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Was Shutting Down a Huge Mistake

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posted on Aug, 16 2020 @ 11:44 PM
T B worldwide was 1 point 6......though

Just the fax, mam....

originally posted by: research100
TB is treated easily with antibitics we had 515 deaths in the usa in 2017 compared to 169,000 deaths in the usa from covid......we are not quite sure of the actual figures,but, come on it is a lot more than 515 so tell me were tb patients crowding all the hospitals???

oh and if you did your homework you would have seen THIS TB isn't easy to catch. You usually have to spend a long time around someone who has a lot of the bacteria in their lungs. You're most likely to catch it from co-workers, friends, and family members. Tuberculosis germs don't thrive on surfaces.Jun 27, 2020

so please do some research before posting...thank you

originally posted by: GBP/JPY
Yeah....we didn't shut down in 2017 when 1 point 6 million died of the dreaded TB....nary I saw and add a nada......nil.....a mask drawn from its quick I did in Alaska last week.....yep got a 28 foot rv.....high centered almost in Homer.......drove the hunting road both ways against policy but....yeah.....Denali Highway is not near Denali's
The hunting road.....140 miles ....6 way.....smoke was 80 a quarter.... yep It's the hunting road called THE DENALI forbidden but the tour bus goes so I did too.....I promise the exhaust had no hanger in the middle let the muffler drag a little......

posted on Aug, 16 2020 @ 11:48 PM
a reply to: Arnie123
Nancy Pelosi said Democrats are very good at milking every crisis for full advantage towards achieving Democratic goals.

Democrats in charge of hospitals are labeling deaths as Covid-19 related with abandon right now. They know the Cash-per-body party is coming to an end soon.

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 12:40 AM

originally posted by: Krahzeef_Ukhar
a reply to: Blaine91555

But it's best to err on the side of caution isn't it?

I triple dog dare you to say that one-on-one to EVERY single member of this forum that has lost their job or business, "Oh, sucks to be you, but it was best to yank the rug out from under you & ruin you, can't be too safe. Thanks, sacrificial lamb!"

That is something brain dead enough where there's just not enough vulgar language to properly spit at it with.
edit on 8/17/2020 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 12:51 AM

originally posted by: Nyiah

originally posted by: Krahzeef_Ukhar
a reply to: Blaine91555

But it's best to err on the side of caution isn't it?

I triple dog dare you to say that one-on-one to EVERY single member of this forum that has lost their job or business, "Oh, sucks to be you, but it was best to yank the rug out from under you & ruin you, can't be too safe. Thanks, sacrificial lamb!"

That is something brain dead enough where there's just not enough vulgar language to properly spit at it with.

One-on-one to EVERY single member of this forum has lost their job or business.

Edit to add...
"Oh, sucks to be you, but it was best to yank the rug out from under you & ruin you, can't be too safe. Thanks, sacrificial lamb!"

edit on 17-8-2020 by Krahzeef_Ukhar because: Editing is fun

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 12:59 AM
a reply to: Nyiah
I couldn't back down to a triple dog dare...

But there is one thing you are missing.
What if you're wrong?

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 01:53 AM
a reply to: Blaine91555

Well yes but the mistake isn't even complete yet.

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 06:16 AM

originally posted by: Blaine91555
Emotion has been driving decisions when it's likely best those decisions should have been driven by logic. Fear of death has been the engine driving this, and in typical human fashion fear leads to bad decisions.

Being that I don't have any emotions, and neither does my sock DB, we sadly were correct in March. We were both called all kinds of awful names, some of them even came from people other than ourselves, but, once again, we have no emotions so it didn't bother me. Us. Whatever.

At this point the financial damage has been done.

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 06:20 AM
still locked down
will be until Sept. 2
unless the queen extends it again

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 07:07 AM
I had to trust the leaders on this, as it was all new. I think panic drove the bus for a while and once that was realized, they couldn't go back on it after wrecking the entire world over it. My thoughts now are that we should have protected the elderly with masks and isolation and let everyone else get it, and get over it. We would have had a month or two were a whole lot of folks were out of work, but I think we could have absorbed that better than what we have now.

On the being out of work aspect, I have always thought of myself as some indispensable white knight, but realize that if I'm sick, I just need to stay my ass home and the world will get along without me just fine. I think that part is the key to avoiding big trouble in the future when the next one of these hits. And yes, I do believe it will happen again.

