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CHAZ Community Garden

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posted on Jun, 12 2020 @ 07:54 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy

I thought he'd be taller....


posted on Jun, 12 2020 @ 08:06 AM
Well at least we don't have to worry about the possibility of cannibalism since they're vegan.

posted on Jun, 12 2020 @ 08:36 AM
The homeless people took all their food huh? And they still didn't get the hint?

Bring soy and vegan supplies plz

Well that was fun I gotta get back to work though. I tend to get hungry for a juicy steak in the evenings, and that don't pay for itself y'know

edit on 12-6-2020 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2020 @ 10:23 AM
CHAZ Community Garden

You would have at least figured they'd use their smart phones and watch youtube how to videos.

posted on Jun, 12 2020 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: neo96

They couldn't find one that agreed with their bias.

posted on Jun, 12 2020 @ 10:27 AM

originally posted by: JinMI
a reply to: neo96

They couldn't find one that agreed with their bias.


I've watched dozens and dozens.

Everything from Aeroponics to Growing domes.

posted on Jun, 12 2020 @ 10:34 AM

originally posted by: MRinder
a reply to: Groot

Are you trying to tell me that the city of Seattle let territory be overtaken by a bunch of people that eat girl food? Lolololololololo!

Are the city police just made up of cops from the Village People?

I just found it called Soyattle. WOW, that is soo appropriate.

posted on Jun, 12 2020 @ 10:51 AM

originally posted by: JinMI
a reply to: neo96

They couldn't find one that agreed with their bias.

Upon logging onto youtube they felt the Right Wing Radicalization pulling and they closed it out.

4Chan is offering suggestions with the addition of Cardboard

posted on Jun, 12 2020 @ 11:07 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: RazorV66

originally posted by: carewemust
CHAZ Zone explained...

Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan has willingly ceded six city blocks of downtown Seattle to an armed group of occupying elements within Antifa who have taken control. However, to retain her woke credentials she defines the occupying movement as a “peaceful expression of the communities collective grief”…

Several clips of this "peaceful place" at:

She is insane.
Where are all these Liberal politicians getting their lobotomies done?

The mayor should show her solidarity and empathy for these radicals by sleeping in that zone every night. She'd get a special cot.

Judging by what happened at Occupy Wall Street, she'd likely get raped.

These soy boy "male feminists" are usually sexual predators.

posted on Jun, 12 2020 @ 11:10 AM

originally posted by: MerkabaTribeEntity

originally posted by: continuousThunder
a reply to: ketsuko're the only one with any brains, right? if it's not done your way that's proof that it's stupid.
really really sad, same old ats.

It's not about 'his way' or 'her way', or 'our way' or 'their way', it is simply about doing things either the right way, or the wrong way.

If you had properly studied the images of their so-called community garden, and if you had even the slightest idea of basic agricultural and horticultural methods, you would know that they most certainly aren't going about things the right way.

It'll be a long, dark, and cold winter for them folk if that's their fallback plan.

If, indeed, they even manage to hold out for that long.

You stole my comment. Thunder posted that "they're just doing it a different way" nonsense like there aren't already well-established norms for how to successfully plant crops, like it's a matter of opinion or something.

posted on Jun, 12 2020 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: Groot

Oh lordy... what an embarrassment. They aren't Jacks lucky beans you know... it takes months before you can harvest...

I think this sort of proves the notion that protesters, by and large, have no skills and nothing better to do.

Unless of course these people get real and go on a hunger strike... then I'll start paying attention.

edit on 12-6-2020 by MarkOfTheV because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2020 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: face23785

I grow for three people and my potato row alone is larger in square footage than their entire garden..

250 square feet and we have potato all year, for THREE PEOPLE...not a small community..

What they are doing is unsustainable and they know it. If they don't know it, they deserve to reap what they have sewn.


edit on 12-6-2020 by Mike Stivic because: Grammer

posted on Jun, 12 2020 @ 12:01 PM
Duplicate removed

edit on 12-6-2020 by Mike Stivic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2020 @ 12:16 PM
It's really a plea for Grandpa Soros to send pizza and soda...… like in the olden days of Occupy Wall Street, Zucotti Park sitin. Where's their megaphone to repeat all their demands for the end of Capitalism and to institute a transaction fee for those greedy Wall Street traders...

edit on 12-6-2020 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2020 @ 12:37 PM

Just a reminder....

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Please read:.
No Political Trolling.....either in words or images.
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You are responsible for your own posts.....those who ignore that responsibility will face mod actions.

and, as always:

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posted on Jun, 12 2020 @ 12:40 PM
that makes me feel bad for them...

Pretty sure I had a better attempt at gardening when I was a teenager without a clue.

posted on Jun, 12 2020 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: PhilbertDezineck
They have 3 pot stores within walking distance, this is Seattle

posted on Jun, 12 2020 @ 01:17 PM

originally posted by: face23785
Judging by what happened at Occupy Wall Street, she'd likely get raped.

These soy boy "male feminists" are usually sexual predators.

So rapes happened during Occupy Wall Street? I'm amazed. I would have thought most women are stronger and have more testosterone than these losers.

posted on Jun, 12 2020 @ 01:27 PM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
that makes me feel bad for them...

Pretty sure I had a better attempt at gardening when I was a teenager without a clue.

Yeah, it doesn't even look like they've ever even seen a real garden.

posted on Jun, 12 2020 @ 01:28 PM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
that makes me feel bad for them...

Pretty sure I had a better attempt at gardening when I was a teenager without a clue.

School sent a cabbage plant home with my son this spring. That thing is doing better in the container on our patio than anything in that community garden will.

Gerald will be losing his head this summer.

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