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Bill Clinton was a great president.

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posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 10:11 AM
More questions would be asked then they are now with Bush!We spent 70 million on investigating Clinton(maybe we should have been focusing on terrorism,but stained dresses were more important back then)We can't get anyone to investigate Bush & see what happened on 9/11.

What if Clinton went to War w/Iraq & claimed they had WMD & we didn't find them?Would the Republicans just let it go?Hell no!They would use that & 9/11 to nail Clinton!

Clinton was not responsible for 9/11 anymore than Bush was.READ THE LINKS! Why didn't Bush sr.take care of Saddam?Why aren't we focusing on Saudi Arabia?(they're the ones who we should be talking to but,they're frineds w/the Bush's so, guess we can't!)

When the WTC was attacked in 93 (only weeks after he took office)Clinton found & saw justice for those who were responsible.Bush has let Osama & Saddam slip on by.Why not ask these question instead of blaming Clinton?Theres no proof to your Conspiracy claims that Clinton did any of the bogus you ditto spew out of your mouth!Juts heresay & gossip*yawn*

Meanwhile, Clinton is loved & respected throughout the world while Bush is hated & looked down on.Clinton is still treated like a President & is respected world wide.When Clinton spoke,he sounded wondeful & represented my country with pride.Bush can't even read a Cue card or teleprompter!Hell, he can't even use the ear bug they provide him.

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 11:08 AM
Clinton is loved because he was an appeasment president. He rarely showed that he had a back bone. Not too mention that Clinton had the best propaganda machine ever. The guy could jump into a pile of horsecrap and come out smelling like roses. He also took a plea bargin rather than face the music.

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 11:14 AM
I disagree.Best Propaganda?& what about Bush?Landing on an aircraft carrier?Since then how many have been killed?

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 11:23 AM
Clintons spin doctors could twist a story so no one knew what the truth was. I mean the guy sold the white house for funds, gave NK nuculear power,military secrets to China,whitewater gate,filegate,travelgate,lied under oath and on and on. Yet he was able to maintain a good rating. Why because he had his wrong doings twisted around by spin. And people did die rember Somallia,Kosavo(sp)launching missles to remove attention from his perjury. Lets face it Clinton did not have the guts to make a stand anywhere in the world. He would rather turn tale and run.

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 11:30 AM
that Whitewater,travelgate,etc.charges were cleared?Obviously not,because if so,why bring it up?Those were dismissed.They tried & tried & dug & dug & got nothing.Troopergate was admited by David Brock was a set up.He named names on who payed him & others to lie.

People did die?I'm sure under some circumstances we did loose servicemen just like with any President.If your refering to Vince Foster(*yawn*....*sigh*...
) Again, heresay & gossip. Only thing they could get Clinton on was a blow job. Gee, Newt & Rush both cheated on their wives not to mention many more (Gee,didn't Bush's brother Neal Bush cheat on his wife?) But, the stories different w/Republicans I suppose. The Grand Hypocrisisy Party at work! Turn tale & run? Yeah riiiiiiiiiiight, whatever you say dude!

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 11:33 AM
Past work experience:

Ran for congress and lost.

Produced a Hollywood slasher B movie.

Bought an oil company, but couldn't find any oil in Texas, company went bankrupt shortly after I sold all my stock.

Bought the Texas Rangers baseball team in a sweetheart deal that took land using tax-payer money. Biggest move: Traded Sammy Sosa to the Chicago Cubs.

With fathers help (and his name) was elected Governor of Texas.

Accomplishments- Changed pollution laws for power and oil companies and made Texas the most polluted state in the Union. Replaced Los Angeles with Houston as the most smog ridden city in America. Cut taxes and bankrupted the Texas government to the tune of billions in borrowed money. Set record for most executions by any Governor in American history.

Became president after losing the popular vote by over 500,000 votes, with the help of my fathers appointments to the Supreme Court.

Accomplishments as president--

Attacked and took over two countries.

Spent the surplus and bankrupted the treasury.

Shattered record for biggest annual deficit in history.

Set economic record for most private bankruptcies filed in any 12 month period.

Set all-time record for biggest drop in the history of the stock market.

First president in decades to execute a federal prisoner.

First president in US history to enter office with a criminal record.

First year in office set the all-time record for most days on vacation by any president in US history.

After taking the entire month of August off for vacation, presided over the worst security failure in US history.

Set the record for most campaign fund-raising trips than any other president in US history.

In my first two years in office over 2 million Americans lost their job.

