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Breaking BAASS, Assessing AATIP and Doubting Thomas ‘DeLonge’

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posted on Dec, 6 2020 @ 01:56 PM
I think this is a UABS

Unidentified aerial Bull S____


Unidentified Arial Bull S____ in the sky

Take your pick

Is this a TTSA related disclosure?

I wouldn't be surprised

The next thing they'll show us is flying coffee tables and lamps!

posted on Dec, 6 2020 @ 02:05 PM
Just to correct, I was getting terminology confused I believe - so sorry not cognitive dissonance,I meant Conversion disorder. Although on closer inspection Mass Psychogenic Illness also seems applicable - without the mass (in the case of Havana syndrome that is).

From Dr Green's comments to Mark Pilkington, taken in the wider context, globally even, the problem isn't with the delusions of the great unwashed masses, the losers if you will, Havana Syndrome seems to suggest that the deluded are in the so-called brightest and best that the US has to offer the world, diplomatically speaking. But if we go back to Puharich and his circle, as well as Dulles and his Georgetown boys, hasn't that always been the case. All that influence being why the spread has become so virulent.

I can imagine Dr Green may find himself between a rock and hard place but that seems to be very much of his own choosing.
edit on 6-12-2020 by KilgoreTrout because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2020 @ 02:13 PM
a reply to: KilgoreTrout

In many ways, Kit Green is patient zero for much of the 'paraphrenia'. Him and his buddies.

Now, mind you, as I discuss in another thread, I think 'paraphrenia' is evolved right into
all human beings; and it seems related to creativity. It's hard to have one without the

But if we choose to be adults, we can learn to admit when we are wrong, and to especially
admit when our creative spit-balling simply is not true.

posted on Dec, 6 2020 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Paraphrenia, in this context, is an excuse not a reason. At least two generations removed, professionally speaking, from patient-zero for that reason. He's consequence not cause.

posted on Dec, 6 2020 @ 02:59 PM

TDLs first UFO sighting as a kid

posted on Dec, 6 2020 @ 04:05 PM
a reply to: KilgoreTrout

You can take it back to cavemen if you wish.

But Theosophists in the 1800's wrote about 'mystic masters' living on Venus,
who came to the Earth.

Early 'UFO people' were often also occultists / theosophists. Theosophists helped
found Silicon Valley.

When I say that UFOlogy and the occult are quite related.. it's not idle words.

But what I meant about 'the Aviary' is that whether they created the nonsense
or not, they repeated it, and were visible enough, but with enough stagemanship
dry ice, that many people, including people in this forum were convinced by
them.. so 'patient zero' of yet another infection vector. I myself find about 25%
of JV's work valuable at this point in time.

That's what I was saying.. my apologies if I was not clear.
edit on 6-12-2020 by KellyPrettyBear because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2020 @ 06:49 PM

originally posted by: KilgoreTrout
Just to correct, I was getting terminology confused I believe - so sorry not cognitive dissonance,I meant Conversion disorder. Although on closer inspection Mass Psychogenic Illness also seems applicable - without the mass (in the case of Havana syndrome that is).

From Dr Green's comments to Mark Pilkington, taken in the wider context, globally even, the problem isn't with the delusions of the great unwashed masses, the losers if you will, Havana Syndrome seems to suggest that the deluded are in the so-called brightest and best that the US has to offer the world, diplomatically speaking. But if we go back to Puharich and his circle, as well as Dulles and his Georgetown boys, hasn't that always been the case. All that influence being why the spread has become so virulent.

I can imagine Dr Green may find himself between a rock and hard place but that seems to be very much of his own choosing.

I've come to the same conclusions to be frank.

posted on Dec, 6 2020 @ 07:04 PM
I find it humorous that UFOology, ist’s, fans, here including myself, are ending 2020 with talk of Batman balloon shaped UFO ... who would have thunk it? This has to be a sad commentary to end a suck A$$ year all the way around.... but what the hell, let’s keep playing with Batman.

So I’m kinda sure but not certain... you can probably special order from the Chinese factory....Mylar, or how the Chinese put it...aluminum balloons, without any printed graphics on the them. Just plain jane shiny metallic sides on both sides.

Below...a significant or insignificant waist of time....

Mylar balloons usually have a single seam line of joining two halves together..... the OooFO seems to have a significant depth or thickness to it from the perspective angle that I see it at in my view.

No doubt that it’s more like the Batman balloon in overall shape on the left, then the one on the right, imo. But the conundrum for once again the thickness/depth of the BatFO.

