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Breaking BAASS, Assessing AATIP and Doubting Thomas ‘DeLonge’

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posted on Nov, 27 2022 @ 08:21 AM

originally posted by: mirageman
a reply to: gippo888
Your link isn't working.

I don't know, it works fine for me, is a pdf file
Copy the link with the right click

Does he offer up anything in the way of proof? Or is it all the usual pseudo-science, supposition and speculation.

Only supposition and speculation ...

posted on Nov, 27 2022 @ 08:30 AM
At the end of the interview Jim Semivan says we don't have the technology to study ufo materials, time 1:38:00
In other words it means that we will not have precise results from the analyzes they are doing

I think even the ufo materials will still be a hoax
For you a deception of the government, for me a deception of "others"
edit on 27-11-2022 by gippo888 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 12:00 PM
Hahahaha…miragee-man ol boy, finally conceding analytic defeat while hiding behind the banner of ol nicky, who obviously slow-motion stole my analysis right here from this very ATS thread…hahahahahah.

ok, lets see if we get this right - so after 30,000 pages of conspiracy speculation regarding what you refer to as the “Vegas mob”, but i more correctly have always referred to as the TRUE BELIEVER GOVT. INSIDER CLIQUE, we come again full circle to what i stated alllllll along in my yearly visits- the CONTRACTORS REVOLVING DOOR. over the endless years this thread has existed i have visited each year and clearly broken down the players, motivations and connections at length right here, calling for reasonable conclusions rather than endless speculation, and then offering the same. But we are where we are and the conspiracy must go on…lol

And now here we are fair mirageboi followers, having come full circle once again to analytic function. Lol Yes, TTSA was a shallow grab at public brand and government contractor monies as i have spelled out elaborately in my rare but lengthy posts here.

The final answer again is YES to all our previous analytics: Yes, TTSA was a media grab for both profit and market share influence [you cant be blink1234 if every garage band has an equal piece of marketshare]; yes, it was the seed for lobbying congress for contractor funds via public attention [generated through TTSA media via the original plan - eventually morphing to podcasts and skyforts]; yes, TTSA was designed partly to grab govt. contractor monies not to build spaceships for itself as its govt. members well knew the ropes and retirement benefits of contracting [they were all CEOs at TTSA afterall, like all good higher level govt. retirees plan to be]; and YES for all intents and purposes TTSA undoubtably saw the financial potential of Bigelow’s contracting [22 million] and literally COPIED his model [Mick!] - a solid base of govt. contracts, an additional income stream and brand strength through major media share [skinwalker media/etc], and brand control of an alien-niche product [like crappy pop punk music that can still make millions].

Add to the above, simple,follow-the-money-and-revolving-door-analytic-truth to an even simpler truth - retirement, relevancy, fame, TRUE woo-belief, hobby, the job/life experience of the key players, and their cliquish connections…and arrive at the ego ride of podcast kings, phenomena gurus, cult policy makers and culture shapers, and then [again, since i have stated it here for 3 years] you have a comprehensive picture of a corporate elite-class engaging their day to day games. You btw, dear audience, were never invited except as spectators, policy pawns, and paid-consumers of their brand fame…as per their original corporate intent. Disclosure is a corporate [and even political] BRAND, not an outcome.

The rest of it - “convincing youth to love govt”., building spaceships, having ex bigelow staff [we are rare specialists they say, the govt. will have to hire us once ufo monies are allocated, they say, because no one else is woo-experts with current security clearance tickets, they say], all adds up to random fluff - like one of Delonge’s songs.

Mick West just spelled it out…essentially copying in analytic-verbatim exactly the very info [always ignored here] that i have always posted here in great clarity [for audience-clarity not for the old boys posting here] outlining simple capitalist motivations rather than absurd, grand, full-spectrum, whole-government unlawful public UFO brainwashing operations…just the simple facts: what we have here is your typical western culture convoluted hot mess of incompetence, ego, connections, money, craycray beliefs, and the bedrock of capital cultures…greed. Human stuff so simple any sane analyst cannot miss it…

alas sanity has always been defined through cultural drift, and internet itself has brought greater drift to culturally defined sanity than the inquisition did in the dark ages. In that light i am here to gloat over my obvious analytic victory over curmudgeonly miragebois, the truth of which is shared by the man himself above, as he admits admits more and more [albeit subtly] as time goes on the simple truth of the govt-insider, contractor revolving door, true believer, grandly egotistical, speculating ufo hobbyists who dominate his thoughts here. So much for lost ramblings of the deeply dedicated and entirely credulous ol’ conspiracy boys.

