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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -7W3N7Y S3V3N-

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posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 09:17 AM

originally posted by: onehuman
Seeing as this isn't something you really think to check everyday, would you this is an unusual amount of Banks across the states being up for sale? Has the virus caused this if so? Or is it something else we should be looking at?

I checked Florida and it is heavy with sales.. Check your own states. I just typed in my search term. Bank and Fla.

Link to Map Site

That's not really surprising. Most people do online transactions these days, and it's far cheaper (and more personable) if they employ people who work from home and simply drive out to a business or home and discuss banking terms there.

It's all about moving to cashless. That being said, it's probably also a case of banks attempting to prop up balance sheets in the wake of the virus for their shareholders.

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 09:18 AM
I keep seeing so much about JFK coming back to life, but I had never seen this until yesterday... this floated across my Facebook-it ties in the House of Saud and the royal family.


This is about a beautifully good Princess and two strapping young men, who chose a totally different path than being part of the elite/dark Cabal, who were in the same circles, but never conformed to them. These 3 Co-Created a Plan that has literally shaken and shattered our 'tecnho-matrix' world.

Meet the beautiful, pure, good and lovely Princess Diana. She was forced into a marriage where She was nothing more then a breeder for the 'reptilian royal family,' who in Diana's words, "At age 19 I was forced to marry a man only using me to bear his children and then I will be thrown aside." She quickly learned about the horrific crimes of the queen and royal family. She realized they (Queen) ran many of the secret societies, raped, ate and trafficked children, while ritually sacrificing them to Satan.

How does a good and beautiful Princess handle this when She's in a situation with no control and powerless? Her boys, She had little control over, they were to be groomed to take roles of power and authority. She was told She was nothing more than a breeder. Her relationship with the Queen was horrible, She hated the Queen and the Queen hated Her. She even specifically said that the Queen is 'EVIL'! Where does this leave Her? A major threat. And She knew this. So, what does a beautiful good Princess do when She knows Her fate is going to be death? And, who wants nothing more then to bring down the evil, to avenge what was done to Her and Her sons. Unless?

Who did She in trust to help Her FLEE? JFK Jr. and Donald Trump. She knew They were good and They knew She was good. The Plan started after JFK was assassinated for starting to take down the dark Cabal. Donald and JFK Jr. were a huge part of that Plan and so was the good and beautiful Princess Diana. Who better to take down the royals but an insider and an insider who's life was destroyed by the royals?

JFK Jr. and Donald knew the royals had to be destroyed, as they were the figureheads of the crown, and the crown owned the United States. They knew we would never be freed unless the Crown and the banking system was demolished. Diana was the perfect kingpin.

In the summer of 1995 a secret meeting was arranged between Diana and JFK Jr, an arrangement was made and Her 'fake death' was planned, and Her Place in the Plan was established. The cover for the details was plotted.

Then in Dec. 1995, 6 months later, She and Donald ended up at a charity event together, and even 'coincidentally' ended up at the same table. Donald played His part well, first flattering Her, then going on and on about Her in a less flattering way, but that was important, as it kept all suspicion at bay. After Her divorce was finalized a 'hand-written' letter was sent to Donald from Diana. This was the go ahead!

The Plan and cover began to unfold and She 'died' almost exactly 1 year from Her divorce. And She 'died' exactly 2 years from meeting JFK Jr. And JFK Jr. 'died' exactly, almost to the date, 2 years after Diana. NO COINCIDENCE!

There is no way that Diana and JFK Jr. would be able to execute Their Plan 'alive.' There wasn't any choice and Their lives we're in danger.

So, 3 short weeks before Diana's 'death' entered Dodi, just 3 weeks was the extent of their relationship. He was the cover and He was also the connection to the good side of the House of Saud (think Godfather III) His grandfather was the doctor of King Salman. JFK Jr. and Donald knew that there were two sides to the House of Saud and they knew that the good side (Salman) wanted to break free from the bad side (mob prince Al-Waleed) side. The bad side of The House of Saud was funding most of the corruption and they were a big part of the funding to the Crown. Donald and JFK Jr arranged with them, through Dodi, that if they (good side of House of Saud kept Diana safe) they would free them from the bad side that had been running the show (Al-Waleed). And by eliminating the bad side, you eliminate the funding to the dark Cabal, Crown and free the (Salman) side from the evil mob. And in exchange for their freedom, Diana is kept safe and helps take down the royals with all Her inside Information.

