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Jacob Blake Had Knife When Shot

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posted on Aug, 28 2020 @ 11:21 PM
We live in a country where lefties broadcast video of 11 year old transgender children pole dancing for money but scoff at the notion that there is hidden sex trafficking rings, even after Epstein.

If these devil worshippers are openly working on that level - why believe anything the news says?

As someone who was once wrongly targeted and nearly executed by an officer I should be the first one to condemn them, that was an isolated incident with a cop strung out on steroids, coffee and no sleep.

If a cop says anything, comply - period.

If you don't you will likely die and everyone will think you are wrong anyway. Cops can get away with murder, I met one that had a reputation for people he was chasing to fall of the roof - the only way to stop them is with a lawyer in front of a judge, which you cant do if you are dead.

Guy seems like a scum bag, but we will never know, the machine has turned against him.
edit on 28-8-2020 by circuitsports because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2020 @ 11:35 PM

originally posted by: circuitsports

If a cop says anything, comply - period.

If you don't you will likely die and everyone will think you are wrong anyway. Cops can get away with murder

This!! This right here is the problem. That is NOT a feature of a free society.

posted on Aug, 28 2020 @ 11:35 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Willtell

The usual loud crowd on both sides interpret what’s known along the line of their biases.

The NBA guys don’t know what happened, but assumed the worst. This article doesn’t say conclusively anything about the knife other than it was in the car…And that the recorder heard the police say, drop the knife. So we can assume the cop thought the guy had a knife. At least that would be reasonable, but not conclusive whether the cop merely thought he had a knife or he did have a knife in his hand.

What we do know conclusively is the guy fought off the police to the point they pulled their guns and resisted the taser to get into a car with kids that then threaten them.

I see no problem with your point. I have problems with liberals on this issue and think the community should educate lower-class young black men to STOP FIGHTING COPS ON THE STREET.

If you look at most of these killings its some young black man fighting a cop.

posted on Aug, 28 2020 @ 11:50 PM

originally posted by: bigsnowman

originally posted by: circuitsports

If a cop says anything, comply - period.

If you don't you will likely die and everyone will think you are wrong anyway. Cops can get away with murder

This!! This right here is the problem. That is NOT a feature of a free society.

The concept of living in a society means that you have given up some of your freedoms of actions for safety in numbers. The great thing about the US is that out of all the countries out there, we here have the most freedoms available to us, but that doesn't mean that we can go and act crazy and endanger the lives of those around us. The Police are there to step in and prevent that from happening. If you want to see what happens when laws are not enforced by a regulated Law Enforcement agency, go look at the crime spike that happened over the summer in Seattle's CHOP/CHAZ.

What is your idea of a free society?

Do you want to live in a society where you can go about your life knowing that you are safe? If this is true, than you also have to be aware that others have the same rights as you, and that you need to treat them as well as you treat yourself.

On the other hand if you think that a free society is one that should not have any rules at all, then you can't complain when someone comes up to you and stabs you because they wanted your jacket.

So while everyone is looking at Blake as the victim, why doesn't anyone actually stop and look at who the victims really are. Who called in to the Police to report Blake was there, who was Blakes victim that caused him to have a warrant out on him, and what about the kids in the car that had to watch their father ignore the police and pick up a knife while threatening them too and then watch him get shot. Blake isn't the victim, he is at every level the victimizer in this situation.

posted on Aug, 29 2020 @ 12:20 AM

originally posted by: face23785

originally posted by: Jimy718

originally posted by: face23785

No you're not. You're wanting real life to act like fantasy. It doesn't. Grow up and look at the situation like an adult in the real world. It completely changes when you do.

Well, actually, you are wrong! That is precisely what I recommend. You obviously don't have that level of martial training, but, ya know, it is actually quite easy to get that training.

In 6 - 8 months of the right training; guns at close range won't mean much to you, as disarming the 'other' is now somewhat easy.

Taking down someone over twice your mass won't be an issue either, and, neither is a man with a blade...especially IF you know how he can use it.

Using my knowledge of Physics, and Martial Arts; the cop used excessive force!

I won't be "growing up" any more, I'm far too old for that foolishness. In fact, I'm old enough to be thankful for every day I wake up.

You sound like someone who has watched too many Kung Fu movies. Martial arts is not the end-all, be-all of close quarters combat.

We're discussing the real world here. Would you care to join us?