And Mick West, you should be giving me full credit for your obvious raiding, in entirety with near zero deviation, of my corporate-revolving-door analysis previously posted here over 2-3 years. No surprise to me it took you 3 years to slow grope and copy it.

Once again, when the topic is complex, systems ecology theory again demonstrates the finest targeted or strategic whole systems analytics in the world, rarely [ok…never] missing target in even very early stage analysis within whole ecologies toward projected late stage conclusions. The analytic consistency and endurability of this style of theoretical system flow analytics is a fact, easily demonstrated here in the shallows and/or wherever/whenever applied. Nufsed.

Carry on gentlemen. God bless and forgive us all. Finis!

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 01:36 PM
I see someone opened their Christmas presents early.

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 02:11 PM
In our analysis of TTS(A), we have to always keep in mind a few things: one, there has always been a division in the ufo business within the US military. The air force and CIA were always against any disclosure or extending the field and, in fact, were behind most if not all of the US disinformation and propaganda ops against ufology.

It goes all the way back to Donald Keyhoe, a navy man fighting against the air force’s reticence about ufos and their burgeoning cover-ups.

Its only natural since the air force being sky people had the burden of dealing with the ufos and often got pretty f___ up in more ways than one.

Indeed, the navy and maybe the army too were many times on the opposite side of the interpretations of ufo events to the air force. Though the army likely has done some disinformation regarding alien crashes, I haven't researched that much as of yet...

And number two, we always have to remember it's mainly the air force that ufologists have dealt with in the government, not the army or navy…and through that also the CIA who had an association with the air force in this matter.

Interestingly this TTSA saga has no air force people other than the initial guy General McCasland.
The members of TTS(a) are all either CIA related or military governing-related.

Of course, the CIA connection makes them, therefore air force, so it can’t be trusted and never could as a legitimate organization with the good of ufology in its agenda.

My belief has always been, and I’ve said this many times, TDL was given to the CIA spooks by air force honcho McCasland. And that is what all that cloak and dagger stuff DeLonge went through in his mythology meme.

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: peaceinoutz

You have stated previously you think there are govt./military psy-op elements to what went down with TTSA/etc., and that is the primary conspiracy for those thinking along those lines.

It is not impossible that the govt. would coordinate a full-population psy-op [with NYT and other big boys as players]. But it would be unlawful on many levels and thus not likely implementable UNLESS there were an over-riding security issue worthy of deceiving an entire population [and portions of the world] that would be a wild-card over domestic laws preventing that scenario.

The only scenarios where that might occur would involve significant national threat…lets say say Russia’s first strike [low atmosphere EMP followed up with targeted nukes] capabilities using hypersonic missiles for example, which USA has no capacity to defend against, and potentially no response capability whatsoever outside of nuclear submarines at sea.

The simple fact USA does not have the capacity to deliver an unstoppable hypersonic missile first strike [our hypersonic missile tech is lagging behind russia/china and our strategic nuke stockpile is minuscule compared to Russia’s], while Russia currently has capacity to deliver first strike with finality in a way that could in fact be a winnable war [as opposed to mutual self destruction] is one possible scenario where a sort of classified martial law might be implemented without public knowledge allowing for a massive psy-op campaign to fool Russia into fearing our capabilities thus protecting the republic from potential destruction…

But honestly, that scenario is as far fetched as a REAL visiting space aliens scenario, which in fact would be the only other scenario conceivable where-in the govt. might be able to do an end-run around laws protecting citizens from that type of govt. psy-op. In a real aliens scenario, national security issues might be interpreted as so extreme a dis-information campaign might be legitimized [secretly] beyond extant laws.

Otherwise, despite the fact TTSA didn’t roll with the air force [the “true believer government insider crew” are tight with the NAVY right now, and the navy is the proactive service with its foot in the ufo game this time around. But it is wrong to associate what is happening now with past laps around the track. Condon, bluebook, Benewitz, etc., were an entirely different game because the contractors didn’t jump all on for those early narratives. This time around the game was drummed up out of nothing [drone threats essentially] by govt. retiree contractors and wanna-be media boys to fulfill their desired business objectives and follow their tru-believr hobby interests [“hobby” because aliens haven’t been proven to exist]. Do Mellon and Elizondo and Hal and Travis and Gary and Avi and etc. etc. etc. all believe in ufos, and maybe even ufo threats? In different ways with individual perspectives the answer is obviously - Yes.