Cut unemployment benefits for more out of work Americans than any president in US history.

Set the all-time record for most foreclosures in a 12 month period.

Appointed more convicted criminals to administration positions than any president in US history.

Set the record for the least amount of press conferences than any president since the advent of television.

Signed more laws and executive orders amending the Constitution than any president in US history.

Presided over the biggest energy crises in US history and refused to intervene when corruption was revealed.

Presided over the highest gasoline prices in US history and refused to use the national reserves as past presidents have.

Cut healthcare benefits for war veterans.

Set the all-time record for most people worldwide to simultaneously take to the streets to protest me (15 million people), shattering the record for protest against any person in the history of mankind.


Dissolved more international treaties than any president in US history.

My presidency is the most secretive and un-accountable of any in US history.

Members of my cabinet are the richest of any administration in US history. (the 'poorest' multi-millionaire, Condoleeza Rice has an Exxon oil tanker named after her).

First president in US history to have all 50 states of the Union simultaneously go bankrupt.

Presided over the biggest corporate stock market fraud of any market in any country in the history of the world.

First president in US history to order a US attack and military occupation of a sovereign nation.

Created the largest government department bureaucracy in the history of the United States.

Set the all-time record for biggest annual budget spending increases, more than any president in US history.

First president in US history to have the United Nations remove the US from the human rights commission.

First president in US history to have the United Nations remove the US from the elections monitoring board.

Removed more checks and balances, and have the least amount of congressional oversight than any presidential administration in US history.

Rendered the entire United Nations irrelevant.

Withdrew from the World Court of Law.

Refused to allow inspectors access to US prisoners of war and by default no longer abide by the Geneva Conventions.

First president in US history to refuse United Nations election inspectors (during the 2002 US elections).

All-time US (and world) record holder for most corporate campaign donations.

My biggest life-time campaign contributor presided over one of the largest corporate bankruptcy frauds in world history (Kenneth Lay, former CEO of Enron Corporation).

Spent more money on polls and focus groups than any president in US history.

First president in US history to unilaterally attack a sovereign nation against the will of the United Nations and the world community.

First president to run and hide when the US came under attack (and then lied saying the enemy had the code to Air Force 1)

First US president to establish a secret shadow government.

Took the biggest world sympathy for the US after 911, and in less than a year made the US the most resented country in the world (possibly the biggest diplomatic failure in US and world history).

With a policy of 'dis-engagement' created the most hostile Israeli-Palestine relations in at least 30 years.

Fist US president in history to have a majority of the people of Europe

(71%) view my presidency as the biggest threat to world peace and stability.

First US president in history to have the people of South Korea more threatened by the US than their immediate neighbor, North Korea.

Changed US policy to allow convicted criminals to be awarded government contracts.

Set all-time record for number of administration appointees who violated US law by not selling huge investments in corporations bidding for government contracts.

Failed to fulfill my pledge to get Osama Bin Laden 'dead or alive'.

Failed to capture the anthrax killer who tried to murder the leaders of our country at the United States Capital building. After 18 months I have no leads and zero suspects.

In the 18 months following the 911 attacks I have successfully prevented any public investigation into the biggest security failure in the history of the United States.

Removed more freedoms and civil liberties for Americans than any other president in US history.

In a little over two years created the most divided country in decades, possibly the most divided the US has ever been since the civil war.

Entered office with the strongest economy in US history and in less than two years turned every single economic category heading straight down.

Records and References

At least one conviction for drunk driving in Maine (Texas driving record has been erased and is not available)

AWOL from National Guard and Deserted the military during a time of war.

Refuse to take drug test or even answer any questions about drug use.

All records of my tenure as governor of Texas have been spirited away to my fathers library, sealed in secrecy and un-available for public view.

All records of any SEC investigations into my insider trading or bankrupt companies are sealed in secrecy and un-available for public view.

All minutes of meetings for any public corporation I served on the board are sealed in secrecy and un-available for public view.

Any records or minutes from meetings I (or my VP) attended regarding public energy policy are sealed in secrecy and un-available for public review.

For personal references please speak to my daddy or uncle James Baker (They can be reached at their offices of the Carlyle Group for war-profiteering.)

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 11:35 AM
They wer not cleared. He plea bargined. Agreed that he would not practice law for 5 years and could not seek restitiution. Now Iam under the impression the plea bargin was to cover all of his wrong doings. I will however double check later. I could be wrong.

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 11:43 AM
Check your facts.Your confusing Whitewater,Filegate,etc with his grand jury testimony.He agreed to give up practicing law for 5 years.Had NOTHING to do with the charges YOU claimed in your previous post.