Also, as you see either Batman’s pictured right side up (Batman’s head to the top)...... now what are the odd’s that a plane traveling at whatever speed and altitude would just happen to catch on camera/phone a Batman shaped balloon without clear graphics and color...but also right side up as pictured for sale?

Seems to me, that to be “right side up” the balloon would have to have had been tethered with string, cord, etc ending with a weighted weight (ballast) of sorts...or even perhaps the weighted weight (ballast) is attached to the very bottom and centered on balloon as it’s trekking up in the atmosphere.

Otherwise because of its irregular shape, the winds or wind gusts at altitude would cause tossing, turning, wobbling, etc....yet, again, the object is captured and pictured right side up. Hmmm.

Another observation.... I guess you can call it triangular in shape if you take into consideration, the quasi symmetry.

Entirely Speculation

Be nice to see a side view of a Batman balloon...

edit on 6-12-2020 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2020 @ 04:43 AM

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
You can take it back to cavemen if you wish.

I can take what back to cavemen? Words? Labels that quantify but don't qualify? Paraphrenia?

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
But Theosophists in the 1800's wrote about 'mystic masters' living on Venus,
who came to the Earth.

Well theosophism was built upon numerous false premises but more predominantly it was drawn from the writings of Edmund Bulwer Lytton, a fantasist of great accomplishment. He wrote fiction. The theosophists histrocised it, much like the Hebrews did with their myths, and of course Lytton and his chums were influenced by the Bible and myths in general, they lived in an exciting time of historical and scientific rediscovery, it inspired all their works. And round and round it goes.

Are there 'mystic masters' living on Venus? Did they come to Earth? Our knowledge has progressed since then. Have we learnt enough to come to a conclusion about such "ideas" as they once existed?

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
Early 'UFO people' were often also occultists / theosophists. Theosophists helped
found Silicon Valley.

When I say that UFOlogy and the occult are quite related.. it's not idle words.

I didn't imply they were. Yes they are related in some cases but very far from in all and does that really matter, many of us have professional and personal lives which we try not to mix. People believe in all sorts of things, those beliefs can sometimes lead you up the garden path. One of my favourite writers, Hermann Hesse, was a theosophist. He was also a bit of an uptight misogynist at times too. I hold neither against him, he was of his time and he can still take my breath away with his words. The mind is a magical thing and it can often transcend the corporeal, but it is highly fallible for perhaps that very reason. I know how deeply some, such as Parsons and Puharich were involved, though quite differently, in the occult and I can also see quite clearly the consequences of that.

Actually, the Silicone Valley thing it's funny that you mention, I'm currently watching American Horror Story "Apocalyse", I won't recommend it because I'm not sure it is up your street, it often isn't up mine - I'm worried I might get whip-lash given the suddenness of all the gore and violence I have to turn my eyes from - anyway, they have these two tech-billionarie-characters who've sold their soul to the devil and are trying to manipulate the anti-christ into bringing about the apocalypse. It's hilarious. Such a talented and well-informed bunch of writers. Great social satire.

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
But what I meant about 'the Aviary' is that whether they created the nonsense
or not, they repeated it, and were visible enough, but with enough stagemanship
dry ice, that many people, including people in this forum were convinced by
them.. so 'patient zero' of yet another infection vector. I myself find about 25%
of JV's work valuable at this point in time.

That's what I was saying.. my apologies if I was not clear.

No you were clear but I have done my own homework. I don't have access to classified materials admittedly, nor to some primary sources but I've done the best I can. I can't comment on Vallee's work. I've skimmed bits, read interviews etc. Nothing substantial so I will happily defer to your opinion of its value, but making the assumption that he had a genuine interest in the 'truth' at any point in his journey, why would he get worse at finding it. If you're digging a hole to look for something, you don't just keeping tipping the soil back because you ran out of energy before you find it. You might take stock and start a new hole somewhere else, or you keep on digging.

Seems to me that a whole # load of mess has been built upon through a love of fame and money. Nothing to do with the truth at all. But that is how the devil gets you, promises of short-cuts and quick-fixes, the CIA's stock in trade. The way in which the CIA has evolved and was in fact constructed is what enables them to do it, but it's not their fault even, it's Congress and the Senate not doing a good enough job at oversight in the first place and then they themselves falling into the trap of believing the bull# themselves. The US is effectively having a nervous breakdown over perpetuated fallacies and it's collective unwillingness to address it's mistakes which the CIA hides for them (it doesn't hide them very well from the rest of the world though).

