a reply to:
Doesn't help...and it doesn't help Democrats, in particular.
I saw that image in Shaun King's Twitter thread on this shooting. He was the one that announced the driver was a 'known white supremacist.'
The other day, King also tweeted about Democratic-led cities being the worst for police brutality and told his followers they need to be selective
about voting.
He got some pushback and, if profile pics are any indication, he got pushback from quite a few white followers. Comments, like, "the most important
thing is to vote Trump out...Rome wasn't built in a day."
Overall, I took away the message that a notable number of white BLM supporters draw a line at compromising the Democratic party's chances at winning
any elections when it comes to hearing their ideas to better their communities.
OTOH, there were many black followers that weren't so unwilling to lay serious blame on Democrats. What do they care if it's this white guy or that
white guy who is president? Nothing has profoundly changed for them, either way.
Many good issues were raised about Democrats and promises they don't deliver on. King's followers' true colors were showing and they were noticeably
There is a limit to the support a number of white Democrats are willing to give to black Americans. You see it with the way outspoken black
conservatives are treated by them. Party first...even when their party needs dismantling.
I don't think the Democratic party can ever escape their history of black oppression. Sure, arguments can be made that some of the supremacist
thinking went the way of the Republican party, but it is pervasive in the Democratic party today. The party can never really be trusted.
White Democrats are hiding something...but they are doing a terrible job of it, right now. They aren't unringing this bell. People are turned off and
it's spreading like wildfire.
If you aren't a Democrat (or a Republican, in my case), and you are looking at the situation between black Americans and these two parties'
supporters, there is one party that feels and acts like they are entitled to the black vote, and there's the other party that's always grateful to
have any black voter's support, they welcome their voices and lift them up, and they don't feel or act entitled to their votes.
Last night, I watched a video with two black women on their lunch break letting white supporters know they looked "DEMONIC" getting on their knees in
front of a black man and apologizing for the color of their skin. They said they know they are lying to them and are afraid to tell them the truth
about what they are thinking...that they know they are afraid of them.
They also talked about how wrong it all is and they don't want this. They feel it's racist to act like black Americans need them to be their saviors
or need their support...or anything from them. But they don't want them afraid and they want the truth.
In other words, like me, these women don't know what the heII is going on. No one is speaking in any authentic way. The kneeling and apologies make
people's skin crawl. The kneeling has gone from not standing for the National Anthem to an insincere, creepy gesture of subservience in hopes to get
their votes in November.
Democrats are blowing it. Black people are turned off by the display...I'm turned off...the lengths and limits white Democrats will go to in order to
keep control of black issues in America. Bleh.
I'm sure Republicans will gain somewhat from what's happening. But I don't think we're but a small step from left-leaning black Americans forming a
third party -- although I am sure diabolical politicians are already prepared to head that off with an astroturf party before any real grassroots
party has a chance.
I can't help but think that the spiraling image of white Democrats might be behind this shooting incident.
My .02¢...today, at least. Things are moving fast so I reserve the right to modify my opinion hourly.
edit on 6/8/2020 by MotherMayEye because: (no reason given)