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 11:58 AM
Well Clinton commited so many crimes,it hard to keep track of them all.
If I had a record like Clinton,I would be in jail for the rest of my life. And so would you or anybody else.

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 04:09 PM
(which I think most men would do if they were confronted), What other crimes did he commit?Tell me.Because I haven't heard of these so called crimes.on't get me wrong, I do not approve of what he did to his wife & daughter, but he isn't the only man to ever do that.Its NO ONES BUSINESS but Hillary's & Chelsea's.Those are the only people who were hurt.It was a private matter.I will also add it was wrong for him to lie about but I feel it was also wrong for him to be judged as a president by his relationship with his wife. JFK no doubt had afairs & he was one of our best! Thomas Jefferson, & God knows how many other leaders/Presidents have done what he did. I can list AMNY Republicans who did the same as Bill(& they have divorced their wives, Bill & Hillary decided to work things out & get counseling)

I've checked numerous sites about Clinton & no crimes you have mentioned.Perhaps this is just another wild conspiracy of yours.

FACT IS, there are no crimes. All you Clinton haters do is create lies & heresay & gossip about him & I challenge any wingnut who thinks they know more! I can accuse Bush of the same things, but I know alot about him has been written & gossiped about as well! You hold it as the gospel truth if Ann Coulter or Newsmax prints a WILD fairy tale. You have NO FACTS about crimes, just little stories you've heard *yawn* Ho hum,

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Gotcha'! You bet! What ever you say! According to the corporate meida the world & country hate the Clintons, yet Hillary has the highest selling non-fiction book ever. Her book is in SUCH demand! The book. despite the likes of their critics (& Tucker Carlson) have made its money back & the rights for over seas sales haven't even been sold(& Simon & Shuster predict its gonna be even a bigger hit over seas) JUST wait til,Bill's book comes out! Bill Clinton is in such demand, his asking price is up towards a million dollars (why would SO many pay SO much for a man who is such trash? Who has committed these so called crimes?)

All their critics said they'd divorce right after he left office. Never happened! Said Bill & Hillary would be in jail.(You need to commit a crime 1st!) Said Hillary had a snow ball chance in hell of becoming Senator(Rush even laughed & said she wouln't get one vote) So, all these Clinton haters make PLENTY of claims, but when it comes to actual facts they are all wet forced to eat their shoes! (sigh)

But yeah, keep on believing he's the man he ain't! The more people hate him the more fans he makes!

[Edited on 14-7-2003 by romantico]

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 05:10 PM
Last time I checked lying under oath is a crime. Twisting things like the word "is" mAy not be a crime but very un-ethical. So I guess whitewater gate, filegate, travel gate and Irs gate never happened. Of course they did. He just got off. Doesn't mean he not guilty just lucky. Just ask O.J.
He sold us a bunch of crap. Rember the I didn't inhale thing. Everyone in the world knew that was a lie. He started his term lying and lied till the end. And to set the record straight,I don't care if he got stoned, I think he should have just admitted it.

[Edited on 07/11/03 by nyeff]

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 05:12 PM
I crack up every time I see Rush Limbaugh or Bill O'Reilly or that idiotic wench Anne Coulter get red-faced and hysterical when you mention Bill Clinton's name.

To them, it's like a religion. They are all Anticlintonites or sumfin.

People like Bill because he is LIKE US and not LIKE THEM.

interested in their own agenda

BILL (like us):
like cheeseburgers and fries
has to run to keep the weight off
likes almost everyone he meets
will talk to anyone he meets
comes from a common backround
is congenial
thinks about others
enjoys a healthy libido (oh my!)
lives for life

The Republicans have a serious image problem and it is only getting worse. If they think they can ride the coattails of 9/11 and Middle East conflicts into a 2nd term while this country falls to pieces and the economy sh*ts the bed, they are badly mistaken.

If the Democrats could muster one 1/2 way decent candidate, it would be NO CONTEST.

I am praying that John McCain jumps ship and goes Democrat soon............

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 06:51 PM
I saw this title and it made me crap my pants with rage, that someone can be so uninformed as to believe this tripe.

Then I saw the first post and exhaled!

Then I saw romantico's post and blasted another load!

Romantico, I suggest you research Clinton's Executive Order 13083.

Any time the President of the US tries to change the structure of Government as is written in the Constitution, he should be hung as a traitor.

But then, the Congress shot him down for I guess he's off the hook.

