posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 11:49 AM
It seems that, it is more, like Obama, is, was a threat to, democracy. Obama, sold out the US, to the UN, people want to defund the police. Wait,
until the UN troops come into US, take all your guns. In Africa, it was rape and pillage. I'm sure this, is what, these people who, want to defund the
police, release all the prostitutes.
Even Obama's own brother, voted for Trump, and the ones, that were tired of Obama's same ole crap, might be getting it back, right in their face. Even
my wife, was watching, that, FAKE NEWS, and believing that stuff. But then too, she is pretty stupid, way more stupid than me. Yea, most, just above
every, maybe every President, leave Washington DC after their term, is up. Not, Obama he set up camp in DC, to watch and attack Trump, they said, he
was like, the Turd, that won't go, when you flush the toilet.
By the way, the US, is suppose to be, a "Democratic Republic".
Obama is suppose to be a Constitutional Lawyer, but you sure could not prove it by me.
To me, just about all this stuff is Bull, The Word is a Lie. AT least, it seems Trump, has tried to keep his campaign, promises, Obama, when ask why
he didn't keep his campaign promises, he just said, " Oh, those, those were just campaign promises", nothing. I don't know about, Trump either though,
he's in the click, for certain, or so it would seem, but what is his purpose? Bush, was dumbarse, patsie for 911, Obama, was to sell out the US, what
is Trump's purpose, civil war? The plan seems to, not destroy America, but to destroy the American people. Like back when the Rand Corp. had the, do population prediction for, 2025, they said only 60 million in US in 2025, this has been revised, to 100 million in 2025, but still.
Does anyone know what deal is on SB3571, "The Digital Dollar Wallet", Jan. 1st, 2021, China has already done their's, a month ago? And 3 weeks after
this bill was introduce, in May 2020, Bill Gates, patented a Bio-metric reader, for human body? What's going on? Oh, something is going to happen ,
Jan 25, 2021, but no one seems to know what.
Don't complain to much, I accept fact I am moron.