The good side of The House of Saud needed Diana's knowledge of the royal connections to take down the bad side of The House of Saud who was connected to the Crown and funding the royal's and the corruption.

Remember in the very beginning of the Q drops, the Saudi Arabia take down was so important because it cut the funding ties to all the corruption. They had to be the first to go. Without their ties being cut, nothing else could have happened. Their funding cut put a big squash in the royals funding making them weak and neutralizing their power.

Princess Diana went to JFK Jr. for advice. She met Him in NYC to talk. They both planned to fake their deaths. They had 2 cars alike. She wasn't in the car they thought She was in. She went through the same scenario as JFK Jr. before He did. That car was sabotaged to crash in the tunnel and thus She fooled Her murderers. It was sabotaged, but made them believe She was in there. She's a very wise woman just like JFK Jr.


We all know who Lady Di and Dodi are (Princess Diana of Wales and Dodi Fayed, Mohamad Al-Fayed's or the King of Egypt's (KOE) son. Lady Di and Dodi, along with Henry (Henri) Paul, were not killed in the Pont de l'Alma bridge car crash.

What happened is that, the Faction 3 White Knights created clones of these 3. Lady Di, Dodi and Henry Paul are alive and well and will testify to the attempted murder of themselves by MI5, MI6, the CIA and the Mossad when the time is right.

The King of Swords said that Lady Di and Dodi will return to the world stage within 4 months after the public enactment of GESARA Law. Lady Di and husband Dodi (apparently they got married and had their own children) live in the Weasack Valley, supporting, refugees, children, etc., from 3rd world countries.


The King of Egypt (KOE) of the pharaonic lineages that are still actively being honored today is the pharaoh of the Egypt. His name in his Earth life today is Mohamad Al-Fayed. He owns Harrod's dept. store in London, England.
The KOE is a Faction 3 White Knight. He spends a lot of his time protecting Lady Di, Dodi and their children, Inanna, 16 and Omar, 18. He also, from a distance, guards over Prince Harry, Prince William and Princess Kate.

People mainly believe what the media says. Prince Harry and Meghan joined Her in leaving the corrupt royal family, now living in Los Angeles, CA, USA. They will all see the Military Tribunals at Guantanamo Bay and worldwide and Diana and JFK Jr. will come out of hiding to complete the Plan and celebrate with us when GESARA comes out this summer of 2020.

Sounds like an excellent movie 🍿 but I am a SUCKER for Princess Di stuff. The date on the original post was 2019.... so it’s been floating around a while but I did some searches and didn’t see it brought up in here and I can’t remember it being tied in from the early threads either but apologies if it was. 2+ years ago was a long time but even longer in Wonderland.

Afterthought: could secret tech produce ‘fake’ images of these folks?

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 09:27 AM
a reply to: SouthernGift

Gift? Are we slipping into an alternate timeline? The plot is getting ever stranger, it seems. Yes, Di coming back from "the dead" would be hard to beat as well.


posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 09:55 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

That last part is strange. "I am not alive". So if hes not alive, and hes not dead, then WTF is he? Is he a head in a jar like on Futurama? Did they upload his conciseness to an AI, like that movie "Transcendence"? Yet another date in Q world that will probably go by with absolutely nothing happening....oh well its only next week so we dont have to wait too long to find out.

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 10:07 AM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
a reply to: FlyingFox

Hmm, I don't ever recall hearing of this one. What a nutcase. ~2 years later finally get the real story. Great video compilation. Certainly a very popular channel.

No, we hear about dangerous QAnon followers trying to rescue children or close down a dam.

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 10:30 AM

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: According to Attorney the DNI Allegedly Has Call Records Between Seth Rich and WikiLeaks – It’s Now Presumed Brennan’s CIA Was More Involved Than We Thought

Rut Roh Shaggy - The plot thickens.

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 10:54 AM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: According to Attorney the DNI Allegedly Has Call Records Between Seth Rich and WikiLeaks – It’s Now Presumed Brennan’s CIA Was More Involved Than We Thought

Rut Roh Shaggy - The plot thickens.

And here we go.... another “theory” proven to be true.

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 10:59 AM
NYC freaking out about “uptick” in CV cases in young adults.

The city that eldercided by the thousands is worried about near zero death rate young adults?

No shame.

Media has shifted completely from “deaths” to “positive cases” as the fear porn.