Romantico you are rooting for the bad guys out of Ignorance. But of course it is out of Ignorance, as Socrates said, no man would ever willingly serve evil. Therefore those who do are ignorant of the situation.

You are one such case, a man who has no clue what Clinton did, because all you do is oppose Bush, and when someone tells you what Clinton did you some how think they only hate Clinton because of his blowjobs.

Which I think he should be hung for adultery alone.

But he should be more hung for this:

Executive Order 13083: Federalism

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 07:35 PM
Bill Clinton was a great president.

Hmmm... define "great".

If you define great as any combination of the following:

callous of the good of the American People
willing to immasculate the US military
willing to sell all possible advantages to the Chinese
willing to completely subvert all facts regarding all angles of his past
willing to set the US economy up for the largest fall since the Great Depression

Then, yeah, I'll agree he was a great president.

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 07:55 PM
First I must say now I remember why I would get so agitated, but I am trying...I have two anerisms now, but I refuse to flame people for bad facts and misguided opinions.

--My additions will be in bold--

Originally posted by energy_wave
Past work experience:

Ran for congress and lost.

So did Lincoln

Produced a Hollywood slasher B movie.

Bought an oil company, but couldn't find any oil in Texas, company went bankrupt shortly after I sold all my stock.

Bought the Texas Rangers baseball team in a sweetheart deal that took land using tax-payer money. Biggest move: Traded Sammy Sosa to the Chicago Cubs.

With fathers help (and his name) was elected Governor of Texas.

No proof of father's help

Accomplishments- Changed pollution laws for power and oil companies and made Texas the most polluted state in the Union. Replaced Los Angeles with Houston as the most smog ridden city in America. Cut taxes and bankrupted the Texas government to the tune of billions in borrowed money. Set record for most executions by any Governor in American history.

Became president after losing the popular vote by over 500,000 votes, with the help of my fathers appointments to the Supreme Court.

Other Presidents in the past have won the Election while not winning the popular vote. You obviously have NO clue How government works. I for one don't want to see the president elected by Floridians, Californians, and New Yorkers//New Jersians because right there you have 50% of the population.

Learn a little thing called STATEHOOD

Accomplishments as president--

Attacked and took over two countries.

I've yet to see the US flag replace the flags of said nations.

Spent the surplus and bankrupted the treasury.

Well maybe if Clinton hadn't tanked the Economy in his attempt to gain a budget surplus in a manner of 8 years, we'd not have this predicament.

And if Clinton hadn't supported Enron's buy in India, which the Indians later stopped paying Enron for their mulitmillion dollar investment (all with Clinton Administration funding) which in turn put them in massive debt.

Shattered record for biggest annual deficit in history., John Hancock did that, but then do you even know who he is? Besides that's not the point, Congress spends the money, not the President.

Set economic record for most private bankruptcies filed in any 12 month period.

Actually this is Clinton's fault, thanks again for NOT KNOWING ECONOMICS

Set all-time record for biggest drop in the history of the stock market.

Actually the biggest drop was "Black Tuesday" or Monday I can never keep them strait, which was in what 1988? Either way, it had more of an economic impact than this one did, which is why Bush lost his re-election.

First president in decades to execute a federal prisoner.

Good ridance, this is no sissy nation that does not hang her criminals from the gallows

First president in US history to enter office with a criminal record.

Odd, considering many of our first Presidents were criminals for smuggling, including treason against Mother England. But in fairness of an actual crime, they were smugglers, such as the Adams's.

First year in office set the all-time record for most days on vacation by any president in US history.

Just because you are too lazy to work your butt off for the first 30 years of your life, doesn't mean he's not entitled to vacations.

After taking the entire month of August off for vacation, presided over the worst security failure in US history.

A security failure perpetuated by Clinton's Military and Intelligence cuts...all to help and gain his "zero-deficit".

Odd how Clinton cut funding in the only places which the Federal Government is constitutionally allowed to spend money.

Meanwhile Clinton increased budgets in the Unconstitutional Executive Agencies, which pass laws as federal laws without the use of the elected about facism.

Set the record for most campaign fund-raising trips than any other president in US history.

Hey come on Harry S. Truman had a good run around on the Train, which is what caused him to WIN the elections, so don't be doggin him for this. Pathetic....

In my first two years in office over 2 million Americans lost their job.

Well it would teach them all a lesson that the Central Government can't pay them, as Clinton promissed, too bad they are all brainwashed into thinking it's Bush's fault...those morons.