True-belief is not an unlawful psy-op, insiders lobbying congress for contracting jobs is distasteful, but thats how the system works, and perhaps Lue does have a zealot’s fervor about risks of alien tech…but certainly he got that contractor job and has a lot of media options…so a coordinated govt. psy-op remains the furthest fetched option.

The one thing that still bothers me about the current state of affairs regarding my long standing “tru-believer/revolving door” analysis, is that all parties in the ufo-insider-clique NEVER refer to the discovery of alien life, which is what disclosure WOULD be scientifically - literally an earth shattering event even to discover just an alien frog; Instead, they will ALWAYS AND ONLY refer to potential alien TECHNOLOGY, as if the creators of that tech are an afterthought. To skip over the creators of the tech to obsess on the tech itself does not fit any scenario of discovery of non-human life in any scientific model, but is a pure MIC profit/military tech driven style. Of course that is the shoe that TTSA tried to wear to sell itself, so maybe the tech and “threat’ was their bait for lobbying in those areas where the money flows [as well as drawing audience share].
edit on 28-11-2022 by Warriorone because: Yo

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 05:06 PM
a reply to: Warriorone

The one thing that still bothers me about the current state of affairs regarding my long standing “tru-believer/revolving door” analysis, is that all parties in the ufo-insider-clique NEVER refer to the discovery of alien life, which is what disclosure WOULD be scientifically - literally an earth shattering event even to discover just an alien frog; Instead, they will ALWAYS AND ONLY refer to potential alien TECHNOLOGY, as if the creators of that tech are an afterthought. To skip over the creators of the tech to obsess on the tech itself does not fit any scenario of discovery of non-human life in any scientific model, but is a pure MIC profit/military tech driven style. Of course that is the shoe that TTSA tried to wear to sell itself, so maybe the tech and “threat’ was their bait for lobbying in those areas where the money flows [as well as drawing audience share].

And also the threat meme they peddled. That and what you describe is motivation and proof it was about enhancing military technology and advancement, not human development or knowledge.

Human beings have proven that they will abuse knowledge: look at the WMDs and how technology is destroying the environment, and none of these horrible abuses are being objectively dealt with by humanity.

And they wonder why we may are being invaded by some alien force.

And all TDL, the junior space cadet can talk about is building some super flying vehicle in light of these real problems.

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 10:50 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


(post by Warriorone removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)
(post by Warriorone removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 10:30 AM

originally posted by: mirageman
I see someone opened their Christmas presents early.

Are all your friends like this?
Your life must be hell...

posted on Nov, 30 2022 @ 03:54 AM
a reply to: gippo888

You know every so often after acquiring new socks someone comes calling to join in the LARP.

But one thing that no one ever explains is why the need for neuro-scientists on the TTSA advisory board?

posted on Nov, 30 2022 @ 02:11 PM
I like to mention, along with my skepticism, that indeed we who criticize TTSA have to, on the other hand, give them credit; they have increased interest and gotten the military, mainly the hard-headed air force to seemingly admit there is a ufo reality.

It's strange. TTSA is apparently a CIA op. And ironically though the CIA did the phony Robertson panel and was never a friend of ufology, they were closely allied with NICAP once, the apparent enemy of the air force. The first CIA boss was on NICAPS board way back in the early days of this ufo saga. However, that could have all been fake back in the day of Donald Keyhoe’s leadership of NICAP.

But I doubt it since Keyhoe, a navy man, was a valiant fighter for UFO transparency. Or at least Keyhoe wasn’t aware the CIA might have put people around him to screw him up.

It's about trust and the knowledge that these old timers are just not reliable and their associations with the IC make it all suspicious.

posted on Nov, 30 2022 @ 09:46 PM

originally posted by: peaceinoutz
I like to mention, along with my skepticism, that indeed we who criticize TTSA have to, on the other hand, give them credit; they have increased interest and gotten the military, mainly the hard-headed air force to seemingly admit there is a ufo reality. It's strange. TTSA is apparently a CIA op.

Or you are wrong and the TTSA is the usual ufological operation with high hopes and no long term goals.
Maybe they only had the three famous videos, the rest is just smoke like Maussan ...
A big bluff!!!

originally posted by: mirageman
But one thing that no one ever explains is why the need for neuro-scientists on the TTSA advisory board?