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 07:34 AM
a reply to: Blaine91555

It's almost always hard to keep your head when everyone
else is losing theirs. But the old saw doesn't work when the
same sky is falling on the same people this often, Blaine.
I watched at least half the small businesses in my town
close forever based on spurious numbers from deliberately
doctored data cooked up into a fear pill almost everyone took.
Whoever cooked it up did the job.. they're never coming back.

Then the smoke clears for a month and the BS fumes, with
normalcy bias taking over --- at least in southern IL here.
There's nowhere near the population density as Chicago,
with consequently more toes to tag with Coronahoax.
Problem with normalcy bias in cases like this, more every
day: is nobody would admit to being that hosed, however often.

Sure, the disease is as real as the common cold... and it's
sometimes as deadly to the same pop segment as
the common cold, too. My dad bought it in 1984 from
pneumonia--as a regular complication of a cold for some-
one his age. But none the less he fought ALS for 17 years
before the cards went sour. My bitch is that we all took a
bite out of that moldy sandwich because gov said so.

I look at that Matrix meme in my memory net NOW with a
grain of sugar, because using fear for virtue signaling is a
bad idea for societal growth. Period. We're proof negative.

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 09:15 AM
a reply to: Blaine91555

I see. I was more just wondering if there was anything with a closer 1:1 you could find. Not for any reason beyond pure analytics.


a reply to: DontTreadOnMe

The only thing hospitals seemed to be overwhelmed by were TikTok videos. Either it was staff collapsed from exhaustion from being overworked or well choreographed dance routines.

a reply to: charlyv

The shutdown was only to slow the spread. There is no cure. There is no vaccine. Only the symptoms can be treated. If there had been no shutdown the same people who have died, would have most likely still died.

a reply to: acackohfcc

Is she a Queen now? I've still been calling her the Premier (occasionally Supreme Leader) of the Democratic People's Republic of Michigan. We escaped to a comparatively freer state middle of last year. I have zero intentions of ever going back.

Good luck. There are still too many people who support her there.
edit on 8/17/2020 by cmdrkeenkid because: Added additional responses. I don't like making multiple posts.

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 10:49 AM

Was Shutting Down a Huge Mistake?

No, absolutely not! It was fully intended, because the goal was a global financial reset, and they have used Covid-19 as a pretext by which to do it. By global financial reset I mean an entirely new global financial paradigm put in place, with attendant social changes, too.

It is irrelevant whether or not any of you accept this, but just like the 2008 global financial crash, where the banks fraudulently kept bad debt artificially high until they had sold their stocks of it, this financial event is bigger and more insidious. The people of the world have just had all the income tax they paid into the public coffers stolen so that financiers don't lose any money. Under the pretext of a global virus threat they have just helped themselves to public money whilst at the same time bringing in a controlled global recession.

If the virus was as bad as they say, and continue to say, a right thinking, right acting government would not allow demonstrations of any kind. They would have instantly stopped all flights and shipping into the country until all the passengers of every plane and ship could be tested, and then quarantined on return to the country. They didn't do this because it was necessary (to attain their goals) to import the virus around the world, otherwise they could not shut it down to steal the tax money.

So, while you are distracted with anxiety about a virus, countries have been plunged into economic chaos and damage that is going to keep austerity in play for at least the next decade. However, throughout this next decade, you are going to see regional and local lockdowns constantly dancing around the country, mandatory vaccinations (which everyone should refuse), and harder draconian policies to ensure compliance from the public. If there was ever a time calling for revolution, this is it, but will people heed the call?

Your country is crying out to you, but everyone is prevaricating, unsure, and prefer to remain as a keyboard patriot. Complying is the worst thing you can do, it's the death of your country if you do. Remember, you don't shut down the economy of a country because of a virus, let alone economically shutdown globally. Life has to go on, regardless of the threat. During the very real threat of nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis, people were not ordered to stay home, they went about their lives as best they could.

You have all got to look at this with a sensibility of common sense. What they told you and continue to tell you against how they actually acted does not compute, none of it made sense. They have had you all so scared of the virus that you've all been standing 2 metres away from the mirror. However, if you feel scared, just think how very scared they are for trying to impose this nonsense on you, because they know we could all turn on them once we are sure of their corruption.

Look at the way they inflated the Covid-19 statistics. If you died of so much as an infected toenail, Covid was written as the cause. They put people on ventilators that blew their lungs out beyond their natural extension. Your heroes in the medical profession did that. There are plenty of experts in the relevant fields who have tried to inform the public of what is going down, but few seem to be weighing what they say against the so-called official narrative.