Cut unemployment benefits for more out of work Americans than any president in US history.

Good, I don't want my federal tax going to pay for social programs. That's a job for the states.

Set the all-time record for most foreclosures in a 12 month period.

This is a repeat from the last one, god where's the originality? Again all Clinton's economic policies fault.

Appointed more convicted criminals to administration positions than any president in US history.

Oh? I'd really like you to name a few. Since Convicted Criminals can't hold any place in office...OH WAIT THEY AREN'T IN it really doesn't MATTER NOW DOES IT!

Set the record for the least amount of press conferences than any president since the advent of television.

Good ridance, when I become president I'll hold even fewer press conferances, all TV does is make people stupid, and do as the boob-box tells them. And the Press never says anything as it really is...because it doesn't sell.

Signed more laws and executive orders amending the Constitution than any president in US history.

Uh no, I guess you never heard of one Mr. William Jefferson Clinton, who practically re-wrote the Constitution in EO 13083.

Presided over the biggest energy crises in US history and refused to intervene when corruption was revealed.

Well as I stated out earlier, the energy crisis was actaully caused by Bill Clinton. Who gave Enron many millions of Dollars to build a power facility in India, and than India decided to not pay their bills, and Clinton did nothing about this.

Presided over the highest gasoline prices in US history and refused to use the national reserves as past presidents have.

I guess you are 12 years old. In the 70s, was when the gas prices were the highest (are your forgetting to account for change in monetary value). And using Military reserves is useless.

Clinton used the many billions of gallons that had to be dumped anyways (so I won't criticize him for it), and it only lasted 2 days...maybe 3 at most. Did NOTHING to lower the price. AT ALL.

Finally? Past presidents? Clinton was the first to dip into the reserves, and got for it, and it proved a failure. This paragraph is the biggest load of liberal bull I've ever seen.

Cut healthcare benefits for war veterans.

Good again, the Federal Government over spends, primarily because it is spending unconstitutionally, such as Healthcare benefits for veterans, these things must be handled all by the States, and Federal Income tax shall be reduced.

Set the all-time record for most people worldwide to simultaneously take to the streets to protest me (15 million people), shattering the record for protest against any person in the history of mankind.

That's because those people protesting Bush were Communists and ignoramouses who have no clue what's going on in the real world. And just want to see America dictated by the UN.


Dissolved more international treaties than any president in US history.

Please name the said treaties so that they can be analyzed individually. There are most likely good reasons, and finally international treaties are decided by Congress, the President can't make them or break them without the consent of I guess Bush is off the hook anyway.

My presidency is the most secretive and un-accountable of any in US history.

I'm sure Lincoln's and Roosevelt's were more secretive. Hell sure the Atomic-Bomb is well known now, but imagine people asking what the hell is going on in New mexico in 1943!

Members of my cabinet are the richest of any administration in US history. (the 'poorest' multi-millionaire, Condoleeza Rice has an Exxon oil tanker named after her).

Condoleeza Rice I don't think is the poorest, that needs to be checked. Also the Founding fathers were richer. George Washington back in the day was one of the wealthiest men in America, far from where Bush is at on the totem pole.

First president in US history to have all 50 states of the Union simultaneously go bankrupt.

Actually this has NOTHING to do with Bush, but to do with the fact that States can not go into debt, therefore they must re-write and re-write the budget until it works. Their economic failure is not related to President Bush in any way.

Presided over the biggest corporate stock market fraud of any market in any country in the history of the world.

So? Did he commit a crime here? No...more liberal crap.

First president in US history to order a US attack and military occupation of a sovereign nation.

No LBJ did this too you know....have you heard of a little thing called Vietnam? South Korea was effectually occupied. Germany a sovereign nation...was occupied. I'm sick of this crud where are there FACTS that MATTER?

Hell does the unwarrented attempt to annex Canada into the US in 1812 not count as an attack against a sovereign nation? Are all the critics of the President morons who don't know history?

Created the largest government department bureaucracy in the history of the United States.

NO God damn it, Stop lying you little #s! Clinton did this.

Set the all-time record for biggest annual budget spending increases, more than any president in US history.

Well a little thing called the World Trade Centers kind of blew up and fell this is pretty warrented.

First president in US history to have the United Nations remove the US from the human rights commission.

Thank god too, because the UN has turned out to become the Frankenstein of our age.

First president in US history to have the United Nations remove the US from the elections monitoring board.

You know I really must say. Considering only about what 12 presidents ever had to put up with the UN...1 out of 12 really isn't all that bad...get over it.