Occult only means "hidden". Nothing is being hidden, not really, criminal activities sure, actual national security issues definately, but nothing else. It's made up, fabricated. Not there. What is there is the consequence of the cover ups of criminal activities and failed operations with disasterous long term consequences. At this stage I don't know, they could pull a cat out of the bag, but to me it looks like they are still working the side-show distraction.

I cannot tell you how much I would love to be wrong.

posted on Dec, 7 2020 @ 11:18 AM
a reply to: KilgoreTrout

I can take what back to cavemen? Words? Labels that quantify but don't qualify? Paraphrenia?

It seemed you were quibbling about who the actual patient zero was. I was saying that each
wave of infection spreads like a new patient zero, and that this has presumably been happening
for all of recorded and unrecorded history.

Edmund Bulwer Lytton

Nice reference.

Have we learnt enough to come to a conclusion about such "ideas" as they once existed?

We have not. Boltzmann brains are taken quite seriously by top physicists. Those 'Boltzmann brains' may as well be called mystic masters from Venus. Nothing has changed.

they have these two tech-billionarie-characters who've sold their soul to the devil and are trying to manipulate the anti-christ into bringing about the apocalypse. It's hilarious. Such a talented and well-informed bunch of writers. Great social satire.

Well there are people who take that quite seriously in the 'real world'. All the way from possibly Vannevar Bush (to use one example of a closet theosophist) onward. Of course, JV told me that there really IS a Colin's elite, and they would certain act in a manner similar to AHS.

but making the assumption that he had a genuine interest in the 'truth' at any point in his journey, why would he get worse at finding it.

Good point. I think JV puts loyalty to friends and 'insider contacts' ahead of 'truth'. That's just my observation.
I could be wrong. I first noticed the 'trading up' phenomenon by watching his behavior.

Seems to me that a whole # load of mess has been built upon through a love of fame and money

I don't disagree. Dr. Davis wanted funding for his hypothetical star drive research. Jack Sarfati too of course. I personally got onto this crazy UFO insider merry go round, when I made friends with an 'occult physicist' that flies under the radar for the most part. He would have considered selling his soul for one grant dollar for fringe research. It's a professional hazard i guess.

The US is effectively having a nervous breakdown over perpetuated fallacies and it's collective unwillingness to address it's mistakes which the CIA hides for them (it doesn't hide them very well from the rest of the world though).

I can't argue that.

posted on Dec, 7 2020 @ 01:22 PM

originally posted by: Willtell
The next thing they'll show us is flying coffee tables and lamps!

It's all coming together now....

What's being used in the sky's, are high energy transparent projection hyper holographic beam emitters, only much newer and developed from previous days. Back in the day these beam emitters were being developed to project onto clouds, the theory being, clouds are dense with reflective water molecules and should therefore act as a 3D glass screen in the sky in which to project anything onto them. It took a few beam emitters from different vantage points, on the ground to be able to form a hyper hologram in the clouds.

The long term goal was to be able to use a focused area of air molecules instead of water molecules using a high energy transparent projection hyper holographic scatter limited generation beam emitter(s). These particular emitters(s) would create the 3D projection screen in sky for which other emitters to project the hyper holograms, of anything onto it in the night or day.

This tech utilizes air-to-water cold beam generator technology which is the process of converting water vapor in the air (humidity) to water replicating the natural process of condensation by simulating the dew point, which allows it to make reflective water molecules continuously in a focused area in the sky even in low humidity conditions.

Yeah that's the ticket.....Shape Shifting Holograms!

Speculation of course

edit on 7-12-2020 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2020 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

What? you didn't drag Project Blue Beam out of the closet? This is a conspiracy whackadoodle site, there ARE minimum standards for crazy you know!

posted on Dec, 7 2020 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

John Keel showed that there have been numerous sightings of all kinds and types of flying objects from kitchen sinks to ovens in the sky. It's no big deal….These guys peddling these things are way out to lunch.

Since TTSA, you have had, I bet, technological sounding groups coming into being falling into their disinformation trap.

I posted a long time ago that a part of their psychological op is moving UFOLogy from the spooky ghost realm of aliens underground sucking goats' blood and eating cow manure to the modern tech-type UFO meme.

I imagine that is part of their vaunted trickle-down disclosure meme.

posted on Dec, 7 2020 @ 06:54 PM
a reply to: Willtell

"He who names a thing, controls a thing".

TTSA has been VERY busy rebranding things, that they know very little about.


posted on Dec, 7 2020 @ 11:21 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

That's a cute object thingy😇.

Now I need to re-read that ten times.

