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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 32 -

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posted on Dec, 23 2020 @ 09:22 AM
Yep, we are definitely watching a movie. What are the chances that Potterville and Bedford Falls from A Wonderful Life are showing up now? Good vs evil, light vs dark.
I looked up Map quest and our favorite number 17 appears.From the 2000 census 2168 people lived in Potterville. Even better, the first settler and commissioner's name was Potter and his 3 year old son was George.
Potterville seems to be at the epicenter of some serious struggles. How many towns can claim lightning walking up the beach and harming 22 people, two months later an earthquake. But there is more. Potterville also had the country's worst train disaster when a train derailed carrying a cargo of toxic propane which resulted in the entire town being evacuated. Not done yet. Another train derailment at the same location. More fun ahead. F-3 tornado struck causing all kinds of damage.
So what are we missing. Next up, a fire. A fire broke out in January destroying the historic section of the town which contained books and antiques. What are the chances that the 8 fire departments did not ensure the fire was completely put out and it started up again 2 days later.
Now we can add a sting operation and no alcohol for the residents.
I would move.

originally posted by: Creep Thumper
This is the new America post-Trump, where a sympathetic restaurant owner loses his liquor license for helping whom he thought was a hungry, lonely man. Turned out to be a lying sack of sh*t liquor agent.


Michigan state Sen. Tom Barrett (R) recounted a story of a business owner last week about an alleged incident with a compliance agent from the Liquor Control Commission.
According to Barrett, an individual approached Charlie’s Bar and Grill in Potterville, saying he was “really lonely and asked if he could have something to eat”:

The restaurateur “felt bad for the man and served him a meal,” Barrett said.

He said the owner thought nothing of helping someone in need. But, according to Barrett, it was not simply a man down on his luck, but rather an agent of the Liquor Control Commission was who was apparently attempting to entrap the business owner.

A few days later, the liquor license of Charlie’s Bar and Grill was suspended after allegedly violating Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s (D-MI) lockdown orders.[/ quote]

edit on 23-12-2020 by Thoughtful1 because: spelling

posted on Dec, 23 2020 @ 09:23 AM
Odd timing within a day of POTUS election fraud statement... someone's trying to divert attention.

UK Press conference of Health Secretary has just announced a 3rd variant of the virus that arrived from South Africa. Matt Hancock has broadened the Tier 4 geographical coverage and levelled up some other areas to Tier 3, especially around the South and South West and the North Midlands.

Their graphs show the original virus has come down to an R figure of 0.6, i.e. reducing quickly, just as these new variants push the figures back up to an R of 1.3 (expanding cases)?

Fortunately my county has remained in Tier 2 whilst all those around me have gone up to Tier 3. If this is cover for arrests then it shows the exercise is expanding around the country.

No link because from BBC24 News and not yet up on the BBC website.

There is also a medical guy now saying it's better to stop giving the second dose of vaccine and instead give more people the first dose, quicker.

edit on 23-12-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2020 @ 09:28 AM

posted on Dec, 23 2020 @ 09:32 AM
Rel I looked up the definition of terrier in the Urban Dictionary. I think you are right. It means "someone of great importance who will stop at nothing to achieve their goal." I wonder if this is communicating that they will follow a scorched earth policy if they do not succeed everyone will suffer.

originally posted

by: RelSciHistItSufi
DOG COMMS in the White House calendar for 22nd...


Bush's black terrier!

posted on Dec, 23 2020 @ 09:33 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I'll bet the developing world has all kinds of variants of the virus being spread about. What a goat-rope this situation is.


posted on Dec, 23 2020 @ 09:39 AM
Did those guard really fall asleep

Overstock Billionaire Drops INCREDIBLE Epstein Secret — Patrick Byrne
The Liberty Hound channel

posted on Dec, 23 2020 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Interesting find on Terrier definition... but is it relevant to Bush or POTUS or both?

"someone of great importance who will stop at nothing to achieve their goal."

posted on Dec, 23 2020 @ 09:50 AM
So, this morning I learn my neighbor has Covid, and her husband, and her daughter who just a few days ago flew in from Virginia for the holidays (so she is going to be in quarantine for a looong time), and her son who flies modified C-130 planes to Antarctica is being turned away, and her dad is in the hospital with supposed Covid, contracted from a healthcare worker, and she is not sure if he's going to make it, and her mom just tested positive yesterday. Her ending words on the phone were, this is going to be a very dark Christmas and a darker winter. I feel like I'm being suffocated with Covid...real or just panic hysteria that seems to be the new norm. Given flu season starts ramping up again and lord knows what mutations will/may occur, false positve testing, coupled with massive doom porn fear, we all could be in for a very rough ride. Buckle-up, cause nothing can stop what is coming.?

Speaking of which...

COVID-19 has reached Antarctica, infecting 36 at research base

The coronavirus scourge has affected all seven continents after COVID-19 cases were recorded in Antarctica for the first time Monday.

The virus reportedly infected 36 people at a Chilean research base. That number included 26 members of the Chilean army along with 10 maintenance workers, Newsweek reported.

The infected, who were stationed at General Bernardo O’Higgins Riquelme, tested “positive for COVID-19” after the “administration of a PCR test...”

posted on Dec, 23 2020 @ 09:52 AM
a reply to: tanstaafl
This was my thought too.


posted on Dec, 23 2020 @ 10:08 AM
a reply to: Trillium

Nitrous oxide doesn’t put you to sleep. The conspiracy is deeper than this guy knows. He just told the world his source is a liar and he didn’t even realize it.

posted on Dec, 23 2020 @ 10:09 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Yep, my area/county has just gone up to tier 3...Oxford that just got upgraded to tier 4 is next door.

