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Bill Clinton was a great president.

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posted on Jul, 13 2003 @ 09:27 PM
Bill was a far better president then Bush. Look at George's beaty little eyes and tell me he can be trusted.

posted on Jul, 13 2003 @ 09:28 PM
Yet another intelligent thread is started.

posted on Jul, 13 2003 @ 09:41 PM
Whenever Bush is in trouble, drag out Clinton! Clinton is by far one of the best Presidents we have had! OH WOW, CLinton cheated on his wife, what about Newt? What about Rush? What about Neal Bush & God knows how many other Presidents who just were never caught!

You Clinton haters need to GET A LIFE! What part of 8 years of Peace & prosperity didn't you like? This country is in BIG TROUBLE thanks to King George II.

posted on Jul, 13 2003 @ 09:47 PM
As an outsider (not being from America), I don't really have a lot to go by when judging presidents.......but I'd much sooner have Clinton over for tea than Bush. Clinton seemed a bit carefree and stupid, but since George Bush has come into power it seems that anti-americanism has risen the whole world over, and the end of the World seems a much more realistic prospect. You could laugh at Clinton.........Bush just makes me want to cry.

posted on Jul, 13 2003 @ 09:52 PM
Interesting. The first post was an overly simplistic thread started that focused on Bush's physical attributes, the next was pointing out in a sarcastic way that the thread was juvenile at best, and then the next post was from an anti-Bu#e doing exactly what he accused the "Clinton Haters" of doing.
Very interesting indeed.

chebob, it is difficult to laugh at Clinton if your aware of the real crimes he commited such as the nuclear secrets seel-a-thon with the Chinese, the executive orders signed subverting the constitution and the U.N. agreements designed to erode national sovereignty.

posted on Jul, 13 2003 @ 09:58 PM
Everywhere I go these days, people ask me one question: Can Bush be beat?

I believe the answer is yes.

I doubt the economy will rebound fast enough (if it does at all) to nudge the unemployment figures much below 6 percent.

I doubt wages will rise in real terms, especially with the slashing of state budgets around the country.

And I doubt the occupation of Iraq will get any rosier any time soon. U.S. soldiers are sitting ducks there, and as Iraqi nationalists and Islamic fundamentalists keep taking potshots at them, the patience of the American people will gradually run thin, especially as Bush's pretexts grow more embarrassing by the minute.

Bush dragged the nation into Iraq on a leash of lies, and the American people now have a chronically sore neck.

An interesting poll appeared last month in the Chicago Tribune. While the poll found that 57 percent of Illinois voters approved of the job Bush was doing, only 42 percent were prepared to vote for him again. An equal number did not want to see him reelected.

So all those astronomically high approval ratings we've been seeing for twenty months now don't automatically translate into four more years of plutocracy.

I don't counsel despair. I never counsel despair.

And as I travel around the country, I sense an anger and an intensity from people on the progressive side that I've not encountered, even in the depths of the Reagan days. Karl Rove, you've got your work cut out for you.

-- Matthew Rothschild

posted on Jul, 13 2003 @ 09:59 PM
my point is the Clinton bashing is almost a joke!All I hear from the right is why doesn't Bill just go away where they're the ones who obviously still wanna talk about him!So, I'll be fair & post just as many pro-Clinton subjects as possible!

posted on Jul, 13 2003 @ 10:01 PM
Java, it is easy to laugh at Clinton.....he's got a funny face.

As for the evil deeds he commited, well, it's no more or less than what every single other president or prime minister does behind closed doors. I'm not just a "Bush hater", the way I see it, they all do the evil deeds, so why just bash one? People are constantly arguing that such and such president did this or that, when in all honesty, THEY ALL DO IT!

posted on Jul, 13 2003 @ 10:17 PM
True, but some prove to be worse than others. Bush's father was no winner, either. This Bush is a much better leader and is doing good for the security of the country and also the stability of the middle east region, but he is also not doing alot of the things he told his voter base he would do. That is troubling many people.

The topic is really a waste of time right now as those who hate him scram "Liar!" when there is no proof he is a liar (the proof appears to be bad intelligence given to him by his cabinet, and the Brits seem to be indignant about that saying it was good intel, so where is the truth?). The mad scramble to throw any stone, righteous or not, at the president takes away any logical debate or sincere search for the truth at this site.

posted on Jul, 13 2003 @ 10:23 PM
is no more a waste of time than the Clinton is evil topic. Im see we're being selective on what topics are garbage & what topics are considered worthy. Man, its like Fox News Entertainment here. Fair & balanced!

posted on Jul, 13 2003 @ 10:25 PM
In the end, it's just a matter of opinion. Some people are happy that Bush started the War, and others aren't. some people like clinton, some don't. The trouble is, people don't see it as an opinion - they see it as fact. I don't think Bush has done much for security - he's angered half of the world and probably increased the risk of a terrorist attack by 500%, but again, thats an opinion. Someone who wanted the War will disagree and say something about Clinton being responsible for Terrorism. In the end, it's just a lesser of 2 evils, and I wouldn't want to stick up for anyone who is evil. It's like saying "Saddam Hussein was good because he wasn't as bad as Hitler".

posted on Jul, 13 2003 @ 10:27 PM

Originally posted by chebob
Java, it is easy to laugh at Clinton.....he's got a funny face.

