Those who claim the adversary is not a person are sorely mistaken and will be overtaken by 'the lie'.
The devil has many titles and a trinity, the devil, his anti-Christ and the false prophet - his kingdom is a counterfeit of Gods kingdom. He is called
a murderer, a liar and a theif.
Those who say you have to 'work' for your salvation have a form of Godliness but deny the power thereof by removing Christs sacrifice for their sin
NATURE. You don' repent of one sin over another, you repent of your condition before you came to Christ who hides your life under the fathers wings.
You don't 'earn' it at all, and thinking that you can will lead only to frustration.
Christ died willingly for you. If you accept that and admit it, make a commitment to Christ and truly repent of your sins, the holy spirit WILL do a
work in you and you will NEVER be the same, ever. Your conscience wont be seared and sin will cause you to flee to the father instead of hardening
your heart.
You have to realize that those not in Christ are judged under God's moral law, the ten commandments, with the addendum of Jesus adding to them the
further commandments "if you look at a woman with lust, you've committed adultery in your heart". You can NOT keep the commandments perfectly, no one
can, only Christ. If you accept this, you're 80% of the way there.
You then accept that Jesus DID live a perfect life and died for YOUR sins, not for works, but for grace through faith.
Puffed up Christians just can't accept that the gospel is so easy because they want to be justified under their 'great works' it's NOT about you! Work
out your salvation with fear and trembling because you DON'T DESERVE IT.
Be thankful to Christ in all things, knowing that you taste good food thanks to the taste buds he gave you, you hug your family with the hands and
arms he gave you, with touch too. You breathe the air he created your heart to put the life in your blood and your eyes he gave you to see the world
he made.
If you are in Christ good works will be added to you, according to the rightful earning of your rewards which Christ brings at the second coming,
some people will be given much, others are naked and ashamed (but still saved) in the millenium.
Then after, the great white throne judgement for sinners and we all live equal.
THIS IS THE BIBLE and gospel if you actually care to read it, Christian.
Do NOT make salvation hard, it's not your right. The gospel was written to confound the wise and prideful with simplicity and love. Add to it at your
own peril.
How can a metaphor roam about like a lion and stand before God saying "I (A metaphor would not say "i") have been going up and down on the Earth and
in the Earth"...... The devil IS a person.
edit on 11/10/2012 by Joneselius because: (no reason given)
edit on 11/10/2012 by
Joneselius because: (no reason given)
edit on 11/10/2012 by Joneselius because: (no reason given)