Stop looking at this through the lens of emotion and start looking at it through the lens of cool reason.

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 11:22 AM

originally posted by: charlyv
If there had been no shutdown, for many that would have read this post.... The post would not have been written and those that would have read it, are dead.

The numbers just don't support that claim. Even as elevated as they are, they still don't come close to what you're suggesting.

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 12:19 PM

originally posted by: GBP/JPY
Yeah....we didn't shut down in 2017 when 1 point 6 million died of the dreaded TB....nary I saw and add a nada......nil.....a mask drawn from its quick I did in Alaska last week.....yep got a 28 foot rv.....high centered almost in Homer.......drove the hunting road both ways against policy but....yeah.....Denali Highway is not near Denali's
The hunting road.....140 miles ....6 way.....smoke was 80 a quarter.... yep It's the hunting road called THE DENALI forbidden but the tour bus goes so I did too.....I promise the exhaust had no hanger in the middle let the muffler drag a little......editby]edit on 16-8-2020 by GBP/JPY because: (no reason given)

What the hell are you smoking dude?
You do know that Google is implementing a fullstop (period for our American friends) tax don't you?
Nothing you write seems to make any sense at all

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 12:27 PM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
very bigly a mistake, most doctors that I remember reading back in january said majority would get it no matter what.

So all we did was wreck the economy for something that will just happen later in the year is all.

To play devils advocate from what I remember of living in south dakota (rapid city area) its fairly sparsley settled so may not be a fair gague.

And the majority has NOT gotten it as of yet. Florida is running at about 6% positive antibody tests, so much more to go to get anywhere close to community immunity.

I don't think shutting down was a mistake. I think it was handled poorly, but in the end they should have kept things shut until the PP and extra unemployment ran out. Putting something in place protecting both lenders and mortgage and rent payers. Then it could be all behind us and we could be opening up in earnest.

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 12:35 PM
Lockdowns are a silly measure for a pathogen. Same with pretty much every measure we have taken, that have been marketed and sold by corporate-political media as The Only Way.

That said, the measures are exceptionally effective if the goals have nothing to do with a virus.

Ive suspected that all along, but I think there was a chance after the initial freak out for a correction and admitting mistakes. Not only did that not happen, there was a massive doubling down. That clinched it for me that none of this is related to how its marketed and sold to the public.

Here is a rather interesting read.

Whats the endgoal? Well.. What is everything working towards? Decimation, or even eradication, of non-global businesses. Leveraging basic needs like food and power to gain compliance. Removal of the ability to gather.. unless you support a cause that furthers the ongoing agenda. Total information blackout in mainstream media, eschewing facts and truth in favor of addiction to fear and manufactured "realities." Strict adherence to a myopic narrative. Meetings like Event 201. Sustainable Development Goal language and concepts permeate the narrative, "for whatever reason."

Seems intentional, comprehensive, and even well planned and not a mistake at all.

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 12:55 PM
South Dakota does not have the population of New York City, much less the state. They shut down too late and you see what happened there.

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 02:49 PM
Anybody thinking we shut down the country for the benefit of the masses fully deserves what is coming to them.

Anybody getting a shot for some lame, sawed off virus from some billionaire computer guy deserves fully what is coming to them.

Anybody thinking the TV is there to inform and help you....deserves fully to be used abused and thrown away.

What happened to the "two weeks" crowd? Aren't there going to be bodies stacked in the streets in 2 weeks,when this super duper virus that the TV is so heroically protecting us from, REALLY hits? They are so nice thinking about us and having our best interest at heart.

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: SuicideKing33

The CDC loosened the covid-19 death parameters.. and hospitals, along with doctors and medical examiners, are going crazy with placing non covid-19 deaths into the covid-19 death column.

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 03:18 PM
To the people who keep bringing up New York City , and how bad the Virus was there or how it would have been worse with out the shut down.

No it would have been so so so much better if no one even knew about the virus , it would have been better if Hydroxtchloroquine was never demonized , it would have been better if none of this was politicized.

The virus didn't kill all those people , the hospitals killed all those people , the doctors killed all those people because they had no idea how to treat the virus and they were wildly restricted as to how they could treat the virus and what they could use to treat it .

I know the doctors did there best I know that it's not there fault really , they had there hamds tied.

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