Removed more checks and balances, and have the least amount of congressional oversight than any presidential administration in US history.

I've yet to see where Clinton is not equally accusable of these charges.

Rendered the entire United Nations irrelevant.

Ok you can go live under some UN dictatorship ok? But I frankly only listen to the Law of this Land...the Constitution...

Withdrew from the World Court of Law.

There is no "World Law" the "World law" is not bound by our Constitution therefore we do not as American Citizens EVER have to adhere to it. Nor should any good citizen ever want to.

Refused to allow inspectors access to US prisoners of war and by default no longer abide by the Geneva Conventions.

Oh shut up...pathetic morons. The guys were shooting women for showing their faces...let them rot.

First president in US history to refuse United Nations election inspectors (during the 2002 US elections).

What the #? I'm sorry but the United Nations has no control over our Election proceedures. Congress the Supreme Court and the Constitution does. Kiss my ass UN.

All-time US (and world) record holder for most corporate campaign donations.

So what? And Democrats hold the record for getting the most chump change out of people's wallets, at least Bush isn't sucking the common man dry to fund his campaign.

My biggest life-time campaign contributor presided over one of the largest corporate bankruptcy frauds in world history (Kenneth Lay, former CEO of Enron Corporation).

Ugh, Clinton has had more dealings with Kenneth Lay than Bush. Bush and Lay were just friends, not business partners. Please shut up and go away now you're pissing me off with all this propoganda.

Spent more money on polls and focus groups than any president in US history.

Dude, what does this have to do with ANYTHING?

First president in US history to unilaterally attack a sovereign nation against the will of the United Nations and the world community.

Well man the UN has been around for only 50 years, so I hardly think it worthy of judging US history, which is 233 years old. No one tells us who we can attack. NO ONE.

First president to run and hide when the US came under attack (and then lied saying the enemy had the code to Air Force 1)

You're a real moron (not the poster the author of this article), MORON. The president had no choice. They hooded him and ran him off to safety incase if the White house or wherever the president may have been, came under attack.

The days of "Kings in the front lines" has been over since the invention of the gun, MORON!

First US president to establish a secret shadow government.

No god damn it...there has been a "shadow government" for over 30 years, due to the Nuclear threat, and it is NOT secret.

Took the biggest world sympathy for the US after 911, and in less than a year made the US the most resented country in the world (possibly the biggest diplomatic failure in US and world history).

Well sometimes, "What is right is not always popular and what is popular is not always right." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

With a policy of 'dis-engagement' created the most hostile Israeli-Palestine relations in at least 30 years.

Yeah right, shut up ... idiot...and learn history. Hell Palestine has only been around since 20 years after Israel so what rights do they have to land anyways? Especially when they passed up land entitlement in the late 90s.

Fist US president in history to have a majority of the people of Europe (71%) view my presidency as the biggest threat to world peace and stability.

Europe's always favored the Soviet Union over the USA, they've always seen us as a threat, you think they just hated us over night? They hated us and our Nukes in the 60s, in the 70s, in the 80s, but not in the 90s, because Clinton sold out and sucked Europe

First US president in history to have the people of South Korea more threatened by the US than their immediate neighbor, North Korea.

Please show where THIS is the truth...

Changed US policy to allow convicted criminals to be awarded government contracts.

What policy? There's nothing saying policies can't be changed, especially if there is no policy to begin with (which there can be I'm not debating, just want a resource cited).

Set all-time record for number of administration appointees who violated US law by not selling huge investments in corporations bidding for government contracts.

What? Show me this law...come on you can do it...and then show me where they own huge stock in corporations bidding for contracts...furthermore didn't you know Harry Truman gave companies contracts because they were associated with his Mob boss and friend?

Yeah, see how conveniently they avoid the fact that Harry Truman not only USED to work for the Mafia, but was in such good terms with them he went to his "godfather's" funeral, WHILE HE WAS PRESIDENT!

Failed to fulfill my pledge to get Osama Bin Laden 'dead or alive'.

Well you capture one man hidden by millions. I don't see you out there hunting for him you chicken ass.

Failed to capture the anthrax killer who tried to murder the leaders of our country at the United States Capital building. After 18 months I have no leads and zero suspects.

This is so retarded..."tried to murder" it was such a miserable failure it wasn't worth worrying about and everyone was laughing at congress for running and hiding. And they think they have found the case you hadn't they are just ammasing evidence.

In the 18 months following the 911 attacks I have successfully prevented any public investigation into the biggest security failure in the history of the United States.