LOL and you sound like some who doesn't know squat about martial arts...sorry

Martial arts and "close quarters combat" are the same thing. I know this from years of training and teaching; NOT from Kung Fu movies. see I am talking about the real world, apparently a somewhat larger world than yours. Perhaps you should expand your horizons...Wanna join the REST of the world?

posted on Aug, 29 2020 @ 12:44 AM

originally posted by: Willtell

I see no problem with your point. I have problems with liberals on this issue and think the community should educate lower-class young black men to STOP FIGHTING COPS ON THE STREET.

If you look at most of these killings its some young black man fighting a cop.

Well that goes down the path of a dysfunctional culture that has evolved in many of these inner cities. Why does 13% of the population commit over 50% of all murders for the last 40 plus years? Why are 70%+ children born to young single mothers hardly knowing the father, why is success outside of sports, music, drugs/crime/gangs etc seen as some kind of uncle tom giving into the man.

The funny part is a large percentage of the Black population are actually successful, but that is some kind of secret hidden from these dysfunctional pockets of their population, and of course the liberals feed it....and boy do they ever during an election year...

Just remember...You ain't Black if you don't vote Biden... Such horse sh!t...

edit on 29-8-2020 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2020 @ 12:50 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

umm im pretty sure the only people that kid shot were all white so if he showed up to shoot non white people he did a pretty bad job , and as far as shootings go he managed to put rounds on target only at intended targets with out collateral damage after being struck repeatedly in a chaotic situation and basically passed shoot/no shoot drills in real life in a chaotic situation with flying corners . the last guy he shot in the bicep had hands up so he didn't shoot until he went for his handgun then got dropped . this was in a crowd of dozens if he wanted to stack bodies he could have hope the kid gets cleared cuz they over charged him

posted on Aug, 29 2020 @ 01:08 AM
If a black man walks through a white neighborhood, he might get a few looks from people, but nothing more.

If a white man walks through a black neighborhood, he might get mugged, beat up, or killed.

So who is really the racist here? It's sad, no doubt.

posted on Aug, 29 2020 @ 03:42 AM

originally posted by: illusion987
So how many times do you find yourself on the wrong side of the outrage? Do you look in the mirror and admit you were burning buildings and rioting for no reason? How many criminals are you going to defend before you get some common sense? Maybe restrain yourself until all the information is released before rioting?

At this point, if you don't think BLM is a propagandist, terrorist organization, you're not paying attention.

Then the cop should have backed off and told him to drop it, while the other cops got into position to tazer or pepper spray him.

That's stuff from basic training. Take control of the situation, back up your buddy, and take the suspect down cleanly.

The first cop got too close, got himself in the line of fire preventing his buddies from backing him up, then he panicked and opened fire. This was a bad take down because a cop rushed in and didn't follow procedure.

Seriously, what experienced cops blocks the line of fire?

posted on Aug, 31 2020 @ 09:10 AM

also, most people weren't upset the man resisted and got shot, its the hypocrisy that it only seems to matter to the left based on what color skin the person resisting has

a reply to: face23785

posted on Aug, 31 2020 @ 09:13 AM
I've seen some stupidly bad takes in my decade plus on ATS, but the ones thinking Blake wasn't a threat because his back was turned has to be up there with the dumbest of them.

posted on Sep, 4 2020 @ 10:16 PM
Friday, September 4, 2020

JACOB BLAKE Pleads Not Guilty to Assaulting his Girlfriend, Criminal Trespassing, and Disorderly Conduct...

Jacob Blake, the black man who was shot by a white cop in Kenosha, Wisc., last month, surfaced Friday for the first time since he was injured — to plead not guilty to previous criminal charges filed against him in July.

Blake, 29, donning a blue button-down shirt and yellow tie, entered his plea by video from his hospital bed at Wisconsin’s Froedtert Hospital.

It was his first public appearance since he was shot seven times in the back by a Kenosha police officer Aug. 23, leaving him paralyzed from the waist down. His shooting sparked more widespread police-brutality protests.

The live-streamed court appearance pertained to charges of criminal trespass, third-degree sexual assault and disorderly conduct based on statements made by Blake’s ex-girlfriend at the time.

The woman had told police that Blake broke into her home May 3 and sexually assaulted her before stealing her truck.
More w/photo of Blake in Hosp Bed:

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