So yet another variant! I've already declared the first variant Covid20, so I guess this one is 21?
Getting a bit peed off with it all now, but doesn't mean I wont be careful. I was due to see a client yesterday. She works in NHS. She has been in contact with 4 people that have tested positive and her home test came back negative. I said regardless if her test came back negative, I wouldn't be seeing her for a minimum of 14 days. Now the NHS want to do a swab test today.


posted on Dec, 23 2020 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

My Daughter contracted covid 2 weeks ago. She’s a healthy 18 year old and her symptom was a stuffy nose. She works with the public so it’s not unusual she caught it. What’s killing her isn’t the virus it’s the 2 weeks of solitary confinement affecting her mental health....affecting all our mental health as her family members missing her this Christmas. Interestingly enough I had her over almost every day before we realized she caught it but I never caught it myself. She even slept in my bed when she had her stuffy nose symptom and I still never contracted it (knock on wood).

I just found out my family doesn’t trust she’s rid of the virus so they’ve canceled Christmas with us. I want my damn freedom and my country back. I never thought my family would be looking at my kid as a liability and a bug would kill Christmas, it’s a sadness like no other.

I’m not discounting other’s struggles here I’m merely pointing out the differences.

I’m gonna be ‘that’ anon, “Do something Q” 😔

Despite the aforementioned I want to wish all of you happy holidays, (post) Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas. Thanks for all your dedication and all your hard work this year.

posted on Dec, 23 2020 @ 10:18 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl
Glad you're ok, but... and I mean this with all due respect... your story still doesn't mean that this virus is anything to fear. In fact, you may not have had 'COVID-19' at all.

We probably are more alike than you think. Perhaps reread my post?
I said it is an odd "virus" (notice the quotation marks in my original post?)
This was and is an engineered "virus".

The tests are simply ... far too error prone.

We agree about the test. For many years I also was the single breadwinner of a family of five.
Every where around here requires you to get two NEGATIVE test before you can return to work. Many people are out of work 2+ months, getting tested once or twice a week, before they get 2 negative test in a row. So no one is working atm.
How can you still throw positive test results on a 14 day "virus" two months AFTER the 14 quarantine? It is BS.

It is just as possibly you all had some strain of the flu.

I have had the flu a few times throughout my life.
This was NOT the flu. It's be 20 days and I still cannot go from the couch to the bathroom without hitting the rescue inhaler. As I said I take it more seriously now but I understand who engineered this "virus" and why. My original post was mainly about how oddly it effects people.

No. I'm done with COVID. Even if it is a real virus, it is nothing to fear, and absolutely, positively, not worth even -spit-masks and -spit- social -spit- distancing (god how I hate that term now), much less closing down the economy. I'm close to the point of pushing the mask natzis to the point of forcing them to decide between leaving me alone, or assaulting me physically to remove me from their stores, or calling the police. And I imagine the police are getting tired of this crap too.

Hopefully, I am done with Covid as well. I was where you are.
I agree it is overblown but that is part of the scare tactic. That is why it was made.
Remember how it was when it was first released? There was "video" from China showing the dead bodies, the incinerators, and people getting locked in their homes?
It was all part of the scare tactic to make the world PANIC. To shut down everything outside of China. Sadly, many in the US government were involved as well. Many of our Govenors are owned by the CCP.

The only reason I haven't pushed to that limit yet is I am the sole bread winner for my family of 5. If I was single, I'd have pushed a long time ago.

Praying for you and your family. I know and understand the stress of being the sole provider. If you get it, I hope you handle it as well as my wife and youngest son.
Peace brother.

posted on Dec, 23 2020 @ 10:22 AM
Declass incoming.

posted on Dec, 23 2020 @ 10:25 AM

originally posted by: 0bserver1
a reply to: tanstaafl

I've caught it to in November, I can tell you that I was skeptical as hell, losing smell and taste was something I never experienced before further from that I came out well other than that I have mild fatigue symptoms but that could be psychological as I want to tell myself..

But I'm sure pissed off at Chyna for creating this kungflu thing and I can not see it otherly then a biological attack on the world society

But I sure want to warn those who are skeptical as I was, really be careful it expresses itself differently on every human and age , maybe they've managed to build in AI. LOL actually not laughable at all..

Everyone here had the lose of taste and smell but only my oldest and I had the respiratory response and fatigue
My oldest is well over it but I am having trouble shaking it.

posted on Dec, 23 2020 @ 10:26 AM
a reply to: carewemust
Our family discussed the impact, or should I say lack of impact that the bill would provide to members of our family. We have been supporting one child who has been caught between jobs and funding cuts for a new job. Unemployment benefits are laughable and do not even cover the cost of rent. Others are struggling to get through virtual classes while still paying full tuition.
$600 was absolutely laughable but by this action they created enormous anger from the very base that voted for Biden and the Dems. Their greed, sending money desperately need at home to other countries to fund unnecessary programs has opened their eyes.
The Great Awakening!
They are all hoping now that Trump veto the bill.

posted on Dec, 23 2020 @ 10:27 AM
So Powell is saying she has been blocked from speaking with Trump now? Number one, he's the President, if he wants to speak with someone, he can speak with them. I don't believe for a second they can keep any president from speaking to whomever he wants.

Second, didn't we just have people confirming she met with him 3 times over the past weekend or something like that? Was that faked? Was that misinformation or is this? Again, none of this makes sense and I don't think there is anything or anyone we can trust.

Here is it.

posted on Dec, 23 2020 @ 10:36 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

With so much riding on Pence...Did 17 ever give us a "Trust Pence"?

posted on Dec, 23 2020 @ 10:44 AM
We're watching a movie.

posted on Dec, 23 2020 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: IAMTAT
Pence = B2 Bomber Stealth bomber?

"We will not stop fighting!", he said last night.

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