a reply to:
I'll be honest. I couldn't care less for government.
That being said I did vote for Jorgensen. In my mind it was less of a vote for Jorgensen herself, and more of a vote against the Democratic and
Republican parties and a vote for the Libertarian party.
I don't care much for Jorgensen. She seems a little flakey to me, but even so if I did have to pick between Biden or Trump it would be Trump.
Yeah, he talks like a dumbass, wave his little hands around, and is annoying.
But GD I can't believe Biden after multiple failed attempts is back in the running for president. After all of his inappropriate touching, sniffing,
and comments that have been documented on video. After his shady everything his shady family has been involved in. After the suspicious car wreck that
killed his first wife and daughter.
After everything the Democrats and people who hate anyone who isn't a Democrat have been. After their unwillingness to compromise and work across the
aisle. After the insults to other Americans.
After the comments about Trump and his vanity, all the while Biden has had cosmetic surgery, hair plugs, and whatever else.
Literally, completely hypocrites. The whole lot of them. Everything... everything they've accused Trump and Republicans of doing they have been caught
doing themselves.
Trump for as much as I don't like him, has had the cajones to call out damn near everyone Democrats and Republicans alike. His presidential term
probably could have went a lot smoother if Democrats had the maturity to act as mature as they claim to be. Instead we have had to endure grade school
antics from people who's lives and careers have centered around running what is supposed to be the United States of America.
But because there has been so much corruption and illegal activities they went all in. They can't admit their criminal behaviour because their entire
lives have been right in the muck of it. They stand to lose everything they gained through their selfishness. They have plotted against each other.
They have conspired against American citizens, and citizens throughout the world.
It's nigh time they be brought down. And regardless of who wins this elections they are going to continue to be exposed and called out for what they
Eventually something will snap and all hell will break lose.
They, no.. we all have it coming.