Not really worth bothering about...they didn't investigate Pearl Harbor either...

Removed more freedoms and civil liberties for Americans than any other president in US history.

I haven't seen the Republicans remove any of my liberties or Freedoms...I only have to follow laws that the Constitution uphold. If someone tries to arrest me for the "patriot act" or whatever, in swoops the Supreme Court. And not until someone chooses not to obey the law, can they intervene.

In a little over two years created the most divided country in decades, possibly the most divided the US has ever been since the civil war.

This is a bit dramatic, and a load of Crap. I don't see any DIVISION what-so-ever. Moronic statement if you ask me.

Entered office with the strongest economy in US history and in less than two years turned every single economic category heading straight down.

No actually IDIOT.

Before the Elections the Analysts kept saying as people asked the question "Are we headed into another recession?" And they said, "No." for many reasons.

But they were wrong.


Bush inheirited a bad economy, he didn't make one....god damn it.

Records and References

At least one conviction for drunk driving in Maine (Texas driving record has been erased and is not available)

AWOL from National Guard and Deserted the military during a time of war.

Refuse to take drug test or even answer any questions about drug use.

All records of my tenure as governor of Texas have been spirited away to my fathers library, sealed in secrecy and un-available for public view.

All records of any SEC investigations into my insider trading or bankrupt companies are sealed in secrecy and un-available for public view.

All minutes of meetings for any public corporation I served on the board are sealed in secrecy and un-available for public view.

Any records or minutes from meetings I (or my VP) attended regarding public energy policy are sealed in secrecy and un-available for public review.

For personal references please speak to my daddy or uncle James Baker (They can be reached at their offices of the Carlyle Group for war-profiteering.)

The private life of Bush really doesn't matter, it didn't before the 70s, it shouldn't now. SO SHUT UP!

FreeMason's final thoughts:

This is the biggest peice of crap I've ever fact, I can not think of a time where I heard more propogated bullcrap than here.

Many of the facts are "Obscure" and can apply to most presidents.

Further more, it seems like they were just dragging it on to get a "longer list" as to prevent people from reading the information analytically and thus you'd just say...

"Woah that's a long list, Bush must suck."

I hate bastards who manipulate the public such as the people who came up with this moronic list.

I urge all Good Americans to go out and research history, and facts, and you'll see the descrepancies of this stupid article!

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 08:19 PM
Freemason, you need to start taking your meds! Is it possible Freemason is actually Ann Coulter?The fact that someone might actually think differently than you just pushes you over the edge!The FACT that not everyone thinks like means OBVIOUSLY EVERYONE ISN'T AS SMART OR?AS INFORMED AS YOU!What a Pompous arrogant ass! LOL!

I guess some won't tolerate something positive being said about Clinton!!! Freemason, I'm obviously mis-informed because I defend Clinton,yet if speak kindly of Bush & co.Then "I get it" PUH-LEASE! Yeah, you know more like your in this secret FOX NEWS CLUB.Your the few privelaged who have the REAL scoop! Things aren't black & white like you paint them to be.Clinton=bad & Bush=Good.You sound like a 3rd grader!
By the way, Clinton's approval ratings were in the upper 60's durinhg Monicagate.Not bad considering the mud slinging the Reichwingers were throwing back then.

Travelgate,Whitewater,etc.Oh they happened.What happened was him & Hillary were ACCUSED of these wrong doings(ya see, in this country your INNOCENT until proven guilty!The GOP'ers had NOTHING on Clinton,ya get it?)You say he "Got Lucky". Yeah, okay whatever! I say Bush got lucky when he had the Supreme Court GIVE him the election.So, I guess both Clinton & Bush are lucky!

Freemason, Clinton should be hung for cheating on his wife?Then you must aslo agree that Newt, Hyde, Rush,Bob Livingston,Dan Burton,Tim Hutchinson & God knows how many others should also hang according to your logic! Talk about sounding desperate! This site is for you Freemason!

Clinton was a GREAT President.We had 8 years of Peace & Prosperity.We were not hated all over the world.People of Foreign nations saw the US as their friend & allie.Our economy was strong,high employment, & their was plenty of confidence in our country! Freemason, I'm sorry this angers you so much that Clinton was such a GREAT leader.Bring it up with him.Tell him how pissed you are that we were SO MUCH better off when he was President than we are now. Tell him how angry you are.You see, Bill would Listen.Buish would have secret service hunt you down & discredit you in a snap!