To make the big bluff believable ...
I remember Bigelow's scientists (skinwalker ranch) talking about the need to study effects on witnesses because it was useless to study (deceptive) testimony but now i think TTSA was not a research project.

edit on 30-11-2022 by gippo888 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2022 @ 10:45 AM
a reply to: gippo888

Or you are wrong and the TTSA is the usual ufological operation with high hopes and no long term goals.
Maybe they only had the three famous videos, the rest is just smoke like Maussan ...

Whether it’s a formal IC operation or not, you often never know for sure. But we do know this is a government-sponsored company since TDL admitted it. He went to the government military IC and asked to create this and come along for the ride, or he came along for it. That's the history of when he went around gov and gov connected and IC people to discuss creating TTSA. Then he went silent for a time as if ordered to, such as in those Zondo docs --Unidentified.

posted on Dec, 1 2022 @ 11:48 AM

originally posted by: peaceinoutz
Whether it’s a formal IC operation or not, you often never know for sure. But we do know this is a government-sponsored company since TDL admitted it. He went to the government military IC and asked to create this and come along for the ride, or he came along for it. That's the history of when he went around gov and gov connected and IC people to discuss creating TTSA. Then he went silent for a time as if ordered to, such as in those Zondo docs --Unidentified.

But which government?
I'm starting to think that the governments in the US are many, each has its own purpose ... as happens in the military

posted on Dec, 1 2022 @ 12:59 PM

originally posted by: gippo888

originally posted by: peaceinoutz
Whether it’s a formal IC operation or not, you often never know for sure. But we do know this is a government-sponsored company since TDL admitted it. He went to the government military IC and asked to create this and come along for the ride, or he came along for it. That's the history of when he went around gov and gov connected and IC people to discuss creating TTSA. Then he went silent for a time as if ordered to, such as in those Zondo docs --Unidentified.

But which government?
I'm starting to think that the governments in the US are many, each has its own purpose ... as happens in the military

The Intelligence community. In this case the air force Afosi and the CIA and DIA.
Traditionally the biggest US Gov entity covering up ufo phenomenon has been the US air force. Next to that is the CIA. It documented. As well AFOSI Air force Office of Investigations is the one behind the Bennewitz fiasco.

The Army too and ironically the navy has been the most open.

posted on Dec, 1 2022 @ 02:37 PM

originally posted by: peaceinoutz
The Intelligence community. In this case the air force Afosi and the CIA and DIA.
Traditionally the biggest US Gov entity covering up ufo phenomenon has been the US air force. Next to that is the CIA. It documented. As well AFOSI Air force Office of Investigations is the one behind the Bennewitz fiasco.
The Army too and ironically the navy has been the most open.

I am convinced that they have important divisions internally, especially on the subject of UFOs ...
Intelligence means confusion, a perfect example is the report at the end of October: delivered to Congress, then delayed for the holidays, published by Monday the 28th ... now it's gone.
Something tells me they're fighting over commas

posted on Dec, 1 2022 @ 02:47 PM
a reply to: gippo888

I am convinced that they have important divisions internally, especially on the subject of UFOs ..

Absolutely they do. Traditionally the Navy has tried to be somewhat open on UFOs, comparatively speaking, but always has gotten vetoed by the notorious Air force.

And one of the most famous ufologists and fighters for transparency Donald Keyhoe was a navy man and head of NICAP. For years, he fought the knuckleheaded Air force PTB to STOP lying about ufos and become transparent.
He lost that battle.

You had a faction in the US military hierarchy who wanted more transparency but only recently have they got some success.

In all honesty, we have to give TTSA some credit for that.

Though I’m one of their most ardent critics, I try to be fair.

posted on Dec, 1 2022 @ 04:27 PM

originally posted by: peaceinoutz
a reply to: gippo888
Absolutely they do. Traditionally the Navy has tried to be somewhat open on UFOs, comparatively speaking, but always has gotten vetoed by the notorious Air force.
And one of the most famous ufologists and fighters for transparency Donald Keyhoe was a navy man and head of NICAP. For years, he fought the knuckleheaded Air force PTB to STOP lying about ufos and become transparent.
He lost that battle.
You had a faction in the US military hierarchy who wanted more transparency but only recently have they got some success.
In all honesty, we have to give TTSA some credit for that.
Though I’m one of their most ardent critics, I try to be fair.

Ufologists have been talking about this situation forever
For this reason it is impossible to be certain about anything: every day news comes out that is immediately denied
It's not up to us, we can only observe and hope for some mistake, some rash statement
This is ufology!!!

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