As for the evil deeds he commited, well, it's no more or less than what every single other president or prime minister does behind closed doors. I'm not just a "Bush hater", the way I see it, they all do the evil deeds, so why just bash one? People are constantly arguing that such and such president did this or that, when in all honesty, THEY ALL DO IT!

And here is the crux of the situation......we are so negatively conditioned by the overexposure to these peoples lives, we can't even assume they are semi- virtuous anymore! Because of the sins of former individuals, the present must suffer and be the same!?

I would just ask this, before you condem a man for not being what he is ( trys to be, appears to be) wait for real evidence of his personal character to assume him unworthy of your approval.

The evidence on Bill Clinton is long, varied, acredited by many others under court disposition. His wife admits he is a philanderer, a liar and of low personal /ethical behaivour. If his wife admits this, what more do you need. This affects US because HE represents US to the world. If I can not trust HIM to be honest, judicial, ethical- where is my fate?? Bill Clinton stood in front of the world and LIED. About a stupid thing he did and got caught...why did he not simply say to the nation,' I did something stupid, I hurt my wife and family and you, the American people.' I probably would have accepted that as coming from a MAN. No, he chose the low road, giving us all this load to bear full of crap of his own doing.

This is why Some still pick at this scab named Bill Clintom.

posted on Jul, 13 2003 @ 10:36 PM
Tyriffic - which is the worst lie? Lying about your sex life, or lying about Weapons of Mass Destrusction? Like I said, all of the presidents, Clinton and Bush included, have done stupid things and evil deeds. I don't support either of them, I find them both idiots.

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 04:42 AM

Originally posted by chebob

but since George Bush has come into power it seems that anti-americanism has risen the whole world over,

Of course. He don't do any knee jerk to the rest of the world ( as Clinton was doing it ), he don't sell his country and his military secrets to some tyranic foreign nation ( as Clinton was doing it ), and he don't say allways " amen " to the rest of the world ( as Clinton was doing it ).

So I understand why the whole world don't like the USA anymore." I like you if you give me your money, but if you refuse, I'll HATES you "

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 09:49 AM
Many will ignore these because it interferes with their rabid Clinton hating frame of mind.If these Clinton haters looked beyond thier own rage for just a minute,the evidence is out there from NUMEROUS sources debunking all of the Clinton lies.I'll admit the man was not perfect, but he was hardly the man reich wingers target him to be!

[Edited on 14-7-2003 by romantico]

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 09:51 AM
Thanks for the links, Bush-Hater, but I gave up on Snopes when it turned out that the site was not alsways correct, almost as if there was an agenda there.

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 09:55 AM
Snopes seems to work out just as well for Conservatives as it does for Liberals.Alot of things I use to state about Bush I found were incorrect thanks to Snopes.For example.,I always heard about Bush waving at Stevie Wonder & asumed it was true,but Sopes said it was a rumor.Snopes is pretty reputable by both politcal parties.I go to other message boards & Republicans use them as a source just as often as Liberals do.Take a closer look.There are some Clinton things they prove that are NOT in his favor.They IMO are pretty fair.

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 09:57 AM

This one of that list is interesting, a political manipulation of history in some cases, but still an interesting read.

Romantico, you do have some worth after all!

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by romantico
Snopes seems to work out just as well for Conservatives as it does for Liberals.Alot of things I use to state about Bush I found were incorrect thanks to Snopes.For example.,I always heard about Bush waving at Stevie Wonder & asumed it was true,but Sopes said it was a rumor.Snopes is pretty reputable by both politcal parties.I go to other message boards & Republicans use them as a source just as often as Liberals do.Take a closer look.There are some Clinton things they prove that are NOT in his favor.They IMO are pretty fair.

Maybe they are, I may be looking at cases my bias would naturally lead me to look at, therefore making me think they may have a bias themselves.

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 10:01 AM
Dude Clinton jacked up our country!

Bush Sr.had gained control of Kuwait (or 'liberated' would be politcally correct). He got rid of a lot of pointless, crappy government jobs, and boosted our economy just as he left office.

To the stupid, naive untrained eye, or whatever word, Clinton was a hero! ERRRR! Wrong...

Clinton got our country into debt and nothing even happened in his time, besides a few weak terrorist attacks and the incident in Somalia. On the other hand, Bush got attacked by gay Osama bin Laden who blew up the World Trade Center, decimated the Pentagon, and killed thousands of people. Then Bush goes and 'liberates' Afghanistahn and beats the $#*! out of Iraq which lowers gas prices and he's still able to make a tax cut without loosing a whole lot of money...

Imagine, What would've happened if Clinton was President during 911?
Anarchy is and understatement


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