@KT , Dr Jack Sarfatti appears to be as busy as ever.

posted on Dec, 8 2020 @ 04:26 AM

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
It seemed you were quibbling about who the actual patient zero was. I was saying that each
wave of infection spreads like a new patient zero, and that this has presumably been happening
for all of recorded and unrecorded history.

Yes, but I was also quibbling about the labels you were applying to a complex mechanism or system of dispersal. Just because one part of the mechanism, or system, is diseased does not necessarily mean that the rest of it isn't still functioning.

There is no patient zero, there is a bug in the system.

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear

We have not. Boltzmann brains are taken quite seriously by top physicists. Those 'Boltzmann brains' may as well be called mystic masters from Venus. Nothing has changed.

A very great deal has changed. Have we located Boltzmann's Brains on Venus? Are they the Mystic Masters as described by the Theosophists who wrote about them?

Are you proposing that the Boltzmann's Brains are what some people claim they have been "channelling"? Just as they claimed they were channelling Mystic Masters from Venus or elemental beings in the case of the nine?

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
Well there are people who take that quite seriously in the 'real world'. All the way from possibly Vannevar Bush (to use one example of a closet theosophist) onward. Of course, JV told me that there really IS a Colin's elite, and they would certain act in a manner similar to AHS.

Including the hookers and drugs no doubt. There may very well be a Collins Elite. People start all sorts of clubs of like-minded people whereby to experience like-minded things. Primarily though the Collins Elite is Redfern's cash cow and perhaps Vallee wants to suckle on that teet too.

Jack Parson's did not open a portal through which UFOs were able to break into this dimension, nor did he open a portal through which demons flew through. By his own admission, his intention and desire was fulfilled, when upon returning from the desert after completing the Babylon Working he met Marjorie Cameron. His goddess had arrived. Job done.

posted on Dec, 8 2020 @ 06:06 AM
a reply to: KilgoreTrout

People start all sorts of clubs of like-minded people whereby to experience like-minded things. Primarily though the Collins Elite is Redfern's cash cow and perhaps Vallee wants to suckle on that teet too.

Agree re the cash cow and Redfern.

Them portal's sound pretty wild.

posted on Dec, 8 2020 @ 09:25 AM

originally posted by: Ophiuchus1
Mylar balloons usually have a single seam line of joining two halves together..... the OooFO seems to have a significant depth or thickness to it from the perspective angle that I see it at in my view.

Be nice to see a side view of a Batman balloon...

Here’s a picture showing the side view of the batman balloon.

It has thick edges that look similar to the UFO photo. The general curvature of the front also is a good match.

I estimated the jet to be at about 25000 feet, but having looked at 15000 feet sky dive pictures it might be lower.
An altitude of 15000 feet would put the jet in the altitude range of a Mylar balloon.

So it might be Batman after all… (and as we know, Batman is not a threat to US National Security
edit on 8-12-2020 by Guest101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2020 @ 09:40 AM
a reply to: KilgoreTrout

1. I was talking about the people who have clearly been spreading disinformation,
not any honest researchers. There ARE honest researchers. Insofar as patient zero,
there ARE people who have massively spread disinformation in a new way, to a new
generation. if you don't want to call them 'patient zero' I don't care what you call

2. Insofar as 'boltzmann brains' - i'm certain there are people who say those exist
and are the 'mystic masters' on venus. So no, we have learned little. And YES,
it's conceivable that there are boltzmann brains, some of which are impersonating
'mystical entities'. Do I believe in them? I don't have enough information at this time,
but it's a compelling argument. BTW.. I consider most 'channeling' mental illness.

3. On the collin's Elite, I know it's NR's 'cash cow'. But JV turned a bit of different
color in the face when I asked him about them. I don't think he's laughing.

4. if we can't agree on basic sociology and physics, i'm not going to engage you
on conversations about which very few people have any credible information.

But granted -- a lot of 'the occult' (yes, i know it means 'hidden') is just mental illness.

posted on Dec, 8 2020 @ 10:51 AM

originally posted by: Guest101
....”It has thick edges that look similar to the UFO photo. The general curvature of the front also is a good match.

I estimated the jet to be at about 25000 feet, but having looked at 15000 feet sky dive pictures it might be lower.
An altitude of 15000 feet would put the jet in the altitude range of a Mylar balloon.

So it might be Batman after all… (and as we know, Batman is not a threat to US National Security

Wow! It may indeed be plausible with the thickness as it is shown in your pic.

The object in question using a plain Jane un-graphic, un-colored bare metallic finish balloon...of that thickness hmmm.

The other question now, is accounting for its orientated right side up profile flight into the atmosphere....


edit on 8-12-2020 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

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