- only 8% of the tested come out positive
- only 4% of the positive cases have died
- only 0.3% of the tested have died
- only 0.03% of the population have died

edit on 13-7-2020 by PilSungMtnMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 11:03 AM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan
Since this thread is almost full, I'll keep my response compact.
Larger Electoral College WIN in 2020:

Maybe that’s the better way;

4 choices.

#A) Trump win by 77 or more
#B) Trump win by less than 77
#C) Biden win by 77 or more
#D) Biden win by less than 77

care going with A. Got it.

I will take A (but B might be what we see on the night of the election due to voter fraud efforts by the D's will be cra cray.... It will be revised upward once that is exposed.
edit on 13-7-2020 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 11:12 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

Got you on the log.

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

Maybe Mayor William Wilhelm should have banned BLM supremacy riots?

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 11:20 AM

originally posted by: SKEPTEK
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

Maybe Mayor William Wilhelm should have banned BLM supremacy riots?

Wild Bill.

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: PokeyJoe

Apparently the Left's constant screaming of disaster, crisis, Barr bad, Trump bad, is clogging things up, like they wanted. The important article you linked-to ( ) was published on May 29th, but never reached "radar detection" height.

THANK-YOU for finding it!

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: PokeyJoe

Well, you probably know the notions. He is legally dead but in truth not so, he is taunting particular people etc. I'll watch the account until the 22d and see what happens. As you say, the wait won't be long.


posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Another interesting Date Difference :
Q1 Post (Oct 28, 2017) to July 22, 2020 = 999 DAYS = 27 = 3x3

If it points to Q999, may lead to more cryptic puzzle pieces worth a closer look:

(1) Q999 POST IN POST # DIFFERENCE = 999 - 998 = Q1
- Q1 Hillary Clinton Extradition

(2) Q999 POST IN POST TIME DIFFERENCE = Apr 4, 2018 7:57:04 - 7:49:59 = 7:05 = Q705
- Shanghai Pudong International Airport E5 Terminal - includes a [5]
- [5] also in Q363, Q453, Q455, Q526, Q1134, Q3851, Q4229

(3) Q999 MISSING "H" LETTER IN Q999 = [h]is temple on Epstein Island = Q
- Q1128 [H] = House of Representatives
- Q1126 “A clean [H]ouse is very important.”
- Q1000 = 'H'

(4) Q1000 also reposts Q999 = 1000 - 999 = Q1

- Q45 Follow Huma Abedin
-Follow Huma. What just broke w/ Huma?

- Q1565 POTUS Up Close Marker/Proof
- Come on Q. Who is it? ...blurry photo of some old man. End it already!
- 45

(6) Q1565 refers to blurry photo in Q1564 POTUS Up Close Marker/Proof (Photo)
- What a wonderful day.

(7) Q1565 TIME DIFFERENCE IN POST = 20 Jun 2018 7:53:43 - 7:35:09 = 18:34
- Q1834 Now they All Lose

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: brewtiger

"The 999 Days of Q".

Has a nice ring to it!


posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 11:50 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
More from JFK Jr

On July 22 all questions will be answered. Identities reveled. A complete timeline. No more secrets, no more contradictions. The end of one journey will be the beginning of another. This is how The Great Awakening begins. It is what we have all worked for. I am not alive.

6:24 AM ¡ Jul 12, 2020¡Twitter for iPhone

Specific date mentioned. Okay.


JFK, Jr. might be on to something...

A federal judge on Monday granted a Justice Department request to delay providing detailed answers to questions about former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s full, unredacted Russia report.

The judge, Reggie B. Walton, previously read the entire Mueller report and ordered the DOJ to answer a spreadsheet full of questions about the report’s publicly hidden contents.

Responses are now due next Tuesday, July 21, one week after the previous deadline.
More at:

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 11:54 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman
Even if it wasn't before the Car was built with that name, the fact it is now a Noun as in "I have friends who own a Lexus" makes it a word.

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

"It's not even a word?"
That's what they're going with?

Is Lexus a word?

Well, if "Lexus" isn't defined then its not a word, but Lexus could be a play off of Lexis. Automakers love doing that. But according to most its just a name.

Could be an acronym. Laws EXtinguished (&) Usurped (by) Soros. 😂

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: brewtiger

The "Master" is The Eye.

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: PokeyJoe

That twitter account is posting again, for anyone who wishes to look at it. I won't clutter this forum with more updates unless something really interesting comes up and is Q related.


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