eventually, expect that of them. And it has already been "settled by law", that, "I was just following orders", is "not a defense".

This "truth" is drummed into every American Soldier, before they "earn the right", to be called one.

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