Are you refering to that Chinese stuff?The sattelitte deal was actually a transaction begun by Bush I. Clinton signed off after heavy lobbying from the reps. As to the nuclear technology,also part of a Bush I deal where Clinton saw that what was being sold by then was available via internet

Man, the freepers always try to blow this up as a treason thing & it didn't fly because it was squashed by BFEE.

Freemason, your a very angry person.You need to try some herbal teas & perhaps Yoga.You feel anyone who speaks highly of someone you obviously HATE is evil themselves & mis-informed.You must still be in High school.You'll learn more about control when you get older.

[Edited on 15-7-2003 by romantico]

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 08:30 PM
I'm not angry when people know what the hell they are talking about.

You don't know what the hell you are talking about concerning Bill Clinton.

You have a differing opinion? Fine...but too bad you base it on poor research and your sever lack of knowledge of history.

Have you read EO: 13083 yet?

No...didn't think so...come back when you take a few government classes and read that EO.

Try reading the US Constitution for once, and your state constitution as well.

Oh also, try learning a little about Federal-State interactions.

Because you seem to have NO clue about anything to do with government.

I present such anger, because you are a purporter of Propoganda...useless non-sense that if viewed by learned people, seems as such.

But you have expressed time and time again, that you don't want to learn truth, you insist that Clinton is a good man...

You are content that the only thing Clinton has done, been an adulterer.

Well I have a HUGE list for you to read just above, and you have A LOT more reading to do with the EO.

If you knew how the Governments of this nation are supposed to function (yes the pluraltive is correct), then you'd see how Clinton is a worse traitor than Benedict Arnold.

So please....please read before you think, and think before you post.

[Edited on 15-7-2003 by FreeMason]

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 08:40 PM
link're calling me a pompous arrogant "bottom"...the true sign of a liberal.

Well I'm through posting here for now...others will learn from my knowledge

While you romantico know nothing.

It's not an insult it's just the truth.

I sit and read BOOKS about government, right now I'm delving into a book on the Nevada State Government history, constitution, and current interactions with the Federal Government.

I am well versed in History from the dawn of time till now.

And I am a layman in economics, whom actually having investments, know exactly when the economy started to go sour, and it was during Clinton's office....

My opinions are still just opinions, and thus arguable.

But they are 1000 times more informed than your own.

And are 1000 times more informational, when I'm not debunking the garbage you or other bush-hating liberals spout.

You don't like Bush, fine, don't, but at least don't like him for REAL reasons, for real crimes.

You like Clinton? him, but at least know that he tried to destroy the Constitution, that he practically made this country Communist, and that his "regulatory commissions" took power from congress, and passed their own laws.

[Edited on 15-7-2003 by FreeMason]

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 08:41 PM
isn't allowing common sense into your head.I'll be the first to admit Clinton has issues.IMO,every president has issues.No one is perfect.But IMO, CLinton was one of the best President's we've ever had.THIS IS MY OPINION!I have read ALOT about Clinton & am aware there are things that he has done I haven't agreed with.But for you to mock me because I admire him & defend him is just arrogant.I'm no fan of Bush or Reagan, but I won't put down a person for supportingb them!I admire Gerald Ford VERY MUCH!Am I still considered mis-informed?I admire Pat Buchannan. Am I still mis-informed?

I have listed links to sites that are not all opinions & editorials.I have backed up my claims & if you wish will do more,but I doubt it will do any good.No matter how much I provide,you won't be convinced.Why hell, even if Fox News had a headline saying sometyhing positive about Clinton,you'd say Fox is just a liberal news network! You refuse to listen to reason & your a waste of my time.I have actually checked on all the claims about Clinton.I feel this is the best way to defend him is to know what he's accused of.Nothing has stuck.I've heard it all & 99% of it has been debunked by numerous reputable news sources.

You won't convince me in any of your wild claims as I won't with my claims.Perhaps we should agree to disagree.I'm sure we'll agree on something,just not this.

If I came on a bit strong,I appologize.I didn't mean to attack you.I meant to attack the issue,not you.Anyway, hopefully we can agree that we both are passionate about this country & how its run....(& IMO, thats something positive you & I have in common!)Goodnight!

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by romantico
Check your facts.Your confusing Whitewater,Filegate,etc with his grand jury testimony.He agreed to give up practicing law for 5 years.Had NOTHING to do with the charges YOU claimed in your previous post.

The facts are not in question, yuor understanding of what "cleared" is, as President Clinton was not "cleared".

As Clinton said concerning one of the investigations, "you can't prove it".

There's a difference.

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